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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41115 times)


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #75 on: March 10, 2015, 11:43:58 pm »

15th Hematite, 222

Lattice was sitting by the riverbank, upstream of the bridge, enjoying the natural scenery on the other side from the shade of a tree. Unbeknownst to her, a shadowy figure loomed overhead. It was in search of one particular pony and had finally found its target. Reducing its altitude, the beat of its wings slowly became apparent against the background of bird calls. This was followed by a sudden “thunk” when it touched down on the hard exterior of the bridge, then a yelp as lattice jumped in surprise.

“Oh, uh… hey. I didn’t hear you coming, Silver” Lattice fixed her mane before continuing. “Nice performance yesterday, by the way. What brings you out here?”

“Sorry. Sneaking up on you wasn’t a part of my plan, heh,” he answered as he trotted closer to the earth pony, “Oh, why thank you! I’m glad that the response has been fairly positive so far. Actually, that’s kind of why I’m here. It feels a little awkward for me to ask you about this, since you’re so new here and with some of our resources running so thin…”

The bat-pony then scraped at the ground a bit with a hoof, “I’ve heard that you know a few things about making clothes. I’m not saying that I need anything immediately, but I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get your opinion on the matter. What do you think about making a pair of matching uniforms, one for Tunda and one for me, for us to wear at our next singing performance? I assure you I’ll pay you back, but when and how is up for debate.” Silver scratched the back of his head anxiously, never having had a straight conversation with Lattice before and therefore not know what she would think of the idea.

Lattice beamed at the prospect of working with cloth again. “I’d love to, Silver. It’s not terrible working on road and foundations, but it’s not the same as tailoring.” She frowned. “Actually… I have some bad news,” she said, downtrodden, “I wasn’t able to bring enough material of any color with me to make an outfit. I’d expected the town they sent me to to have some to buy with the money I have, more than enough to set up shop if there’s actually a way to do so.” Lattice sighed sadly before continuing, “You’d have to find your own fabric if I’m going to make you matching outfits.”

The stallion relaxed at hearing her enthusiastic tone, but sympathized with her lack of material, “Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.” He waved a hoof dismissively, “Ah, it’s no big deal. It’s not like Tunda and I are some world-famous musicians on a tight schedule. At this point in the time, the suits are more of a luxury than a necessity. If we have any luck, maybe the next caravan will have some cloth to sell. If not, maybe Tunda could plant some cotton instead, if this climate is suitable. It’s still nice to know that you’re up to the task.”

“I don’t know how to process it into thread, and there isn’t a loom nor do we have the parts for it here. As nice as a silver loom would be, it’s not practical.”

He trotted ever closer to the mare, perhaps a little closer than she is used to, “I guess we’ll just have to throw that one on the ‘to do’ list with the other half-million things we need around here, eh?” The gray-furred pony gave a light laugh, “Yeah, the mine is mostly chugging out lead and silver right now, isn’t it? I’ll fix that in time. I’m always on the lookout for novel minerals.”

“...Novel minerals? What do you mean?”

“Any kind that I haven’t found yet, really. I can already think of a few delicious varieties that would serve us well. Nice, electrum-colored cubes of pyrite would be great for smelting iron. Dark, metallic gray lumps of hematite would work for the same purpose. Or if you want copper, you’d go for some brassy-brown chalcopyrite crystals.” Without even thinking about it, he put a hoof on Lattice shoulder while he extended his other foreleg out towards some imaginary motherlode underground, “Just imag—”

Lattice stiffened at the contact, taking a slight gasp.

The miner instinctively withdrew his hoof, “...sorry. Sometimes I can get a little chummy without realizing it. ” His mind jumped back to Fargo’s testimony in regards to her behavior, “I’ll let you have your personal space, although I am curious. Have you managed to make any friends since you’ve been here? I ask because I kind of get this feeling that something’s bothering you about being in Shadytrails. Is that right? I’m sorry if this is something that you’re not comfortable discussing. We can forget about it if you’d like.”

