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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41074 times)


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #120 on: April 08, 2015, 03:03:21 am »

"Unicorn Stallion Guard".... So close and yet so far-.-

Great update btw, I fell behind reading the RP for now, sorry about that. I am just reminding people, and myself, that I am still here...
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #121 on: April 08, 2015, 08:17:24 am »

And with this, I am off into the sunset! Incase you weren't on the IRC last night, I said I was gonna be gone until Friday.

Just thought everyone should know :P
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 12:10:41 am by Iceblaster »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #122 on: April 09, 2015, 07:36:04 am »

"Unicorn Stallion Guard".... So close and yet so far-.-

We were making the same joke in IRC, heh. I tried my best to convince Telgin to change that pony to a mare. :P
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #123 on: April 11, 2015, 12:20:52 am »

7th Galena, 222

By now, Silver Rush had learned the habits of his griffon leader and was heading out to scour the banks of the local river in search of her. A few days ago, he had been struck with an idea that he thought could further improve the morale of Shadytrails. It was actually rather appropriate that Isolde was to be found out by the waters at this time, as would soon be revealed by their meeting. He quickly found Isolde immersed in her usual pastime, back against the grassy slope and line dangling in the water. The pony approached her on hoof in plain view, “Good day, Ms. Hookbill! Get any nibbles yet?”

She reflected a contented smile and made a little shrug.  “It doesn’t seem that the fish are too hungry so far today.  I’m mostly taking the moment to relax and think a bit.”  She checked the braced fishing rod and asked, “Were you looking to do the same, or is there something else on your mind?”

“Fishing? I don’t think I’ve ever tried it before. Can’t say I really seek out the piscine when looking for flavors to add to my plate, heh.” The fanged stallion took a seat on the ground himself, “Yeah, I did have something I wanted to talk about in regards to our town.” His eyes crossed over to the diamond light that glittered across the surface of the river, “Funny, it seems like the only time I ever really have a conversation with you is when it’s about official matters of some kind. Never anything purely social.”

“Certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?” she said lightly.  “We both work in completely different parts of town so that’s not too surprising I suppose.  That’s fine though, it’s my job after all.  So, what did you want to talk about?”

“I suppose that’s true. Anyway, I had a thought this past week while down by this same river. What if Shadytrails had a community swimming hole? Now, I know the river is good for swimming in itself to some degree. I’ve done it on a few occasions myself. I still think a swimming hole would have its own advantages. It would be safer for foals since it wouldn’t have a current and the bottom could be leveled out to make a shallow section specially designed for them. It would also be easier to keep it clear of entangling plants and other hazards than the river would be. And, just in case any of our residents are afraid of fish, it would allow them to swim without worry too.”

“Well now…”  Isolde looked out over the river as she pondered the possibility.  “I have to admit that I like the sounds of that.  I have no idea what goes into making a swimming pool of any sort, but I imagine it’s more than just digging a hole and channeling water into it.  Would you need to line it with stone?  We do have some left over, but also need some to finish building the guardhouse.”  She smiled his way again.  “Mining the stone is your job of course, so if you don’t mind a bit more work digging out the hole and digging up the stone to line it with then I like the idea.”

A childish grin grew across Silver’s face as he took in her positive response, “Oh, I’ve been thinking about all of that already. It’s true that you can’t just dig a hole and fill it with water. The ground would absorb it pretty quickly.” He waved a hoof to dismiss her concerns, “You don’t need to worry about this project interfering with my ore productivity. I plan to handle this all on my own spare time. I’ll make excavating stone for the pool a separate task from my normal mining shift. I don’t it expect to be finished quickly, of course. Since this isn’t a priority matter, I’ll take my time with it.”

She tapped a talon to her beak and pondered more.  “If it’s for the community then I don’t mind you spending some official time on it too, but the guardhouse is still the top priority of course.  You might want to try talking to Patina about it, since she might have some ideas on how to build something for the liner.”  She tried to imagine where to put it and visualized some of the map in her head.  “I’ll need to figure out the best place to site it, but until then you can ask around a bit for opinions or help if you want.”

“Yes ma’am. If there ever turns out to be a stone shortage, I’ll definitely give the guardhouse first dibs on the supply. I’ll also make sure to talk to the masons about the design.” The bat-pony stood up and bowed his head before the griffon, “Thank you for your time, Ms. Hookbill. I’ll probably get back to you in a day or two after I’ve ironed things out more thoroughly with Ms. Dreams.”

“Alright, have a good day Silver.”  She smiled and chuckled.  “And if you ever do want to stop by to just chat, don’t be shy about it.”

“I’ll have to take you up on that offer some day soon,” he replied before stretching his membranous appendages out and taking to the air. The stallion felt as uplifted by his idea being greenlit as he did by his own wings.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #124 on: April 14, 2015, 01:06:57 pm »

Hi all. Things are ramping up for me in work, to the point where I can't keep up with this or contribute as much as I'd like. So I guess I'll do what I really should have done in the first place and bow out. Sorry it took this long.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #125 on: April 14, 2015, 11:13:56 pm »

24th Galena, 222

Even though she’d apologized to Silver a while ago ‒ the day after, in fact ‒ she still felt a little embarrassed and flustered when talking to him, even though she was fine talking to Fargo. But it wouldn’t get any better ignoring it, and she really did want to have some friends, and this was the first step in getting some. Nothing is much better than a gift for that.

Lattice, though, couldn’t make anything for either Silver nor Tunda without their measurements (or cloth, but the caravan should be coming soon). While Silver’s birthday had already passed, Tunda’s was coming up soon and she could give hers as a surprise on her birthday, with Silver getting a belated gift. The only way Lattice could think of to get her measurements without ruining the surprise would be either asking if Silver knew them or managing to measure from her existing wardrobe. If he didn’t know, it’d be less suspicious for him to offer to do her laundry than for Lattice, anyway.

Speaking of Silver, he was just leaving the mine now, and it was easy enough to intercept him. “Hey, Silver, do you have a minute?”

The dishevelled stallion was still wearing his working gear, but took quick notice of the blue-maned mare under the rim of his helmet, “Hey, Lattice! Sure, what’s up?”

“…Tunda’s birthday is coming up, right?”

Silver Rush removed his headgear and wiped some sweat from his forehead using his neckerchief, “Um… I think it’s about a month from now. So not too long, no.” He squinted his eyes and glanced at the ground, “Speaking of which...I haven’t figured out what I’m going to be getting for her yet and time’s running out.”

"Well, I was going to try to see if I could give her that dress for her birthday; the one you mentioned you both wanted, and it seemed like it’d be a good idea to give it to her on her birthday… Usually the caravan would pass through and the way from the region around Worldbride, so I should be able to get fabric in time.” Her mother used to run that route, and generally caravans like to return home, or somewhere warmer, around now. “The thing I can’t get without ruining the surprise is her measurements, and I was wondering if you might have them from when she first spoke with you about the dress.”

That fanged smile so typical of the bat-pony popped up, “Hey, that’s a really good idea! Especially now that the show is a regular thing.” His eyebrows soon raised in an apologetic expression, “Um… but I don’t know her measures. It never occurred to me to ask her. I thought that she’d tell you when the time came for it.”

“Well… Do you think you could coincidentally offer to do her laundry before or after the show?” She paused “…and meet me there so I could get the measurements from that?" She paused. It was a bit of a long shot, but if she couldn't get the measurements that way, then she could ask directly.

“Huh, pretty sneaky idea. I like that. Though I’d need to figure out how to keep her from getting suspicious. I’ve never offered to do her laundry before,” he replied as he knocked some powdered stone from his shoulder.

