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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41107 times)


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2015, 12:56:28 am »

4th Hematite, 222 (later that day)

Although there was a plate of goodies sitting in front of Silver Rush, he was too busy at the moment to do anything more than take a few small bites of his alfalfa sandwich. The stallion had his muzzle buried in a metallurgy book that he had brought with him from home. The look on his face wasn’t one of avid interest so much as it was of a pony trying to solve a problem. Every now and then he’d flip a page, read for a few minutes, and then take another bite (of his supper, not the book!).

As Silver ate his meal, Fargo would walk into the meeting room/dinning room/dormitory, and went straight to one of the beds. He’d take off his helmet and mail, and leave them along with his halberd by one of the beds while still keeping his shield with him. Once he had his gear (save for his shield) left behind, he’d walk over to where the food was being served. He had a single sandwich on a plate made of wood the resembled a plank more so than a saucer. Once he had his food he looked over towards the tables, before spotting Silver Rush. He figured he might as well go ahead and take em’ up on his offer for meeting after work, so he walked over towards his table. “Hello there, friend.”

Barely glancing up from his literature, the pony acknowledged the griffon’s presence, “Oh, hey there Fargo. I didn’t hear any screams or clashing metal, so I take it that your patrol was uneventful today?” he asked in a half-joking tone.

“Eh, I guess you could say that...” he said, before taking a seat and leaving his plank-plate down on the table. “A lot happened though...” he sighed, before bringing his foreleg onto the table and resting his head on his claw. “But, such is life though eh?”

The miner lifted his head up, now curious about the change in Fargo’s voice, “Something happened? Is it something we should be concerned about? Not a security problem, I hope.”

“Oh no, was boring really aside from a little run in with Shooting Star. Also Gunther made me feel uncomfortable, and I think I made someone cry, but all in all it wasn’t that bad.” he said, before looking back towards the door. “I’m used to being stressed, so it no worry.”

The guy was new here, so the copper-eyed stallion did wonder if that had anything to do with the friction he may have generated with the others that he mentioned, “Nothing too bad, I hope. Maybe those incidents were just due misunderstandings?” He looks back at his book for a moment, “I guess I’m not one to judge since I don’t have the details. Though I am rather curious about who was crying, if you don’t mind my asking.” I wonder if it’s who I think it is...

“They were mostly misunderstandings, though the one with shooting star ended with me falling in the river and almost getting shot because she thought I was a filthy bandit, but we talked it out at least...” Good thing copper and bronze don’t rust, else he’d had to have spent a long time trying to dry off armor. “And if you’d like to know, it was Lattice Frame.” He said, before picking up his sandwich and taking a bite into it. He’d have a blank look on his face the moment he realized it didn’t have any meat in it, before starting to chew his food. “Anyways, you want me to rant about what happened, or would you rather I don’t go on a tangent?”

Oh, one of the new mares. Not who I thought it was, then. “Nah, it wouldn’t bother me. Rant away, if you want to,” the black-maned equine encouraged his guest, before taking in a spoon of beans.

“Well, I was making my last run around the town, and I saw her sitting by the mine. I felt the need to check up and see what was going on. I spoke with her for like, a few moments and she just started crying over something. I think she got emotional because me being a guard triggered it. She then started to cry like a foal all dramatic like and got down on the ground. I offered to help her up, and asked if she needed my help. She didn’t take either of my offers, and I sat there for gods know how long wanting to make sure she was alright, before finally I left.” He growled a little and looked back at the door. “I gave her advice, tried to offer some help and instead she just lays there in self pity. What am I supposed to do eh? I can’t force people to accept my help, and I can’t help her if she’s not wanting to help herself.” He paused for a moment. “And now it’s getting dark out before I could go to bed.”

The stallion looked puzzled, “...she didn’t tell you what made her upset? I haven’t talked with her much since she arrived, so I don’t know what it could be. You said something about your position causing her breakdown? Maybe she had a loved one in the guard that died recently or something?”

“Eh, hell if I know.” He said, before taking another bite out of his sandwich. “And, it’s of little matter. She doesn’t seem to want to talk about it to me, or even speak at all to me, so it’s not like I can do a thing.” He tapped his claw against the table anxiously, “I just find it annoying she can’t stand me because I’m a town guard for once in last decade. I do this because I try to help you all, and I get held up by one mare and make another cry at the very sight of me.”

“Oh, it’s because she can’t stand you for being a guard…” the new information helps him piece things together a bit more, “Maybe she had a bad run-in with a guard where she lives. Being sent to prison unjustly? I don’t know. If she’s really got something weighing on her this much, maybe I should go try to talk to her myself.” He then takes note of Fargo’s last statement, “I’m sure those are just teething issues, everypony will get used to having you around in time.” He nods and smiles in reassurance.

“Birds, don’t teethe, but I get your point,” he said, before sighing and leaving his sandwich down on the table. “I do expect things to get better, but it still was a long day.”

The bat-pony tilts his head to the side, “Well, is there anything good you can say about your stay here so far? I know there’s not much to see or do for fun just yet, but surely there’s something you like about Shadytrails?”

Fargo brought a claw up to his chin and thought for a moment. “Well, you have free food and beds, and you’ve been pleasant to talk to,” he said, before looking back towards the door anxiously. “And it feels good not to be on the road again, I’m really getting sick of it.”

After bowing his head for a brief moment, Silver stated his appreciation, “Well, thank you, been nice talking with you too, Fargo. Seems like a lot of the others are too wrapped up in their work or perhaps personal matters to approach me for conversation. I don’t let that deter me, though. I want to get to know my current roommates as well as I can. Nothing builds societal stability like strong friendships.”

“You are welcome, it is nice to sit down and talk every once in a while.” He smiled at Silver, before trying to think of a topic for them to move onto. “So, I heard this place hit some silver yes? Perhaps I’ll be get my pay after all, eh?”