“It isn’t Shadytrails that’s bothering me per se, it’s why I decided to come here…”

Silver paused for a moment, then proceeded with the obvious question, “So...why did you come here?”

“Well, have you heard of Buckington? I used to… I used to have a successful store there... before I decided to leave,” she said, her voice wavering.

“I do think I’ve heard of it before, but all I know is the name. I’ve never been there myself.”

“Buckington is the capital of the Duchy of Neighcia.” Lattice took a deep breath to compose herself. “The duke’s son ‒ I didn’t recognize him at the time ‒ he approached me on the street one evening.” She paused, taking moment before continuing, “he wasn’t subtle in what he wanted, but he was alone. He was rather weak, so I just told him no, and ignored his promise to find me…” she trailed off into silence, making eye contact with Silver.

He leaned back a bit, letting that sink in. Silver had a fairly good idea that he knew where this was headed, “Hey, it’s alright. It’s just us here. No reason to be ashamed of talking about it.”

Reassured by his understanding smile, she continued. “The next evening, he showed up at my house with proof of identity and a group of guards… The‒they… The guards in Buckington were... “ Her voice wavered. “It’s no secret that they were more fit to be inside the prison cells than outside, but… but…” She stops, before blurting out, “They held me down for him, with a smile! And one of them…” The traumatized mare let out a few stifled sobs and a whimper. “He took his horn and… cast a bunch of spells on me... “ She takes a few more breaths, trying to hold it together a little longer, before saying in a quiet voice, “I‒I don’t know what they did… and it scares me,” she said, interrupted by another whimper, before embracing the stallion in a hug.

Eyes bugged out of Silver’s head when he received an embrace from the very mare who freaked out at him for simply touching her shoulder. He accepts it, though, returning a hug of his own, “Little wonder you’ve been having such a rotten time. I would have never imagined.” He’s at a bit of a loss for words, having never encountered a situation quite like this one before. He goes with his gut, “Well, that guy can’t hurt you now. Not here. Not ever again.”

She smiles, one of her most genuine since that night. “Do you really think so?”

“Definitely. He’s got no authority here. I can’t really see somepony like him trekking all the way out here anyway.” Silver contemplates a solution, “If you wanted, you could tell Ms. Hookbill about the Duke’s son and she could make some arrangements to hide your identity or give you special protection. That is, if you think it’d make you feel safer.”

Lattice Frame looks up into his gaze, before pulling him closer and locking lips with him.

If Silver’s eyes bugged out before, they were practically copper saucers now. He jerked back reflexively, “Wh-wha...where did that come from?!” That was probably the very last thing he was expecting to happen when he first showed up at the bridge.

“Oh goddess I‒I’m so sorry! I‒I don’t know what came over me! That...” she stammered, too flustered to form a full sentence, but still taking a step back.

The fanged pony is silent for a moment, trying to process the situation. He had to admit that he had never met somepony who was a victim of such abuse before. Perhaps these kinds of emotional rollercoasters were normal for them? “Oh it’’s no big deal. You really did surprise me, though. That’s not really something that happens every day…”

“Oh, well I‒uhh… I’ll just be going then.” She takes a few steps back before turning and trotting off, mumbling to herself, a her face engulfed in a deep blush. Silver stays, sitting on the bridge in shock as she trots off.

The baffled stallion rubbed his lips. I think I need to talk to somepony about this. Maybe Rosewood or Tunda would be able to explain to me what just happened. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t mention it at all. It could be embarrassing to Ms. Frame. I could just keep her name confidential, though. What to do, what to do...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 09:30:30 pm by Kryptid »

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #76 on: March 11, 2015, 11:37:16 pm »


6th Hermatite, 222.

Lattice was working to prepare supplies for construction, one of the miscellaneous tasks she had been for the last 5 days. Right now, she was moving some stone from the pile to reinforce the bank by the bridge against erosion.

