Manufacturing & Building
[]Exosuit Constructors(one destroyed: +5) (1 manpower)
Assist setting up LSL
>Slot Conversion(supporting MS)
[]Small Cargo Hauler(+10 Construction, +20/autosuccess everything else)
[]Damage Control & Machine Shop(+10) (3 manpower)
Set up LSL (3 manpower, Anna) (+10 DCMS, +14 rollover, Anna(+10 M&C, +10 morale))
54+10 MS+10 Anna+14 Rollover=84
With a world of bountiful life and breathable atmosphere, it is time to build all the equipment necessary to set up the Life Sciences Lab. The three spare cryotanks are disassembled to be repurposed as cloning tanks, a good bit of the advanced parts are fashioned into science equipment and control mechanisms, and the database and seed bank are fished out of the hold and connected. Finally, a power cable is run from the ship to the lab to power everything, and most of the remaining scrap is assembled into a self-contained housing and isolation chamber. The switch is thrown, systems are tested, and everything is in the green.
[Life Sciences Laboratory online. +1 Science biology Slot and a +20 bonus on any biology research. +Engineering slot related to genengineering new plants/animals, + Manufacturing slot mass cloning any animal/plant in the database. Can also act as a half-size Meat-Vat kit, but engineering&manufacturing functions suspended while doing so(1 month lead time to start/stop producing meat)]
(Life Sciences Lab 84/50, Rollover 34)
[]VR CAD(+5) (1 manpower)
Cybernetics Lab(design only) (1 manpower, Lisa) (Lisa: +20 Engineering)
Continue work on underground complex design (158/200) (1 manpower)
Using one of the pods, Lisa starts a project for a lab dealing in advanced cybernetics. Unfortunately, a hardware glitch offlines the pod almost as soon as she starts, and it takes most of the month to find and fix the problem. not much progress is made this month. (Cybernetics Lab 30/250)
Meanwhile, the base design is finished up. A single central shaft with two spiral ramps that have room for a D&D vehicle as well as several crew to pass, and a large ring on each level that is capable of supporting 2 Humongous caverns OR 4 Gigantic Caverns OR 8 Huge Caverns or 16 Large Caverns or 32 Medium Caverns(with a mix of caverns a possibility; A Large Cavern is equivilant of 2 Medium Caverns, a Huge equivilant of 2 Large, and so on). Just designate the size of caverns you want, and the plans will autoupdate with dig specifications and direction!
The Underground Base plans done. +20 to rolls digging out the base and base is 25% easier to dig]
Repair & Maintenance
[]Damage Control & Machine Shop(+10)
Mining(+20 Diggy Diggy Hole)
[]Digging and Drilling Vehicles(2 manpower, weapons)
Begin drilling to build base (2 manpower, +20 Diggy Diggy Hole)
22+20 DDH +20 Base design=64
Trailing behind the scout, the mining vehicles set up shop upon the schist area and begin the process of carving a base out of the ground. A sloping ramp is carve first, and then the entrances to the spiral shaft are dug. Integrated power and sewer line channels are also dug, as well as the start of a technical shaft. As a bonus, it appears the iron vein intrudes upon the base area as 50 meters down they start hitting iron as well as that second mineral, which is still unknown.
(The Underground Base 64/150)
Scouting & Exploration(4 manpower)
[]Small Cargo Hauler(+20/autosuccess)
[]SCH-Mounted Subsurface Survey Array(+15 Geology) (4 manpower, weapons)
Scan for place to build underground (+20 SCH, +15 Geology, +44 rollover, -10 SCH prototype, -20 SSA prototype)
The scanning array is mounted on the truck and the whole thing is field tested by scanning the ground in a 10km radius. A few likely formations are found, chief being a fast area of uniform schist that looks perfect for building the base in just a couple km to the north-northeast, as well as a large vein of what appears to be iron with some other mineral intruding that the scan techs aren't too sure of, just 1 km to the north of the schist area. Also, what appears to be copper is found 2 km to the east of the base location, as well as a massive outcropping of marble which has an unusual formation of galium. A strange, sandy area 3 km to the west is discovered, but before it could be investigated, the truck hits a hidden dip and breaks an axle! The crew manages to limp it back to base through manpower, but scanning is on hold until things can be fixed. [Truck damaged and offline, 0/25 to repair](Scouting Minerals 54/100)
[]Raw Manpower (15 manpower)
Continue unloading and covering cargo(23/50) (-5 Raw Manpower, -10 Diggy Diggy Hole)
The crew finally manages to get all the cargo out of the hold, and uses the rest of the scrap to fashion a sort of tin pavillion covering the cargo. It only took what, 4 months to unload everything?
[]Life Support (3 manpower)
[]Medical Bay (1 manpower(2 months))
The guy is recovering as normal
Outpost Chiron Statistics:
He-3 fuel:5.12 units(3.75 units enough to run reactor at 100% for 5 Earth Years)
Basic Parts:0.67 containers(.1 units can be used for +10 to any one Maintenance repair, or manufacturing roll. Once per turn per action only) Warning, basic parts at 33%
Advanced Parts:0.82 Containers(.1 units can be used for +10 to any one Maintenance repair, or manufacturing roll. Once per turn per action only)
Iron(unprocessed; shortfall)
Unknown ore(unprocessed, shortfall)
Systems and Projects online:
Small Cargo Hauler
Exosuit Contructor
Small Cargo Hauler
Sub-Surface Scanning Array
Life Sciences Lab
Life Support
Population:35 awake(including heroes)+47 in cryopods
Population required to run equipment:16(or 18 if using SCH for construction)(3 life support, 1 Exosuit, 1 VR-CAD, 3 Damage Control & Machine Shop, 2(or 6) Small Cargo Hauler, 1+3 SSA, 2 D&D Vehicles)
Life Support Capacity:Ship only
Food Production:Ship Hydroponics/LSL
Power Used/Produced:43.5/43.5 MW(56% power)
My First Factory
Basic & Advanced Parts
Vac Suits
Psych Card: Diggy Diggy Hole
+20 to any mining action
-10 to one M&C action