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Author Topic: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire  (Read 34298 times)


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #60 on: February 11, 2015, 10:36:59 pm »

Beautiful rationalization for why other dwarves such as caravans and migrants will come to the fortress. It will be very amusing to see what their reactions are when they find a fortress already well in progress.
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #61 on: February 12, 2015, 05:08:28 am »

Thank you!

I actually got a migrant wave of a whopping 24 dwarves, the previous ones have been 3 each time. There was no way I could explain that unless a whole village moved here at once. I'm working on sorting out the ones fit for military duty, when that's done I'll assign some craftsdwarves and set the completely useless ones to engrave/gather plants/carry stone. Hopefully I can find an area with enough sand to get proper farms going.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2015, 10:06:13 am »

..."FOR ILROM ZIRIL!!!" shouted the dwarves in unison, and they struck the earth.

That is to say, Than402, Dwarobaki and Iamblichos struck the earth, but Beirus did not. She was standing a few steps behind them, unmoving, as if she were a stone pillar holding up the tunnel. Almost lazily she began dangling her massive arms back and forth, still holding the iron pick firmly in her right hand, where it looked like a toy. The others stopped digging and looked at her.

"Uh, Beirus, was it? Are you all right?" asked Iamblichos. Beirus did not reply, in fact she had closed her eyes and did not seem to have heard the question. Her arms were still swinging back and forth, and for each swing they went a little bit higher, steadily picking up speed.

"She's gone bonkers," said Than402 and turned back to the wall. "Let's keep digging. If we hurry up we might get the first room done before we sleep tonight." He swung his pick, and loosened a fist-sized chunk of rock. The others made to do the same.

"Mmmmmmmm," Beirus started chanting. Her arms were now describing a semi-circle, and they made an audible *swoosh* with each swing. "Uh, guys..." said Iamblichos. "I think we might want to..."

"mmMMMmmMMmMmMMMmmmMmmm," echoed Beirus' chant, drowning out Iamblichos' voice and growing in power as her swings approached their apex. The swooshing sound became a rapid chug, as if some great mechanical engine had started up and was nearing its maximum workload. "GET BACK!", shouted Dwarobaki.

Beirus's arms swung around in full circles, and she opened her eyes. Her chant culminated in a deafening "mmmMMMMIIIIIINE!" as she charged into the wall, her pick nearly bisecting Than402 as he and the others dodged out of the way. When they got to their feet, Beirus was gone. In her stead was a perfectly straight corridor, with neat little piles of rock evenly placed throughout its length. A great rumble of crushing stone could be heard from within, where Beirus was now carving out the barracks dormitory, her rotating arms a blur in the air.

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"What the..." said Than402 and looked down the corridor. Then he looked at his own pick, with the expression of a dwarf who has just discovered a centipede in his ale. The thunderous noise returned, and they all stepped back from the nearest section of wall in time for Beirus to explode through it, but in the blink of an eye she had caught all the flying rocks with her empty hand, and placed them on the floor. The corridor was now a hallway. 

"Time for a drink," she said. "You guys want to start on the armory?" She began walking down the tunnel towards the dining table where the others were still celebrating, but after a few steps she turned her head and looked back at Than402. He was making feeble, windmill-like motions in the air, with a look of extreme concentration on his face. Dwarobaki's chuckle could be heard from within the hallway, and Iamblichos was rolling around hysterically on the tunnel floor, gasping for air. Beirus shook her head.

Than402 was about to test out his new-found technique on an innocent part of the tunnel wall, when he felt a mighty grip stopping his arm. "Come with me," said Beirus. She walked him down the barracks hallway, past Dwarobaki who was still smirking, and turned at the end to face the east wall, where the lever room was to be dug. "You're standing wrong." She hoisted him up like a small child, and placed him down in front of her, facing the rock at a slight angle.

"Bend over and use your weight as you move forwards, it gives you more momentum." She pushed him down, forcing him to bend his torso, and brought his pick-arm down at the same time, hitting the upper part of a rock that jutted out from the wall. "When the pick hits, it'll bounce back. Use that to your advantage, and move your arm back like so," she moved his arm back in a circle and brought it up in an underhand swing, "and straighten up now." She pulled him back up as the swing connected, and the rock came loose.