His pupils dilated at the mention of his find, “Oh, yes!  I hit a large cache of galena. It contains mostly lead, but there’s a little silver in it as well. Refining it and selling it will definitely bring a profit. That’s about it, though.” Silver looks back to his book. “Silver and lead don’t make for good building materials. Although I’m thrilled to have found it, I need to crack-down on looking for something stronger, like iron or copper ores. A lack of that stuff is going to hold us back.”

“I take it if you dig deeper you’ll find something eventually, yes?” he said, deciding it was his turn to listen. “And as long you have wood and basic stone, you shouldn’t need your metal for building.”

“Potentially,” the pony responds before taking a sip of blueberry juice, “If it’s there at all. The only way to know for sure is to keep digging.” He closes his book, “Stone and wood will handle most of our basic needs, but strong metals are still preferred for some applications. Making weapons and armour out of an iron or copper alloy would be much better than relying on wood or lead for the same purpose. Stone-carving tools also have to be strong and durable enough not to wear too fast. I hear that Ms. Dreams is already having concerns about these things.”

“Eh, I don’t have to worry about getting a new weapon any time soon, and as long as I have a shield I should be fine.” He said before tapping his claw against his shield. “Though it would be a shame if the thing shattered. I doubt you guys have any paint or dye, so I couldn’t exactly fancy a new one up again.”

The gray-coated stallion finished his alfalfa sandwich as he continued to listen, “I have little worry about you or the other fighters around here for the moment. Your gear should last a good while. Of course, things can break at unexpected times and there will no doubt be a need to repair or even construct weapons for the inevitable future migrants who decide to become a part of the guard.” He then shakes his head but retains a small grin, “Nope, sorry, didn’t happen to bring any paint with me! If anypony would have any, my best guess is Ms. Dreams or Rosewood.”

“Eh, what a shame. I like to paint it up like I’m some knight or something along those lines. It’s funny because I’m just some big bird in low quality second hand armor.” He smiled for a moment, before frowning a little as a thought crossed his mind. “Eh...”

“Don’t get down about it, I’m sure somepony here will start to make some ink or paint once our resources expand. Besides, looks aren’t everything. It’s your actions that matter most, right?”

“That is not what bothers me, really,” he said, before leaning back a little. He was gazing away from silver for a just a moment before looking back at him and smiling a little. “It is nothing though, really.”

“Hmm? What’s the trouble then? Does it have something to do with your armor being second-hand, maybe?” Silver raised and eyebrow in question.

“Oh no. I’m just glad I have a helmet.” He chuckled for a moment, before getting the same serious look on his face. “It’s simple really, I’m just a little concerned that I don’t have many good years left before I’m too old to do my job.”

The fanged horse leaned an elbow on the table, “You think so? Had me fooled. You seem to be in pretty good shape to me.”

He chuckled again. “Eh, and I make damned sure I am, but in five years or so, I’m not sure that’ll matter.” When he noticed him leaning the elbow on the table, he assumed Silver was getting a bit bored. “Aye, you told me I could rant.”

“I did, didn’t I?” He smirked and gathered his things, “Maybe instead of worrying about how little time you have, maybe you should use that as a reason to savor the time that you do have…”

Fargo cut him off, “No, I’m not afraid of running out of time, I’m afraid of unemployment. If I’m too old to fight I’m too old to do the only job I’ve done all my life.”

“Oh, well.” Silver Rush taps his chin, “Have you ever given thought to becoming an instructor? New guards will need to be trained, after all. I’m sure somepony with your experience can secure a position like that.”

“Perhaps, perhaps,” he said, nodding a little at that. “Maybe that could work,” he said, before making a fake smile. “I won’t hold you up any longer, thank you for the talk, and for listening to me rant.”

“Glad to help. I’m always up for a chat if you need me. Now I think I’m going to head off to bed. I may be a bat-pony, but I still need my sleep.” He gave a salute and headed off to return his tray to Shortstack before storing his book back with his other belongings under his bed.

Fargo nodded at that, “Heh, yeah... alrighty.” He watched Silver Rush walk off . Once he was gone he sat there at the table for a little while, occasionally tapping a talon against the table, waiting for most of the people to head to bed. Once the majority of the ponies were gone, he’d head to the bed he left his gear behind to go grab his armor and weapon. Someone needed to do a night shift around here.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 11:58:33 pm by Kryptid »

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2015, 09:00:32 am »

How does everybody feel about scheduling a "town meeting" of sorts for a large-group scene?

Discussion could vary from living quarters (example: X proposes Y layout of buildings Z), to personal disputes, to supply issues*. Isolde gets the final say, of course.

*Proposed solution: Substitute stone nails for metal ones. :P
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2015, 10:26:51 am »

*Proposed solution: Substitute stone nails for metal ones. :P

I know this is MLP thread, but real DF players would use Obsidian for nails... You know, 'cause magma... Sorry, 'tis a slow day for me...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 10:28:50 am by exodius1 »
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2015, 10:47:53 am »

How does everybody feel about scheduling a "town meeting" of sorts for a large-group scene?

Discussion could vary from living quarters (example: X proposes Y layout of buildings Z), to personal disputes, to supply issues*. Isolde gets the final say, of course.

*Proposed solution: Substitute stone nails for metal ones. :P
I'd be up for it.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2015, 02:05:03 pm »

I'm fine with a town meeting if you all want one.  Note however that I actually already have another update ready to post, so... that might conflict.  I've already started laying out locations of things and have stuff built.  The meeting might also delay posting the update.  Maybe have a meeting after I post it?

Quote from: exodius
Well, I guess you missed that, or took the advice from my previous posts and ignored me^^

But very well, let me readjust that little non-specific backstory... and I would rather involve alicorns in this as little as possible as well, meaning just this once^^

Sorry, meant to get to this sooner.  What you wrote is fine I think.  If you want to take one of the unclaimed characters then I'm fine with it.  There might be more relatively soon though, so it's up to you.
Through pain, I find wisdom.

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2015, 02:29:59 pm »

I'm fine with a town meeting if you all want one.  Note however that I actually already have another update ready to post, so... that might conflict.  I've already started laying out locations of things and have stuff built.  The meeting might also delay posting the update.  Maybe have a meeting after I post it?
I meant to include a specification on that it'd be after the update. I suggested it because of the lack of anything regular (I was thinking a Friday or Saturday at 9 or so EST; I rather dislike the idea of a potentially several hour RP starting at 2 am).

