There's times I really like working for an entrepreneur, and times I hate it.
I love that we do business with other big businesses, and yet we're a small company with totally non-professional standards, who get to be exactly who we are instead of putting on suits and spewing business garbage speak at each other.
I love that there's always something weird and quirky going on here that has zero to do with our core business.
And that's why I also hate it. I hate it that my boss hires people not because they're eminently qualified for the positions we need, but because he finds them "interesting."
"Oh, you have a robotics hobby? You're hired! You're going to work inconsistent hours, and even when you are here, you may decide you "just can't stay focused on work" so you're going to build something dumb? Splendid. I'm glad we have you on the team so you can not do the work that needs to be done. In fact, why don't you drop everything you're doing to laser engrave some cookies."
"Oh, you made a successful flash game but you're a burnt out pot head ill-equipped for this business? No problem, let's invest in you, watch you fail, then basically give you free office space so you can start up your instrument repair business which makes no real money. Glad to have you aboard!"
Despite the fact our margins are tight, my boss won't hesitate to waste money on stupid shit, like said laser engraver, who no one so far has had any answer on why we bought it. Or he'll buy an $800 brass gong from some hippy fucking gong maker because he "wants to support local businesses." Meanwhile, our wages are just barely competitive for our region and we hire more interns than we do actual employees.
My current fear is that he's going to throw good company money at a Kickstarter game that's being developed here in the building, that will, in my estimation, miss its goal by $100,000 or more. It's a shit Kickstarter in my opinion, run by a well-meaning but ultimately clueless guy who is going to watch his project go down in flames, and I'm seriously worried my boss is going to try and swoop in to save it using our money, because that's exactly the kind of losing proposition he likes to sign up for.
On the one hand, I know I'm kind of a dick for not buying into the "let's all hug and make business" vibe that goes on around here. On the other hand, I've watched start ups come and go around here as one person after another has a crack pot small business idea which folds in 6 months to a year, and it really fucking pisses me off sometimes that my boss is at the center of it all, and sometimes seems to care more about the business community than his own company. Whether it's building us a new office space and then giving away half of it to a new company he wants to be buddies with, or cutting losers deals on office space, giving them money, exposure, whatever. Sometimes I wonder how successful we could be without all this business community bullshit distracting him (and us when he inevitably asks us to pitch in our time to help people promote. They seriously sent out a company-wide email asking people to stand out in front of the building holding signs promoting this Kickstarter. I get emails to like and favorite shit all the time because apparently, we're just a vehicle to help make someone successful around here.) And how better our lives might be when my boss wasn't suddenly waking up, realizing he has several businesses to run and swoops in to try and do in 5 minutes what he should have been doing for the last three months.
I suppose if I was making like, Google money, that would be enough to say "I just don't care because it doesn't affect me." But when every new year's meeting starts with the joke "So good news, you all still have jobs!", it fucking drives me insane to watch him waste money on stupid shit in the name of business, community, opportunity and sunshine. It's all well and good if we can stay in business every year, but if there's little chance to grow because we spend everything we make on stuff OTHER THAN THE BUSINESS, being here is ultimately a losing proposition. I don't want to be 45 making $15 bucks an hour because I like the office environment I work in.
This is also the guy that buys tickets every year to go to Burning Man, and inevitably gives them away to the newest hire who's around at the time. We literally hired a guy who worked for a couple days then went to Burning Man for a week on my boss's dime. What. The. Fuck. Does he wonder why the people that have been here 10 years increasingly feel like he doesn't really give any fucks about the business until something goes wrong?