“It’s less conspicuous than asking directly, so no matter what it’s an improvement. At worst, she catches on and we have to tell her.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to ask her directly. She might think I’m a pervert or something,” He chuckled at the thought, “I’m sure I can figure something out. Maybe I can ‘accidentally’ spill something on one of her robes and insist on cleaning it myself.”

“That could work. I’ve had ponies request me to use a garment for measurements to keep it a surprise before, but I can’t say I was often privy to how they got the garments. It was quite lucrative, actually, especially if the client brought in the mare in question for me to take a look at ‒ I’m pretty decent at approximating dimensions if needed, for a better fit, too.”

“I’m sure I can handle it...assuming that this isn’t something urgent. I’m not sure when I’ll get the proper opportunity to pull this stunt off. I will try as soon as I can,” the black-maned pony noted aloud, “Are you sure the caravan will have the right kind of fabric? I mean, if there is a particular kind you need.”

“Most caravans would have at least basic fabrics when travelling in the south; it’s not like they have cotton plantations down here, and blue is a common enough color.”

“Ah, sounds good to me. I admit that I don’t know anything about caravan schedules or what they carry. Maybe they’ll have something that I can give to Tunda as a gift of my own.” The miner had a back-up plan just in case he couldn’t find anything else in time, but it was less than what he would have preferred to go with.

“My mother used to work with them a lot. Speaking of your gift, you could see if Patina might help you make some jewelry to match…”

It was almost like Lattice had read his mind, “Actually, that’s exactly what I had planned! Well, sort of. Ms. Dreams doesn’t know how to cut gemstones, so I wouldn’t have much to work with. If the caravan didn’t have any gems, I was going to take one from my own collection that had been pre-cut back home. Unfortunately, I don’t have any blue gems that are already cut and I really wanted the one I gave her to be blue. You know, to match her eyes?”

“I’m sure you can think of something; did you bring anything with you that could work? Patina might also know some tricks to give metals a nice coloration, magic or otherwise.”

“Most of my gems are yellow, white or clear. I do have that rose quartz cabochon, though. The pink might meld with her red robe pretty well. As for the metal, I’d like if it could be gold or brass. I know we don’t have either of those here, but if Ms. Dreams can use magic to recolor it like you suggest, that could work out fine.” Silver hadn’t considered that possibility before, so he’d certainly have to ask about it.

“I’m no unicorn, but it sounds like something that could be done to gem or a piece of cut glass.”

“Heh, neither am I. I don’t pretend to understand how magic works myself, but giving her a piece of cut glass? I don’t think I could that. Needs to be something genuine.” He nodded with the last sentence.

“That’s probably for the best, anyway. So, laundry sounds like a plan, then?

“Oh! Yeah, right! I’ll write down a reminder for that when I get home. So, was that all you had for me?”

“I can’t think of much else to say… so I guess that’s it. Be sure to give me a heads up when you do so I can get ready.” She paused for a moment before adding, “I’m going to go grab something to eat. I think I’ve kept you from changing out of your gear for long enough, so I’ll see you later...”

“Oh, it’s no trouble,” he stated, “Maybe if I get washed up in time, I’ll come join you.”

“Don’t rush because of me; it’s not like I have anything else planned today, and I’ll be in the communal building for a while still. See you later!” With that, the mare turned and walked off to see if Shortstack had dinner started yet.

The gray stallion gave a wave and continued on to his destination as well.

Lattice can read minds, apparently. Though it's hardly an unlikely plan to have.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 03:41:58 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #126 on: April 18, 2015, 04:39:17 am »

Claiming Marble Tiles for myself if no one object.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 25th Obsidian, 221

I was made to create the greatest works of art there ever was; sculptures of Gods and Heroes of legend striking mighty poses as if frozen in their most grandiose moment; carvings of heroic battles and fantastics sagas. Instead, they're making me build querns and doors or sometimes bridges or even entire houses. Do I look like a civil engineer?

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnanimous, 4th of Slate, 222

I'll have you know that a staircase is NOT a requirement for a functioning house, thank you very much. I simply can't understand ponies sometimes. Why on earth would an earth pony want to live in a 3-story house if he can't fly? This is beyond me. Nonetheless, I leaned his house at a 45 degree angle so he could walk up the wall in order to reach his bedroom. Sometimes, I'm too kind for my own good.

From the Journal of Marble Tiles, the Sleepless, 16th of Hematite, 222

How was I to know fungiwood pilotis couldn't hold the weight of a five story building? At least, nobody (important) was too badly injured in the incident. As if today wasn't bad enough, there's a mob of dirt-caked peasants with torches and pitchfork in front of my house. I'M trying to sleep here!

From the Journal of Marble Tiles, the Outraged, 17th of Hematite, 222

They've put me on trial! For negligence! Those ignorant savages who can't appreciate true art want to throw me in jail like a filthy criminal! Tis the fate of all true geniuses, I suppose.

From the Journal of Marble Tiles, the Misunderstood, 20th of Hematite, 222

The mayor offered me a compromise. There will be no trial if I accept to join a caravan for one the colonies. Me, exiled to some backwater hamlet in the middle of nowhere. How am I supposed to show my great talent if I'm so far away from real civilization? How will I be recognized for my art in some shitty frontier town? Unfortunately, it's either that or a 20 year sentence. There's a caravan setting off in a month or so. I guess I will pack my things then.

From the Journal of The Artist Formely Known as Marble Tiles, 28th of Malachite, 222

The caravan is finally ready to depart. I've been in house arrest until then and felt my sanity slip away at each passing day. The officials wouldn't allow me to buy any stone to practice my art, or at least keep my mind busy. They wouldn't even make me carve a millstone or a floodgate, probably in fear that I would somehow destroy the city or something. The travel will take us almost two months. This is going to be a long trip. Anyway, I met the other immigrants this morning and they seemed so uninteresting I already forgot all of their names. Except for that Gleaming Shield fellow. What a stupid name. His parents must've hated him.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:43:43 pm by bernhari »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #127 on: April 19, 2015, 09:19:45 am »

Heh, I already like Marble Tiles. I predict some fun interactions between him and Patina.

26th of Malachite, 222

Patina Dreams came to see me today, so I can say I've had my very first houseguest since coming here. She made for a perfectly pleasant one at that, though she came to me a little distressed. Her concerns were strange, but I listened regardless, and hopefully assured her that nopony would think she was doing something wrong by accepting Miss Isolde's kindness.

As an aside, I'm very glad I had the restraint to avoid saying what I had guessed was bothering her.

28th of Malachite

I brightened Jack Pine's day with a visit from his new neighbor earlier, and only made mine better as well. He liked my housewarming gift it seemed, and even ending up expressed interest in the show Silver and I put on. Although he did it in a funny way; such a tough-looking stallion beating around the bush.

Speaking of Silver, and how appropriate when I've always been told I have a silver tongue, Jack was digging a basement when I went to see him. I wonder if I could convince Silver to dig one for me? If he's not too busy to help a poor mare in need. After all, most stallions love chances to be dashing and helpful when beautiful mares are involved, and Jack's idea was a good one...

I must remember to ask Miss Isolde when we'll have grains to grow, for spirits to savor. It is known, I do love to raise the spirits of Shadytrails' ponies and griffons.
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #128 on: April 24, 2015, 09:49:51 pm »

9th Limestone, 222

It was late into the afternoon and Fargo had woken up a little while ago. He had a few hours before he had to go watch at night, but he needed to go talk with Isolde in his free time. He’d walk into the meeting building, hoping to spot her at her usual spot where she did her work.

