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Author Topic: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire  (Read 34295 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2015, 12:02:12 pm »

At nightfall, the dwarves returned from their frolicking in the woodlands and came back inside to greet the newcomers. They sat down at the common table, where Elagn and her friends had just finished supper, and introduced themselves.

"Welcome everyone!" said Magnus. "Sorry that we kept you waiting, it's just that we, ah, haven't been outside for a while. I'm Magnus."

"Hi! I'm Skaia the Mechanic, but I'm not really a mechanic, it's just something they call me, Elagn's the mechanic actually, so you can just call me Skaia. Did you guys really dig this tunnel all by yourself? Was it hard? How long have you been here?" Skaia shook Magnus' hand vigorously and continued without waiting for an answer. "We've been on the road for, like, a really long time now, I think it's been like four weeks? See we all used to live in Bouldermechanisms except Elagn, but then the goblins came and invaded us so we had to run away, and it was really scary, we almost got caught a couple of times, but then we saw the smoke rising up from this place, and everybody was like: yeah, let's go there! So we did, and now we're here! I really like tunnels, they're so dark and intimate. Is it true you guys came from the mountains in the west?" Skaia brushed her long, braided cinnamon hair back from her face and folded her hands into her lap with an expectant look, her bosom heaving as she caught her breath. The male dwarves around the table straightened themselves a little, apart from Dwarobaki who looked as if he was chewing on a particularly stringy plump helmet, and LuckyKobold who was chasing beetles on the floor.

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah we did," said Than402. "I was born there actually. I'm Than402, but you can just call me Than."

"I'm Neblime, and I'm the stonemason around here," said the stonemason around there, and puffed up his chest ever so slightly. "I built that drawbridge!"

"Woooooow, that's like, sooo cool! Where did you get the stone?" Elagn buried her face in her hands.

"I dug it all out," said Than402 and laid his pick on the table as irrefutable proof, nearly knocking over Taupe's mug, "and this windbag here thinks he built the bridge all by himself, but actually I'm the one who did all the heavy lifting."

"Kobooold?" replied LuckyKobold sarcastically and flexed his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, and LuckyKobold here helped out too I guess."

Iamblichos and Taupe rolled their eyes at each other. "So, Skaia," said Iamblichos and kicked Neblime in the shin under the table, "what is it that you do exactly? I mean, do you have a profession?"

"I cook! I can make you some poached eggs if you want?" Skaia drew an ovular shape in the air with her finger. "I am ze best chef in ze world, oui?" she said with a surprisingly good Elven accent, and twirled her immaculately groomed cinnamon mustache.

"We don't have any eggs," said Magnus. "Is there anything else you can do? We don't mean to be rude, but it's important that everybody here knows one another if we're all going to live together. Anything to do with... fortress building?" There was a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Well, I used to be a wood cutter (she made a vertical pumping gesture with both hands, as if stroking the bark of a tall tree), and we needed bows all the time, so I made crossbows out of all the wood, but I also made all the clothes in Bouldermechanisms, so I can spin thread and weave clothes pretty good if you want a new dress, aaaaand I also know how to stitch leather bodices, I reeeally like wearing leather, you know? It's like my favorite fabric. Ooh and I had my own workshop too, so I can make all sorts of little wooden toys and stone candle holders and I can also make the candles as well, they're made of beeswax, did you know that? And one time we had all these bones left over from a siege so I carved them into earrings, and we had a magma glassworks, do you have one of those? Because I can blow glass (she made a horizontal blowing gesture, as if blowing into a long glassblowing pipe) if you need windows or something, OH OH OH and we also had a magma kiln! So I taught myself how to make pottery (she made a violent kneading motion in the air, accompanied by violent jiggling), and I can glaze the pots afterwards so they look real pretty!" Then she suddenly looked sad. "I miss Bouldermechanisms."

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"All right then," said Magnus and suppressed a chuckle at the look of Than402 and Neblime's faces. "You're our new manager and bookkeeper."

