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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41068 times)


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Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:28:56 am »

Welcome to Shadytrails

As I promised a few weeks ago, here's a new community fort for those who were itching for another My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fort.  Set in the same universe as my previous two games, it would be helpful if you're familiar with them already.  If you're not and have a lot of time to kill, have a look at Dawnpick and Duskfields.  Unfortunately, Dawnpick has suffered over the years and has had a lot of the early images rot and some of the posts have been vandalized for unknown reasons, so you can check out Paaaad's very nice edit of it on FiMFiction: Dawnpick.  It's nowhere near done, but I greatly appreciate the huge effort already put into it.

If you're not familiar with either Dawnpick or Duskfields, that's okay too.  This game takes place in the same world, but 30 years prior to the events of Dawnpick.  Some of the same characters may exist, somewhere, but this is a story completely unrelated to Virtue and her family.  The important thing to take away from it is that this is a fort based on My Little Pony, but the canon is very different from what is in the cartoon.

This is not a succession fort, despite the fact that it's a successor to my previous fort.  Don't be confused, it's just a community fort.

The Story Begins

Thirty years before the events of Dawnpick, the world is in a relatively peaceful, if fragmented state.  The ponies, griffons, zebras, diamond dogs and others live in relative isolation, trying to stay out of each others' ways.  There are the few merchant guilds that span the gaps between their lands, but most find the work hard, unforgiving, and oftentimes not profitable enough to extend their reach deep into the various kingdoms.

To remedy this problem, many are seeking to set up permanent trade routes and trading posts to supply them.  The Prestigious Confederacy is one such group: a large merchant organization staffed by a wide variety of creatures from many lands and seeking to bring them together in the name of economics.  They have chosen several key sites, chosen the most eager of their bright eyed and bushy tailed upcoming officers, hired the needed help, and sent them on their merry way to fortune or ruin.

This is the story of Isolde Hookbill, a young adult griffoness, and her team, set out on the road to found Shadytrails.  Deep in the south, it's near enough to several old trade routes and rivers large enough to handle shipping, so it seems to be a promising site.

Will she bring fame and fortune to her employers, or will disaster strike first?

So cold.  Hopefully this wasn't a mistake!

Expedition Team

Here's the expedition team.  Click on any avatar to get a full sized image.  Note that most of these characters are already taken, so if you're looking to join, check the next post!

- Isolde Hookbill - She's the expedition leader
- Silver Rush - A batpony (treated as a Pegasus in game) and the team's miner
- Jack Pine - The team's woodcutter
- Shooting Star - A soldier specializing in archery
- Tunda - The team's farmer
- Patina Dreams - The team's mason and metal crafter
- Rosewood - The team's carpenter
- Gunther - The team's doctor
- Kiume - The militia commander and swordszebra
- Shortstack - The team's cook and brewer

Isolde's Diary, 15th Granite, 222

Today, we came to the join of two small rivers and decided to call the traveling to a stop.  There's snow as far as the eye can see, so I don't see much point in trying to go much further.  According to the map, we should be where we were headed anyway, or close enough.

Someone higher up in management wrote the word 'Clusterbuck' on my map, which I'm hoping was a mistake.  I'm going to say it was, anyway.  I got everyone together last night and had a little vote on what to really call the place, and the name that came out of the discussion was 'Shadytrails.'  Shortstack's idea I think?  Anyway, I like it.  It's sure better than 'Clusterbuck' anyway.

Right now 'Snowytrails' would be a more appropriate name, but I'm sure it'll start warming up soon enough and all of that will be gone.  Last year had a particularly hard winter, so I'm not too worried about the snow still being around.  In truth, this is a good thing, since it means that any merchants traveling nearby will want to come here to resupply and rest.  That should be good for business, both ways, since they'll be able to travel further and should have much better morale with a hot meal and warm place to sleep.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.  This is probably literally the hardest moment in this whole expedition: getting started now that we're here.  There's nothing but work to do, and even though there's ten of us able to pitch in, it's going to be a while before we have anything remotely like an outpost here.