I think it would work well as a supplementary feature to updates, regardless of when in the timeline they are. We could do a scene (or journal) where Lattice inquires if/when a meeting of the sort would be. Something to explain why a meeting didn't happen until summer.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 07:18:28 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2015, 10:38:56 pm »

Fargo walked out of the large meeting house, and looked around. He couldn’t see a damned thing in the dark as he’d just gotten out of the light of the building, but he didn’t let that stop him and he began to walk into the dark. After his run in earlier with Shooting star, fargo learned to keep his shield and halberd out at all times. He was going in the direction that he remembered as being the location of the workplaces.

Shooting Star had been sleeping, but the shuffling and rustling of the Griffon leaving have woke her up. Curious about where he’s going so late at night, she grabs her crossbow and stealthed out of the building, stalking the Griffon to see if he’s going to try and steal anything.

The griffon kept walking into in the direction he started off in, his eyes slowly getting used to the dark. He held out his weapon, and held onto it as tightly as he could as he walked around. Whenever he heard a noise, be it the rustle of something in the distance, or even the wind his head would dart directly to wherever it originated. He’d slowly pick up the pace of his walked. The mare was too far behind him for him to be aware of her yet.

Shooting Star wasn’t sure what he’s doing, darting into bushes like that. Maybe he’s hunting mice? or practicing something? It’s very strange. She’ll keep watching for now.

He just kept looking around for anything, before darting his head right towards the direction of shooting when he heard some bushes rustle. He’d pause for a moment before walking again, finally nearing the work spaces.

Deciding that sneaking up on him is the perfect way to get stabbed by a Halberd, Shooting star would instead call out to him from a safe distance. “Hey Fargo! What are you doing out here in the dark?”

Fargo would jump suddenly and look around behind him. “Ah, eh... Hi there!” He swore he’d heard that voice before from someone in town, and it was too dark out for him to make out who it was in the distance.

Now that he’s alerted, Shooting Star can trot over to him! “Thristy in the middle of the night?” She asked friendily.

“Oh no, no.” He was a bit anxious as she walked up to him, but relaxed some once he saw it was a pony he knew. “Someone needs to watch this place at night is all.”

“Oh! So you can see in the night with those eyes! Griffons can see in the night, right?” The mare asked.

“Yes, but it takes a little while to get adjusted to the dark.” He said, before looking around for a moment, before starting to continue talking to her. “We’re half cat after all...”

“No wonder. . I wouldn’t be able to see anything on my cloud in the dark like this.” The Guardsmare said. “Soo, when do you plan to sleep? You can’t guard all day and all night, can you?”

Fargo frowned for a moment and paused for a moment. “Ehm... well, I do plan on going to sleep eventually.” He kept silent for a few moments. “I only need a little sleep to get by.”

“You need enough sleep, though. A hungry and sleepy soldier in combat is a dead soldier, after all. That’s what they taught me. They said that it’s important to keep yourself healthy and able to be alert at any moment’s notice, not be alert at every moment.” Shooting Star said, reciting what she had learned.

“If you don’t have someone looking into the night, someone will walk through that door in the meeting house unnoticed, or walk off with the the tools in someone’s work space, or any number of things under the veil of night. You and I are not a soldier here, you and I are guards. Someone must always be on watch so they can yell for the others.”

Shooting Star think on that, and nods. “Huh, that’s pretty reasonable, yeah. I still have doubt that there’s actually anything so far out here other than some wild boar, though. I’ve been here since we started and haven’t even seen a thing!”

“I realize that things must be slow here, but our job is to keep this place safe, and I plan on keeping it so. it’s better to be too safe when you aren’t in danger than too vulnerable when you're in danger.”

“Well said!” The accompanying mare nods with a bright friendly beam. “How about we guard in shifts? I’ll go sleep on a cloud tonight and make sure it doesn’t float anywhere, then you wake me up a few hours later when it’s less dark so you can go sleep?” She suggested.

“Yes, yes that might work.” He said, smiling a little as he thought about it. “Lets do that.” He was surprised it was this easy to get people to work in shifts. Last time he tried to get something like this  going was with lucky lands, and someone got killed so... “I’m glad to have someone I can work with here.”

“Well, it’s a small community. We’ve only got each others, and there’s strength in cooperation after all!” Shooting Star beamed, before spreading her wings to lift off. “Well, I’ll go take a low cloud. Give a hollar if something’s wrong and I’ll cover you. When it’s time for shift change just fly up and look for me, I won’t be that hard to find. Alright?”

“Yes, alrighty. Hope you have a good night’s while you are up there.”

With another smiling nod, the Pegasus flew up to her favourite cloud.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #67 on: March 04, 2015, 12:57:38 pm »

Sorry, meant to get to this sooner.  What you wrote is fine I think.  If you want to take one of the unclaimed characters then I'm fine with it.  There might be more relatively soon though, so it's up to you.

I'll wait 'till next migrant wave, hopefully there is gonna be a pegasus there (I would rather avoid married characters)... Mind PM me a screenshot of the Thoughts and Preferences of the pony I choose? Would make it easier to write for him^^

And what about that mod dl link? If it is not too much trouble of course^^
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #68 on: March 04, 2015, 03:20:51 pm »

Following scene takes place, probably a week after Patina's misunderstanding about Lattice Frames. I believe that will put it sometime in the next update... Hopefully that won't cause any timeline issues.

“See you tonight then,” Patina says in farewell, before looking back to her forge, muttering to herself “Next, I need to make some nails for Rosewood, I wonder if the lead we have is strong enough to hold, if only I had something to alloy it with other than our silver. Hmm…”

[...]Nails of lead would be very difficult to use, as they're prone to bending, creeping (deformation over time)*, and thermal expansion, which iare problematic both in holding together under stress and when assembling [...] Not an ideal construction material. [...]
*You'd have to replace them, especially if exposed to stress.

