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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41083 times)


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2015, 12:57:16 am »

Gunther's Log: Entry 2

I will be the first to admit that my skills have been put on the back burner for the time being. Well it does make me feel like my only skill is to be used as cheap labor I do understand that at such an early stage this is a relatively good sign. After all, with our numbers as low as they are an injury would be devastating to our efforts. 

Isolde has taken notice of my plight and as proven to be as quick witted and intelligent as she is beautiful. She is considering giving my mind something to do by either giving me some clerical duties to perform or taking the time to examine some herbs. Out of the two I would rather take on the clerical duties for the time being but if none of the Emergency Foods have the skills to tell the difference between what plants are food, what are medical and what will kill them if they eat it then I will just have to take one for the team so we don't all die because someone thought that Nightshade looked like a wonderful side dish.

Written in his native language. Only Isolde would be able to read it so far.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 07:38:33 am by Senshuken »
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2015, 01:16:00 pm »

16th Granite

The past few days I've been looking through our seed stocks, and trying to see which I might be able to grow. It's not unheard of, to plant seeds in snow. But the ones Miss Isolde have brought along aren't the sort to enjoy the time of year when the ground freezes and chilly winds blow.

I'm not so worried about our food, though I won't begrudge our leader if she is, as her dedication demands. The sun will come out soon and the weather will warm, I'm sure. For now I'll plant the alfalfa and millet when I can, and look for any plants around I can find. Living off the land comes natural to our kind.

24th Granite

Ah, a well-tended farm plot is a thing of beauty. Every row has its seeds, and soon all the ponies and griffons will see strong seedlings bursting up from the soil. Spring will be a thing to see!

8th Slate

I'll write a simple poem today,
because there isn't much to say.
The weather is kind to my humble stead.
And soon I'll have a place to lay my head.

I need to get out of the field, it seems. Maybe if I go see if anyone is in the new lodge, I'd find some inspiration. I'm sure it'd brighten the day of whoever I find, as I know it would mine. Miss Isolde seems to spend much of her time there, as well as the doctor. Perhaps if I'm especially blessed today, I'll run into Silver Rush. I never did get to ask him about his story.

Now, to find where I stashed my loveliest shawl.
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2015, 03:59:05 pm »

18th Granite, 222

Good news is, Mister Jack Pine and the others got some spaces set aside for ponies to work. Lots of tables, and places to stick away our tools. Nothing really for me to work with though. No metal, no stone. I could try carving some wooden stuff... it can't be that different from rock, but probably best to leave that to Miss Rosewood. She knows what she's doing with that.

Bad news though... Mistress Isolde wants me to design and build a sawmill. God, I don't even know where to begin. Fortunately, for me, we don't have any materials with which to build it yet, so hopefully by the time we do, I'll know what I need to do.

I have to try though. This is why I'm here right? Well the reason they let me be here at least. I just need to think. Jack Pine and Rosewood have probably seen those things up close before, maybe I should ask them how they are usually set up. That might help me figure out how to start.

[On the next several pages are many doodles, many crossed out or rejected. They all seem to be of sawmill workings. Some of the pages are stained with something that looks like droplets of soup as if a clumsy mare was eating while working.]

1st Slate, 222

Been working hard with Rosewood, getting us a log cabin put together. I can't help but feel that I'd be more able to help if we had that sawmill though, planks would be so much easier to work with. Those logs are so heavy, it takes multiple ponies to get them into place. Still... we've got something now. A warmer place to sleep at least. The draft is still there, but with that many ponies bodies in one room, it stays warm enough. Still I need more blankets though, can't wait for merchants to arrive, I'd spend my last gold bit for any scrap of warm cloth.

8th Slate, 222

The ground here is very sandy, and below that is a layer of clay. I think the sand is a type that's good for making glass, and I know that the clay could be used for pottery, but glassblowing and pottery are not arts I'm really familiar with, though I understand the basics. But I don't know what I could make the furnace out of. Both disciplines require a really hot, and contained fire, not like the one Miss Shortstack does her cooking over. I need something that won't burn to make the kiln. If only I had some stone. I don't think we have anything that will work... but I'll look over our stocks and see.

*As always her diary is written in a foreign language, likely only known by her, to those present.*



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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2015, 09:25:15 pm »

Silver Rush's Journal, 6th Slate, 222

Seems like a lot of our needs are staked on getting raw materials like stone and metal. That rests on my shoulders at the moment, but my labors just aren't yielding any fruit. I'm not particularly concerned yet, however. I know there must be some of the good stuff buried down deeper. I'll just have to work harder to reach it, but it's nothing I can't manage! Despite the setbacks, there's something of an element of excitement to all of this. It's like a roll of the dice each day, not knowing what you're going to find. Is there some feldspar lurking down there? Or maybe some smokey quartz?  Or, dare I even imagine, watermelon tourmaline? Sometimes it's hard to get to sleep thinking about it all.

On another note, I can't wait until the farm gets up and running full steam. I can deal with what we've had just fine, but it would be a special treat to have some newly-harvested fruit together with some freshly-baked bread. Oranges in particular. Yeah.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 09:33:48 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2015, 03:13:30 pm »

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 16th Granite, 222

We arrived at what was agreed upon to be called 'Shadytrails' yesterday, although I think 'Snowytrails' would fit better with how much snow and how awfully cold it is out here!

Lady Isolde have ordered trees to be cut right away, which I approve of greatly. Not only that it'll give us the much-needed firewood, it'll also leave nothing but snow and snow for anything that might be sneaking up on us!

It certainly will make my look-out work much easier. Although I doubt there's anything crazy enough to be wandering out here in the snow and not freeze to death.
But then again we're also out here, in the snow. Sometimes I wonder if we're crazy to have stopped here. .

Speaking  of crazy, I swear that our doctor's been eyeing me occasionally. But most noticeably at Shortstack,  and I'm not sure what to make of that.. He's got that hungry look you know? and not the kind of ones I think I like. I'm going to find somepony to sleep with.

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 18th Granite, 222

I've never seen a lumberjack work up-close before, and I must say that it's quite mesmerizing. Never seen a pony fall a tree so fast before! It's something else I tell you.
In other news, the snow's starting to melt! And I'm glad that hopefully things will not be as cold. Yesterday's been quiet and there wasn't much for anypony to do so I took the chance to talk and get to know some of our crew more, I guess we just didn't talk so much while we were travelling here. I think Patina would make a great sleeping partner, she wouldn't stick a knife in my throat that's for sure! And since she's been complaining about the cold, I think I'll teach her a thing or two that I learned about sharing body warmth.

Also, did I mention that I absolutely appreciate that we have a chef with us? Because I do. Things have been cold, boring, miserable and stressful already. Having a warm and well-prepared meal really makes a difference, you know?

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 19th Granite, 222

They've got a carpentry worktable up yesterday, and made us a couple of weapons rack to designate where our training area is! Lady Isolde is quite generous. I'd had hope that we would have a bed or two instead, sleeping on the ground's been getting really old lately. But It's good to know that she's not ignoring the military aspect of our crew.

Speaking of, the training field isn't much to look at, really. And there isn't anything that I can get a real training on, The militia commander, Kiume, at least can practice his sword swings. You know, when I first signed up I thought I'd be the militia commander, I probably would too if he isn't here. But I'm glad he's here anyway. He may look old, and scary, and is a zebra, but from the looks of it, he seems to know his way with the sword. And if something nasty shows up, I'd really like to have something or someone inbetween me and the nasty while I'm reloading my crossbow.

I think I'll talk to him about sparring, I don't think I'll be whacking my crossbow with his sword any time soon, though. That'd be stupid!

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 24th Granite, 222

Most of the snow melted today, it's great. Tunda's got a bunch of stuff planted and I can't wait until our food stockpile are brimmed with food! I swear I've been hungrier lately, not sure why. Maybe it's all this supplies we've been eating. . I kind of miss real food, you know?
At least the local herbs that our Doctor gather and Shortstack cooking those food made things a lot more bearable.

I probably should apologize too about implying that her food's not real food, because they are. And they're delicious.