For now, it's time to get the wagon unloaded, get something warm cooking, and get some shelter set up.  Everyone's pretty tired, so we can start working hard tomorrow.  Until then, we can all relax a bit and be happy that we made it out here without any incidents.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 09:21:00 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 01:30:16 am »

Game Status

Unclaimed Pony List Closed

Sorry about that.  The game unofficially withered away and died a few months ago.  There's really no point at all joining the game now, so I'm officially closing the opportunity for anyone to do so.  Just saving us all some time here by doing that.

So, why am I still posting updates?  For a couple of reasons.

  • This is actually how I wanted to run even Dawnpick in the beginning.  Back then I didn't think anyone would care about the game, or that I'd be able to GM it even if they did.  So, the intention was for me to just post updates as a story.  Back then I'd intended to write for a number of important characters, but I won't be doing that in Shadytrails.  Everyone who has claimed or written for a character won't be touched.
  • I do still like playing Dwarf Fortress on occasion, and this gives me something to do.  So, what the heck?  If I play the game I can at least write up a little about what happened and keep posting it here.

As of today, December 20th, 2015, the game / story is over and I won't be posting anything else.  A new version of DF is here and I have no interest in playing this anymore.  Kind of like everyone else I guess.

Update Milestones

Game Save Snapshots

I'll be posting one of these per game year, or at other significant breaks in time.  Or I'll forget and everyone will stop caring.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


As a whole, I'm not enforcing much in the way of hard rules.  This is a community fort that mostly abides by the general standards and rules of a community fort.  If there's an unclaimed character you want, have at them and post journal entries from their perspective.  If this develops into roleplaying like Dawnpick and Duskfields did, then feel free to have fun with that too.  If you want to keep your involvement comparatively light, then by all means, keep it to journals if you want!

If there end up being a lot of players, I may enforce a player limit to help rein in the sanity a bit, but for the moment, there is none.

I reserve the right to change these rules as things develop!

Spoiler: Setting (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: FAQ (click to show/hide)


Interested in playing the same mod I'm using for Shadytrails?  See here.

Postmortem Analysis

Spoiler: "Contains Graphs" (click to show/hide)


Just as with Dawnpick and Duskfields, I'm releasing the setting of Shadytrails and any and all content produced by me to be used in future stories, games, artwork or any other media.  Not that anyone cares, but you know, just in case.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 12:19:23 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 01:33:51 am »

If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
Spooky Signature
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 01:47:46 am »

((It feels so good to be back in a community fort again! The following takes place before the expedition left for Shadytrails.))
((Edit: Placed the interview in a spoiler, following KSB's lead. We can hold off on the walls of text for at least a page or so. :P))

Spoiler: Tunda's interview (click to show/hide)

Tunda's Journal, 15th Granite, 222

There once was a bird called Isolde,
Who had an idea quite bold.
She took some ponies and a wagon,
Which we all took turns draggin'
If only she'd said it'd be cold!

Oh, a good limerick is always fun. Else it isn't much of one at all. After taking stock of the seeds again, I should tell it to our brave leader, but I'll save some of the other ones until I know her better, hehe. I will need to talk to her regardless, to find out what she needs me to grow in this snowy place.

Not that anyone will hear me complain about the weather, oh no. It has been too long since I've wandered down this way. The forest looks like some lovely backdrop from some tales I know, and the snow gave some of the ponies an excuse to show their playful side after that long trip. Though I don't think I'll tell that timid mare who it was that decided to include her in the snowball fight. I am sure she'll come out of her shell soon, once we have the basics in place.

Now for those seeds, and then my favorite part of travel: sitting around the campfire. Maybe today I can ask Kiume about why he left our land, if he did at all. Or that interesting stallion with the leathery wings. Silver Rush? He must have a story, oh yes.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 11:50:04 am by Amorack »
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 09:12:10 am »

((The following scene was written when Telgin first was planning this game. Takes place before the expedition begins. It's fairly long so I put it in the spoiler below to keep the first page from just looking like an unconquerable wall of text. Reading it is hardly required... but it's available.))