"YAY!" She ran off towards the storeroom in the corner of the tunnel and began taking stock of the supplies, raffling through the bins and counting each item out loud.

"What about the rest of you," said Taupe, nearly choking with laughter.

"Mining, mostly," said Beirus.

"Farms. Brewing." muttered Dwarobaki.

"Right," said Magnus and clapped her hands together. "I'm going to get to work on some stepladders. Let's barrel all that fruit before winter comes!"

A month later:

The summer was now over, and the trees sprung a fiery red and yellow as they shed their leaves, heralding the autumn. The harvest had gone by with few events worth mentioning, save for the time when LuckyKobold accidentally hauled the stepladder back indoors before the pear pickers had finished, leaving them stranded in the tree for almost an hour while he had a nap. He was forgiven quickly, as none of the dwarves could ever stay mad at him for very long. Besides, the overall temper in the Peak had improved considerably with the introduction of perry, plum schnapps and bayberry wine to the booze stockpile.

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Dwarobaki had proved true to his word and was indeed a knowledgeable brewer, and therefore deeply respected. Beirus and Elagn mostly kept to themselves, discussing building plans for the fortress with Magnus and Neblime, while Iamblichos, Taupe and the rest of the dwarves had begun constructing a floating platform in the center of the Glow, supported by the (now functional) drawbridge. The platform was to be part of the foundations for the Temple of Armok, while simultaneously providing access to the west crater wall, where the fortress itself would be dug.

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And so did autumn pass, and it passed into winter. One particularly cold morning, as the snow fell and mingled with the ash flakes rising from the Glow, the dwarves had all gathered and stood huddled around the mechanics workshop for a presentation of the initial fortress design.

"All right, lads and lasses," said Elagn. "We've been living in this tunnel for a while now, and so far it's been a good shelter for us, but it's not going hold up against a goblin invasion, let alone a necromancer siege. If they find us - and sooner or later they will - we're all going to die unless we're properly prepared. That's why, now that the floating platform is finished, we are going to start digging a proper fortress!" The dwarves all cheered. Finally, the Peak of Fire would become a place to truly call home.

"So," she pointed at a stone slab where the architectural designs had been drawn up, "this is going to be the entryway. We're going to dig it out of the crater wall from within the mountain, and install a second drawbridge there leading out to the platform and the tunnel where we now stand. Eventually we're going to establish trade routes with other fortresses, and this will be the caravans' point of entry. They pass over the bridges, down in a small underpass, and emerge in the room to the left here, where we will have a trade depot. Iamblichos has told me that we're unlikely to find any iron in this volcanic geology, and Beirus agrees, so trade will be very important to us. The dual bridges will also serve as a choke point for any invaders, making us that much more secure. Everyone with me so far?" She was a bit nervous, but fortunately there were no questions, only affirmative nods.

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"Good. Now, THIS," she made a circular gesture around the largest part of the design, "will be the fortress proper, the main floor so to speak. This big hall will house all the workshops alongside the walls, with evenly spaced supports to prevent cave-ins, and the middle area is going to be our main stockpile, separated into zones designated for the type of materials that the closest workshops consume, and for the goods they produce. The area south of there, through the room where the main stairwell is, will be the dining hall. Next to it is the larder, where we keep the booze and food, and also the kitchen."

Several beards twitched, and more than a few stomachs began growling as the dwarves looked at the size of the planned dining hall and imagined the feasts they could have in it.

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"What about that room there?" Skaia pointed at the room east of the stairwell. "That's your office," Elagn replied. "YAAAY!!! My very own office! It's beautiful!" Skaia ran up and planted a long, wet kiss on Elagn's cheek. Neblime promptly stated that the southernmost workshop would, in his opinion, be best suited for a stonemason, while Than402 wondered in his mind whether a sufficient disturbance from nearby mining operations might cause a cave-in above said workshop.