As a creature of habit and few places to be, he does find the griffoness there reviewing some figures on a piece of paper.  She’s engrossed enough in her work so as to pay no attention to anyone coming or going and just runs a talon down the sheet slowly.

He’d make a small sigh, and go up to her table, “Eh, pardon me Isole, but are you busy at the moment?” He asked, taking a seat anyways. What needed to talk about was important.

She looks up and smiles.  “Not too busy at the moment.  How can I help you?”

“Yes, um you see a caravan showed.” He looked down for a moment. “And, I hope you remember that I didn’t intend to stay here indefinitely.”

A caravan?  She starts to smile at the thought of one finally arriving, but he immediately changes the subject to something less expected and pleasant.  “Oh… had you said that?  Are you planning on leaving us so soon?”  She starts to stand as she asks, “Is it a Prestigious Confederacy caravan?”

“It is um... not that I wish to work for them. I’ve been here for a while, and no danger has shown it’s head. I try my best to be where I’m needed, and it seems this place is safe. If i’m not protecting someone I’m not doing my job.”

She stops next to the table.  “For all we know your presence has been enough to ward off any potential bandits.”  The thought of having even fewer guards wasn’t very enticing, so she hoped to do what she could to keep him there.  “You’re not bound by a long term contract, but I do hope you’ll reconsider…”

“I do think I’m helpful here, but the thing is that I’m not sure I could be helpful somewhere else.”

That was a start.  “I hope you weren’t planning on leaving just to go find somewhere more dangerous…”

“That is the plan, actually.”

Isolde grimaces.  “Wh… I don’t understand.  When Shadytrails gets larger it’s going to attract more attention and need more protectors.”  She cocks her head slightly.  “This isn’t about the promotion, is it?  There will be more opportunities for that soon…”

“Not at all, me not getting captain has nothing to do with this.” He would have chosen to stay if he was given the rank, but as he didn’t nothing changed about his plans. “I was stuck here anyways after I came here with those migrants. I’ve been working here not only because you could use an extra pair of eyes on guard but because it was my only option.”

“I see,” she replies simply.  It takes some effort to keep herself neutral here, since he had made her aware of the possibility long before.  “There’s nothing I can do to encourage you to stay then?  I know pay has been backlogged for a while, but maybe we can work something out?”

“Pay has nothing to do with any of this. You could throw a mountain of gold coins at me and I’d honestly still be on my way. Right now you guys seem safe, and I’m unsure if it is because of me. That is the reason I’m thinking of going.”

Isolde takes a deep breath and adjusts the feathers in the ponytail at the back of her head.  “If that’s what you want… then there’s nothing I can really do to stop you.  It sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”  She locks eyes with him and adds, “I’ll be sad to see you go if you do, but I understand it’s your decision.”

“Eh, I’m sorry to go.” He said, trying not to make eye contact with her. He did have a few mixed feeling about leaving this place though... “I’ll leave my billing information after I talk with the caravan.”

“I understand.”  She plops back into her seat and locates a quill.  “Let me note that down… we’ll get the pay you’ve earned to you as soon as we can.”

“Trust me, there is no rush.” He said, before getting up. “And thank you for your time.”

She nods slowly.  “Any time, Fargo.  It’s been nice working with you.”

“the feeling is mutual, have a good day.” He was frowning a little as started to leave.

“Good day,” she replies in the direction of the door as he leaves.  She goes back to noting down to keep track of his payment information when it shows up and to budget for it.  “Just part of the job,” she reminds herself.

10th Sandstone, 222

Fargo had recently talked with the people running the caravan, and after a brief talk they agreed to let him come with them to his next destination. They were only going to stay at the fort for a few days, and it was nearing the end of their stay. He was growing more and more uneasy about leaving though. He’d been in this town for too long and now he’d grown a little attached to the people in it. Right now he was going to talk with Silver before he got ready to go.

At that moment, the very same bat-pony was lying on his rooftop, outstretched on his back with the pinpoints of starlight above absorbing his thoughts into their inky habitat. I wonder what the stars really are? What are they made of? How do they shine night after night and never go out? Why are some fixed in place whereas others move freely?

The first place Fargo would check would be the bat-pony’s house. After walking there, the first thing he’d do is knock on the door, hoping to get a response. “Hello? Are you free?” He expected him to be inside, not on the roof.

For just a moment, the knocking seemed to blend into the surroundings and was discarded from Silver’s thoughts as unimportant. Then he heard a faint, familiar voice that beckoned his mind down from the heavens. He blinked twice and sat upright, “Fargo? You down there?”

“Yes, Silver?” He said, still thinking he was inside. “I have something important I need to talk with you about.”

Not hazarding to guess what matters the griffon had to discuss, Silver stood upright and lept down in front of the house. He used his wings to slow the fall and landed just to the left of the soldier, “Something on your mind? At this hour?”

“Yes... I’m going to be leaving soon, and um, I um figured I’d stop by and say goodbye before I left.” He said, having a fake smile on his face.

The stallion’s mouth narrowed and his head recoiled from the blindsiding announcement, “W-woah, back up a few sentences! You’re...leaving?” Those lenticular pupils of his fixed upon the larger male, “Where’s this coming from? I mean, you didn’t give us any warning of this! You’re really going? Seriously? that? Why?”

“Isolde has know for a few days.” He was frowning. “I’ve been out here because when I came with those migrants I didn’t exactly have anyone to work for or a safe way out of town, so I’ve just been working here until I had a chance to leave. I could be more useful elsewhere.”

“More useful?” The miner raised his eyebrows, followed by the waving of a foreleg towards the center of Shadytrails, “We’ve only got a hoof-full of guards here! It’s not like anypony is going to replace you! We may be a small town, but surely we’ll need your protection some day! And what about the friends you’ve made here? Don’t they matter to you at all?!”

He kept frowning, “Look, I don’t do things because of what I want, I do things because I have a job. I cannot tell if my being here has made this place any safer, and I’m certain there is someone who will need me more than this place does at the moment.”

Silver dropped the hoof back to the ground and stood silent for a few seconds, “You have a job here. What are you really looking for by leaving? A bigger paycheck? Are you going to make friends at your next stop just to abandon them like you plan on doing to us at your nearest convenience?” The fanged stallion shook his head and tried to calm himself, “Look, I’m all for pursuing a good career and a successful life, but you’ve got to know where your priorities are. Sure, there might be somepony out there that needs your help. But maybe there isn’t. As of this moment, right now, Shadytrails needs you more than some hypothetical establishment beyond the mountains.”

“My job, isn’t to make friends, it’s not to make money, by job is to a wall in front anyone who’s about to get killed, hurt, robbed, or done harm to because they can’t defend themselves. I don’t have a career, because I want to do something important, and I want to do what nobody does!” He tried to calm down a little before responding. “There are wolves out there. Not everyone has the luxury of having four wolf hounds.”

The gray-coated pony lowered his gaze to the ground, his defeated voice lacking the convicted emphasis that it had before, “So...that’s it, huh? Just like that? I guess there’s nothing more I can say then…”

“I would not have bothered to tell you if I didn’t care, eh?” He said, avoiding eye contact. “And you could say good bye.”

He nodded silently for a brief moment before extending a hoof for one final shake, “I suppose that will have to safe out there, you hear me? friend.”

“Thank you.” He said, shaking the hoof with his claws. “I’ll try my best.” He had a fake smile on. The griffon seemed very tired right now. He didn’t really want to leave, but he felt like he had to.

“So...are you leaving immediately or are you going to wait until tomorrow? You don’t look like you’re rested enough for a long journey.”