I wonder if we can get wheat growing too, strawberry cakes sounds like a great thing to have. I want my cake to be strawberry cake on my birthday. And a new crossbow, the one that's frost-resistant.

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 1st Slate, 222

We've got the frame of our first structure outside of civilization finally! It really makes the fire a lot warmer. Sometimes I just want to pass my exercise and curl up into a ball and just sleep near the fire all day. . But that'd be lazy, and the others need their ever-vigilant ranger to keep her eyes out for danger.

Shooting Star's Field Diary, 8th Slate, 222

So I've finally got my questions about why we don't seems to have any rocks to work with yet answered. I talked with Silver Rush some while he was passing by today and he told me that the ground's too damp and is filled with clay or something, I'm not really an expert on dirt and rocks, but if he says there's no rocks then I suppose there's no rocks. A shame, really. I would've really liked to see Patina work with rocks, she said she works with rocks really good.

I want to make her work with rocks sometimes. .
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2015, 11:28:30 pm »

8th of Slate, 222

Having found her shawl, and a necklace and some bracelets to boot, Tunda strides over from her farm plot to the lodge. She hoofs open the door to the simple wooden-structure, and looks on everypony and griffon inside with a contented smile. She greets them all, and then sees a particular pony she’s pleased to perceive. The mare trots over and takes a seat nearby the nightwinged stallion. “Ah, Silver Rush, just the one I’d hoped to catch. How are things in the mine, my friend? Any stone in our stash? Gems to vend?”

The black-haired pony turns away from his reading, “Huh? Oh, Ms. Tunda! Hello there!” His initial happiness trails off a bit as his eyes list towards his left, “Oh yeah, the mine. I don’t even know if you could call it a mine yet. It’s more of a sizeable hole dug into wet dirt, if you ask me. I haven’t hit any bedrock yet. No veins. So far I’ve turned up empty-hoofed.”

"Oh don't fret, flying pony,” Tunda reassures the stallion. "It's been but a few weeks only."

He nods in response, “Of course. I’m not overly concerned. There’s always stone if you dig deep enough. Though I have to admit that the mine I worked at prior to my coming here was carved into the side of a mesa. Not quite the same as the set-up we’ve got in Shadytrails right now. Still, I’d like to think that I learned a thing or two of value during those three years.” Silver closes the book, “I take it that you’ve had some success with crafting farming plots? What all have you got planted?”

The shades-of-chocolate zebra nods back. “I’ve planted alfalfa, millet, and strawberries as well. In fact, I’d say my plot is looking swell,” Tunda says, letting her serene smile shift into an amused grin.

Silver almost giggles at the obvious pun, but manages to retain hold on his manners. “All of that sounds pretty good. Particularly those strawberries. I have a preference for the citrus variety of fruit myself, but I’m not picky. I’ll eat almost anything that grows in the ground, especially after a hard day straining my neck in that clay pit,” he looks off in the direction of the young mine-to-be, despite the walls blocking his view. “So how long have you been in the farming business, if you don’t mind my asking, Ms. Tunda?”

“Simply calling me Tunda is fine. You’ll find that I don’t mind.” She waves a hoof in a permissive gesture. “Now as for how long I’ve tended the land, well I find wherever I go, there’s a demand. My family started to teach me when I was only a filly, but to think I’d been doing it continuously would be silly. I’ve had many jobs and things to do, but find a town always welcomes farmers, especially when it’s new.”

“Very well then, Tunda,” he agrees with a chuckle, leaning over to support his head with a hoof as he becomes more engaged in the conversation, “I’d say your judgment is spot on: an army can’t march on an empty stomach, as the old saying goes. We’re definitely going to need a mature source of food when this rinky dinky settlement becomes a full-blown town. Do you foresee any difficulties with that, in your expert opinion?”

The mare with the braided mane doesn’t dispute his compliment. “Firstly, we’re still subject to winter cold. Another run of bad weather could lay low our sprouts before they get too old. And if we did run out of food in a place so isolated, any help would be...belated. But I wouldn’t worry about any of that,” she gives a reassuring smile. “After the harvest, there will be enough to keep us all nice and fat.”

“Right, it’s far too soon to worry about such things. I have confidence that the bunch of us will find a way to make all of this work out.” He taps a hoof on the floor, “So, when you’re not out there tending to vegetables, what do you like doing with your spare time? Got any hobbies?”

"Most of them involve another pony or zebra but me. I enjoy telling stories, poems, and news, even for free." Tunda shifts in her seat to be more comfortable. "Besides that, there's not very much. What do you do when you aren't mining and such?"

“Sounds like we’ll get along just fine then. I’m always an attentive listener,” Silver answers as he points to his fluff-tipped ears, “As for me? I’ve got a few things I occupy my spare time with. For one, I’m building a rock and mineral collection. I’m at twenty-one specimens thus far. Oh, I also like anything to do with mysteries, the paranormal, that sort of thing.” He taps on the book he had been reading prior, “I write down local legends, hauntings and other weirdness I hear about in here. The western half of my home town, Hackamore Basin, is said to be a ghost town in both senses of the phrase!”

The slate-colored pony squints and eyes the ceiling for a moment before another thing hits him, “Oh yeah! Funny you should mention poetry, since I also like to write songs and sing. Well, I guess that’s sort of like poetry.”

Tunda sits up further, managing to look even more interested in the bat-stallion. "It definitely is, in my account. What sort of things do you sing about?”

“Well, the newest one I’m working on is actually about our new establishment. I haven’t gotten too far with it yet, since nothing of much interest has happened. I am always looking for inspiration, though. Seeing how others would describe their lives here would definitely help developing the lyrics.”

“There isn’t much to say as of yet. As the town grows however, I can see how chaotic things might get. I’ll relish the time now while things are simple and clear, but I’ll look forward to new friends coming here,” Tunda answers after a few moments of thought.

The conversation is cut short by the ringing of the dinner bell, followed by a shout from Shortstack indicating that lunch had been completed.

“Well, speaking of relish…” Silver laughs. He stands up to face the origin of delicious aromas, but turns back to face his new, striped friend, “Why don’t we grab a bite? I’d like to hear more about your talent with the written word. Maybe we can toss some ideas around?”

Standing as well, Tunda smiles. “That sounds like a lovely way to spend a meal. Tell me about your haunted town as well, and we have a deal.”
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:59:50 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2015, 11:24:36 pm »

Spoiler: Pine Jack interview (click to show/hide)

Foreman’s Log:
Jack Pine
Assignment: Shadytrails

Date: 15th of Granite, 22

   Well, ask and ye shall receive, Isolde told us of a frozen barren alpine patch of nothing, lo and behold, here it is! Guess I should should still be happy. Who wouldn't be after fighting for a spot in the cart and off the ground for weeks on end.

Gotta love contracts. Can spend over a hundred pages telling you what you can an can’t do, yet can neglect to tell ya that you co-worker might be godsforsaken blood suckin’ bat creature with a manure eating grin. If he starts requesting we all start eating more citrus and sugar out of the blue while smacking his lips an fang tips I’m lodging a formal complaint.       

Date: 18th of Granite

   Scarfie was watching me work all day. Just, staring with leerish eyes all. Day. Long. I guess I’d normally find such a thing flattering, if not for the underslung crossbow sagging beneath her barrel. For such an indecipherable reason, such thing suddenly becomes unnerving. I wonder why that could possibly be ...

Helped Rosewood cut forty logs into planks. By hoof. A sawmill would be greatly appreciated. Nobody had the forethought to bring a pair of gears from home though I guess. No big problem, let everyone take their fine time an pace.”

Date: 19th of Granite

Shortstack makes some damn good pancakes.

Date: 21nd of Granite

Well, the month is coming to a close, but even with all the generous help from Rosewood,  it looks like I’m not going to hit the quotas needed for us to live in shelter some time this year. I’ve heard that in situation like this, colonies could slum it out in chipped out caves for at least a while. with the latest news from bats, that don’t sound like an option either.