Patina Dream's Diary ((Arrival at embark date, minus the traveling time, minus a week maybe?))*

I got word from Ms. Mistress Isolde today! She's taking me in! I still need to pack, and it'll be awhile before we set out, but this is the chance I need. I'm sorry I couldn't do better for them all, but I trust Mistress Isolde will take care of us. I do feel a bit bad about lying to her, but I'm still glad she took my word about the experience I said I had... I'm confident I can do the work, but I never did finish that internship.

Patina Dream's Diary ((Arrival at embark date minus the traveling time.))

We set out today. I met the rest of the people I'll be working with from now on. Some of them seemed nice. I didn't know there would be zebra on the trip though. That one... Kiune, or Kiume, or Kumi... I don't know how it should be spelled, but he's scary... I hope I can stay out of his way!

The other zebra is a mare, she's not as scary at least... but she rhymes everything she says. I don't know how she does it... How does she think that fast? She must be really smart, or really crazy. Shooting Star said it was probably the former, since Mistress Isolde wouldn't hire a crazy pony.

Oh yeah, Shooting Star is a blue pegasus mare. She's an army scout or something I think. Carried a crossbow. I was on the far side of the wagon from that big zebra, trying to avoid his attention, and she flew down behind and startled me. We talked for awhile after that though, she's really friendly.

Patina Dream's Diary 15th Granite, 222

We arrived at our destination today. Mistress Isolde had us all get right to work. Even pitched a hoof claw in herself. It's so cold here though. I don't know how the others stand it. Some of them were even PLAYING with the snow. Bleh. And if I find out who threw that snowball at me, there will be hell to pay! Never thought I'd miss the summers back home. Can't wait till we get a forge built for me to work at. Till then, I guess I Jack Pine, Rosewood, and I need to get to working on a proper shelter for everyponybody.

* Patina's diary is entirely written in her native language. Any sneaky theives wanting to steal a peak would need to translate it, to see anything more than her doodles which litter every page.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:11:43 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 12:29:52 pm »

Gunther's Log: Entry 1

We have newly arrived at what we are planning on calling Shadytrails. I will admit that it's a much colder region then I would have liked to embark on a caravan towards but under the circumstances beggars cannot be choosers. I consider myself quite fortunate that the rather beautiful Isolde was willing to take me on for my medical skill set despite my inability to meet her for a proper interview. Alas, as I mentioned in the letter that I sent alongside my credentials that two of my patients had started to spiral out into a dangerous situation and I couldn't afford the time to meet her in person without fear of losing my patients in my absence. Regretfully even that was not truly enough and only one of the two survived long enough to become stable and have a hope of recovery.

Yes, a new beginning might be for the best.

I haven't really taken the time to get to know those that I am traveling with all that well. Isolde is busy keeping things going and spirits up so apart from a few short but sweet conversations here and there I haven't really had the chance to get to know her better. The cold weather and the fact that we are setting ourselves up in pretty much the middle of nowhere puts me in to much of a survivalist mindset a little to much to really want to get close to the pony members of our little group; It's hard to make friends with someone when you can't help but think of them as emergency rations.

Speaking of, I have had the chance to meet our Zebra military commander and swordpony. I'm kind of hoping that whatever kills him leaves enough of him to cook up; He looks like he would be a good base for a pretty solid stew.

Oh well. Hopefully we'll get our new home and base of operations up and running properly before we have to resort to such measures. Maybe once we have a proper roof over our heads I'll be able to talk with Isolde and get to know her beyond the pretty face.

Written in his native language. Only Isolde would be able to read it.   
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 06:43:31 pm »

Post to watch!
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 08:03:15 pm »

Kiume's Journal, Departure
Many would feel a sense of loss on leaving heir homeland for new grounds, but our kind have always been a migratory type of species; we like to get around. My family presented me with a brand new sword on the eve of the journey, but it was a reserved affair compared to the scenes I saw from some of the clans of pony. In any case, the taste of a new hilt and the promise of a great future ahead of us was more than enough to keep me eager to see where the trail lead. If I have any cause for trepidation, it would be that another zebra has accompanied the expedition. Perhaps I've spent too long among the other species of the world, but there's just something about speaking in rhyme that makes me crazy if it goes on all the time. If I can't convince her to stop, I fear my mind will surely pop.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 01:17:41 am »

Posting to watch.