“Trust me, this has nothing to do with how much sleep I’ve gotten. It doesn’t go away if I sleep, it just takes time, and then comes back later.”

Silver Rush knew better than to fight him on his sleeping habits again, “Fair enough. I hope you find what you are looking for out there.”

“Yeah...” he said, before starting to walk away. “good bye... and um...” He sighed for a moment and stopped “before I go, I want you to know that you that you shouldn’t leave the important things behind. They might be where they were when you come back.”

The stallion didn’t know what Fargo’s riddle meant, but he went along with it and gave a shallow smirk, “Heh, sure…”

He turned to look back at silver. “Look at me. Don’t make the same mistake I did.” He’d keep looking him dead in the eye before starting to walk off again.

“I won’t,” the bat-pegasus acknowledged under his breath as he watched the griffon slowly disappear from his sight. His ears went limp when he pushed the door to his house open, the interest in astronomy having been drained from him for the night. So much for the birthday party I had planned... On most occasions, Silver slept easily and deeply. That would not be true for tonight.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #129 on: April 25, 2015, 11:42:41 pm »

Fargo Had just spent some time talking with the caravan leader and gave him what few bits he earned from his job walking the migrants into town. After getting the final payment taken care off he simply waited as the caravan members spent some time putting away their wares and loading them onto wagons and on pack animals. Even the guards weren’t spared the grunt work as bins and bags of useless goods and metal crafts encrusted with with cheap gems.

He just watched as the group went about their business. He’d of help but he didn’t want to touch their goods for risk of them being suspicious of him being a thief or something. The whole scene brought back a few memories of when he used to be guarding a caravan, but the more he thought about his time spent back in the day, the more his thoughts began to wonder to other things.

He’d be sleeping out in tall grass again, or on a bed roll if this group was particularly generous. It was turning into fall, and it was already dark out. He grew up in a place where the winters bit far worse than any cold in these parts, but it was none the less far more pleasant in a bed inside of the guard house or dorms.

He had a job though. It didn’t matter if he was comfy, this town he was in was well enough off, he needed to go somewhere he was really needed. He was supposed to be a shield for someone in danger who lacked any means of self protection. He was supposed to stand between the helpless and danger. HE was supposed to be on guard every second so nobody had to. Or so he kept telling himself.

The stallion in charge of the caravan called out and snapped the griffon out of his self thought. He made a grunt in acknowledgement and began to follow along as soon as some of the pack animals and wagons began to pour out of the trade depot. This was it. He looked around at the buildings, some not half finished. This place had been good to him though. He’d made friends, had a chance at a real career, and been fed and given a place to sleep for FREE.

He was being greedy though, comfort wasn’t for him and he was being indulgent. He’d tell himself this and snap out of his thoughts again, only to look around. The group was already out of the town. It made sense though, the town was small, even if it had been his whole world the last couple of months.

He kept walking onward away from it though. He had a top heavy halberd strapped onto his back and it kept weighing him down as he made every step and he’d be doing this again and again every day until he got back in a town so he could do it again, and again like he had been for years. What was he really doing? These people in that fort had been so good to him even if lucky was about as fun as a prostate exam from Edward scissor-hands. He was tired too...

He’d snap out of his thought again, though this time he’d stop instead of continuing his march. By now the group had made it to the tree line, and he could barely see the town. He kept still, his eyes fixed on the town still. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself. He needed to keep doing it, he had a damned job. It was his job to be on guard for others, to be the bird who fought so others didn’t have to. He kept telling himself this over and over and over in his head as he looked back at the town. He kept telling himself the same things he used to keep him going for years these last couple days hoping they’d make the thoughts in his mind die down. His pride kept yelling at him that he didn’t need comfort, he didn’t need friends, he didn’t need all of these things if they stopped him from doing what he was supposed to.

He’d make a sigh and just kept looking, as the thoughts about how good this place was, how he was allowed to rest at that place, how he’d made friends, the look on isolde and Silver’s face when he told them he was leaving. What he’d been telling himself seemed to be less effective now that he was actually doing the deed. His nerve was dissolving on the spot as the merchants waggons and animals kept shifting past him, not paying him much mind.

He knew they’d told him before that if he couldn’t keep up with the group they wouldn't wait, so the didn't even hesitate to go past him as he kept staring back at the town like an idiot, knowing he couldn't do this forever.“I'm getting to old for this...”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #130 on: April 28, 2015, 11:15:06 pm »

and Lute

9th Limestone, 222

The timing for the arrival of the caravan could not have been better. With Tunda’s birthday less than a month away, Silver was feeling really pressured to find a gift in time. Lacking the skills to create a gift himself, his best bet was to acquire something from these travellers. He stood and browsed their wares, hoping that he could find what he was searching for. He had also brought a sac filled with rough stones of various kinds that he was hoping to use to trade with, as well as the two hundred and forty-three gold bits that he had saved up and carried with him from Hackamore Basin.

As he perused the items for sale, some of the merchants began tending to other ponies.  An orange coated mare with a light blue striped mane stopped next to him and asked, “Good afternoon sir.  Is there anything I can help you with?  Anything you’re looking for in particular?”

“Yes, actually. I was wondering if you had any cut gemstones. Preferably, one that’s a shade of blue.”

She nodded and grew a small smile.  “You’re in luck.  We do have a few varieties, and some other gemstones besides.  Right this way, please.”  She led him over to a small glass display case sitting among cushions on one of the erected shelves.  “If you would like, I could have someone give you more information on each, but I can tell you from memory that this,” she said, holding a hoof over a vibrant blue gem, “is a very fine sapphire.  If you are not looking to spend quite so many bits today, we do have a few more common varieties, such as these.”  She stops with her hoof over a few simpler cut gems of a more purple shade.  “Indigo tourmalines.”

Silver Rush almost salivated when he saw the deep sea-blue of the sapphire. That is a very fine sapphire indeed. I can already cross that one off my list, though. There’s no way I’d have enough bits to pay for it, let alone have anything valuable enough for trade. He seemed more optimistic about the tourmaline. “Oh, I already have some indigo tourmaline that I dug up out of the mine in past months. Sadly, There isn’t anypony here who can cut them. So I’d definitely be interested in taking one of those beauties off your hooves.”

The bat-pony opened the tan bag and started rustling through his stash, eventually pulling out a hexagonal lump of bluish-violet crystal. “So… how much rough tourmaline do you think a cut one like yours is worth?”

The mare’s eyebrows raised a bit at the unxpected barter.  “These are valued at seventy-five bits each, and uncut gems are not worth terribly much themselves.  Having them cut is quite expensive, as I am sure you are aware.”  She tapped a hoof to her mouth in thought.  “For uncut gems I would require at least fifty carats in weight.  Have you had yours weighed?  We can do that here if you would like.”  She gestured to a small scale in the stand next to the shelf.

Seventy-five bits? I could afford that with my gold alone. Still, that’d cut a healthy chunk out of my savings. Maybe I could bring the price down a bit if I offered some other stones on top of the tourmaline. First, let’s see how much this one weighs. “I haven’t, actually. Feel free to take the measurements.” The gray bat-pony hoofed over the lustrous stone and waited anxiously for the weight to be read.

The mare took his gem and placed it carefully on the scale before shuffling weights about to balance it.  She hummed and nodded.  “Looks right at about fourteen carats.  Do you have anymore?”

That was less than Silver thought it would be, but he did have more to give, “Sure, just give me a second.” He next pulled out three objects that looked like chunks of petrified licorice, “These are some schorl and…” followed by what appeared to be a dull, ebony piece of melted glass, “...a black zircon. Let’s check the weights for these too.”