"Yes, you're very welcome dear," said Elagn and gently pushed Skaia away. "Now, the stairwell goes both ways. Down is where we're going to do exploratory mining for ore, aquifers and such (Than402 suddenly wondered whether a gaping hole might open up under a particular workshop if the wrong area was accidentally designated for mining), we haven't designed that part yet, but up is where the bedrooms are. She pointed at the third design.

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"Oh I like that," said Taupe. "Like little hammers in a row."

"Yes," said Elagn, "that's sort of where I got my inspiration from. We are dwarves, after all. We live by the hammer and anvil." Taupe smiled. "There's only one column for now, but we can add more if our population increases somehow, although that isn't likely to happen until we establish a trade route. Speaking of hammers, I think you're going to like the next floor." She pointed at the fourth and final design.

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"This, my friends, is the Peak of Fire's military bulwark, where we will stand ready to smash those who would do us harm. The southwestern part of the hammerhead will be for sparring, individual training and melee combat demonstrations, and will contain our armory. The northwestern part is where we will hold our caged prisoners, the room itself is normally to be kept locked secure in the unlikely event of an escape."

A few eyebrows were raised at this. "I am talking about captured invaders, of course, not prisoners of our own," Elagn reassured them. "We are planning to install several cage traps at strategic points around the fortress perimeter. Any invader that steps in them will be relieved of their weapons, and used as combat training for our advanced soldiers. Training dummies are well and good, but nothing compares to live combat." Dwarobaki and Beirus grinned, and Elagn continued.

"The northern room in the middle is a dormitory where our soldiers will sleep when on duty. The southeastern room is to be an archery range with stockpiles for ammunition, and the northeastern room will contain the levers that open and close our drawbridges, the access to the tunnel from the barracks, and the cage room. Finally, the upper shaft of the hammer will be an emergency room for our wounded, should the unfortunate happen. We do not yet have any reliable source of water, so aquifer mining will be a big priority, but we can provide traction benches, wooden splints, suturing supplies and beds. Medical equipment will be high on our priorities list when the first trade carts arrive, as will iron and coke."

"Yeah, speaking of that", said Iamblichos, "where are the furnaces going to be?"

"On the platform in the Glow, said Magnus. "It's strong enough to support a roof once the second bridge is installed, isn't that right, Elagn?"

"That's right," she replied. "You and Taupe will have your hands full once the fortress is finished, and you won't have to worry about the rain." Taupe and Iamblichos bumped fists.

The dwarves all looked at each other. Then they looked back at Elagn and began applauding. Elagn blushed. The finest perry in stock was brought out, and the dwarves all toasted to the elegance and efficiency of the design. It was another good day.

"So, if I'm looking at this right," said Beirus and scratched her head with her heavy iron pick, "then the entrance to the barracks is going to be right here." She pointed at a section of wall that had been outlined with chalk.

"That it is," said Magnus.

"And we'll start digging here?"

"That we will."

"Then let's get to it," she said, and hefted the pick. "For freedom!"

"For Armok!" said someone.

"For dwarfkind!" said another.

"For dungeons deep and caverns old!" said a third.

"Lucky!" said LuckyKobold.

"FOR ILROM ZIRIL!!!" shouted the dwarves in unison, and they struck the earth.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 04:11:49 pm by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2015, 10:36:24 pm »

Nice plans, I like how my dwarf has somewhat become the architect of the fortress design, as well as the mechanic.