Yes. I am very aware that lead is soft and basically worthless for construction, and honestly a little insulted that you thought I was serious. Her statement was intentionally ridiculous, but it's certainly no stranger than supporting an entire structure with a single block of soap, or the multitude of other impossible things one can do within Dwarf Fortress.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:45:53 am by KingStrongbeard »

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #69 on: March 04, 2015, 04:16:52 pm »

Yes. I am very aware that lead is soft and basically worthless for construction, and honestly a little insulted that you thought I was serious. Her statement was intentionally ridiculous, but it's certainly no stranger than supporting an entire structure with a single block of soap, or the multitude of other impossible things one can do within Dwarf Fortress.
I knew you weren't serious about lead as a building material, but I went into details of why it wouldn't be, since I wasn't sure you (or more significantly, the rest of the forum readers) knew the specifics. Everyone knows it's soft and relatively pliable, but not everybody knows that lead likes to "creep" under stress.

Apologies for any insult taken; I'll be more careful next time. I really shouldn't go into engineering to easily during otherwise normal conversation.
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #70 on: March 04, 2015, 06:21:41 pm »

And what about that mod dl link? If it is not too much trouble of course^^

I edited the second post to contain a link to it.  Here's the link just in case you can't find it:  In the mean time, have some new events:

Isolde's Journal - 3rd Hematite, 222

Now that we've got real materials to work with and some processed lumber, I've taken to planning out some of our future living space.  Patina has had some very useful input on that, pointing out that the river might be a possible flood hazard.  I hadn't considered that, and that would be quite disastrous.

Nevertheless, if we're going to build below the smoke line, there's only so much room.  I've asked Jack Pine and Silver Rush to start clearing out some extra space though, so maybe we'll have more room soon.  Maybe we can take some of the broken up earth and start building up the river banks a bit too?  I'll have to ask Silver Rush if he knows anything about that.  If not, maybe Patina does.

I wish it was possible to see the map before you embarked, because it frequently gives me nasty, hilly terrain like this.  Oh well, what are you going to do?

I also have to be careful not to put the homes and such too close to the mine, since that's not going to be a quiet place.  Then again, underground, it might not be so bad.

11th Hematite, 222

We've had a bit of a badger problem lately, which hasn't been good for morale or productivity.  I'm not sure where they came from, but we had some even wander up into the camp and attack one of the new ponies!

Nobody got hurt, but Kiume and the other guards are probably partly to thank for that, since they chased most of the badgers off.  Maybe we can get back to work now?

Well, no ponies, griffons or zebras got hurt anyway.  Maybe the rotting badger carcass will serve as a warning to others.  Or just scare the citizens every time they walk past it.

The new furnace we set up next to the mason's shop should be a good place to start.  We're going to need a lot of charcoal soon, probably more than we can reasonably produce.  Once we have some though, I'll see if anybody wants to try their luck at smelting some of that galena.  Silver Rush or Patina might know enough about that to give us some lead to work with.

15th Hematite, 222

Patina has been taking well to the new forge and made me this cute little paper weight to try her hoof at working with lead.  Oh dear, if I keep collecting gifts like this from her and Gunther I might soon run out of my meager personal space to keep them.

At least we're finally putting our lumber stockpiles to some use.  We laid the first foundation for the new homes today.  I considered a few options and I think what we'll try out is individual homes of fairly modest size.  If it looks like we'll have the materials and labor then we might give the couples something a bit bigger, since children can take up a lot of space, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, as they say.

I suppose the same applies to the tree houses I discussed with Gunther.  It's a great idea, but for the moment I'll just have to be practical and get as many people sheltered as quickly and simply as I can.  It shouldn't take too terribly long.

Close to the mine after all.  Oh well, good thing they don't actually make noise in DF.

21st Hematite, 222

The first house is complete at long last!  I've decided to give it to Rosewood, since she's been pretty much the mare behind its construction.  I don't think anyone will complain or contest the decision either, especially when we're on schedule to have more put together very soon.

I'll write again when we've got a bit more done.  At a week each, we should all be sleeping inside before you know it.

27th Hematite, 222

We now have the beginnings of a nice little neighborhood popping up just down the hill, with five houses finished or nearing it.

We've also got a lot of stone blocks stocked up, thanks to Patina and Freija.  I'm not quite sure what we'll build with them first, but I'm leaning toward a dedicated guardhouse for the guards to train in.  Hopefully we won't need it to hold any prisoners any time soon, but there's always that possibility.

Another thing worth noting: Silver Rush has been quite busy since he finished smoothing out some land to build on, and has come across some very interesting things underground.  We've got some new gems of some kind called schorls, and he found some marble.

I'm not sure how valuable the gems are, but marble I know can be pretty valuable if you know who to sell it to.  Of course, the trouble there is transporting it, and I don't think any traders just coming through town are going to want to haul lots of it around.  We'll see.  If not, then it'll certainly make a nice addition to the town some day in the form of decorations.

26th Malachie, 222

A month has passed and not too much of interest has happened, but I'm pleased to say that finally we have the first neighborhood completed.  Rosewood, Patina Dreams, Jack Pine, Silver Rush and Tunda all have personal homes now

Some might argue that the brick walkways are a superfluous feature at best and a waste of time and resources at worst, but I disagree.  They only took Patina and Freija about a day to lay out and they make things look so much nicer already.  Believe me, looks matter more than people might want to admit, and it can affect morale.

That does lead me to question how to prioritize things from here on out, however.  There is a lot left to do.  We need a clean place that Gunther can set up for the inevitable day that someone gets hurt, a guardhouse, a tavern, a trading post... more workshops... the list goes on.

I'll probably forge ahead with housing for the forseeable future.  That's going to be the most important thing to most people, I'm sure.

28th Malachite, 222

I'm a bit concerned about Dawn Star.  Gunther informed me over dinner that they just about had to drag the stallion back into town after Freija discovered him trapped down in the river.  I haven't talked to him yet, so I don't know why he was down there in the first place, but his feathers must have gotten wet and kept him from flying out.  By the time Freija found him he was pretty exhausted from treading water.