I could cut even more trees down all day if I mark them in the night, at least for the next ten days I suppose ...  It’s the only way I’m seeing getting enough lumber for Rosewood’s ‘little shopping list’ here .... Honestly what does she have planned for ‘a gigantic wooden corkscrew’ anyway?

Maybe I don’t want to know ....
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 10:25:46 pm by DVNO »
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 12:24:02 am »

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:16:16 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2015, 12:20:08 am »

The update is here at last.  Some new migrants are here, and I'll get the first post list updated soon.

Isolde's Journal - 13th Slate, 222

We continue to be hampered by our lack of stone or similar durable materials.  Normally I wouldn't be overly concerned, since we do have plenty of wood to work with, but without some stone we can't build any furnaces of any kind.  In turn, that means no way to make any forges, kilns, glass workshops, or anything like them.

I was hoping to get some kinds of crafts produced by the time we had our first visit from headquarters, but this is going to put us behind schedule.  Maybe I'll be able to think of something by then.  If not, we do have the wood to work with.  And since we don't have a whole lot else to do right now, Rosewood is putting together some very lovely beds for us.  They'll be shoved into the shelter along with everything else for the moment, but it beats sleeping on the floor any day.

The good news though, is that Silver Rush did have an idea on how to get through the aquifer.  He's trying to open up a large area of the damp soil to the air, which still gets cold enough at night to freeze and hasn't warmed enough to thaw the river yet.  If it freezes enough then he can dig right through it.

I'm crossing my talons, but I just hope he's careful.  Gunther doesn't have anything to do right now, but that's not how I want to address that little issue.

17th Slate, 222

Well, there's a bit of news on Silver Rush's progress.  Things have warmed up a lot in the past two days, which means that the river has thawed.

That's great, because I took a little stroll down south to a few prospective fishing sites and saw that there is definitely some aquatic life swimming about.  I even marked a good spot to set up a fishery, which I think I'm going to do personally once I finish taking stock tonight.  I can already taste the smoked fish...

Maybe Gunther likes to fish too?  That would give him something to do other than admire the flowers and bushes...

Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  This is somewhat bad news too, because it means that Silver Rush's plan probably won't work.  If it's too warm then the water won't freeze and he'll be back at square one.  He did tell me over dinner that he's been able to get deeper than before without hitting any water though, so maybe he's found a good spot regardless.  Time will tell.

18th Slate, 222

Silver Rush ran into the water after all, which shouldn't be much of a surprise.  What was a surprise however, is that it's still getting cold enough at night to freeze standing water, so maybe there's hope yet.  He's working hard, and I really hope it pays off.

23rd Slate, 222

Not a whole lot of news to report on the stone situation.  Silver Rush is but a single pony and can't do but so much.  He's getting close though, he assures me.

Instead, I've been spending some time these last few days trying to plan out where we're going to put everything once we do get a sawmill set up.  We've got this big hill and lots of lowlands around it, so I'm thinking of trying to set the houses and living areas up lower down.  It might not be a great view, but at least if we have a lot of furnaces going in a year or two we won't be choking on smoke every day as it rises up.

While looking around I noticed there was no sight of Gunther anywhere, but Kiume and Shooting Star told me they saw him out near the river checking the herbs.  I didn't think too much of it, but later on Jack mentioned to me that he saw Gunther sitting up in one of the trees and just staring out over the water.  I hope he's not getting depressed, but I can understand that this might not have been quite what he signed up for.  Maybe I'll get to that fishery soon and we can spend some time fishing to take his mind off of it?

DF pathfinding strikes again.  Jack Pine to the rescue.  Uh oh, he fell out of the tree...

Then again, maybe he's just not feeling well.  He seemed to be getting around a bit slow after he came back to the shelter.  Depression can cause that too, so I'll just keep an eye on him for now.

25th Slate, 222

Gunther seems to be alright, so that's one less thing to worry about.  With that off of my mind and most of the clerical work taken care of for the moment, I sat down with Patina for a little while today and asked if she'd be willing to try working with some of the spare bits of wood to make some things we might be able to trade with the first caravan we receive.  She can't possibly produce all that much on her own, but if it's enough to salvage our image and maybe trade for some stone or metal then I'll be happy.

She seemed receptive to the idea, so with Rosewood's help she set up a little crafts station and went to work whittling some.  I don't mean to put her on the spot, but we've all got to do what we can for the time being.

Speaking of which, I hope I can actually get a chance to head down to the river soon.

10th Felsite, 222

It's been a while since I last wrote, but today was definitely a day worth writing about!

I was down by the river, spending some time fishing in the hopes of catching something other than the frogs and toads I've been seeing lately, when Silver Rush came soaring over with a grin on his face.

He had great news indeed!  Since the cold spell has been persisting, he's had enough time to chisel his way through the icy slush to hit stone!

I don't know if quartzite is special, since the name doesnt' really ring a bell, but either way a source of stone means we'll have that sawmill and some furnaces up soon.  I hope within a week or two!

I'm sure Patina will be glad to hear that, and everyone else will too once we've got some personal bedrooms constructed.

16th Felsite, 222

The news continues to get better!

Silver Rush reported in again today with what he's found in the mines so far.  Today he hit a vein of something called galena, which he went on to describe as being where lead comes from.  That's good, I guess, since lead has its uses, but he also told me that it oftentimes contains silver too.  Silver!  We can mine silver and I don't need to say what that could mean for our economic prospects!

Add on top of that the fact that Patina is now working on that sawmill, and I must say that things couldn't look much better!

1st Hematite, 222

Our little family just got a bit bigger today.  I wasn't expecting any new hands quite so soon, but I knew the Confederacy would be sending some sooner or later.  Jack was the first to spot them headed our way from up north and flagged me down further down the river.  I flew over to meet them, and quickly came to the realization that we lack a bridge over the river for visitors to cross... that will be Patina's next project I think.  For now, the newcomers will just have to get a bit wet.

Yeah... going to need a bridge over that for the poor ground bound equines.

Our new arrivals were:
A griffoness mason named Freija, who is married to,
A pegasus stallion carpenter named Dawn Star,
A pegasus mare carpenter named Sweet Birch, who is married to,
An earth pony stallion farmer named Green Acres, and who have a daughter,
A pegasus filly named Purity,
A unicorn mare soldier named Lucky Lands,
A griffon soldier named Fargo, and
An earth pony mare seamstress named Lattice Frame

And they're here just in time to help with the new harvest!  Tunda told me this afternoon that she thinks the fresh crops are ready to be picked, so we'll have some fresh alfalfa, strawberries and blueberries to go with the trout I've fished up for us.  Gunther and Tunda have also found some various other fresh fruits around, so our diet is looking nice and healthy.

Now, to figure out how to put all of these new claws and hooves to use.  Housing is definitely the top priority.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 04:17:46 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2015, 12:25:15 am »

The fresh summer air, the birds singing, animals frolicking, and new migrants to the trading post of Shadytrails. While the place doesn’t live up to its name, with it being not that shady and having no trails for miles, ponies still thought it wise to travel here. Perhaps the idea of a new start attracted them? Who knows. Regardless, the group has two oddities standing out among the group. Two hired blades had come along for the trip, and while the two weren’t on the best terms, they were still friendly enough to not cut their throats over leftovers. One a gryphon, the other a unicorn.

The griffon had mostly kept to himself during the trip. He’d occasionally make a jest here and there or a pleasantry, but for the most part he was busy with the job at hand. He was focused solely on scanning the area around the group as they marched on, hoping to spot any potential danger before it happened. He’d go for hours like this without saying a word unless someone chose to intervene in any way. He was very large even for a griffon and was muscular and looked to be an older fellow. His wingspan was equally large, perfectly proportionate to his size. Regardless though he always walked rather slouched over during the trip, which it made hard to really difficult to appreciate how tall he was.

The unicorn however mostly stayed at the back, silently resenting her armor bearer and personal servant had been killed in the past week. Along with some slight resentment for the composition of the party, but she never made much of a fuss, seeing that as bad form for hired help. There’d be time for that when they finally reached the destination. She trotted in the clothing she had set aside for off-duty wear, seeing as she had no armor at the time due to the aforementioned incident.