One comment, The doors to the bedrooms seem very big at 2 blocks wide. Is this intentional and the rooms supposed to be extremely luxurious, or is this acidental?
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2015, 10:49:33 pm »

Speaking of the rooms, if the space isn't a problem, may i suggest making the walls between each room a double-wall? that way each room will benefit from it's own engravings.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2015, 11:48:59 pm »

I love the writing. Thank you and keep it up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2015, 01:18:06 am »

Speaking of the rooms, if the space isn't a problem, may i suggest making the walls between each room a double-wall? that way each room will benefit from it's own engravings.
I always wondered about those shared engravings. Is it the same image on both sides, or is one dwarf seeing the faces of everyone in the image while the dwarf on the other side is seeing the asses of everybody in the image? Can they even tell which side is which when it involves goblins or elves?
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2015, 01:22:32 am »

I believe the game simply considers that one side of the wall is engraved. They only count for the value of one room, and you don't exactly choose wich one. Having double-walls for important projects like rooms, dinning halls and tombs is a great way to deal with that, assuming you have the area and time to build them in such a fashion, which isn't always the case.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2015, 04:03:39 am »

One comment, The doors to the bedrooms seem very big at 2 blocks wide. Is this intentional and the rooms supposed to be extremely luxurious, or is this acidental?

It looked flimsy and asymmetrical with just one door :D
Besides, Neblime needs something to do.

I hadn't considered the engravings. I might give them a staggered distribution then, if it's only one wall that can be engraved per block. I'm hesitant to break the 8x8 room pattern.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2015, 12:15:53 pm »

I feel so lucky, :P


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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2015, 04:20:03 am »

A monument to Armok? Built over the lava surface at the edge of volcano? By the dwarves who formed slave mutiny? Oh, I definitely want to take part.
Give me the the fattest dwarf of next migration wave (if we'll get any.), named Peregar.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire!
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2015, 06:22:24 am »

A monument to Armok? Built over the lava surface at the edge of volcano? By the dwarves who formed slave mutiny? Oh, I definitely want to take part.
Give me the the fattest dwarf of next migration wave (if we'll get any.), named Peregar.
I've received a second wave of migrants already, they will be featured in the next update. The fattest one is yours.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.

The Big D

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2015, 03:27:02 pm »

May I rerequest endorfening? Metalsmith/hammerdorf named Wallace.
I just have this terrible mental picture of this beet-looking thing bursting out of someone's stomach and being like "Neeeeed phosphaaaaates"
If it's magma resistant, mod it so it's not!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #56 on: February 10, 2015, 01:48:49 am »

May I rerequest endorfening? Metalsmith/hammerdorf named Wallace.
He's on his way. I did notice your post earlier. We will have plenty of hammers ready for him when he arrives.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.

The Big D

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #57 on: February 10, 2015, 04:51:29 am »

Thanks Magnus! Sorry, didn't know if you saw it. Do you mind if I write a lil journal about the trip?
I just have this terrible mental picture of this beet-looking thing bursting out of someone's stomach and being like "Neeeeed phosphaaaaates"
If it's magma resistant, mod it so it's not!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #58 on: February 10, 2015, 05:55:47 am »

Thanks Magnus! Sorry, didn't know if you saw it. Do you mind if I write a lil journal about the trip?

Please do! But you might want to read the next update first.
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ilrom Ziril: The Peak of Fire
« Reply #59 on: February 10, 2015, 06:39:59 am »

It is the 17th of Granite, year 256.

Wallace sat down heavily in the darkest corner of the dining hall, and pondered his fate. He was used to fighting uphill battles, and winning them too, but the skirmish he was about to face lay in a different sort of terrain altogether. All his skill and tactical expertise would be of no use here, he knew, as the royal courtroom was a battlefield of lies and schemes, where the forged steel warhammer always lost to the forked silver tongue. Once again he had tried to do his duty, and once again it had landed him in the soup.

He reached for the nearest flagon of wine, and found it empty. There was a party going on further down in the hall, but he would rather drink water alone than booze with the King's bootlickers. Instead he laid his warhammer on the table and began polishing it, as was his habit whenever he was in deep thoughts. Some of his less-than-wise colleagues in the Royal Guard found this amusing, and a particularly unwise recruit had once made a quip about hammershafts and polishing in Wallace's vicinity. He had been carrying his left ear home in his hat. There was always plenty of space at the mess table for Wallace.