"Now, when the rock comes loose you grab it with your other hand, and place it behind you while you begin the next swing." She pulled out the rock with his empty hand in hers and brought it down behind him, dropping it on the floor as she brought his pick-arm up at the ready again. "Just keep going like that. Keep a steady rhythm, and don't dig too far or you'll mess up the room design. Start out slowly, then when you get good at it you can move faster. Look for rocks that are sticking out like that one, and remove them one by one."

Than402 looked up at his tutor with awe. "Thank you," he said, blushing slightly. Beirus did not answer. She was looking at his old, bent copper pick, her face confirming that it was indeed a centipede in the ale. Without a word, she took it and gave him her own. He had to use both hands to hold it, and his shoulders sank under its weight. "I cannot lift this," he exclaimed.

"Grow stronger", said Beirus cheerfully over her shoulder as she went back for her drink.

A few months later:

Thob climbed up onto the cart, and sat down gingerly on the tarpaulin that covered it. She took another look at the Fountain of Buzzards. At first a bump in the horizon, it had claimed more and more space over the past week as their caravan inched its way along the winding trail, until it now loomed in front of them. Smoke rose from its summit and blotted out the sun, welcoming them into the shadow. After all this time, and all the death, decay and struggles they had endured, their road was finally at an end. They had arrived.

Of the fifty-two villagers that had set out from the Still Shield only thirty-one remained, including the soldiers that had saved them. One of them, Burnie, had been struck by a foul disease, likely caught from one of the many insects that plagued them all. He had recovered, but was still quite weak. The rest of the dwarves were in various states of hunger, thirst and emotional trauma. But at least they were alive, and away from the machinations of the Queen. If this peak was to be their tomb, they would die as free dwarves. Only the final climb remained.

Thob jumped down from the cart, and went to speak with the expedition leader. He had remained their pillar of strength throughout this ordeal, and although his weapons had been confiscated before the caravan left, Thob had never seen a finer warrior. During one particularly vicious goblin ambush he had caught a crossbow bolt in mid-air, and used it to impale his attackers one by one. He always cut off their left ear after the battle was over, and fastened them to a leather strap he wore about his neck. It was a ponderous necklace. Thob only wished that she could be as mighty as him one day.

"It's looking good, isn't it?" he asked as she approached him. His mood had improved steadily during the past week, first with Burnie's recovery and now with their destination so close at reach. Even the goblins had thinned out considerably after the peak had come within sight, as if some deity was warding it against their kind.

"Yeah," she said. "It's magnificent. Do we climb it now?"

"We do. We'll leave the carts here, there's no way we can bring them along. Tell the others to load up what goods we have left on the pack animals. Hopefully we'll reach the summit by nightfall. I'll go talk to Burnie, see if he's up for the climb. We'll have to take it slow I imagine."

"Yes sir," said Thob, and turned around to face the villagers, who had all gathered by the side of the road. A few of them were examining the wreckage of another cart that had stranded there at some point. It must have been years ago, as only the axles remained, thoroughly overgrown and rotted through. One of Zon's two children was fishing an old copper scourge out of the ditch. The other was playing with what appeared to be the cart driver's bones. Thob smiled sadly. Even the children were getting used to tragedy.

"All right everyone," she said, and got their attention. "Here's the plan."

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« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 05:00:30 am by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #63 on: February 13, 2015, 02:44:27 pm »

Ooh, Suspense...


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #64 on: February 13, 2015, 05:59:10 pm »

It is the 18th of Malachite, year 256.

Magnus shifted around in her bed, and tried to sleep. It did not go well, but that was to be expected these days, with all the work that was going on both above and below her. It was amazing how quickly she had got used to this level of activity, and to the dozens of fellow dwarves that now called Ilrom Ziril home. On some days, having awoken in a fine bedroom of her own, eaten an expertly prepared meal for breakfast, greeted her friends and marveled at the industry all around her, she wondered if her time in the Mountainhome had all been nothing more than a horrible dream. This fortress was her life now, her present and her future, and she loved every minute of it. Still, the noise sometimes kept her awake at night, and on those nights her thoughts often reached back to the quiet solitude of the first years, when they had been only a handful of dwarves sleeping huddled together in a messy tunnel they had dug on a whim. This was one of those nights.