The griffon was far more fortunate. He’d been wearing his armor whenever possible. He wasn’t particularly well armed, but it was certainly better than the unicorn’s situation. His chest was clad in bronze chainmail and he had a copper hat and a wooden shield strapped to his back. The shield was particularly beat up and had chips and a cut on it’s rim. Regardless of the damage one could make out what looked to be an X sloppily painted it in black against a green background. Also strapped onto the griffon’s back was a large halberd made of iron. It had some rust on it, but it’s blade was still very sharp and in relatively good condition. 

The unicorn had been clad in rather bulky armor for the bulk of the trip until a few nights ago, however what had happened was in the past. Now she had a rather fancy -compared to the garbs of the others- set of underclothes to call her own instead of her normal attire. It wasn’t the best, though it certainly wasn’t the worst. It was dyed a light gray with her legs dyed a darker shade. Against her side rested a scabbard with a long sword sheathed inside. Said sword was rather new compared to the gryphon’s halberd, no sign of wear and tear at all.

The griffon kept marching on in front of the group, stoic as ever before straightening his posture and seeming very distracted by something. He’d come to a halt soon after his focus was taken away from their surroundings and brought to their front. He’d hold up his claw to signal them to stop before pulling out his halberd and shield and starting to slowly approach a large tree in front of them. He didn’t wait for the unicorn as he advanced.

“You’re being quite hasty. Smell a gryphoness in heat?” The unicorn snickers, following him, not caring for if he had seen something or not. Didn’t really matter to her. Any action would be good at the moment. Of course, she hadn’t unsheathed her sword, so anything that could show up would probably get a good few seconds to run or attack before she could retaliate.

The griffon tensed up a little when he heard the unicorn’s comment and grumbled a little. By now he was already peeking behind the tree with his shield raised, only to see nothing of interest. It must of been a squirrel or something that made made the noise that grabbed his attention to the tree. Once he felt it was safe he finally was comfortable enough to respond to the mare. “There is nothing behind the tree my friend... and you know a mare like yourself would do good to keep their mind out of the gutter.” He was actually rather angered by her comment, but he tried his best not to let it show.

The mare chuckled. “Yes, yes. Provided you keep yourself from going insane before we reach the destination, I’ll keep those comments to myself.” She turned around. “Now, let’s keep going. I’d rather have a more dignified place to sleep by the week’s end.” She began to trot back to the group.

He looked at her as she walked away and put his shield and weapon back onto his back. “You call it insanity, but if you were as insane as I right now maybe you’d still have some armor between you and an arrow.” He knew whatever attacked them before may still be out there, following them, looking for another chance to ambush them. It was their... or at least his job to keep these people safe, but this mare didn’t seem to be taking this seriously at all. “I hope you know just how bad of a situation we are in.” His tone wasn’t that of anger and was rather calm. He was trying to inform her as opposed to scold.

The mare had turned around by now, trotting back to the gryphon. “I understand just what we’re to be doing, my dear companion, however my main duty is to protect citizens of Shadytrails. Until we reach the place, these ponies are simply aligned to whatever town they left to come here.” She explained, returning the calm voice. “Regardless, I realize you may have problems with my justification. So be it. Now. Let’s get going, yes?”

The Griffon stared at her blankly for a few seconds, before making a small sigh and turning around. “Very well. Let us move on.” He said before starting to move forward again. He was very annoyed by this mare. Here she was being critical of others when she’d lost her own gear and made a fool of herself. She refuses to take responsibility for the protection of her party when she’s willing to sleep and eat with them, and to make things worse she wont stop trying to start darma with him for her own amusement. She was like a spoiled child, but made all the worse because someone gave her a weapon. “Also please, do not call me companion or comrade or anything along those lines, those are mutual things...” This time he sounded a bit annoyed, but still trying his best not to sound angry.

She begins to follow him, snickering. “It’s quite fun pushing your buttons. Do gryphons back home do this to ya a lot?” While she did know when to stop -preferably before getting beheaded by a giant halberd-, she did enjoy seeing the gryphon angry. Probably a bit more sadistic than she normally was, but it was just a gryphon after all. Stubborn and unable to enjoy the simple things, always looking for some ultimate purpose in their acts. That or this gryphon was simply unable to take teasing for what it was. She never meant the previous statement wholeheartedly. Suuure, she didn’t really like most of the ponies in the group, and legally, she wasn’t obligated to help them should they get in trouble, buuuut… Being chewed out isn’t what she calls a fun day of leisure.

The griffon always tried his best not to show her any real signs of distress or anger though he couldn’t help but seem slightly annoyed despite his best efforts. He could tell this one fed off of it, and it only made him hate his time with her even more. People like her always had to make things worse than they had to be, and be problematic whenever possible. “Either you're wrong on purpose, state the obvious, or ask stupid questions. You should try harder not to make a fool out of yourself.” If anything he wasn’t being angry at her, he simply was annoyed. Her existence during the this trip only made things more tiresome than they needed to be for the griffon.

The mare chooses to stay quiet, being done with her game, continuing towards the waiting group, motioning for them to continue moving towards the destination. “Come on Gryphon. Let’s go before we kill each other.”

He nodded slowly and waited for the group to start moving. “My name is Fargo...” He’s told her his name before, but he had a feeling a gryphon was all he was to her “and I’d never sink so low as to kill someone I have to protect.” He had to. She’d lost her gear and was part of the party regardless of how much he loathed dealing with her.

“Yes, yes. I suppose if we’re introducing ourselves again, Lucky Lands. Though I’m sure you need a refresher anyway.” She chuckles. “That was a joke.”

“Yes and it was very hilarious.” He didn’t chuckle at all, and just glared at her for a moment before looking back at the group.

“Good. Glad you have some ability to understand jokes.” She smirks, rejoining the group.

Fargo kept where he was in front of the group and just watched her trot away, fighting the urge to give a remark with all his will. He knew this was a situation where it was best just to let things go, and saying something in response would only serve to make his time here more stressful. He hoped if he kept quiet maybe Lucky Lands would have the grace of keeping herself silent.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 10:52:59 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2015, 09:26:57 pm »

Silver Rush's Journal - 5th Slate, 222

I'm a little concerned about my interactions with Mr. Pine. He seems to actively avoid me on most occasions and rarely makes eye contact when we do manage to exchange a few words. He's not actually causing problems for me, he's just being cold. Have I done something to offend him? I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that could be the cause. At least things seem to be going more smoothly between the others and myself. Tunda and Rosewood in particular have become good friends of mine. Ms. Dreams was a bit on the shy side at first, but I think she's warmed up to me pretty well too.

13th Slate, 222

Today I'm going to pitch an idea I had to Ms. Hookbill about how to get through the aquifer I've run into. I think if I open it up some more, it'll freeze over. Digging through ice can't be much different than digging through stone, right? I'm still concerned about possible temperature swings: if it warms up on the day after I've carved through the ice, it'll melt and refill the hole. I'm amazed at just how cold water can feel in this weather. If I'm not careful, I may get sick...

20th Slate, 222

My idea hasn't worked out so well. Not yet at least. I think I'll hold off on entries until I actually have something good to write about. Repeated reminders of negativity are bad for the soul.

10th Felsite, 222

Finally! Finally all my hard work has paid off! I’ve struck a layer of quartzite! Now Ms. Dreams and the others will have plenty of stone to work with. That’s excellent news for Shadytrails and for me a much-needed picker-upper! I didn’t have a sample of quartzite in my collection yet, so this’ll be a nice addition. The sample I picked is a pinkish-gray with a lighter hue mottled across its surface. Quite the looker.

That’s not what has me the most excited though. Oh no. The quartzite pales compared to what else I found: a cluster of tourmaline! It’s a deep indigo color and I know it’ll be much more impressive once it gets cut and polished. It may not be the watermelon variety I have sought after, but it’s pretty close! I still so stoked! It's going to be hard to sleep tonight.

16th Felsite, 222

Things are looking ever better: we're sitting on top of an incipient lead mine! It's Hackamore all over again! I found a sizeable cache of galena today, a mineral quite familiar to me. I know that even the trace silver contained in it will be more valuable than the lead itself, so that's going to be a definite boost for our economic prospects.