The mare nodded and helped arrange them on the scale.  “They are worth about the same raw like this, so let me just examine them for a moment.”  She again balanced the weights to determine their size, and announced, “Looks like about twenty more carats between them all.  That leaves sixteen carats, or the bits to make up the difference.”

Although Silver could have offered a little more in the way of stone to trade, he wanted to keep some for his own collection, “So, if I were to offer all this, what would that bring the price down to?”

She did a bit of math in her head and answered, “Twenty-five bits.”

With a smile, the stallion nodded, “Sounds reasonable, I’ll take it!” Throughout the encounter, he couldn’t help but examine her cutie mark, “Interesting coincidence that your cutie mark is a lute. I’ve been wanting to learn how to play one myself. One of our carpenters had constructed the base for one, but we don’t have any strings to put on it.”

“Oh, is that so?”  She began scooping the raw gems into a bag and said, “I can admire somepony who is interested in music.  If you are interested we do have a fine selection of instruments available as well, and somepony might be willing to part with just the strings for one.”

After counting out twenty-five bits of his own gold, Silver agreed to her proposal, “Yes, I would definitely like to take a look at what you’ve got.”

She placed his bits in the bag too and offered him one of the gems.  “Certainly, right this way.”  After securing the valuables in a locked chest, she took him over to another cart.  A small variety of instruments are arranged there, from drums to flutes to lutes.  “This is what we have with us today, but if there is nothing that interests you I can certainly note down your requests for next year.”

Holding the brilliant-cut gemstone in his hooves, the bat-pegasus grinned like an eager schoolcolt as the sunlight reflecting off its facets yielded a deep, twilight hue. He would have to wait to ogle it later, as there was more perusing to be done. There were some nice lutes there, but he couldn’t just buy the instrument and render obsolete the one that Rosewood was making especially for him, could he? “What kind of price tag are we looking at for a lute? Or, if you can manage it, the strings for one?”

“Excuse me for a moment, I will find out.”  She flagged down a stallion who was still busying himself by unloading a wagon, and the two have a short conversation.  When she returned, she said, “The lutes themselves are priced at fifty bits each, but if you only want to buy the strings then they are five bits.”

This was perfect. “Oh, yes! The strings! Strings for a lute!” He extracted a five-bit coin from his money sac and presented it to her.

She smiled and accepted the bits.  “Excellent.  Here you are.”  She accepted a bound hoop of strings from the stallion and presented them to Silver Rush.  “It has been a pleasure.  Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

Silver happily received the strings, “I think I’ll just do some browsing now. I don’t have anything else in mind off the top of my head. Thanks a bunch, though!”

“You are quite welcome.  Please do stop back by later if you get a chance.  We have many other things for you to look over, and perhaps purchase next year when we return.”  She gave him a little smile and nod before turning to look for new customers.

After that was said and done, the thrilled miner examined various goods for the next twenty minutes. The only other purchase he made was a bead necklace, which he planned to combine with the gemstone to create the perfect gift for Tunda. He was exceptionally happy to have found these high-priority items on his list and went bouncing back to his home, Pinkie Pie-style, “Now Rosey can finish the lute and Tunda can have a happy birthday!”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #131 on: April 28, 2015, 11:19:38 pm »

11th Sandstone, 222

Fargo was sitting in the trade depot, his halberd’s head stuck into the ground as he sat on the ground. He was fiddling with his claws, and lost in thought. He had a bummed look on his face. He was tired too, having not slept all night and having been up most the day. It was about midday right now, the sky cloudy, perhaps about to rain, lucky the depot had some sort of roof above it.

Meanwhile, there was a stallion underground who had to focus on his work. He was distracted by thoughts of his departed friend, but was even more distracted by a foreign presence that had caught his attention. Silver Rush placed his pick on the ground and moved his lantern over towards the stone wall where he thought he saw a flicker of movement. The pale yellow-orange light revealed an amphibian, one which tried in vain to climb the crevices and escape its equine pursuer.

“Hey, what are you doing down here? I don’t think frogs can eat ore! Here, let me put you where you belong…” The miner scooped up the smooth-skinned creature and placed it in his helmet, holding a hoof over it to keep it from escaping. After ascending the staircase out of the mine, he took to the air in the direction of the river, “You’ll be much better off where you can swim and catch bugs, don’t you think?” His rescued captive merely croaked in response.

The bat-pony’s position far above the town allowed him to catch a glimpse of something that puzzled him. Wait, wasn’t Fargo leaving? Maybe he really did take my advice and get a good night’s rest before heading out....but then that would mean the caravan left without him. Couldn’t they at least have waited for him? He changed course and descended to the ground in front of the trade depot, carrying a look of confusion in addition to his frog. “...Fargo?”

Fargo’s head jolted up when he heard the pony call out to him. “Eh?” He’d then look over to the bat pony. “Oh... hello Silver...” he said, before looking back down. “How are you today?” He was trying to distract from the fact he shouldn’t be there, hoping to start the conversation on something else.

The pony took a few steps closer, practically forgetting about the small animal, “I guess today has been...decent…” He scanned the area to make sure that his initial conclusion was correct before he asked the inevitable, “The caravan has already left, hasn’t it? Weren’t you going to go with them? You know it’s going to be more dangerous for you to go out there alone. Why did you wait?”

Fargo made a drawn out sigh, “I chose not to go after all.” He said, before looking back at Silver Rush. “Now I guess I have to make a bigger fool out of myself by telling everyone I changed my mind after making such a big deal out of it.”

“...what? But...what about that big speech you gave me last night? What was that all about then? Did something happen? What made you decide to stay?” There was a combination of shock and relief that ran through the stallion’s mind as he pelted the griffon with questions.

“I’ve been trying to protect people who couldn’t do it for themselves for a while now, and well, I felt like, and still feel like, you all can handle yourselves now. That being said, I chose to stay because I realized I’m too old to keep wandering around... and kinda like some of the people here.”

Silver processed that for a moment before he let a smile creep up onto his face, “Forgive me if it sounds rude, but I’m glad to hear that. Good to have you back, big guy!” The bat-pony dropped the helmet containing the frog and gave a quick hug to the griffon’s neck with one fore-leg.

The pony then quickly realized that he had forgotten his main mission, “Oops! Excuse me a second…”  After he recaptured the frog, he flew over towards the river and released it unharmed. Upon completing that task, he immediately returned to the depot, “I’d like to stay and chat some more, but ore doesn’t pop out of the ground on its own....and don’t look so glum! It’s great to have a place to call home where you have friends, old or not, right?”

Fargo made a small frown when he was hugged, and opened his beak to speak, but was cut off when the stallion decided to go finish getting rid of the frog. Once he came back, he’d decide to speak what he meant to say earlier. “I’m being horribly greedy, I hope you know this.”

The copper-eyed stallion lifted off and hovered just in front of Fargo, “Greedy? I wouldn’t say that. I mean, if you are referring to Shadytrails being a ‘free ride’ for you or something like that. You can always find other ways to contribute to our community even if it isn’t by cleaving bandits in half. Now that I think about it, I believe we’ve been through this before...”

“I’m not supposed to kill bandits, I’m supposed to like, you know, keep people who can’t afford a guard safe on the road. You know, keep people safe who can’t do it for themselves. I’m being greedy because I’m not going to go where I’m needed because I’d rather enjoy things.”

Silver rose higher, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a way to incorporate that into your job here. Ms. Isolde may need an escort someday, you know? Anyway, I’ll think about all of that and get back to you after my shift is done. Do try to cheer up in the meantime!” With that said, the bat-winged equine left off to return to his job.