The waterfall strikes again.  I've had to pull him and Freija out of there several times now...

Maybe instead of having the masons start on a trading depot I should have had them start on another bridge to cross that part of the river.  I'd hate for anyone else to fall down there and not be found before it was too late...

But, for now we do have most of a temporary depot constructed for whenever we do get someone from back home to show up.  Silver Rush has been lucky underground and managed to find a few more clusters of gems!  He told me all about the black zircons and prases he found, as well as some ore called cobaltite.

At this rate we're going to need a dedicated prospector and appraiser!  I might have to write home about that.

3rd Galena, 222

After considering our options further, I decided to start on the guardhouse next.  The guards have been training outside in the weather for long enough and they deserve a good place to sleep at night too.  Of the different locations that presented themselves, I opted to have the masons start laying out its foundation on the hillside overlooking the river.  From there they should have a good view of the whole town, and I hope the scenery makes up a bit for it taking so long to get started on it.

Tomorrow I believe I'll talk with Rosewood and the other carpenters about starting on the hospital.  First I just have to decide where it's going to go...

10th Galena, 222

Already I feel like we've made some mistakes planning the layout for the town, but I'm hopeful that by the time it's all built up that it will look a bit more reasonable.  My biggest concern at the moment is where I marked for the carpenters to start laying the foundation for the tavern.  It's in an open space, but depending on which way most of the travels come it might be in an awkward location.  Then again, I suppose if they've come this far a few extra steps here or there won't make much difference.

The beginnings of the tavern are the wall in the upper right, and the new hospital's beginnings are on the left side against the hill.

The hospital's location I'm a little less worried about, since it will be close to the homes, guardhouse and workshops.  A little paranoid side of me thinks that maybe it shouldn't be so far from the tavern in the off chance that we get some rowdy drunks later on, but there are other ways of dealing with that problem.

It's going to be a while yet before either building is completed, but at least I can rest easy tonight knowing that we're on track to have the basic ameneties covered and everyone with their own slice of town.

The real test will come later this year when the representatives come to inspect the work we've done.  I know we'll have them impressed by then.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 06:24:58 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #71 on: March 04, 2015, 06:47:54 pm »

Silver Rush’s Journal, 5th Hematite, 222

Going to make this a short one, since I’m pretty worn out. I’ve been really busy lately flattening out the land so that the carpenters can finally start construction on individual houses.

11th Hematite, 222

I remember a week or so ago Tunda and I sung a bit of a chorus together, just for the fun of it. She has quite a beautiful singing voice. She’s been discussing the possibility with me lately of trying to organize some kind of duet during supper for the other residents’ entertainment. I’d definitely be up for something like that, and Ms. Hookbill approved as well. Too bad it’ll be fairly plain without any instruments, unless maybe one of the other residents happened to bring one of some kind? I should probably start concentrating more on getting one of my own. I’ve been considering it for quite a while now.

12th Hematite, 222

I know I’ve been really indecisive about what instrument I’ve wanted to learn how to play for years now, but I think I may have it figured out now. After perusing my copy of Musical Instruments of The Modern Era for the hundredth time, I think I’ve settled on the lute. There probably isn’t a lute for miles around, but perhaps Rosewood can craft one for me? I do admit feeling a bit selfish about that thought: she has so much work to do already and there isn’t enough of an economy here yet for my payment to mean all that much. I suppose she could just save up any coins I gave her and wait for it gain local value, but who knows how long that will take.

14th Hematite, 222

Tunda and I finally had the singing today. I think it went decently-well. I still think it's a bit dry without any music to go with it, but at least some of the guests seemed to enjoy it. This may definitely become a regular thing for us if we can improve on a few points. Maybe one of the other residents happens to have a musical instrument of some kind. I think I'll ask Ms. Hookbill if I can post a flyer or two asking about it. If so, our duo may become a trio!

15th Hematite, 222

I'm really confused tonight. I went to talk to Lattice Frame earlier in the day about making some clothes for Tunda and I. Things went in a strange direction. Not only did I find out that she was a victim of abuse, but she kissed me on the lips out of the blue! For no obvious reason! Maybe I'm just naive about such matters, but I thought such ponies would be very, very wary about intimacy of any kind. But what do I know?

On a more positive note, now that we’ve got the forge up and running, Shadytrails has become a producer of lead and silver. Those bars of pure metal are a thing of beauty.

21st Hematite, 222

The first house was completed today and Ms. Hookbill has decided to give it to Rosewood! I’m quite happy for her, finally getting some due payment for all of her hard work. I wonder if she would mind me hanging out there until my own house is completed?

22nd Hematite, 222

Today is my first birthday away from home. Even at 28 years in this world, I still feel like I’ve never grown up. I recall having mentioned it a few months ago to Rosewood, but I wasn’t expecting her to actually make something for me! That mare carved a little wooden figurine to look like the both of us together! This will definitely have a spot atop my bookcase...once I get one, that is. She’s starting to remind me of Candlebright back home, but without the wings or fangs, of course.

26th Hematite, 222

Now I have my own house as well! Right now it’s still very vanilla, but I’ll definitely start thinking about how I can turn it into a real home. I’m going to need to get a bookcase for sure. It seems a little on the small side, but maybe that’s just because I was raised in a household that had to accommodate five foals plus a mare and a stallion. It’s enough to suit my purposes, since I’ll likely spend most of my time outside anyway. It’ll be nice to have some privacy for a change, though friends are always welcome.

27th Hematite, 222

Wonderful news! Today I uncovered several new stone and mineral varieties! I hit marble and diorite, as well as discovering some clusters of schorl and sphalerite! The marble and diorite alone would make for a lovely construction material for Ms. Dreams to use, and the sphalerite can be smelted to give us zinc! Unfortunately, pure zinc only has a few niche applications and we don’t have the right kinds of metals to alloy it with to make it more useful. If I could find some chalcopyrite then we could smelt that for copper and make brass. Oh well. We’ll get there eventually. Right now I just can’t stop grinning! That schorl is going to make some lovely black gemstones!