2nd Hematite, 222

Turns out we got to see some new faces yesterday. A handful of migrants have made themselves a home here in Shadytrails and I plan on getting to know them. Here's to hoping for the best!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 09:31:07 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2015, 12:22:07 am »

With the news from Jack that some people had been spotted headed their way from up north, Isolde takes to the skies and glides over the tops of the trees to get a look for herself.  Spying the group nearing their clearing in the woods, she flies their way and touches down just short of them.  With a wave, she smiles and says, “Hello everyone, would you all happen to be looking for Shadytrails?”

In front of the group there was a large griffon wearing bronze mail and copper helm whom was armed with a halberd and wooden shield. He looked the peach colored gryphoness over before putting his halberd on his back and approaching her. “Yes, yes we are.” He hoped to the gods his unicorn “associate” would have the decency to stay silent while he spoke with Isolde.

The unicorn of course, did have the decency, however she elected to stand next to the much more imposing gryphon. She simply stared at the gryphon, awaiting any notion of needing her to speak.

“In that case, let me welcome you to our little settlement,” Isolde says in a slightly joking tone, waving her claws around to the trees surrounding them.  “It’s not much to look at yet, I’m afraid, but we do have warm food and somewhere to sleep indoors at night.”

The griffon about had a heart attack the moment the unicorn stepped forward to stand with him. He had a feeling she’d say something foolish, but when she kept silent he relaxed a little. He’d then look around at their surroundings the moment Isolde gestured. “Yes... I see.” He was under the impression this place was more established and was more of a real outpost than a small shelter in the woods. “I take it you aren’t quite done building up, eh?”

“Not by a long shot,” she replies, turning part way back toward the settlement.  “If you’ll excuse the joking earlier, everything is back this way.  We do have a lot left to do, and housing is at the top of our list right now.  I’m really hoping some of you know a thing or two about carpentry.”

A few murmurs come from the others, affirming that someone present at least knew how to stick boards together.

The griffon seemed a little concerned about their situation. “Are you guys well protected? Do you have a wall or enough armed people to hold back any sort of problem?” The group had ran into some trouble earlier, and he was afraid this outpost would be a sitting duck if anything bad happened.

“We have a couple of trained guards that can run off any wildlife or the odd wandering thief, but that’s it.  We haven’t had time or resources to devote to any prepared defenses yet, although there’s not a lot out here to attract trouble anyway.”  Isolde starts leading them deeper into the woods and toward the clearing ahead.

The mare follows the two closely, keeping closer to the gryphoness leading them, despite the complete lack of any protective gear, maintaining her silence.

The griffon didn’t know what to do. Here he was expecting to drop this group off in town and look for someone else needing some sort of escort or protection while traveling, only to find there really was no town and by extension anyone looking for protection, and the place he’s going to be staying at is ill defended and in the middle of nowhere. “I really didn’t come here expecting to be migrant. I was paid to escort this group and nothing more... and I must ask how many guards do you mean by A few?” His voice sounded of sincere concern.

“How many guards?  Um, literally a couple.  Two.  A zebra named Kiume, who’s good with swords, and a pegasus mare named Shooting Star who’s good with a crossbow.”  Isolde chuckles nervously.  “I know it’s not exactly ideal, but bringing the two of them with us was taking up a fifth of our space as it was.”

“Please understand I am by no means trying to be critical. I’m just worried you’re little um... outpost might not be prepared for a real danger. You see, me and my er-” He looked at the unicorn for a moment, trying to think up a decent word to describe her. “Um, ‘associate’ here ran into some trouble on our way here. I can tell you that there are some things in the woods that two armed guards aren’t quite prepared for.”

The unicorn speaks up finally. “Yes, we lost one on the way here. Sad. My armor bearer was killed, along with the expected armor stolen. Sad, yes, but considering we were a group of ponies wandering the cold, harsh, unforgiving winter…” She chuckles. “Inevitable. Not as sad as I would be though.”

“I’d like to let you know I have no prior experience with Lucky Lands here, and I had no knowledge of her ways before agreeing to escort this group.” She spoke damnit. She said something. Immediately after she finished speaking the griffon was visually distressed. Now the old bird has to try and distance himself as far away from her as possible before she spoke again, else she could make him look bad through association. “And I find it to be a disgrace that a member of our party fell under our protection. Regardless though, we were under same impression as you until we were ambushed by what I assume where bandits.”

Isolde freezes in her tracks and wheels to face them.  “Someone died on the way out here because of bandits?  What?  What happened?”

“My armor bearer was out frolicking -or whatever their kind do to pass the time- and got ambushed by some bandits. Me and my companion were able to reach them before they found the group-” Lucky begins, her tone less caring than intended.

Fargo cut her off by speaking a little louder than her and putting his hand up to signal her to stop. “I heard a noise of someone yelling and when we went to investigate we saw the poor pony on the ground. Later on we learned he had a arrow buried in his chest but at the time we didn't’ know and he wasn’t dead yet. We knew something was wrong though as the armor bearer was curled up on the ground and the armor missing. Whatever it was must of been spooked when they saw the armored guards and chose to run, but they had the decency to shoot a few arrows at us before falling back. We tried to follow but they were lost in the overgrowth and were faster than us. Once we figured we’d ran them off we went to check back up on Lucky’s um... servant...” He felt uncomfortable referring to him in such a way, he did have a name after all. “Tragically he’d been curled up holding onto the arrow buried in his chest. It must of been a good shot as he bled out quickly and was dead by the time we returned after running the enemies off.”

Isolde holds a claw up to her chest.  “That’s terrible!  Is anyone else hurt?  We have a doctor here.”

“No but it is still a tragedy. Regardless though we were quick to run away. We had set up camp for the night so we had to leave a lot behind, but I made sure we left quickly before they had time to come back. We took every precaution to ensure another of the group members wasn’t ambushed.”

With a more somber tone, Isolde says, “That’s good.  I hate to hear that happened… but there’s enough of us and protection here that I think we’re safe.  Especially if you’re sure enough that the bandits didn’t try to follow you?”

“We didn’t see any sign of them after the incident and I’m certain they didn’t follow, but I cannot make any promise.”

“We’ll have to hope that they didn’t,” Isolde murmurs.  “But… we can worry about that later.  For the moment, we should get you all oriented and get you something to eat and drink.”  She resumes on the trail through the trees, and the sound of running water begins to become evident.

“Yes that would be for the best.” The griffon was really more interested in taking a nap than eating. He hadn’t been sleeping much since the incident with the bandits. “Also, I do not mean to disrespectful, but I honestly believe from what I’ve heard and seen your town could use some extra protection while it gets on it’s feet. Perhaps I could assist for the time being, eh?” He was genuinely concerned about how this town would hold up, and the cat-bird wasn’t one to let a business opportunity go to waste. He was probably going to be stuck her for a while anyways so he might as well try to make the best of it.

Isolde looks back as she keeps walking.  “I won’t turn down an offer for help, of that you can be sure.  There is a bit of a catch though.  See, we’re operating on a bit of a budget deficit here.  That is, we have no budget.  No money with us, really, except whatever personal bits we brought.  I definitely could hire you, but you’d have to wait a long time before we could possibly pay you.  It might take a year or more to get it all back paid.”

“The date on which I am paid is of no matter so long as I know I will indeed get paid. The thing I’m really looking for is food and a place to sleep at night.” He looked at over at her and grinned a little “And of course it’s always nice to know I’ve done some good, eh?”

“I believe a courier was up here some time ago, no? My first five years are covered by Coupledye. I suppose you’re still dependent on them?” She chuckles. “Regardless, should those five years run out before you have any assets to pay the Raven’s Claw for my next five years of service, there may be a distinct lack in help.” The unicorn says. “If you do not have the document, I prepared for this and have an extra stored away. Handling papers and all is necessary, after all.”