In just under two months they had managed to realize most of the original fortress plans, chiefly on account of Beirus' truly legendary mining work. However, Than402 had proved an able student, and although he was nowhere near able to keep up with her yet, he had become a far cry from the unskilled laborer he once was. Looking at him now, one saw a professional miner in the mould. And Neblime, by Armok that dwarf knew his masonry! Yes, he could be an insufferable git sometimes, and was as stubborn and unyielding as the gabbro he spent his days working into shape, but the numerous doors in the fortress all belied a master craftsdwarf beneath the grouchy exterior. All of them swung easily on their hinges without making a sound, and if one was locked there was not a dwarf in the world who could get it open.

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Magnus herself was also becoming quite the carpenter. Her beds were widely praised throughout the fortress for their comfort and (especially by Skaia, for some reason) their sturdiness, and there was always a desperate need for her bins and barrels. Indeed, all the dwarves she knew were becoming highly capable in whatever profession they held. The metalworks in the Glow had finally been completed a week ago, and Taupe had been positively ecstatic as she pulled her first copper pick out of the cooling trough, parading it around the workshops like a newborn child. Beirus had weighed the child in her hand and found it adequate, and thrown it to Than402, who in turn weighed it in his hand and found it superb. Later that night he had taken his old one up to Iamblichos, who was inaugurating the new furnaces, and she had snatched it out of his hand without even looking at it, laughing madly as she fed it to the infernal maw while treading the lava pump as if her life was at stake. Taupe had found her on the platform the next morning, blissfully snoring on a pile of shiny copper bars. Magnus had proceeded to craft them both a number of wheelbarrows to ease the burden of hauling all the heavy metal to and from the platform ("Lucky! Lucky, kobold bold lucky lucky kobold!"), and once the second drawbridge was complete the work there would go even more smoothly. Life was good, thought Magnus and smiled.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the extra dwarfpower they had received a month ago. An entire village's worth of able hands, gathered at their doorstep! At first they had panicked, believing that the goblin horde had finally found them, and was now here to extinguish the Peak's fire and reclaim their slaves. Dwarobaki had even charged at the invaders, wielding a wooden pole as a makeshift spear, and Than402 and Beirus had not been far behind, twirling their picks with grim determination. Then they saw that these goblins had beards, and soon all of the dwarves were exchanging merry greetings. What a surprise it must have been for them, thought Magnus, to have traveled so far in order to establish a sanctuary of their own, only to find an existing one well underway to becoming a fortress. From what she had learned they came from a similar situation as hers had been, having lived between the hammer of the goblins and the anvil of their own corrupted nobledwarves. The newcomers had been welcomed inside, and soon they were all busy with carving out new bedrooms, as well as a loom, a farmer's hut, a tannery, and... Magnus could not even keep track of all the new workshops.

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Now the craftsdwarves all had apprentices, and most of the hauling duties were taken care of by the newcomers ("KOBOLD!"). The ones with no particular skillset had joined in a collaborative effort to smooth and polish the floors and walls of the barracks, and although this was the chief source of the noise that kept her awake, Magnus was astonished by the difference it made whenever she found herself there. It had been many, many years since she had last seen her own reflection, but in the barracks it was right there in the walls, smiling back at her and following her around the rooms. The other source of disturbance came from the tunnel being dug out underneath her bedroom. It would lead to a new farming area inside the western slope of the Peak, where the volcanic sand would yield enough crops for a whole fortress' worth of hungry dwarves. The beardcount was now 37, to be exact. The larder was in turn being expanded to accommodate the estimated influx of cave wheat, sweet pods, and of course the ubiquitous plump helmets. "More barrels," mumbled Magnus, "always more barrels..." and she drifted off to sleep.

As she was heading down to the workshops the next morning she ran into Iamblichos, who was followed by her apprentice, the fattest dwarf Magnus had ever seen. The latter was carrying a large chunk of ore, and sweating profusely. Magnus greeted them both good morning, and asked how the smelting was going. Iamblichos grabbed the ore from her apprentice, who looked immensely relieved, and shoved it into Magnus' hands with a reverent look on her face.

"Sphalerite!" she said, her left eyelid twitching.

"Eh?" answered Magnus, and examined the rock as though it could explain further.