28th Malachite, 222

Zircon! Cobaltite! Prase! My collection is expanding quite nicely due to all these discoveries! All of these rocks and minerals are nice, but they would be worth much more if they were carved into gemstones. Such gems could earn Shadytrails a handsome profit. Hopefully, we’ll get ourselves a lapidary or two in the future. I’d even take up the task myself if I had the proper tools and a skilled teacher. Guess I’ll have to wait.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 12:18:57 am by Kryptid »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #72 on: March 08, 2015, 11:57:51 pm »

11th Hematite, 222

A whistling tune carried through the air. Silver Rush’s fur was messy from fine mineral particles and water droplets that had adhered to him during his mining earlier. The bat-pony had already spent much of the prior week reshaping the landscape for the construction of some new homes, but now had to wait on Jack Pine to clear out more trees before he could continue. Got to make sure I wash up before supper...but while I’m still dirty, I’ll go see if Tunda needs any help. Her job can’t be easy on her. Sure enough, the zebra in question was tending to her rows of plants when the stallion arrived, “Hey Tunda! What’s going good with the greens?”

Hearing his voice, Tunda pokes her head up from the ground, a few green stalks still in her mouth. She drops the weed into a nearby basket, picking it up with a hoof and approaching the batpony with a wide smile. “They’re doing well, and hello, Silver Rush. Right now I’m simply tending the underbrush.”

“Great to hear. I was just wrapping up my shift when I remembered that I hadn’t been by lately to see how everything was going on the food front. I don’t really know anything about farming, but I’ll lend you a hoof if you need it,” he responded with his own cheery expression, allowing his fangs to peek over his lower lip. “Thankfully, today’s workload was a lot lighter on me than earlier in the week. So I think I’ve got the energy to spare.”

Tunda places the basket down between them. "It's nice to hear you'll help a friend in need. Right now it would be useful to help me weed."

“Will do!” Silver removed the miner's helmet from his head, which revealed a dark mane messy from being within its confines. He moved the headgear, along with his lantern, pick and leather carrying bag to the grass below and stepped over into one of the rows of bushes. The copper-eyed pony latched onto one obvious offender with his teeth and ripped it from the soil. After spitting it out, he recalled,  “So I was thinking about the other day, you know, when we did that singing thing? That was pretty fun. We should do it again sometime.”

Tunda tears another of the encroaching plants from the ground and drops it into the basket. She adjusts her mane with a hoof and looks over at the bat-stallion. "It was certainly fun, I agree. Whenever you'd like an encore is fine with me."

Next, Silver pulled at a tenacious vine covered with tiny barbs. He tried not to get any cuts on his mouth, which he only somewhat succeeded at doing. The miner licked at his stinging lips, but the pain soon passed, “Ugh...well, I thought we sounded pretty good together the first time, but we were alone out here in the field then. I’ve kind of been wondering since then what it would be like to have an audience, you know? To really find out if we’ve got something...more? Though it would certainly help if we had a musical instrument or two to really flesh out our vocals. Any thoughts on that?”

"I would love to song for the ponies and griffons of the town, and with the new arrivals, we'll have an even bigger crowd." Tunda's eyes flick to his lips and those fangs, before meeting his again. "Even without accompaniment, I'm sure they'll all... enjoy the merriment."

“Oh, so you like the idea then?” He responded before digging around a group of small, brownish stems with a hoof, “Hmm, but what you said about new think we should sing for everypony and not just a small group? That could be truly interesting. If we’re going to plan something that big then we should probably ask Ms. Hookbill what she thinks about it. I doubt she would object, of course, but she might have some advice on how we could arrange it or where it should take place.”

"It's a good idea, informing Miss Isolde. She and everyone should enjoy a break from the same old same old," Tunda rhymes casually. Their efforts seem to have made a noticeable dent in the amount of work she has. Even having one more pony is much appreciated. "I won't mind singing in front of everyone, though if they start throwing tomatoes I'll be prepared to run."

The gray stallion chuckled, “If they start throwing tomatoes, I’m going to ask them where they got them. Those sound pretty tasty.” Lunch was hours ago and he had burned a sizeable number of calories hauling freshly-carved stone to the sunlit world of the surface. He brushed off his hunger for the moment and continued to excise intruder plants from the area, “Then it’s settled. I’ll go ask Ms. Hookbill about it a bit later. That is, unless you wanted to come with me and give your own input?”

Pausing, the striped mare puts a hoof to her muzzle with a contemplative expression. "I would like to be there for the discussion too. Could you stop by before you go, and take me with you?"

“Definitely.” The two finished off the chore at hand and Silver now finally had an opportunity to go get himself washed up. After the proper grooming was completed, he grabbed a snack from Shortstack before tracking down Tunda once again. In agreement, they both headed off in search of their respected expedition leader.

Somewhat surprisingly, the two don’t find the griffon in the shelter where she normally works.  Instead, they ultimately locate her in her second favorite spot: a comfortable, shaded spot down by the river at the bottom of the hill.  She sits with her back against the tree, watching a braced fishing pole’s line drag through the slow current.  She yawns once and stretches before cozying up a bit more to the tree.

Taking care not to startle the griffon, Silver Rush walked along beside Tunda instead of flying. He knocked a hoof on the side of the tree, “Hello there, Ms. Hookbill! Do you mind if we take a moment of your time?”

She glances up and fights off a bit of sleepiness to give them a smile.  “Hello, you two.  Certainly, I don’t mind a little distraction.  How can I help you?”

Silver nodded, “Thank you. The two of us were just wondering about a little project we thought up earlier. We know there’s not a lot to do for fun around here just yet, so we thought that, perhaps, we could entertain the residents at supper one day with a little singing? I know if we randomly started doing that of our own accord, we might get some complaints. So I thought it would be best if we had some kind of ‘official’ approval.” He rubbed a hoof against his chin, “...and maybe inform the residents in advance. Or even set it up somewhere outside the dining area, just in case there are a few party-poopers that don’t like to hear music when they eat, heh.”