“Coupledye?  The pony kingdom’s capital?”  Isolde tilts her head a bit.  “We do a lot of trading with them, definitely, but we’re, uh… let’s say independent.  Of course, we wouldn’t mind the help, and do have contracts with them if yours would cover that.”  She turns her attention back to Fargo.  “Well, shelter and food we definitely have if that’ll tide you over.  I’m happy to have another armed guard around in case something goes wrong, and we can go talk with Kiume about it after everyone gets settled in if you want.”

Fargo nodded at that “Very well, but um...” He tried to think of a way to put it. “I feel like before we make any agreement I should let you know that I am not a mercenary, or a soldier. I am a guard, and my profession to protect and keep the peace.” He wanted to make sure his potential employer knew that he wasn’t a common sellsword. “And I’d also like to reserve the right to leave your employment at any time.” he wasn’t grinning anymore, and he had a very serious look on his face, and the tone in his voice was equally serious in nature.

After the Fargo had finished speaking, Lucky spoke up once more. “Yes, and while I won’t fault you for being… Slow in the uptake of settling here, my main purpose of being sent here was to observe the military undertakings here. I presume that will be of no problem?”

“Heh, you spend less than five minutes talking to her you already demand housing and claim to be a spy. Perhaps that wasn’t a good idea, eh?” Fargo sounded as if he was talking to a foal. His time with Lucky had made him critical and short with her, and try as he may he couldn’t fight the urge to correct her.

Lucky chuckled. “A gryphon would accuse only a pony of spying without prior knowledge of intent.” She turned to face Fargo specifically. “I have simply been sent to observe. If anything illegal or anything that’s even suspected to be illegal occurs, I have no special protections.” She turns back to face Isolde. “I apologize. May we continue?”

“Observe?” Isolde asks, getting a bit mixed up in whatever they were talking about.  “You mean Coupledye sent you to see how we were protecting ourselves?”

“Essentially. However, I am also legally required to protect and serve where possible. Before you question what’s in the contract, the observation was added postscript. There is not official documentation. I assume there’ll be a revision soon.” Lucky responds, sounding much more official compared to seconds earlier.

Fargo just sighed and looked away when Lucky responded to him. He swore every time she called him “griffon” to her it was the equivalent of an insult. He simply hoped the peach colored Griffon in front of them felt as much spite in the statement as he did. Of course he was probably perceiving more spite than there actually was, but after dealing with the mare for weeks he knew damned well she didn’t exactly think highly of his race. He wanted to give a witty remark back at her, or correct her, but he knew bickering would only make things worse because it always did.

Isolde nods slowly.  “Yeah… okay.  Um, we can discuss the details of that a bit later if you want.”  It sounded too complicated to sort out in the middle of the walk back anyway.  She again turns her attention to the other griffon.  “To get back to what you were saying, if you’re not a mercenary then I’ll have to figure out exactly what kind of contract you’d be working under.  Arranging one that allows you to just up and drop it whenever you want is going to be hard to swing, but I don’t think you’d have to commit to anything more than a month or two at a time if that’s okay with you?”  She shakes her head slowly.  “Speaking of which… I don’t think we’ve exchanged names yet.  I’m Isolde Hookbill, functioning representative of The Confederacy.”

“Lucky Lands, ex-military advisor, now swordspony, of the second Regiment. Raven’s Claw mercenary company.” She says, nearly stumbling over her words. The ‘ex’ part is probably an on the spot thing.

“I am Fargo.” He stopped for a moment before realizing he probably should give some description of his credentials, “I have eight years of military experience and I have been working as a guard and or escort for thirt-” He stops for a second, as if he caught himself. “uh, eight years as well and I even come with my own armor, eh?” It was low quality armor, but at least it was something. “And it a pleasure to meet you.”

“A pleasure to meet you both too,” Isolde assures them.  “Experience will definitely be a good thing.  Kiume and Shooting Star have a few years apiece themselves, but I’m sure they’d be happy to have help that knows what they’re doing.  Equipment is good too, since we don’t have access to much yet.  It’s all on the todo list, but until we get a strong trade route established either with headquarters or a nearby settlement we’ll have to deal with what we can find or dig up out here.  So far that’s not much of economic value.”

“I’m sure if you dig deep enough you’ll find something you can use. Still though, I trust you have some place for me and the group to rest?” As hard as Fargo had been trying to seem strong as ever he couldn’t hide the fact he was honestly running on empty, and looked tired as could be, even compared to the other’s in the group. “I haven’t exactly been allowed much sleep since the incident.”

“Of course, right this way,” Isolde says, pausing at the river.  “I’m afraid we don’t have a bridge yet, so some of you migh get a bit damp…”  She treads through the shallow water to show that it wasn’t too deep or fast.  “I’ll go speak to our cook, Shortstack, and see if she can rustle something up for you all.  In the meantime, if you head to that building right there…” she says, pointing to the only substantial structure in sight, “...there’s enough beds, tables and chairs for you to all get off your feet and get some rest.”

As much as Fargo wanted to head off to the building and finally get some sleep, he made sure to wait for the group to cross the river successfully before he even considered flying across. He still had to protect them, as they weren’t in the fort just yet.

With everyone across, Isolde points again to the building and says, “Okay, go ahead and make yourselves at home.  I’ll be back in a minute to finish discussing things and get everyone oriented.”  She turns and starts toward the stockpiles, surrounded by little worksop areas, in search of their cook and current guards.  There was going to be a long discussion coming up.  Best to get those relevant ready, and some food so they wouldn’t all be too hungry to think.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 10:53:19 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2015, 11:35:30 pm »

Taking a deep breath in order to calm his beating heart, Gunther used his free hand to try and smooth a few of his feathers down and at least try to look presentable. Breathing out again, he politely knocked on the section of wall that he personally considered to be apart of Isolde’s currently quarters in order to try and catch her attention. “Pardon me Ms Isolde, but is this a good time?”

The griffoness looked up from the notes she was paging through.  “Hmm?  Oh, sure, of course.  What’s on your mind?”

Gunther found himself stuck on the spot as she turned her attention towards him. Her eyes were absolutely captivating… if she wanted to, he bet she could have spotted him from the heavens and swooped down to tear out his heart in mere seconds and he wouldn’t have seen her coming. Blinking his eyes and catching himself, he cleared his throat as he responded “S..Sorry. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you properly for inviting me along for this trip and for finding me something to do until one of the ponies breaks their leg.”

Bringing the hand that he had hidden behind his back out into the open, Gunther’s feathers seemed to gain a slightly reddish color as he presented her with a rose he had found a few days before.

Isolde’s eyes widened a bit as she reached out to take the flower.  “Oh… thank you, Gunther.  This is a lovely rose.”  She pulled it close to examine the petals for a moment before looking back to him.  “And you’re welcome.  I’m glad to have you along.  I’m hoping that we won’t have any need of your medical expertise anytime soon, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, and something’s going to come up eventually.”

She sat up a bit straighter.  “I do wish we had something more interesting for you to do in the meantime though.  I know that helping me to take stock of our supplies and looking for herbs can’t be the most interesting things in the world for you.”

“Oh, it’s not a bother at all. Working with you is an absolute pleasure.” Gunther was quick to answer before his brain caught up with what his mouth was saying. Deciding that stopping would only draw more attention to what he said, the doctor continued with “And to be honest a part of me is rather thankful that we haven’t had anything go seriously wrong so far. It allows us to hold off on the conversation on what’s going to happen to the body when someone dies. Always an awkward conversation…”

That brought a bit of pause, but Isolde figured that he was just joking.  “Heh, yeah, that’s something I hope none of us have to worry about for a good, long time.”  She set the rose next to her and said, “Maybe it won’t be too long before you’ve got somewhere to actually work though.  I’ve been thinking that while we haven’t needed a doctor’s office yet, it probably would make sense to make that a bit of a priority.  I’ve been thinking that if we build it a bit bigger so that your living arrangements are built into it, we could save some time and materials.  That is, unless you object to the idea.  I can definitely see how someone might want to distance themselves from work when they’re not working, if you understand.”