At least until a pony I wish to take arrives :P


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 07:44:15 pm »

Pinkie pie cancels cook: taken by mood.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 11:27:41 pm »

Silver Rush's Journal, 15th Granite, 222

It's biting cold out here, but I'm still loving it. Not really all that different than the winters back in Hackamore Basin. I think the chilled air, hanging icicles and gray skies really add to the beauty of this place, even if I know it's all probably just temporary. Not that it matters much to me personally: hacking away at stone builds up internal heat pretty quick! This is perfect weather for a campfire too, an excellent opportunity to chew the fat with some of my travelling companions. I wonder how well they've been holding up against the cold? I've brought extra coats and sweaters if anypony needs them. That tiny unicorn named Patina looks like she might need it more than the others.

Now that I see all these griffons and zebras in person, I'm really starting to appreciate just how huge they are! Or maybe it's just because I'm so used to being around earth ponies all the time. I'm sure I'll learn eventually. In the meantime, I gotta get to making friends: nothing's better at boosting morale!

I'm also pretty stoked to start adding to my mineral collection. Wonder what sorts of exotic ore might turn up?


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2015, 10:24:36 pm »

Post to watch, m80
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2015, 10:33:48 pm »

First small update is here!  I'm going to try to get one in per week if there's nothing holding it up, but I probably won't be able to stick to that for long.  In any case, only about a month has passed so far in game, but more substantial amounts of time will pass for future updates as less interesting things happen so quickly.

Isolde's Journal - 16th Granite, 222

As promised, we took the rest of yesterday to get settled in and get ready for today, which is the first big workday.  The very first thing I wanted to get done was to get some of these trees cut down and sawed into lumber, since we're never going to have enough of it.  I marked out a space just off to the side of the wagon to take the felled trees, asked Jack Pine to see what he could do, then went off to see Tunda about our farming prospects.

Gotta make sure the trees are cut down before any pegasi or griffons get stuck in them... setting a forbidden traffic zone usually helps.

As I feared, it's early to be planting much of anything.  Most of the seeds we brought with us aren't frost tolerant, which makes this pretty hard.  I don't want to wait for spring to start planting though, because I'm not confident our supplies will hold us out if we do.  So, for now, I asked her to take stock of what we had, figure out if any of it would grow, and if not, take a look around the camp for any local shrubs that maybe withstand the cold and are edible.

In the meantime, everyone else was pretty much sitting on their claws and hooves waiting for something to do, so we got together and started clearing out space for the future farms.  There was a lot of snow to shove aside, and we found some larger stones in the way that Silver Rush took care of in short order, but it's looking better.  The ground isn't frozen very deep, so maybe we'll be able to plant something soon.

P.S. Tunda had an interesting little poem to sing about me.  I'm going to have to watch and see if she does that for everyone, or if I'm somehow already made an impression on her.

18th Granite, 222

Already things are growing out of nothingness into a few workshops.  Jack Pine is nothing if not a fast worker, and we've already got a lot of logs ready to be put to use making buildings to get out of this cold.  I wanted to get a sawmill set up immediately, but I discovered that we're lacking some needed machinery for something like that.  Unfortunately, we didn't hire anyone specifically for that line of work, but Patina Dreams is the closest thing we've got so I asked if she could handle making whatever we needed.  She seemed a bet reluctant but agreed eventually.  Now we just need to get some stone or something for her to work with.  That will be Silver Rush's next job.

On the bright side, the snow is already starting to melt!  We'll have clear ground to plant on in a few days Tunda tells me.

In other news, I did get Rosewood to set up a little carpentry workstation so she can start making some necessities.  We didn't have room in the wagon to bring a big, heavy wheelbarrow, for example, and she says she can make one without any trouble.  After she gets that set up, I think I'll see about getting some equipment racks set up for Kiume and Shooting Star so they can start practicing.