As she neared the bank, she’d noticed a big bird cat sitting on the bank. He was looking over the river, holding onto his halberd and shield. Fargo had taken small break sitting by the bridge. He had been on patrol all day and figured now was as a good a time as any to take a break and deal with some personal business. He knew that Lattice was working the bridge, so he figured he’d rest there and wait for her to show up. 

Lattice continues working, pretending not to notice the griffon there, as she was still having difficulty working up the courage to talk to him again. She’d left him a note yesterday during his shift, but didn’t feel comfortable around him afterwards, especially since she doesn’t know how he reacted to it.

Fargo just sat there and let her continue to work, waiting until she put her rock down before he’d think of saying a thing to her. He’d just keep looking by the river and try to seem relaxed.

Lattice scrutinized the river current, thinking about where the rocks she brought in that load would would best be placed. After careful consideration, she ‒ paying careful attention to her hoof placement ‒ made her way down with the first of the stones and placed them along the partially excavated riverbank. She repeated this until she was done with the load, before bending down to re-attach the cart, so she could repeat the process again.

Once she finished, Fargo got up off the ground and turned to face the mare. “Pardon me, but um, would you mind if I took a moment of your time?” He wanted to make sure he wasn’t too pushy. “If not, it’s fine. I understand you’re probably busy.”

“Oh… uh... hey…” Lattice stammered, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there, Fargo.” She paused for the briefest of moments, contemplating what to do, before deciding that the issue wouldn’t go away. Fargo heard her continue in a barely-audible voice, “So, what was it that you uhh.. what is it you want to talk about?”

“Well, nothing really.” He said, before walking up to her slowly. “Just I wanted you to know you’ll be safe in this town.” He made a small smile. “And um, if anybody from the town you were at before tries to get you I’ll personally scare them off.” Or gut them like a fish with a axe-spear.

Lattice was shocked. Did he know what happened? Did lucky tell him? “What… whatever do you mean? Why would there be a problem?” She took a step back, her ears splayed down. Internally, all sorts of alarms were being triggered, and she prayed it wasn’t showing in her expression.

“Please, do not get stressed out about it. On the back of your apology you had a journal entry or something about erm... what happened.” He said, frowning a little. “And trust me, I’m simply want to make sure know that you have me protecting you.” 

Lattice didn’t know what to make of it.  She was sure she put the pages removed in a safe spot, but evidently they ended up with the scrap paper. “...How much do you know? What dates did they span?”

“I don’t have the pages with me, but it was just enough to get a general idea of what happened.”

“...Up until the day before I left Buckington?”


“...And you don’t hate me for what happened on wednesday?”

“I don’t.”

“...Did you really mean what you said? He’s powerful enough to do ruin the town before it even starts up if he really wants to. I’m touched that you’d be willing to scare a noble off for me, but I’m not worth it.” She thought about it for a moment, before continuing, “...It’s better for me to just hide if he ever shows up than to confront him.”

“Yes, it would be best for you to hide away, but if his men ever tried to drag you off I’d halberd them in the gut. I’m supposed to keep these towns people safe, and those soldiers of his are nothing more than crooks.” He smiled for a moment. “And I’m too big for some ponies to take down.”

Lattice frowned. “That doesn’t do you any good if one of his thugs vaporizes you. Please, just let him drag me off if it comes to it, I’ll find a way.” The mare let out a sad sigh, but didn’t say anything further.

“I’m sorry, but I know to hit the one with the pointy hat and robes before anyone else. It’s hard to vaporize someone when you’ve got a halberd in your chest.” He made an awkward chuckle. “But eh, that’s not the point.” He patted his wooden shield. “I’m supposed to stand between danger and those who can’t fight back and if a guard dies he’s a martyr, if an innocent person dies it’s a tragedy.” He was still smiling. “It’s my duty to fight and possibly die in your place.” 