"We found it in the new larder! It's in a marble layer, like the dining room, but it also has a vein of sphalerite! Do you know what you get if you smelt it?" Magnus did not know.

"Umm, you get zinc, right?" asked the apprentice hopefully, and wiped her brow with her sleeve.

"YES!" shouted Iamblichos and threw her hands up in joy. "You get zinc! And what, my fellow dwarves, does this wonderful zinc yield when alloyed with copper in a forty to sixty ratio?" The silence was tangible.

"BRASS!" She began playing an invisible trumpet and marching around in a circle. "Sweet, shiny brass! We're all going to be rich! Filthy, stinking rich! Come, Peregar, we've got a lot of work to do!" She snatched the ore back, tossed it to Peregar and disappeared up the stairs.

"Um, goodbye m'lady Magnus, sir!" said the confused Peregar and hastened after her master. Magnus scratched her head. "I'm really going to have to talk to Iamblichos about her work hours."

"LUCKYYYYY!!!" agreed LuckyKobold, who had appeared in the stairwell and was racing past her in a wheelbarrow, pumping his fist in the air and clattering down the steps with an incredible racket. He had requested one with four wheels, and now Magnus knew why. She couldn't help but laugh.

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Later that day...

"All right, maggots." Dwarobaki looked over the recruits that had assembled in the barracks, each one handpicked by himself, Wallace and Burnie. "I don't care where you're from. I'm not here to listen to your complaints. I am not your friend, and I'm certainly not someone you want as your enemy. What I am, is the one who's going to WHIP your sorry HIDES into SHAPE!" Dwarobaki had recently acquired a copper spear from Taupe, and it was his dearest possession. He used it for eating. He used it for limbo dancing. He used it for pointing out directions to the newcomers. Sometimes, (and he made absolutely sure to lock his bedroom door on those occasions), he cuddled up against it when he slept. And now, he was using it to punctuate certain words in his drill speech by hammering it against the polished floor. Burnie, who had almost made a full recovery from his illness, had a similar relationship with his spear. They were both military dwarves through and through.

"There is a war out there, maggots, a great and terrible war. I assume you are all familiar with goblins, so you know what I am talking about. THAT is our ENEMY! Some of you may have killed a few of them, and I applaud you for it, but what you all lack is DI-SCI-PLINE! When this war comes to our doorstep, and it WILL come, we will be REA-DY! Those of you who are not, those who run and hide in fear, in short, those who lack DI-SCI-PLINE, will be DEAD! And there are worse things than goblins out there. To the east is a city where the dead walk, and unless you want to become one of them you will do AS I say, WHEN I say it! No matter what foul creations of the night come crawling up our mountain, we will STAND and FIGHT! Have I made myself clear?!"

"YES SIR, OFFICER DWAROBAKI!" shouted the recruits.

"Good. Now, the first thing we need to do is... wait a minute." Dwarobaki had just noticed that was a hole in the ranks where a marksdwarf should be. "We're missing a recruit! Looks like someone thinks they're too important to do their duty! Who is it?! Who's the slimy, little, beardless goblin-fondler down here who just signed his own death warrant?!"

"Sir, it's Melbil, sir!"

"Melbil, is it? And where is this Melbil, I wonder?"

"Sir, she said she was working on a project, sir!"


"Sir, she's claimed a workshop and won't leave it, sir! She's asking for logs, and... bone!"

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Dwarobaki's face turned as red as the Glow. He took a deep breath. "YOU WILL ALL STAND HERE WHILE I TEACH THIS DESERTER SOME DI-SCI-PLINE!!!"

He stormed out of the barracks and down the stairwell, muttering furiously under his breath. "Project! PAH! I'll teach her to be a craftsdwarf, all right. She can craft bolts for us, and then we'll use her for target practice!" If there was one thing he hated besides goblins and the undead, it was artsy dwarves. He marched into the workshop area and bellowed: "MARKSDWARF MELBIL! PRESENT YOURSELF!" One of the haulers pointed at a workshop in the corner. There was Melbil, furiously tinkering on an object Dwarobaki could not see. He approached her, slowly and silently. "So close... almost ready..." she whispered to herself, oblivious to the world. Dwarobaki crept up behind her, and was about to pound the workbench with his spear and yell something, when she raised her creation up above her head and shouted "IT'S FINISHED! BEARGHOSTS THE ILL DAYS IS FINISHED!"