“She can afford a guard though.” He said under his breath, before looking up at the bat pony. “Do have a nice day.” He said before watching him fly away.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #132 on: April 29, 2015, 03:59:41 pm »

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 1st of Galena 222

We're finally off for our new life. I have to say, I won't miss that wretched town full of barbarians and ignorants. I had the pleasure to talk with Crystal Clear, the jeweler. Although hers is an inferior art, it was quite refreshing conversing with a fellow artist. Her husband, Gleaming Shield, seemed quite protective of her, which is a good thing. If we ever get ambushed by bandits, he'll assuredly charge them head-on, giving me time for a clever tactical retreat.

Our other companions are an earth pony carpenter and a zebra farmer. I worked with quite a few carpenters in my career and I can appreciate their effort. I mean who else could set up the scaffoldings while the real artists works ?

Our last companion is Yusra, the zebra mare. Yes, she's a farmer, the lowest work field there is (no pun intended), but she's got that exotic allure. I haven't got the chance to talk with her but I got plenty of time before we reach our destination.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 2nd of Galena 222

I managed to talk with Yusra and while all she talked about was crops and harvest, her way of speech made it sounds so enticing. I swear, a zebra could talk about latrines and still make it sound like the most beautiful melody sung in the great halls of the gods.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 16th of Galena 222

I skipped a few days because nothing of note happened. We've been travelling for two weeks and by now we've exhausted all the conversation topics so most of our days walking were in silence. I've gathered a few stones here and there and practice my sculpting whenever we stop to camp. They're valueless, given the poor material, but it keep my mind away from my old workshop and the life I'll never get back.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 21st of Galena 222

A kobold raided our camp! Gleaming Shield drove him away but not before the skulking filth could grab a few of our supplies. Among other things he stole one of my statues. Granted, it was a worthless rendition of a dog sitting, but still it was MY creation! The thought of that nasty creature decorating it's disgusting lair with one of my work is unbearable.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 25th of Galena 222

Nothing of interest happened since the kobold incident but we're on our guard. Who knows if the creature won't be back, with friends this time.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 3rd of Limestone 222

I miss my old workshop. The sculptures I've made during our travel are magnificent (since I made them), but they lack that breathtaking impression only a real marble can inspire.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 8th of Limestone 222

We've reached a small settlement, the last one until our final destination. When I say settlement, I'm being quite generous. It's more like three little shacks lost in the middle of the wood. Still, sleeping under a roof will be quite welcome.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 26th of Limestone 222

We're finally in sight of Shadytrails. According to Gleaming Shield, we'll reach it tommorow. It doesn't look much from where I stand but it seems bigger then the last hamlet we've passed. I wonder which one of those little speck of brown on the horizon will be my new home.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, 27th of Limestone 222

They've assigned us to a communal dormitory! A tiny, smelly, lice-ridden, dormitory. Yusra said it looked rustic. That's not rustic, it's more like decrepit. Apparently, this "town" is so recent they don't even have enough houses for the original settlers. Even their leader, a griffon named Isolde (I hate birds), still reside in that sweaty shack with the rest of us.

This is gonna suck!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:44:16 pm by bernhari »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #133 on: April 29, 2015, 09:24:46 pm »

26th Galena, 222

The time had come to put Lattice’s plan into action. Silver Rush had invited Tunda over to his place for dinner on this day, hoping that he could somehow pull off the ‘spill and steal’ trick he had mentioned to the seamstress mare earlier. Bowls of mixed fruit soup were the main course, with some heavily-buttered barley bread to compliment it. Cups of blueberry juice were present to wash the meal down, as well as a couple of slices of frosted, strawberry cake. The food items were chosen specifically for their messy nature.. If nothing else, at least he could find out if the zebra enjoyed the desert. That would help him decide what kind of cake to make for her party.

Just then, a series of rhythmic knocks sounded at the door.

Well, this is it. Just play it cool. Can’t make her suspicious. The bat-pony trotted over to the door and opened it widely, “Ah, just who I was hoping to see! Come right in! I’ve got everything set up.” The stallion then walked towards the borrowed table in the middle of the room and pulled a chair out for her to sit in.

Tunda walked in with a smile on her face, already eyeing the dinner he set out. "Such a gentlestallion you turned out to be," the mare commented, going over to the chair to sit down. "This all looks delicious, at least to me."

“Well, I was just thinking that we’ve had our own houses for a while, but I never actually took the opportunity to have a friend over for dinner. Don’t get me wrong, eating with others in public is alright. Yet it never does match a quiet gathering in the home, wouldn’t you say?” Silver then took his own seat, “I’m sure you’ll recognize what’s in the soup, since you grew it yourself.”

Tunda leaned forward to sniff at the pleasant-smelling soup. The smell confirmed what the sight suggested, as she sat back up. “A great deal of the things I’ve grown. Though I couldn’t have made them so appetizing together on my own.”

“Yep, Ms. Shortstack knows how to throw together good food from good ingredients,” the fanged equine acknowledged as he took a spoon in the cleft of his hoof, “Oh, did you hear the news from Ms. Frame?  It seems that she’s aware of the caravan schedule in these parts and says that we can expect one in a month or two. I can’t wait to see what kind of interesting things they’ll bring with them. Maybe some new foods for us to try, new seeds for us to plant, or new materials to build with?”

“Avoiding her isn’t something for which I aim,” Tunda said, picking up her own spoon. “But still I rarely speak to Ms. Frame. I would like some new seeds, for new plants on which we can feed.” The mare took a sip of her soup before her rhymes got even clumsier.

The owner of the house followed suit, making sure to take a piece of dried apple in his spoon in the process. He liked what he tasted, “Yep, variety is the spice of life! I’d like to see some more citrus around here, but most anything new would please me. Maybe the caravan will even have some musical instruments.” So far, he seemed to be doing fine in acting like nothing was amiss. With any luck, Tunda would make a mess on her own and Silver wouldn’t have to resort to being a meanie and spilling something on her by ‘accident’.

Unfortunately for Silver, zebras are dextrous as a rule, and Tunda is no exception. She deftly handled her utensil, making satisfied sounds as she drank more of the soup. She had to say, she’d never heard of a fruit soup before, but now she isn’t sure why. “You could ask Miss Isolde to ask the caravan for orange-” Tunda deftly re-worded her sentence, to avoid falling into that particular trap, “-seeds to grow. It may be they won’t flourish here, but if we don’t try we will never know.”

“I can always hope for that, but I suppose the finger limes here will have to satisfy my desire for citrus for now. Not nearly so enjoyable as oranges on their own, though. They are quite good when candied or made into marmalade, at least.” The cat-eyed horse looked over the edge of his cup as he sipped some juice, taking note of Tunda’s lack of messiness. Curse her good eating habits...

"Oh, I learned something interesting while visiting a neighbor," Tunda remarked between bites. "It seems Jack has interests besides tree-cutting labor."

“I know he likes a good drink now and then,” her dining partner chuckled, “but I’m guessing you meant something that had to do with us? Plants? Ghosts?”

"I don't believe he knows about phantoms, or helping plants grow, but he seemed a little interested in joining the show."

He lowered his slice of bread for a moment, “Really? Mr. Pine? I never would’ve guessed! What kind of talent does he have to showcase? It must be some feat with an ax, like throwing it into a target board.”

Tunda took her turn now to laugh. "That does seem masculine enough, I admit. But, no, he's not just a lumberjack, but plays an instrument to wit."