“Dinner theater?” Isolde asks with a small chuckle.  “I like the sound of it, so you have my blessing.  The weather has been pretty nice lately, so maybe we could do it outside.  Maybe even around a fire.  It’s a bit short notice to give everyone today, but maybe tomorrow that would work.”

"I'm glad to hear that you approve, and doing it outside gives everyone space to move," Tunda points out. They should leave that room so ponies, griffons, and zebra can dance if they feel the need. And if they do, it'll be a success in Tunda's book.

“Thanks a bunch, Ms. Hookbill!” Silver then turned to his singing partner, “Think we should practice some? Or discuss which songs we should sing? If it’s not going to be until another day, then we’ve got time to figure this all out. Speaking of which, we need to set a date as well…”

 She nods, raising a knee up, but first looks to the griffon. "Thank you, miss Isolde, for seeing things our way," Tunda says gratefully, then looks to Silver Rush. "I would be fine performing any day. But we should talk, yes, about what we want to sing. It's the sort of thing I would rather not wing."

“Ah, this is gonna be great!” The musical duo then headed off to prepare for the day in question, familiarizing themselves with different tunes and working on staying in sync with each other. They continued to practice in their spare time over the next few days and finally decided on a date for their show: 14th Hematite.

Once the big day arrived, an area was set up outside of the communal living quarters with tables and chairs for the guests. As per Tunda’s suggestion, a space was left between the makeshift stage and the tables so that anyone who wished to liven up the festivities further by dancing could do so. Before curtain time, the stallion singer examined the crude wooden platform upon which he would soon stand, “Too bad I don’t have any kind of special clothing to wear for this occasion. Other than my mining gear, all I have is a collection of seven identical neckerchiefs that I got for a bargain a few years ago.”

Tunda blinks, seemingly not having realized. "Well that certainly explains some things," the mare dressed in her nicer shawl, wrap, and jewelry answers. "I've seen you without one of those as often as I've seen you without your wings."

“Heh, yeah. I guess I’m not much for fashion. I like to keep my dress simple and easily-planned.” The bat-pony turned and looked at the table of food being set-up by Shortstack as a couple of other ponies chatted with the chef. He knew it was only about ten minutes before showtime. Silver took a deep breath and eyed his zebra counterpart, “ ready for this?”

With a composed, serene nod, Tunda answers him positively. "I've performed for groups big and small, around a campfire or in a hall. To do so again feels familiar to me, and whether they enjoy it here, I'm eager to see. And are you ready to put on a show?  There's no shame, if it's not so.”

“Oh, no no, I’m sure I can do this,” the black-maned pony insisted, “...but I guess I am a little nervous, since I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve only ever sung for friends and family...or to myself.” Shadytrailers were now beginning to take their seats, “I’m not going to back out now! Let’s do this!”

Once they were up on the stage, the bat-pony and the zebra took turns welcoming the residents to their show and giving a brief overview of the evening’s activities. They opened with a song that both of them had written together, “Blessed Seedling”, which was a metaphorical tune likening the development of their new town to the growing of a tenacious plant in the face of adverse conditions. It predicted a glorious future for Shadytrails. This was followed by “Your Spell”, a more lively song about a changeling’s attempt to seduce and infiltrate society.

Finally, the two performed a rendition of "The Wayward Unicorn," an oft-heard ballad in taverns, telling the humorous tale of a deluded earth pony with a false horn, who's convinced by a series of unlikely coincidences that he has magical powers. It's a light-hearted song with room for audience participation, to end off the performance in a high mood. A few of the attendants did get into the mood by clapping along or even dancing around. Others were more content to just sit and listen.

The Sun had begun to set by the time it was all over, with the nearby campfire still providing enough light for some outdoor socialization. The rib-winged pony stepped down off of the wooden pedestal, exhaling in relief that there were no serious problems during the event, “I think that went pretty well, don’t you? And look,” he pointed at his face, “No tomato stains!”

The zebra laughs lightly, stepping down after him and adjusting her clothes. "No, our audience was thankfully kind. If we were to do this again, I think neither they nor I would mind." She gives Silver a hopeful but sure, smile.

“Yep! I can definitely see us doing this again in the future,” he responded before looking up at the orange-pink sky, which had begun a gradual transition to a dark indigo-gray. “I think I’d like to make a few improvements for any future performances, though. We could get an actual stage built for us, and maybe some musical instruments too. I could also use a nice suit to compliment your dress…”

It seems Tunda hasn't kept close enough track of the ponies in town. If there's a tailor among them, she may need to commission a gown. She nods in happy agreement to the stallion. "I like these ideas, and for the stage have in mind just the unicorn. Assuming the recent construction hasn't left her too worn..."

Silver had a pretty good idea he knew who Tunda was talking about. “Right. I may talk to Rosewood about that idea.” The pair mingled among the guests for a few minutes before they departed back to the communal shelter.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #73 on: March 10, 2015, 05:58:20 pm »

Rosewood's Journal, 3rd Hematite, 222

Jack and Silver have been doing a great job flattening the land for the new houses I’m going to be building. I know I’ve been here for four months and this is still exciting! Back home I didn’t get to do this much on my own and I’m glad I gained all this skill.
Not that I’m complaining about the help I’m getting here, I have of course messed up now and then. I’m no expert. I still have a lot to learn about the finer points that is the art of carving.
I’ve started making plans on the actual construction of the houses, I hope everyone else doesn’t mind the designs being so similar.
More on that later, time to get some sleep.

11th Hematite, 222

I heard we had a badger attack, and while I’m a little concerned, I feel I have more than enough weapons to fight one back by myself should one ever sneak up on me.
Can’t stay too much longer, gotta get back to building.
Still exciting!

14th Hematite, 222

I took some time off to relax and go watch Silver and Tunda put on a short show. It was lovely, they both have such good voices! I hope there’s another one soon.
It gave me an idea for something but I’m keeping that in my head for now.
Time to do a little more carving before bed.

15th Hematite, 222

And today we laid the foundations for the houses at last! Patina helped some, which of course I’m grateful for.
I can’t wait to start work, I’ll probably consider this almost a practice house and make sure it’s up to the resident’s standards. One should have a sturdy house no matter how crude it is after all! Plus there’s always room to improve.