It had not always been like this, he mused as he gave the hammer a rest, leaned back in the heavy iron chair and propped his feet onto the table. Page Singebooks had been a decent enough king in the first year of his reign, given the spoiled brat he was. At least he had had the sense in his pampered head to listen to his military advisors, and he made efforts to keep the people boozed, fed and clothed, which was all that really mattered when it came down to it. But it had all changed after the King had married.

Wallace couldn't even pronounce the Queen's name, strange and human as it was. But she was the real regent in the Still Shield. Sooner or later, Wallace thought, someone would have to cut her evil, rotten head from her shoulders before she handed the whole kingdom over to the goblin horde. Now that the Abbey of Heads had fallen, the Still Shield was the last bastion of dwarfkind in the West. It must stand.

"I'll get the last laugh yet, you beardless cunt," he growled at the empty flagon. "Just you wait. In a fortnight the greenskins will be at our doorstep, and when they tear you to pieces it'll be a fitting reward for all the suffering you've caused us. I just wish it could have been me to do it." The flagon made no retort. Wallace sighed, got up from the chair and headed towards the barracks. It would be another sleepless night, no doubt.

To his surprise, Wallace slept like a stone. He awoke the next day feeling hale and sound, if not painfully aware of the hearing he was about to attend. It was best to get it over with. He donned his old suit of bronze armor, a parting gift from the fortress he had been born in, and looked at his reflection in the small pool of water where the soldiers washed. The armor had definitely aged better than he, but then again he had always taken good care of it. No suit of armor would hold up against the Hammerer of course, and this old relic would more likely serve to prolong his pain, but if Wallace was to meet death he would do so in armor that was rightfully his, and not issued by the King.

"Nobledwarves of the Still Shield," rang the Queen's deep voice, "thank you all for coming." The courtroom was packed with dukes and barons, and it reeked of perfume. It was smaller than the old one, but much taller, and it had been built above ground to accommodate the Queen's ridiculous demands for windows and sunlight. Being in here always made Wallace feel intensely unwell.

"The first item on today's agenda is a matter of great interest to our civilization. It has been brought to our ear that a volcano (one of the Queen's advisors leaned in and whispered something in her ear), a volcano called the Fountain of Blizzards in the Murk of Sinew to the northeast, has erupted."

"Buzzards, you twit," thought Wallace to himself. "It's the Fountain of Buzzards."

"Such a source of power must not go untapped," the Queen continued. "We are to send an expedition there and settle it, hopefully establishing a barony in five years' time. A caravan has already been prepared with the necessary supplies, and all that is required is for a brave dwarf to sign on with his or her entourage. Is there anyone among you who would have the honor of leading such an expedition?"

The question was a pure formality, of course. The Murk of Sinew was a festering soup of deadly swamps and treacherous jungles, and the Fountain of Buzzards itself stood one hundred and seventy miles inside it, far within goblin territory and dangerously close to the Dead City of the Necromancers. In the whole kingdom there were very few dwarves capable of successfully leading an expedition there; in this room, only one. "Very well then, I shall leave it up to you to find suitable candidates among your liegedwarves."

"How humble you all are," said King Singebooks. "I'd have made the journey myself if my work here wasn't so demanding, what with these constant goblin invasions."

"And I'm sure you would make a fine expedition leader, my dear," replied the Queen. "It is good you mentioned our goblin neighbors, as the matter we're about to discuss is directly related to our ongoing conflict with them. We have," she took a dramatic pause, "a traitor in our midst. Wallace Glovemirror of the Royal Guard, step forward."

"My hammer is yours, my Queen." He stepped forth and knelt on the tiled floor, with his hammer upright.

"Silence. You are to speak when spoken to." Wallace remained silent. "One week ago, you were stationed to guard a private meeting with the Mountainhome liaison from the Abbey of Heads. Is this correct?"

"Yes, my Queen."

"And in this meeting, you overheard information about a certain hamlet to the north, information that was not meant for your ears. After the meeting, you then ordered a messenger to travel to this hamlet, and evacuate the villagers to our capital. Is this correct?"