A smile crossed Silver’s face, “That’s even better! Now we can have some music to go along with our singing. Assuming, of course, that he would be okay with that. What does he play?” The stallion had finished his bread by now. He was starting to become a bit nervous under his joyful exterior.

"From what he said to me, he plays the guitar," Tunda explained, setting her spoon down gracefully to start in on the bread soon. "But I don't know if when he'll join is near or far.”

“I think that could go pretty well with quite a few of the songs we have. I just hope he’s not too shy to come right out and say he wants in. I never have known Jack to be much of a friendly one. At least not to me.” I’d better take it slow on the juice. I don’t want to run out just in case I need it. I really don’t want to have to do this. I’m not sure I can...

“I don’t think he’s an unfriendly pony, but rather more the sort who gets lonely.” He seemed to appreciate the visit. Unaware of the plot, Tunda continued eating some fruit, savoring the literal fruit of her labors.

The pony started to scrape his spoon against the bottom of the bowl, realizing they’d both be done with the main course soon. Could he really rely on the cake to get the job done? “If that’s the case, then maybe we should invite him to sit with us sometime during dinner. Assuming you have no objections.”

“None at all, that I can conjure.” Tunda looked at Silver Rush, and very slightly tilted her head. “We wouldn’t want him to feel alone and somber.”

“Heh, yes, right,” the bat-stallion replied, now beginning to fidget a little in his seat. He was silent for a minute or two, trying to think of alternatives to his original plan. There’s got to be a better way to get ahold of that dress. How exactly would I even get juice on her from over here? I guess I could say that I was going to go get something to show her and spill my drink as I walked past her. What if she watches me the whole time? Can I make it look like a convincing accident if her back isn’t turned?

"And his music, in the show it would belong… Silver, is there something wrong?" Tunda asked, putting down her spoon as her host looked more and more bothered.

He snapped to attention, “Huh? Oh, n-no! All’s good over here! I was just… admiring your hooves! Somepony must be giving you really good hooficures for them to be so smooth and shiny despite all your work in the dirt!” The deceptive stallion put on a Cheshire Cat grin.

Tunda sincerely smiled back, holding out her hoof to examine. "I do my best to take good care of them, even after pulling up weeds and chasing hens." That certainly explained his distraction.

The metal-named pony reached out and took her hoof in his own, “Yeah, I can totally see my reflection in them! It almost looks like they were carved from some good, dark-colored tiger iron stone. Yep! I bet those other mares are jealous. That was a lucky save, but it doesn’t solve my problem yet. If only I could tell her that I needed the dress for something without telling her what that something was. Should I lie?

Tunda waved her other hoof, as if to fend off the flattering, albeit deserved, compliments. “Oh my, that’s very kind of you to say, Silver Rush...” Though, maybe they could look even better… “Next time merchants are here, I should ask for hoof polish and a brush.”

“I’m sure it would look great on you.” Okay, think! What do I say? I want to examine the fabric? No. Ms. Frame wants to make a dress like it for herself? Oh, wait. That’s a good direction to go with this. Yes! I’ve got it! He allowed her to have her hoof back, “Oh, I did have a question that I wanted to ask you.  I hope you don’t think I’m being presumptuous, but it concerns your dress.”

“Go ahead and ask, no need to stress.” Tunda put elbows on the table and rested her head on her chocolate-striped foreknees. “I’ll answer your question about my dress.”

So far so good. “See, I’ve got a younger sister back home named Candlebright and she likes to wear clothes from other cultures. Then I remembered that she doesn’t have anything made by zebras. So I was going to ask you if you’d be willing to let me borrow one of your dresses, for just a little while, so that I can bring it to Ms. Frame and have her create one similar to it. Then, when the time is right, I can have it shipped back to Hackamore Basin so that Candle knows I haven’t forgotten about her or the family. At least that wasn’t too much of a lie. I know she does like to wear griffon-inspired clothing. Who knows? Maybe I’ll actually go completely through with this plan and send her a zebra dress. Maybe she’ll like it.

"I didn't know that you had a younger sister! And that's such a thoughtful idea to have one made for her," Tunda told the sweet stallion. She almost wanted to ask more about the filly right now, and would if not for more immediate concerns. "Of course you can take it for Ms. Frame to learn how." The zebra mare's voice lowered, and her hoof traced shapes on the table idly as she asked, "…Would you like me to take it off now?"

“I have four siblings actually: three brothers and a sister. I’m just the oldest of the bunch,” Silver clarified, feeling thrilled that Tunda was going along so willfully. Oh wait, did she just offer to take her clothes off here and now? At least a pony without clothes on wasn’t such a big deal here. The stallion himself usually wore nothing more than his blue neckerchief to public events. “Uh, heh, I didn’t mean that it had to be the dress you were wearing right this moment. Any one of them will do,” he said with a nervous chuckle.

Smiling coyly, Tunda sat up, preparing to stand. "Doing it now is no trouble whatsoever." The mare stood, leaving her food for now, and slowly removed the clothing, striking something of a pose. It took longer than strictly necessary, and she watched the stallion for a response as she finished, and held the cloth out draped over her hoof. "If this was a ruse, it was very clever."

The winged horse leaned back, soon afterwards sinking into his seat as an eye twitched. Only now does he realize that he made a mistake by complimenting her hooves so thoroughly. “R-ruse?” The panicked pony stuttered, “N-no! I do have a sister and I’m definitely going to have a dress made for her! Ruse...what does that word even mean? Hehe… heh...” Silver looked everywhere around the room except directly at Tunda.

Seeing the reaction, Tunda took a few figurative steps back, while taking a few literal ones forward, and set the dress down on the nervous gentlestallion’s bed. When it’s there, she deftly folded it with a few dextrous flicks of her hoof. “Worry not, I don’t doubt the filly is real,” she lightly spoke on her way back to her seat. “I only meant to tease, and add some humor to our meal.”

Silver let out a breath that he had been holding, feeling relieved at her last sentence. Somewhat. “Oh, hehe, of course, of course. I can appreciate a joke or two,” he answered with a cheesy grin, quickly swapping his soup bowl for the slice of cake, “Strawberries, and cake! Yep, that’s what this is! Time for a bite!” He took in a fork-full and tried to savor it, “Mmmm, yeah! Good stuff!”

"It's cute to see a pony flustered by a pretty mare," Tunda commented, forgetting her modesty for a moment. Agreeing though, she got a slice of cake for herself and pulled it near. "But you're right, it is time to try the rest of this fare." If looks are anything to judge by, she can't wait to taste it.

Cute to you, maybe… scary as buck to me! For a moment there, I was afraid that I was going to have to reveal my… flaw. Silver remained quiet for the rest of the time that he worked on the cake, which incidentally wasn’t long at all. Seeing that he had finished all but his blueberry juice, he took a quick glance up to see how close the zebra was to completing her own meal.

Tunda is less far along with hers, not feeling any particular reason to rush. It’s such a moist and delicious cake that she savored it, instead of scarfing it down.

After polishing off his juice, Silver decided to break the awkward silence, “So… you like strawberry cake? Do you have any other favorites?”

Looking up from one of the last bites of her cake, Tunda took a moment to think. “I like blueberries too, though I’ve never seen one on a cake. It’s good they’re something we grow, because I love them in another dessert that is baked.”

“Ah yeah, those are good. What other dessert do you like them in? Pie perhaps?”

“Exactly right my batty pony, and and when it comes to pie, not blueberry only. There’s another ingredient that where I lived before, finding was hard. But here I’m thankful that on my plot I grow rhubarb.”

