I want to apologize for dropping off the face of the earth like that. I should have logged in to explain what's going on earlier. Basically, these few weeks are insanely busy. I don't talk about it much on Bay12, but I'm super involved in my Uni's student governments, and this is the month where literally everything happens. Normally, it's Bay12 that gets in the way of my RL work, not the other way around.
In the last week, and in the coming weeks, I have/am/going to:
- Recovered from a really nasty cold.
- Organized a stop for my Uni's Pride march
- Helped a friend run for the largest branch of student government's presidency.
- Help facilitate campus elections.
- Run for Chair of my branch of student government.
- Fulfill my responsibilities as Co-chair in the above branch.
- Hold a job down.
- Not fail calculus for the fourth time.
- Finish a group project with a dysfunctional group.
- Study for finals.
- Somehow not die.
- Get a job over the summer.
- Get a job for next year.
- Get housing for next year.
- The four+ other things I forgot and will only remember six hours before.
Sorry about that, ya'll! If I knew for certain when I could update, I would tell you, but I can't promise anything, sadly. I can probably post an update by the 24th/25th?, a very good chance of an update on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th, and a guaranteed update on the 9th. From there, the summer job I want to take is as a cook at a summer camp, which means that I will literally be miles from an internet connection, and unable to post on any day except the weekend
if I'm super lucky. That's a ten week or so commitment, BUT the camp just lost 90% of its veteran staff, including all three directors and the head chef, so the transition has been rough (they won't pick up my calls or return my voicemails!
) so I'm still not sure if I'll get that job or not. If I don't, I'll probably work for my mother, and have ready access to the internet. Expect a much more frequent update schedule than I could maintain at school. As soon as I get some
solid dick from them, I'll let you know. Until then, I'll keep calling them, and listening to the answering machine.
Again, I'm really sorry for dropping off the face of the earth without warning. I'm not dead
yet, to answer your questions. Just bloody close.
Take care ya'll! Wish me luck!
T;dr: I'm stupid busy. Took way more onto my plate than I could handle and actually be a normal functioning person.