The other news is that Shortstack didn't have any trouble getting a little semi-permanent cooking fire set up, so we've got warm meals coming regularly now.  I tell you, hiring a chef might seem a bit unnecessary for an expedition like this, but fresh food makes all the difference when everything else is stressful enough.

19th Granite, 222

Looks like stone won't be as easy to get to as I'd hoped.  Silver Rush took to digging out a cave for us to move some supplies into, and at the same time tried to guess which way to go looking for something durable enough for Patina to make mechanisms out of.  So far he's only turned up soil and clay.

Clay will be useful if we get anyone with any pottery skill later, but for now it's not doing us much good.  Oh well, I told him to keep up the good work and keep digging for now.

We did at least get some training grounds established for the guards, so they don't have to stand around feeling like a fifth wheel anymore.  It's not much to look at...

A couple of racks for weapons and they're good to go!

...but it's something, right?

Right now I'm mostly trying to figure out what to do with poor Gunther.  He's been trying to help out in any small way he can, but there isn't anything really needing his expertise right now.  Maybe I can get some clerical duties set up for him to keep him busy?  We still need to take stock of everything after all.

24th Granite, 222

Looks like I shold have joined the weather patrol back home, since the weather cleared up just like I'd hoped.  Within the span of just two days most of the snow has melted, leaving the farm plots nice and pristine for Tunda to tend.  She's already got some strawberries, millet and alfalfa planted.  If we can combine that with some local shrubs and herbs I think we can get some pretty passable food growing.

That hasn't left a whole lot for me to do though, so I've been helping move supplies to better locations.  The seeds and food are all stockpiled near the kitchen and farms, which until we get a permanent storage building set up should suit us fine.  It's still plenty cold enough that I'm not worried about any of it spoiling.

I am hoping to do something about our eating and working arrangements soon.  It seems that we won't have any stone, and so nothing substantive to build the sawmill out of, which means that we won't be able to make the best use of the wood Jack has hewn so far, but maybe Rosewood and Patina can get something temporary set up at least?

And maybe I can find something for Firr to do.  I hate for her to be bored out here, but tagging along with Jack when he's cutting down trees seems awfully risky to me.

1st Slate, 222

Cut into planks or not, wood logs are still perfectly serviceable construction material if you know what you're doing, and fortunately Rosewood does.  And as they say, many claws make for light work, so we've actually made a lot of progress toward getting a little shelter put together.

It's framed in and already much warmer inside than out, but we're still waiting on Rosewood to finish making some tables and chairs.  None of the rest of us have the skill needed for that, so it's up to her for now.  She's doing an excellent job so far, so I'm sure she'll have them ready soon.

Anyway, I took a short flight down to the river today, as a few of the others have been doing lately, hoping that it would have thawed out some more by now.  I can see the fish swimming around down there, and I can't wait to get a few of them up on a cooking fire.  I used to fish a little back home in my spare time, but it's been quite a few years.  Maybe I can be the first to take a spin at that when the ice does melt.  If Shortstack doesn't know how to cook fish then I guess I can give that a spin too.

8th Slate, 222

A week later and we've all pretty much moved into our new home away from home, if you can call it that.  We've finally got a civilized place to sit down, eat, talk and do any light work we need to do.  That means I finally have somewhere to sit down and really go through our stock records.  Maybe I will get Gunther in on that after all?  He still hasn't had a lot to do.  Maybe now that things are thawing out a bit he could help look for edible herbs around?  I should talk with him and find out if he has much of a pharmacological background.

Silver Rush tells me that things aren't looking too good on the stone front either.  The ground is very damp around here, so he says there probably isn't much stone or metal near the surface.  So much for the sawmill, at least for now.  We may have to trade for the parts we need...

And that means that Patina hasn't had a lot to do aside from help put the shelter together.  We do have clay and sand, so maybe she'd be willing to make some clay or glass crafts of some kind?  I should ask her about that.

Anyway, now that we have an enclosed building of some kind the next step is to get some beds put together.  It's been far, far too long since I last slept in a nice, soft, warm, fluffy bed.

I wonder if the ponies would find sleeping on griffon feather pillows strange?
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2015, 12:55:19 am »



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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2015, 08:59:54 am »

Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.
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