Gunther seemed to perk up a little as the conversation took a much needed turn for the better. “Oh! That would be perfectly acceptable for me. Besides, its generally better if I remain near the hospital and recovering patients. Allows me to respond to situations that may or may not arise faster.” There were also other reasons he didn’t mind in the slightest, but he wasn’t about to voice them anytime soon.

“What about yourself? Have you taken the time to consider where you are planning to set up your own little roost once we have the laborers and resources?”

“Ah, I’m glad you agree.  Yes, that was definitely one of the perks I was considering.”  She pondered his next question and tapped a talon to her beak.  “I haven’t completely settled on any kind of urban planning yet, but so far the best I’ve decided is that we’ll probably want to put the houses down the hill.  That way any furnaces we have won’t be spewing out smoke that then rises upward to the residences.”

She chuckled and shrugged.  “I know, griffons prefer living high up, so I was thinking about seeing if maybe we could integrate the houses into the tree canopy somehow.  I’ll have to talk to Jack about it and see if what trees around here are strong enough for that.  It’s a shame we’re not near any cliff sides to just hollow out.”

“True, but if we hollowed out a cliffside I’d bet you the first silver coin we printed that one of the ponies would find someway to fall off and most likely die.” Gunther countered with a playful grin. “I have to admit I hadn’t considered the smoke from the furnaces. I’m glad we have your foresight to help guide us Ms Isolde. I’ll make sure that when it becomes time to figure out who gets to live in what tower, yours should be the tallest. Besides, by that point I’m sure you’ld love the chance to have such a wonderful place to bask in the sun.”

Gunther’s heart started to thump a little as the mental image entered his mind, but he quickly put it down with the promise to bring it up again later.

It was hard not to see how he felt about her, but she decided to let him stew in it a bit for now.  With a little chuckle, she said, “Well, thank you, but as much as I’d like a nice, high place to roost I’ll have to consider a few things before settling on just where to, well, settle.  I’ll probably have to meet with some people who can’t fly, after all, so at the very least any office I end up with would need to be on the ground.  The two might not have to be the same structure, of course, but for now I’m trying to make as much use of our resources as we can.”

Gunther believed that he was keeping his feelings very much underwraps. Then again, perception was a tricky thing to do to oneself. At the suggestion of the ground floor office and the wise use of resources, the doctor offered “Well then, why not build a tower? Ground floor for the office, second floor for your bedroom and maybe have a garden on the roof so you have somewhere nice, sunny and peaceful to retreat to when you get tired of it all?”   

She smiled gently and nodded.  “It’s an attractive idea, certainly.  Maybe I’ll see about asking Rosewood how much trouble it would be.  The first step is figuring out of the trees are stable enough I suppose.  That would be a lot more complicated if not.”

Nodding his head a little in understanding, Gunther sighed a little as he said “Fair enough. If you’ll forgive me I should get back to work with the plants. I don’t want to have to send a letter explaining to someones family that their idiot of a relative decided to nibble some strange plant and drop dead because I didn’t put a little warning sign in front of it.” There was good humor in his voice… as well as the tone of the long suffering.

Isolde chuckled lightly again and nodded.  “No, that wouldn’t be good.  Alright, I’ll let you get back to work.  Take care.”

“You to Ms Isolde. See you around.” Gunther answered lightly as he turned to go about his own business. His heart seemed to calm down a little as a big stupid grin seemed to appear on his beck. That wasn’t so hard and she wasn’t unhappy with his presence. Good start!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2015, 06:31:58 am »

(this is sort of a continuation of the last scene I had with telgin. Takes place the same day)

Fargo had been sitting inside of the main building for a little while, waiting as Isolde processed the migrants and took care of things. He waited patiently for his turn, hoping his turn would come up soon so he could go take a nap. He had a hard time fighting back the urge to nod off, as he no longer was standing and didn’t need to be on guard, but he was able to fight through it and keep himself alert.

Isolde decided to wait to handle Fargo and Lucky last since she expected that their cases would be the most complicated, but at last it’s the griffon’s turn.  Isolde finishes writing something down about Sweet Birch and waves to get Fargo’s attention.  “Alright Fargo, if you’ll take a seat over there we can get you sorted out.”  She points to the chair across from her.

Fargo stood turned his head to Isolde as soon as he heard his name called out and smiled at her before getting up. He left his halberd and shield where he was sitting as there would be no need for them and walked over to take the seat she pointed too. “I take it is my turn now?” He seemed rather pleased to finally be able to take care of this.

“Mmhmm.”  She looks up from the paper she’d been paying attention to and says, “Okay, so, you say you’re interested in working for us as a guard, right?”

“Oh yes. I’d be very much interested in helping protect this place” he was still smiling, “And I’m sure you could use the help.”

She nods.  “We’re hoping it won’t be necessary, but I’m not too idealistic to know that it probably will be one day.  Okay, so, with that said, The Confederacy does employ guards in different capacities.  Sometimes we do hire mercenaries, but they usually want too much money and are oftentimes a bit, let’s say, unreliable.  You’re not a professional mercenary you said, right?”

“Yes I am no mercenary. I’ve been working as either a caravan guard or an escort for travelers. You know you can never be too safe when on the road?”

“Absolutely.”  She nods thoughtfully.  “Well then, I think that might actually be the best way to hire you.  I can work up something similar to a caravaner’s contract for you.  They’re usually paid based on getting to where they’re going, but I can rework it so that it’s on a basis of pay over time.  I’m pretty sure there’s precedent for that.”

“I’m very much alright with that, though I would personally want a copy of the contract.” He went silent for a moment before speaking again. “And um, it’s nothing against you, it’s just a formality. I hope you understand.”

“Certainly, no problem.  I’m happy to have someone who actually cares to read them.”  She notes something down.  “As for the terms, well, I take it you’re familiar with caravan guard terms if you’ve done that before.  It’ll be about the same thing, just treating everyone present in Shadytrails as someone under your protection.  Officially that would only cover Confederacy employees, but… I’d highly encourage you to treat any visitors with the same level of care, if you understand?”

“Trust me, as far as I’m concerned that contract is just there to ensure I get paid. As far as I am concerned my job is protect the fort and the people in it.” His smile died down for a moment and he looked her dead in the eye. “And please, do let whoever is in charge of the guard know that I refuse to kill a person who is surrendered or running away. My job is protect, not to kill. I do not wish to harm something that no longer a threat.”

She nods eagerly.  “I’m glad to hear that.  We don’t have any soldiers out here and we’re not waging a war.  Keeping the peace is what matters, not putting people in graves.  Fortunately we haven’t had to test that in practice yet, but both Kiume and Shooting Star seem to have pretty level heads.  I think you’ll find working with them to be easy enough.”

“Yes, but I have seen how some guards act when a thief who has failed to steal anything runs or surrenders. Some people pick up a sword because they want blood.” He kept silent again “And I have yet to meet yours, though I do trust they are not this way.” Now that he’d gotten that out of they way his smile returned. “Anyways, do you require anything else of me?”

“Once we’ve got the big picture settled, no.  The last detail was that of payment.  Like I said earlier you won’t be getting paid for a few months at the very least.  You were okay with that?”

“As long as I get money sooner or later there is no problem...” He looked over at lucky from across the room. “And uh, before we end this though I feel like I need to discuss something briefly.”

She raises a claw.  “Of course.  What is it?”

“Lucky Lands, yeah. um.” He looked down for a moment and tried to figure out how to word this. “I hate to do this sort of thing, but um, If I were you I would not hire her services.” He was quiet as he spoke so not to let her hear, even though she was nowhere near listening distance. “She will only cause you problems.”

Isolde flicks her eyes toward the unicorn briefly.  “I… see.  I’ll keep that in mind, but if there’s anything you want to tell me specifically, that could be done later in private if you wish.”

“There is little I have to share, that would be more helpful after you speak with her.” He leaned in a little. “She doesn’t think fondly of our kind.” He looked rather angry for a moment. “Did you not hear her when we down by the river? I’ve had to deal this for weeks.” He said before backing away again. “She’s a mercenary too.”