21th Hematite, 222

Well. The practice house is mine! Miss Isole gave it to me, and while I can have room to stretch my legs now I’m feeling even more determined to let everyone else have this feeling of having their own place. Again, I hope they’ll satisfy everyone.
Now while I have time to rest I’m going to finish off that other project I’ve had in mind.

22nd Hematite, 222

The project I’ve been working on has been a little carved statue of Silver and I together! He seems to really like it and I’m really proud of it.
We’ve had a good time celebrating his birthday, and he brought up perhaps I could make a stage and a lute, so he can learn to play one. If I’m remembering right, they sound really pretty.
But a stage will be good too! Maybe I should brush up on my poetry like I used to and read it aloud. If I can make some laugh, all the better!

27th Hematite, 222

With help from the other carpenters, the newer houses - five that we’re working on so far, I think - are being built at a rapid speed and more residents should have homes by next week.
I can’t say I’m not tired, but I can’t say I’ve stopped being excited to see everyone’s reactions either!

26th Malachite, 222

And the houses are complete! They’ve even got fancy-looking stone walkways! I think the others really like them, as well! Let’s keep up the good work!

28th Malachite, 222

I found Silver being all happy today, and I can’t blame him. He’s found new gems! I know I saw some poking out of the rocks when I visited the mine with Silver, but these black zircon and green prase look so much prettier! I feel inspired just looking at them!
I’m sure I’ll have written a new poem or two in no time.

4th Galena, 222

As much as I’m not a fan of hospitals, they’re vital for the community, and we’re going to need one sooner or later.
I bring this up because Miss Isolde asked us carpenters to make a start on one. At least it’s something to help keep us busy!
In the meantime I’m going to focus on not thinking about any time I might have to go there when it’s completed. I’m going to focus more on these poems I want to perform, and the pretty gems Silver’s finding.
In fact I’m going to go and work on those poems now.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 06:02:23 pm by FabledRuby »

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #74 on: March 10, 2015, 08:41:48 pm »

Lattice’s Diary, 2nd Hermatite, 222

 I’m still kind’ve upset that there’s no way for me to make use of my special talent yet, but there’s simply no cloth at all. I haven’t looked around for any equipment, but since there’s not a lot of places to hide it, I don’t think there’s likely to be any equipment. Yet alone a workspace for it, meaning that even if I made my own frames for the equipment (it, along with the dress I made with it, was what got me my cutie mark, so it wouldn’t be out of the question).

 No matter the state of my future career prospects, I’ve been assigned to help build a much-needed bridge across the river. It isn’t to bad, I still remember enough from my father to be useful beyond hauling materials. Not that that makes hauling them more pleasant. But there’s not much you can do wrong with putting scrap stones chunks on a riverbank for erosion control.

 I’m still glad to be off the road, though. A roof ‒ even shared ‒ is a welcome addition, while there’s something comforting in a nice, hot meal.

Lattice’s Diary, 3rd Hermatite, 222

 Progress on the bridge is going well, I think. We should be done in a day or two, though I expect we’ll be replacing it with something sturdier as trade picks up. Probably made of something sturdier than wood.

 I talked a little more with Patina over lunch today, and told her a little about myself. Nothing too special, just that my father was the renowned (well, I like to think he is) architect, Sturdy Frame, and my mother was a cartographer who used to work as a guide with various traders (until she settled down with my father in Beakshine). Oh, and that both were earth ponies. I told her a little about the journey, with emphasis on how Lucky Lands should be avoided and my suspicions about Freija and Dawn Star’s story.
 Patina seemed a little worried this evening, I hope she’s ok.

 Oh, I should mention a little about Patina. She’s an extremely qualified Saddle Arabian architect student, who for some reason ended up out on the middle of nowhere to help us build a town. I don’t think it’d be hard for her to have stayed in Saddle Arabia ‒ why would they let her train there if she couldn’t get a job there, after all ‒ so I’m really curious as to why she’s here. I’m not complaining, but I wonder how well she can design for wintery weather.

Lattice’s Diary, 4th Hermatite, 222

 I was out by the mines this evening and one of the guards ‒ Fargo ‒ asked why I was there. I don’t know why, but as he asked I started to break down. It’s not like he did anything wrong, and we spent more than two weeks traveling together. I just completely fell apart when he, with only good intentions, started talking. To the point where I was crying and whimpering on my haunches next to my half-eaten bowl of vegetables. It was just that… While I I know he wouldn’t As if that’s not enough, after I broke down, he tried to console me but I didn’t even respond! He eventually stopped and waited, then left, though I think I was starting to pull myself together at that point. A little while later,evidently before he returned to the communal building, I pulled myself together enought o decide to go into the woods for a moment of solitude; only he came and ‒ with a concerned look on his face ‒ told me (rather forcefully) it wasn’t safe. I think he was under the impression I was going to do something stupid or even suicidal. I just planned to have a mom- I didn’t have to spirit left in me to say no, and just trudged off back to the town. I should’ve explained and gone anyways He has to think I’m a complete foal at best, a lunatic as worst, and I’m sure he either hates me or lost any respect he had for me. I still can’t I’m I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or mortified about what happened, or even scared. I don’t want to know what’ll happen if Lucky gets wind of me sobbing like a foal.

 I thought I was doing so well, but… Damn it, I don’t know. I just don’t know anymore.

 I’ll have to apologize at some point, but I don’t know if I can face him. Maybe I’ll leave him a note? I keep a few pieces of scrap paper on my person, I can use one of those. I’ll slip in into his things after he starts his shift tomorrow.

Unbeknownst to Lattice, when she grabbed paper for the note, she hadn’t been paying enough attention, and she wrote it on the back of the removed entries she set aside, the pages stuck together.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I was going to have it on the back of the note page, but it's 3 pages of 11pt font, that isn't going to fit well on a on half a page. So instead the watre damage and ink stuck them together, and a distressed Lattice didn't notice in the night.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 02:44:31 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.
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