It was a mace. A quite lovely mace. In fact Dwarobaki had never seen a more beautiful mace in his life.

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For a moment, he forgot who he was and why he was so angry. Then he remembered, but it no longer seemed to matter as much. It really was a very nice mace.

"Did you... did you make that?" he asked, rather anticlimactically.

"Yes! Uh... yes, I did, officer Dwarobaki... sir." Melbil, as opposed to Dwarobaki, was suddenly both aware of and rather terrified by the situation she had put herself in. This would not look good on her military evaluation.

"May I hold it?" Dwarobaki still did not look at her, his eyes were fixed on the mace.

"Uh, yes, sir." She gave him the mace, wondering if he was going to beat her with it.

"Bearghosts the Ill Days, you said?" He swung it at a couple of imaginary goblins, cracking their skulls like rotten apples. It was perfectly balanced. "I quite like that. Has a certain ominous ring to it. Who's that on the picture there?"

Melbil, still not completely sure if she was out of the woods, answered. "It's Mosus Hamemyths, sir. One of the barons, from... where I came from."

"A BARON?!" Dwarobaki snapped out of his infatuation. If there was one thing he hated besides artistic dwarves, it was noble ones.

Melbil was about to give an apologetic answer, when they were interrupted by an unholy noise coming from the stairwell. It did not sound like any creature anyone had ever heard before, and indeed not like anything meant to walk this earth. It was a shrieking, blood-curdling howl. The haulers and craftsdwarves all stopped what they were doing, and gazed at the stairwell in terror. Another howl, louder than the first, sounded from it again. Whatever it was, someone or something had angered it.

"Bloody Burnie," muttered Dwarobaki. "I've told him not to practice his singing voice when he's on duty! It lowers the morale!"

"Sir," said Melbil. "I don't think that's Burnie."

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« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 05:01:34 am by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #65 on: February 13, 2015, 06:13:33 pm »

Finally, fun!!!


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2015, 10:38:44 pm »

Any chance Beirus could be in the military when not mining? Mining goblin and other skulls could be fun.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #67 on: February 14, 2015, 03:06:20 am »

Any chance Beirus could be in the military when not mining? Mining goblin and other skulls could be fun.
Both she and Than402 are in the military. I've disabled their mining labors and given them picks as part of their uniform. The Peons are actually doing the mining now.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2015, 05:44:00 am »

Nice dwarfette I got, fat and long-haired! Make her working as a gem cutter part-time - I guess we'll get beautiful large gems then, especially if we got chrysoberyls.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #69 on: February 14, 2015, 06:57:37 am »

Nice dwarfette I got, fat and long-haired! Make her working as a gem cutter part-time - I guess we'll get beautiful large gems then, especially if we got chrysoberyls.
No chrysoberyls actually, but we have tanzanite, alexandrite, goshenite, clear zircon and loads of lapis lazuli. There's a huge demand for furnacework since very few of our soldiers are actually armed yet, and none of them are armored, but I'll see if I can find someone to fill in for her.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #70 on: February 14, 2015, 07:09:10 am »

oh dear..
I'm glad i'm not part of the group of dwarves who have the job of exposing themselves to contagious werebeasts
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #71 on: February 14, 2015, 07:59:23 am »

oh dear..
I'm glad i'm not part of the group of dwarves who have the job of exposing themselves to contagious werebeasts
You're busy making sure we have enough buildings that can be destroyed. What for? Time will tell.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 04:14:18 pm by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #72 on: February 14, 2015, 12:25:38 pm »

Can LuckyKobold be a Part-Time Wrestler-dwarf when he isn't hauling?


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #73 on: February 14, 2015, 01:00:58 pm »

Can LuckyKobold be a Part-Time Wrestler-dwarf when he isn't hauling?

Of course! I'll set him to train every other month. Can't have our best hauler going flabby from lack of exercise now that he's got others doing his job for him.
Any particular uniform desires? We've got copper and copper.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 04:14:09 pm by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I don't kill people but when I do it's slow.
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #74 on: February 14, 2015, 07:39:26 pm »

OOH! OOH! Can I Have a Copper Loincloth! That is, If we ever get it as an Artifact... Otherwise, I'll just Go with Copper.
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