The griffoness nods slowly.  “Mmm, right.  I’ll keep that in mind.”  She notes something down and says, “In any case, I won’t have the paperwork for you finalized for a while yet, so if you want to go get some sleep, feel free.”

“Very well, and thank you for your time.” He stood up and held out his talon wishing for a handshake.

She happily returns it.  “Gladly, and thank you for expressing interest in working with us and for what you’ve done so far.”

He shook her claw. “And thank you for the opportunity.” He let go of her claw before looking over at one of the beds. “Now you excuse me I’m going to go pass out.” He said before starting to walk directly for the nearest bed.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2015, 06:34:57 pm »

If no one minds, could I request Safi the Zebra, but changed to Dawn Star the Pegasus? As for jobs, I'd prefer something delicate trade based, like Jeweler, Glassmaker, Potter or whatever you think would benefit the fort best. Broker might work, too, if you need one. Freija I plan to use as a 'primary NPC', mainly the one I talk to when not interacting with PCs, unless someone else takes her, then whatev. Would it be possible to get a look at his in game profile screen, and maybe Freija's too, if it's not too much trouble? (also, I considered putting this entry into a Spoiler tag, as it is a little long, but I couldn't figure out how. Sowwy)

Secret Journal of Safi DAWN STAR, penned in the thieves cant of the Navarre Desert Raiders. It is quite unlikely anyone this far north would know the script other then Freija.

14th Felsite
I... cannot BELIVE what just happened. About that merchant we've been tailing for a week now, we made the move tonight. I slipped over the wall, but stayed under the gaze of the guards patrolling said wall, and managed to sneak into that window Freija had noticed the other day. Turns out it wasn't locked, guess I owe her cookie for that bet. I brought my pinhole lamp with me, which was giving me just enough light to see but not lighting up the walls or floor to give away my postion. The target was just in front of me; an intricately wrought spoon, made of silver and bone and even menacing looking spikes of gold. I can't even fathom how you're suppose to eat with it, but I know that weird artifacts like this get get snatched up pretty quickly. Some of the collectors we know are willing to pay handsomely for unique items like this.

Still, all this was for naught, because of course like an IDIOT I managed to trip over some toy or something that had been resting next to the display case. Went headfirst into the glass doors, just as I was slipping my lockpicks from my cloak. Made a HUGE ruckus, the whole thing came crashing down on top of me. I heard the guards yell in alarm and a squawk of surprise from Freija just outside the window. She had been waiting for me to pass the spoon, and anything else I could get my hooves on, out the window to her, but was suddenly in after me, pushing the huge shelf aside so I could get up. I don't even know how she got through the window, I had to wiggle to get in myself.

Still, at that point, we had no choice but to bug out, the job completely blown. We couldn't even get back to our room at the inn, we had to skip town because the merchant's guards had called in the city watch, and they were combing the area for the pair of thieves that tried to break in.

I feel so STUPID right now.

...And I think I left my lockpicks at the scene. Great. Just great.

15th Felsite
We've spotted a small caravan leaving town. Freija thinks if we're quick and quiet, we can do a hit and run and be off with some of their equipment. That should give us enough to get by for a few weeks, provided we can find a couple other small groups like this, and maybe even give something to pawn off at the next town. It's a good plan, wouldn't be our first time living off the land.

16th Felsite
Ok, new plan. We've been tailing that small wagon group for a day or so now, and I think they're a little too well armed for a simple shakedown. They've got some unicorn gal with her squire, or whatever, and some big grif with a huge halberd that he looks like he knows how to use. Freija thinks she can take him, but I've got a better idea. We're already missing most of our stuff we'd normally travel with, all we gotta do is look beaten up and helpless and pretend bandits hit us up, and they'll take us in. From there, we can wait until they let their guard down, then rob them blind and hitch our way south.


17th Felsite
The rubes fell for it, of course. I'm going by Dawn Star now, as I figured Safi might be up on wanted posters by now. They didn't catch sight of Freija like they did me, so she gave them that name, for now. Its not like either names are our real ones; we've gone through so many aliases I've lost track of them all by now.

I did the whole 'crash through a couple tree tops' trick, and now it looks like I'm covered in lashes. I think I split my lip open, even. Of course, I tucked my wings back, under my cloak, A) to make the damage look a little worse off, and B) because I'm not a big enough idiot to risk breaking a wing like that. No, shut UP, you. All you had to do was roll around in the mud, I don't wanna hear it. Yes, I know griffon blokes always fall for the 'roughed up damsel in distress' bit. You don't need to rub it in, woman.

Anyway, a broken wing HURTS, and is annoying too. I seriously don't understand how Earth Ponies and everyone else WALK all the time. Don't their hooves hurt? I had broken wing ONCE, when I was back at the guild, and it was terrible. So... slow... getting... anywhere.

18th Felsite
O...k... Maybe they aren't complete dummies. At least, that big griff... Fargo? Largo...? Is that his name...?

Whatever. He, at least, seems to know what's up. Of course, he seems like one of those really annoyingly uptight, morally straighlaced guys you run into in the guard ALL THE TIME who just do not know when to take the darn 'donation' and look the other way. Even if it helps me, helps them, and doesn't hurt anyone. Except for the mark, of course, by whatever, you can't please everyone.

He might be onto us. Maybe? I'm not sure, but he hasn't let his guard down like the others have. Even the unicorn isn't so bad once she comes down off her Unicorn Privilege Pedestal. Looks like the old roguish charm is kicking in! Freija wants to get friendly with the griffon, see if she can chat him up and get him to soften a little, but I don't know. She's pretty as a button, sure, but it would be pretty bad if it backfired on us.

Getting him annoyed is definitely more trouble then it's worth, right now.

19th Felsite
So... something happened today. All these lashes and cuts I got to buy us passage into the group, I haven't been dressing super properly to drum up sympathy votes. Well, earlier this morning, after the morning chill had started to wear off, I took my cloak off to stretch my wings out, and the campfire conversation came to an abrupt stop, everyone staring at me.

Seems they thought I was a zebra this whole time. A ZEBRA, of all things. I guess the marks and slashes they figured were some stripe pattern, which means they didn't realize I was hurt, which means I didn't have to CRASH INTO A TREE in the first place. This whole time, they thought that.

For three days.


I guess SHE knew they didn't realize I was a pegasus, and just kind of played along whenever it came up. Guess no one confused what species she was, they just saw a poor griffon lass caked in mud and came to her aid.

Mental note for later: I know she's self-conscious about it, and even though we've been married for a few years now, I haven't had the heart to tell her that when she molts off her winter coat in the spring, she looks... remarkably like a plucked chicken. Yeah, if you're reading this, Freija, know that I am showing restraint with this fact. UNLIKE YOU AND YOUR SNICKERING.

21th Felsite
So, we've been doing some talking, and I think we're going to stick with these guys, for now at least. The surprisingly sharp eyed guards haven't given us a good chance to make a break for it yet, not one with some decent loot at least, and they say they're headed toward a new trade depot in the area. New trading center with not a lot of established venders... we might be able to turn quite the pretty penny in a set up like this.

If I get a hold of some of my trading buddies, I might be able to get them to send some of their people this way. Could skim a little off the top, make a little nest egg, take a bit of an extended vacation for once since we got married... It could work.

25th Felsite
The unicorn's squire, or whoever he was, got ambushed today. Looked like the poor sucker didn't even know what hit him. It was a clean shot though, and apparently they made off with the armor he'd been carrying this whole time.

Might have some professional competition in the area, it looks like.

28th Felsite
I think we're getting closer. While aloft today, Freija and I spotted a clearing with a cabin about a days walk ahead of us, it looks like. We must be getting to the outskirts of the town, if we're beginning to run into farmer's houses.

1st Hematite
Wait. Wait, wait wait wait. That's not a cabin.

That's the entire facility.

The whole town is a single building.

Oh, and part of a sawmill. Like that helps.

You have GOT to be kidding me.

Great, so now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere, weeks away from anything else.

Guess we'll have to play nice with the neighbors and fit in and stuff.

...we shoulda robbed and ditched these guys while we had the chance...
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 08:03:17 pm by Artemi7 »
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