“There’s nothing saying he only brings one magus… nor is there anything preventing him from repeating what he does to you to the whole town. He… he… he’ll just say the town was destroyed by diamond dogs before he arrived, and nobody will question it.” Lattice looked at the guard, but it was clear that he didn’t believe a word she was saying. “...Nothing I say will convince you otherwise, will it?”

“Then it won’t be his magi who are cleaved in half, it’ll be him who is struck down,” he said, frowning for a moment. “Regardless, I doubt anything will happen. You’re safe here, and nobody has any reason to sell you out.”

“I…” She was speechless for a moment, until her ears perked up and she smiled, before saying “...Thank you, Fargo. I think I needed that.” She stopped, before adding as an afterthought, “...It’s just scary to not know if he’s looking for me.”

“If you’re gone, he’s probably not going to bother. This town isn’t under his jurisdiction either.” He said before starting to walk away. “Eh, and if you ever need some help, just talk to me. I’m usually not too busy.”

“Thanks. If you could, give those entries back to me when we’re done working. Now, though, I should continue with this. It’s important this bridge still be here for the future.” Lattice finished hitching up the cart, and turned around, for once being in good spirits despite her being relegated to menial labor.
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #77 on: March 12, 2015, 09:44:53 am »

3rd of Hematite

I heard earlier from somepony, that soon work will begin on houses for residents. I haven't minded the shared quarters, but lately they've gotten cramped, as more ponies and griffons come to Shadytrails. I can't complain at seeing so many new faces, but nor would I be opposed to having a home of my own.

It also seems the local tress' fruits are nearly ripe, and ready to fall. I may need to doctor's help to pick the stubborn ones that refuse when I start bucking the trees. That reminds me as well, miss Isolde had a workshop set up for me, for farming tasks. I was given a stool and bucket, and so decided that everyone might enjoy having some milk to drink. There was even a water buffalo nearby that looked ready to be milked.

...Hopefully nopony asks how I managed it.

I blame PersonalGamer for this. :P

11th of Hematite

After a few days of practice and getting miss Isolde's blessing, Silver and I put on a performance for the townsfolk. We set up an area around a bonfire with a makeshift stage, and sang a few songs for everypony, griffon, and zebra. We were well received, unsurprisingly! I'm glad for the two of us to have given everyone something fun to do, and from what he says, I can count on us having a repeat performance.

As much as I look forward to that, not all the news today was good. One of the ponies was attacked by a frenzied badger. I would think an animal like that would be too afraid to come near the town, but it sadly seems not. From what I've been told, the guards took care of it before anyone else was hurt.

27th of Hematite

I've seen the foundations laid for the houses set to be built, and had a very happy surprise when I was told the southernmost two, built side by side, would belong to myself and Silver. I am not sure if Patina Dreams or Rosewood, or miss Isolde herself set up the arrangement of the houses, but I have to wonder if it's a hint. The rest of our little future neighborhood is pleasing as well, living so near Patina especially. And I look forward to the chance to see more of the ponies I've seen so little of, like Jack.

After all, we both tend to green, growing things. I nurture them to life and he brings about their end so we can enjoy shelter and crafts. We should be kindred spirits.

When I heard this news, I went down to the mine to see Silver, and tell him that we would be neighbors soon. We had a pleasant talk, and he showed me some pretty gems and ores. Lovely though they were, I confess they weren't the most attractive thing I saw down there.
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Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #78 on: March 12, 2015, 01:40:58 pm »

I blame PersonalGamer for this. :P

Guilty as charged. Telgin is an accomplice for mentioning that tunda did it, though. ;) And we can't forget the evil mastermind who asked Telgin what Tundra was doing.

And is it me or is there the vibe of a love triangle now? Hopefully that doesn't bite us down the road.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:59:19 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #79 on: March 13, 2015, 05:47:31 am »

Kiume's Journal
Isolde called a meeting with me today. Apparently I haven't been behaving in a proper way. I'm just not used to all these people being around, after growing up in places where no one else was to be found. I'll make the effort to gain their trust, though I fear my conversational skills have gone to rust. Tomorrow after training, I'll mingle in the crowd, even though their talking is always so loud. With any luck I won't have to speak to another zebra though. All their rhyming just hurts my head so.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #80 on: March 13, 2015, 06:38:41 am »

Shadytrails is now being prepped for Fimfiction. If you have any materials taking place in the earlier portions please put it up so I don't have to put it in out of order.