"Yes, my Queen."

"Then you are guilty of disturbing our diplomatic process with King Atusluz. That hamlet was to be transferred to his domain."

A few of the older barons started whispering amongst themselves. Wallace raised his head. "My Queen, the villagers would have been butchered or taken as slaves if I hadn't intervened!"

"Be silent. You have far overstepped your rank already. The crime you have committed is a most grave one, in direct opposition to the wishes of the throne. As such, you have been found guilty of high treason, for which the minimum penalty is seventy hammerstrikes." The whispering among the nobles now grew to a loud murmur. The Queen was unaffected. "Guards, strip the traitor of his rank and weaponry, and transfer him to the dungeons. His punishment is to be exacted at dawn."

Another advisor leaned in towards the queen, and spoke out loud to be heard above the noise from the audience. "My Queen, the dungeons are full. The villagers from the hamlet are currently occupying them."

"I'm sure there is space for one more criminal."

"I am sorry, my Queen, but the cells are... quite literally full." The advisor's discomfort was now obvious.

"Well, chain him up in the barracks, then! And station a guard to watch over him!" She clapped her hands loudly and silenced the crowd. Four members of the Royal Guard approached Wallace, and he was brought to the empty barracks while the nobles exited the courtroom through the main doors. The hearing was over.

His escorts chained him to his bunk bed, without looking at him. One of them motioned for the rest to leave, which they did. He then sat down on the bunk next to Wallace's, and removed his helmet, revealing a scar where his left ear should be.

"Remember me? I'm Captain of the Guard now."

"Oh yeah. Yeah, you're the one with the clever jokes."

"And you're the hammerdwarf who carries a dagger in his boot."

"Comes in handy."

"It won't save you now, though. Not after what you've done." Wallace remained silent. "No, you're in a right pickle. Looks like they'll execute you at dawn, and leave the villagers to rot in prison."

Wallace sat up as far as his chains allowed, and looked his warden in the eye. "I did what was right."

"Oh, it's not for me to say. I'm just a guard, and my job is to keep you from escaping. From what I've heard you're the resourceful type, and sometimes a prisoner breaks out due to logistical errors, oversights in the protocol, little things like that. It'd be bad if we'd accidentally given you chains meant for holding animals, for example. Those'll spring right open if you just twist the linchpin counterclockwise a few times." Wallace looked down and examined the chain. The guard continued his hypothesis.

"Then you'd probably grab that keychain over there," he pointed at a large set of keys hanging next to the door, "and head down to free the villagers. Who knows where you'd be going next? Maybe the guards will be busy in another section of the fortress tonight, in which case you could all sneak out into the stables and hide in the expedition carts there, the ones that are leaving for the volcano tomorrow. Could be that whichever noble ends up with this new barony decides to just hand you the expedition papers, thinking you're the entourage that they've summoned. It's not like they know their liegedwarves personally, so it could happen. Especially if someone they trust were to offer to deliver the papers for them." The guard shrugged and got up from the bunk. Then he added as an afterthought:

"Of course, if it turned out you had an accomplice in all of this, then he'd have to leave the fortress as well. Or he'd be the one facing the Hammerer instead of you." He headed for the door. "I think I'll go round up the guys for a swordplay demonstration in the west wing. Been a while since we've worked on our parries."

"What's your name?" asked Wallace. "Why are you doing this?"

The guard turned his head. "My name's Burning Troll Fur Sock. Yeah, I know it's weird. I'm from a little hamlet north of here, insignificant place really, and the tradition there is to name the kids after the first thing the mother sees when she's done giving birth. I'm told there was a fire in the clothing stockpile that night."

"I'll see you tomorrow then... Burnie," said Wallace, but the guard had already left.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 04:47:08 am by Magnus »
Ilrom Ziril - The Peak of Fire:
An epic saga of weregophers and volcano gods.
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