The current conversation reminded him of another project he had planned, “Speaking of growing, I’ve been entertaining the idea of putting a garden or something like it in front of my house. You know, to liven it up a bit? I could plant berry bushes of some kind there, but what I wanted the most were some black flowers. Unfortunately, those seem to be rare and I couldn’t find anything like them after searching the surrounding woods. I’ve told Dr. Gunther to keep an eye out for them when he goes foraging, but he hasn’t reported anything back to me so far.”

“I go foraging with the doctor every other day, and have never seen any black flowers, I’m sorry to say,” Tunda sympathetically informed him.

“I knew it was a long shot,” Silver lamented, leaning back in his seat as he watched the zebra’s cake slowly disappear. “I suppose some other plants will have to do instead. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about caring for vegetation. Maybe you could give me a few tips when the time comes?”

“When the time comes for you to start a garden of your own,” Tunda answers, nearly finished with her meal by now. “You needn’t go very far to find me at home.”

“Right, and I’m thankful for that,” Silver gave a narrow smile at her generosity. The two talked for a few more minutes before a peak outside revealed that it was getting dark. After saying their goodbyes, the zebra left the stallion’s home and her dress with it. Now alone, Silver walked over to his bed and sat down, glancing over to the red robe. I wonder if all of that really was a joke? Sometimes she does get a certain look in her eyes. Maybe she’s just flirtatious by nature. It doesn't really mean anything. Does it?
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • thats not a red mage...
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #134 on: May 01, 2015, 12:00:15 am »

The sun rests lazily in the sky -having just risen a few hours ago-, letting most citizens of the small town know that, indeed, it is time to get back to work. The military patrols had mostly begun before the big rush for breakfast, leaving a certain unicorn out on her daily rounds. Lucky, while she wasn’t the most enthusiastic about trotting in circles all day, didn’t complain. She made her rounds through the camp, around the logging area, near the river -keeping a food yard away from it however-, and near the stockpiles. She groaned as she finished this ‘loop’ a second time that morning. Another boring day!

However, as she turned to head back to the main hall to see if it was possible to get a short break for breakfast, she could have sworn she saw a griffon moving towards the stockpiles...

Fargo was indeed heading to the stockpile. What he was doing there wasn’t clear. He usually didn’t do any type of work with the stuff from there, and he seemed to not paying attention to anything. He was walking very slowly, taking a lot longer than needed.

“Oi!” Lucky calls out, approaching the griffon. “Get to work!” She calls out as she gets closer to him, not really paying attention to his sluggishness. “Not even in uniform?” She snickers. “Who’s the foal now?”

The bird just kept walking. It was strange, the griffon usually always had his armor and weapon, but this time he had neither. Even when he didn’t have his sad excuse of a rusty weapon he always had a shield. He didn’t say a word to even acknowledge the unicorn.

Lucky’s horn and sword suddenly stop glowing as she frowns. “Was it something I said? Yeesh.” She quickens her pace. “Eh. Whatcha looking for?” She asks, not really sounding interested in actually helping.

Nothing was said again, the bird just kept marching on to the stockpile. He didn’t even look at her.

She sighs. “Fine. Just… Don’t touch anything? It’s trouble enough having to mindlessly circle the town. I’d rather not have to file any reports because some griffon got into a scuffle with me.” She backs off slightly -giving a few feet of space between the two- keeping watch on him as he goes about whatever he’s up to.

The griffon stopped moving for a moment after passing the mare. He’d stay that way, before he awkwardly turning around to face her. He didn’t look at her at all still, but his head was sort of facing in her direction. “Stop watching...” The voice coming from fargo didn’t sound at all normal. In fact it just came out sounding like a bad russian impersonation.

She laughs, barely hiding her foalish amusement at the voice. “You-You run into s-some poison joke?” She asks, barely keeping her composure.

The griffon made an awkward nod for a moment. “Y-yeah! that’s definitely what happened. Now go away or something.” His voice was still off. He was getting impatient, so he turned around dramatically and kept started to walk again.

She shrugs, continuing to follow him. “Look. You’re either not well or skipping work. Either way, you can’t be here.” She chuckles, trotting ahead of him to make a -if weak- point.

She’d hear a small growl from the griffon. It kept walking as it spoke out. “Damnit, you don’t go away do you?” The crappy impersonation dropped. His voice sounded very different now, nothing like fargo at all. It was more of a voice you’d expect from a local, his voice smooth as if delivered by a public speaker or salesmen.

Lucky stops and turns around. “...Uh…” She stares at the griffon who is obviously sounding much different. “Well... “ He horn lit up once more, as if anticipating something going wrong.

“Turn off that over glorified flash light your sporting, please.”  He kept walking, though it was being more and more obvious it wasn't fargo. He didn’t even use say eh as often as possible! “I’m not dumb enough to jump at you. Why it’s almost insulting.”

“And I’m to expect you to not assault me the second I stop?” She chuckles. Her sword suddenly leaves its scabbard, finding itself laying on the ground next to her. “I expect you to follow the same honor.” Her horn stops glowing after that. “Now. Explain yourself.”

“Oh god damnit.” He said brashly, before catching himself. “Ooops, I’m sorry if I’m a bit impatient, I’ve been waiting a really long time you see, and I don’t like doing things with a pony over my back. Now go away unless you really want my undivided attention.” They were near the stockpile now.

She sighs, rolling her eyes. “Unless you want to spend even longer waiting, you’re going to explain yourself.” She is definitely not going to be leaving with just a ‘no’ anytime soon.

He chuckled loudly, before turning back around, looking her right in the eye. “You really are persistent!” He kept looking her in the eye, before flaring Fargo’s wings and starting to walk towards her. “You can still walk away.”

Lucky’s eyes widened for a moment before she shook her head, taking on a defensive stance in preparation for what could happen. “L-Look. I don’t want a fight. Why don’t we just make with the talking and forget this happened?” He horn lights up as she speaks.

“Heh, I know you’re afraid of this guy. You think he could snap like a twig and go nuts, he just hasn’t gotten the nerve. He’s big enough to be a really nasty guy in a fight.” He kept walking towards her. “I doubt he’d ever do it though, he’s probably thought about it though, but he isn’t here right now.” He got an awkward smile for a moment. “You still haven’t walked away too.”

Lucky stays silent, backing up slightly as the griffon speaks. “You think I’m scared of the bastard?” She chuckles slightly. “Ah… I uh... “ She stops speaking before making an idiot of herself.

“Yes, yes I do.” he said before turning around again and walking up to the stockpile of wood. “Now you’re going to leave me be while I go get some firewood. Alrighty?”

She sighs, her sword that was going to be lined up with the griffon’s back falls to the ground unceremoniously. “Fine. Just. Fucking, Fine.” Her sword quickly finds itself sheathed once more, her horn however still glows afterwards. “One last thing though. For taking up my time.” As she says this, a small glow surrounds a small patch on Fargo’s head… Before a feather is quickly plucked from it.

Fargo made a small chuckle when he felt the feather yanked, “You think that hurt me?” He said, before going back to the old crappy impersonation. “Ouch! That wasn’t nice!” He said before ignoring her.

Lucky jokingly stuck out her tongue before taking a more composed look. “I knew that...” Her horn stops glowing before she turns around. “Just… Hurry up. I’d rather not get even more shit because of this.”

“Your the one who made this take longer than it had to.” He said before awkwardly trying to grab a log of wood. He’d grab at it and kept trying to get his claws to it for a few seconds, each time failing until he finally just dug his talons right into the log and then brought it up. “I’ll be on my way now.” He said, before starting walk in the opposite direction he had been going in.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms
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