Kiume's Journal
Isolde called a meeting with me today. Apparently I haven't been behaving in a proper way. I'm just not used to all these people being around, after growing up in places where no one else was to be found. I'll make the effort to gain their trust, though I fear my conversational skills have gone to rust. Tomorrow after training, I'll mingle in the crowd, even though their talking is always so loud. With any luck I won't have to speak to another zebra though. All their rhyming just hurts my head so.

Two paragraphs over 4+ months isn't sufficient for a major character in the setting. Especially when one of them breaks the 4th wall.

I don't really want to put up "dead" characters on Fimfiction with 1 paragraph chapters that don't pass double digits word counts
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 06:37:49 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #81 on: March 13, 2015, 07:05:29 am »

Shadytrails is now being prepped for Fimfiction. If you have any materials taking place in the earlier portions please put it up so I don't have to put it in out of order.

Kiume's Journal
Isolde called a meeting with me today. Apparently I haven't been behaving in a proper way. I'm just not used to all these people being around, after growing up in places where no one else was to be found. I'll make the effort to gain their trust, though I fear my conversational skills have gone to rust. Tomorrow after training, I'll mingle in the crowd, even though their talking is always so loud. With any luck I won't have to speak to another zebra though. All their rhyming just hurts my head so.

Two paragraphs over 4+ months isn't sufficient for a major character in the setting. Especially when one of them breaks the 4th wall.

I'm not putting up "dead" characters on Fimfiction with 1 paragraph chapters.

Speaking off, how are we on the migrants situation?
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #82 on: March 13, 2015, 09:44:36 am »

Shadytrails is now being prepped for Fimfiction. If you have any materials taking place in the earlier portions please put it up so I don't have to put it in out of order.

Kiume's Journal
Isolde called a meeting with me today. Apparently I haven't been behaving in a proper way. I'm just not used to all these people being around, after growing up in places where no one else was to be found. I'll make the effort to gain their trust, though I fear my conversational skills have gone to rust. Tomorrow after training, I'll mingle in the crowd, even though their talking is always so loud. With any luck I won't have to speak to another zebra though. All their rhyming just hurts my head so.

Two paragraphs over 4+ months isn't sufficient for a major character in the setting. Especially when one of them breaks the 4th wall.

I'm not putting up "dead" characters on Fimfiction with 1 paragraph chapters that don't pass double digits.
Good for you, I guess? I've been busy lately. I'm going to try to get caught up with this, but if you want instant and regular essays, that's not going to happen. I'm still busy. You can reassign the character if you want.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #83 on: March 13, 2015, 10:36:57 am »

Shadytrails is now being prepped for Fimfiction. If you have any materials taking place in the earlier portions please put it up so I don't have to put it in out of order.

Kiume's Journal
Isolde called a meeting with me today. Apparently I haven't been behaving in a proper way. I'm just not used to all these people being around, after growing up in places where no one else was to be found. I'll make the effort to gain their trust, though I fear my conversational skills have gone to rust. Tomorrow after training, I'll mingle in the crowd, even though their talking is always so loud. With any luck I won't have to speak to another zebra though. All their rhyming just hurts my head so.

Two paragraphs over 4+ months isn't sufficient for a major character in the setting. Especially when one of them breaks the 4th wall.

I'm not putting up "dead" characters on Fimfiction with 1 paragraph chapters that don't pass double digits.
Good for you, I guess? I've been busy lately. I'm going to try to get caught up with this, but if you want instant and regular essays, that's not going to happen. I'm still busy. You can reassign the character if you want.
They're not essays, but you could add a date and the character portrait.
I'd like to make it public by the next migrant wave, which would probably be the next update.

It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #84 on: March 13, 2015, 12:06:08 pm »

That was probably a bit uncalled-for, PG, and more than a little unprovoked. For what it's worth, I thought the entry was funny, and it was nice to hear from Kiume. Having the avatar and date put in at some point would be good though, agreed.

Rather than reassigning the character, we could reassign the position of militia commander? If that hasn't been done already. That seems equitable for everyone, though it isn't up to either of us.
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #85 on: March 13, 2015, 12:17:29 pm »

That was probably a bit uncalled-for, PG, and more than a little unprovoked. For what it's worth, I thought the entry was funny, and it was nice to hear from Kiume. Having the avatar and date put in at some point would be good though, agreed.

Rather than reassigning the character, we could reassign the position of militia commander? If that hasn't been done already. That seems equitable for everyone, though it isn't up to either of us.

Demotion for reasons of miscommunication with troops would not be a bad story point in my humble opinion... not that I wish anyones character to be demoted, mind...
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #86 on: March 13, 2015, 02:01:16 pm »

That was probably a bit uncalled-for, PG, and more than a little unprovoked. For what it's worth, I thought the entry was funny, and it was nice to hear from Kiume. Having the avatar and date put in at some point would be good though, agreed.

Sorry for being overly cynical, Deus. While there was some justification, I shouldn't have lashed out, especially since it is (in hindsight, at least) an obvious attempt to let us know the message was recieved and replied to in a humorous way.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In all honesty, though, I won't post one-paragraph chapters as rule of thumb (I'm fine merging posts, though). It's both a logistical complication and, bluntly, it pisses readers off, especially if they're not often enough to be more than a distraction. Which a 100 word paragraph is compared to

Rather than reassigning the character, we could reassign the position of militia commander? If that hasn't been done already. That seems equitable for everyone, though it isn't up to either of us.
I never said either way, and it's Telgin's call, presumably determining on if the player in question is simply not playing or just unable to get on enough. Usually I'd lean towards reassigning the role, though, due to a lack of characters it's less attractive (enough so to potentially tip the scales).
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 03:15:46 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #87 on: March 13, 2015, 03:45:30 pm »

Rather than reassigning the character, we could reassign the position of militia commander? If that hasn't been done already. That seems equitable for everyone, though it isn't up to either of us.
I never said either way, and it's Telgin's call, presumably determining on if the player in question is simply not playing or just unable to get on enough. Usually I'd lean towards reassigning the role, though, due to a lack of characters it's less attractive (enough so to potentially tip the scales).

Oh yes, that was more of a response to Deus' suggestion, not an implication that you did. We'll have to see what Telgin thinks is best, but I do think it seems fair, especially if Deus himself would agree it's a reasonable compromise. Even more so if, like Exodius suggested, we can work it into an interesting in-character thing.

And wow, two hours of physics? That's simply cruel. :P
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Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #88 on: March 13, 2015, 04:37:00 pm »

Rather than reassigning the character, we could reassign the position of militia commander? If that hasn't been done already. That seems equitable for everyone, though it isn't up to either of us.
I never said either way, and it's Telgin's call, presumably determining on if the player in question is simply not playing or just unable to get on enough. Usually I'd lean towards reassigning the role, though, due to a lack of characters it's less attractive (enough so to potentially tip the scales).

Oh yes, that was more of a response to Deus' suggestion, not an implication that you did. We'll have to see what Telgin thinks is best, but I do think it seems fair, especially if Deus himself would agree it's a reasonable compromise. Even more so if, like Exodius suggested, we can work it into an interesting in-character thing.

And wow, two hours of physics? That's simply cruel. :P

Every four days lunch becomes more physics. It only sucks on the bad days, though.
...I was such an uneducated junior. It's scary.

It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #89 on: March 13, 2015, 05:00:18 pm »

Seems to be reasonable. I can write up a resignation scene or something for it.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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