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Author Topic: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!  (Read 21846 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2015, 02:45:57 pm »

Use one health potion, then open the door to the north


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #166 on: August 10, 2015, 12:09:50 pm »

Turn 22


You open the door to see two figures in a purple and wine-red cloak walk through the North door.
Entering, you find a door to your immediate North leading East, a door leading West directly across the other door, a door East at the NE corner, and the aforementioned North door at the far North.
There's also a chest at the far North-West, but it was opened - presumably by the two people that just exited.
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Spoiler: Xvareon (click to show/hide)


Grigori drinks one of the health potions, then beckons you to go with him through the North door.
You emerge into an unlit hallway. A few steps North, there's an intersection - turn East or continue North.
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You quickly apply your bonuses.
Then everyone moves at once.
Troglodyte B attacks Gretchin F first, punching it in the face and repelling it.
Drawing your throwing knife, you whip it at Gretchin D, killing him in one shot.
At the same time, Gretchin H attacks Troglodyte C, doing a little damage.
A split second later, Troglodyte C punches Gretchin E, who is repelled.
You then throw your second knife, though it almost flies off target. Almost, as in it stabbed through his eye instead of his body. He dies.
Gretchin G bounces out of sight.
Then it comes back while F and H bounce away, out of sight.
Two other Gretchins then enter your sight: an I and J, both heading for Troglodyte B.
Troglodyte A then moves a tile SE, covering for B.

You earn 8 exp from killing Gretchin D, who drops four coins, and another 6 (3 until level up) from Gretchin E, who drops three coins.
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Spoiler: AoshimaMichio (click to show/hide)


You drink a health potion, restoring your HP by 30 points.
You then go with Barry to the North door.

It's an unlit hallway. A few steps North, there's an intersection - turn East or continue North.
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« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 10:17:24 am by RoaryStar »


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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #167 on: August 10, 2015, 01:23:37 pm »

Ponder about how troggies will react to me if I kill few more gretchies. Ponder which team will win without further interference by me.

In other words, throw a dagger on back (or eye, apparently that works too) of winning team stealthily. Step further into the room if absolutely necessary, but remember to back out as soon as deed is done.

The second anyone in the room shows signs of approaching me in hostile manner or the door moves without me touching it, sprint north and into western tunnel like a coward strategist performing tactical retreat.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Alias: Setokaiva
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #168 on: August 11, 2015, 04:56:00 pm »

Was... were those actual human beings I just saw walking through the door? Holy crap! If I'd got there a second later, they would have noticed me. Hark! Best to see what this is all about!

Run after them! Get the door open as fast as I can and go say hi. Be as diplomatic as possible and ask to join them in their quest!

"Hold up! Friend! Friend! Don't tase me, bro! Now I know what you're thinking:  The last men you met probably tried to kill you, and you're standing in the corridors of an evil cursed dungeon, and this is crazy but trust me maybe?"

(wide grin)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #169 on: August 14, 2015, 05:16:36 pm »

continue north!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #170 on: August 17, 2015, 10:16:25 am »

Turn 23


You run after the two guys, yelling "Hold up! Friend! Friend! Now I know what you're thinking: the last men you met probably tried to kill you, and you're standing in the corridors of an evil cursed dungeon, and this is crazy but trust me maybe?" with a wide grin.

You're now in an unlit hallway with a fork to the East.
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Spoiler: Xvareon (click to show/hide)


You follow Grigori five steps North - this leads to a turn to the West with a bit of light.
You then hear someone calling behind you; turning around, you see a man in a green cloak holding a torch.

"Hold up! Friend! Friend! Now I know what you're thinking: the last men you met probably tried to kill you, and you're standing in the corridors of an evil cursed dungeon, and this is crazy but trust me maybe?" he says, sporting a wide grin.
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Spoiler: Nidilap (click to show/hide)


You think for a bit; the Troglodytes would probably be grateful if you helped them more since they're not unintelligent.
They would probably also win now that you killed a bunch of their enemies, in two shots, no less.

You decide that you want loot.


You fire first, stabbing Troglodyte A in the back.
Almost at the same time, Gretchin J punches it in the face.
Troglodyte B then punches Gretchin I, repelling its attack, while Gretchin G punches Troglodyte C.
Troglodyte A staggers, and misses Gretchin J.
So does Troglodyte C with Gretchin G.


Troglodyte A and B switch places, presumably so A can heal a bit. Troglodyte A looks in your direction, but doesn't seem to notice anything.
You watch the the fight continues.

Gretchins G, I, and J retreat out of view as F and H speed in.


Gretchin H moves first, punching Troglodyte C.
Not a second later, Troglodyte B and Gretchin F punch each other simultaneously - B's misses by a hair but F's hits B's cheek.
Then, when Gretchin H is falling back, Troglodyte C seizes his chance to smash his fist into him.

Once again, Gretchins F and H switch out with G, I, and J.
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Spoiler: AoshimaMichio (click to show/hide)


You walk five steps North - this leads to a turn to the West with a bit of light.
You then hear someone calling behind you; turning around, you see a man in a green cloak holding a torch.

"Hold up! Friend! Friend! Now I know what you're thinking: the last men you met probably tried to kill you, and you're standing in the corridors of an evil cursed dungeon, and this is crazy but trust me maybe?" he says, sporting a wide grin.
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Spoiler: Pancaek (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 11:25:50 am by RoaryStar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #171 on: August 17, 2015, 11:21:40 am »

I need to balance tables in order to secure my loot.

Throw a throwing knife at Troglodytes A and B stealthily. Once again tactical retreat to north and hiding if I have been discovered.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #172 on: August 19, 2015, 05:27:49 pm »

"Grigori is suspicious, but will listen to what you have to say anyway."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Alias: Setokaiva
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #173 on: August 22, 2015, 12:02:37 am »

"Look ye here!" I point to the 5 crossed notches on the haft of my great spear. "All these be monster kills, me friend! An unbreathing one, three little buggers, and just a minute ago one 'o them smelly hobgoblin-things wot had a club!" I pointedly neglect to mention all the gold I got from those kills... xD

"Today's a good day for hunting! Wot say I join you? Together we'll CRUSH the unclean sons-of-soapmakers!" (raises spear high) "YOU HEAR ME, BEASTIES?!"

Yes, I yelled that last bit out loud. Garrick is feeling pretty damn good right now. ^^

But heaven help anyone, or anything, who touches my gold. I'm gonna buy me a mansion and a F***ING RAINBOW to go with it when this is over! My own personal Valhalla!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 12:08:23 am by Xvareon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #174 on: August 27, 2015, 11:22:54 am »

Turn 24


The man in purple pauses for moment, then replies with
"Grigori is suspicious, but will listen to what you have to say anyway."

"Look ye here!" you say, pointing to the five notches on the shaft of your spear. "All these be monster kills, me friend! An unbreathing one, three little buggers, and just a minute ago one 'o them smelly hobgoblin-things wot had a club!
You conveniently not mention the gold you got from them.
"Today's a good day for hunting! Wot say I join you? Together we'll crush those unclean sons of soapmakers!"

You then raise your spear high and shout "YOU HEAR ME, BEASTIES!?"

"Hah hah ha ha ha!"
you laugh, like those guys who thought they had an amazing plan did in anime.
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Spoiler: Xvareon (click to show/hide)


Grigori pauses for a moment, then says
"Grigori is suspicious, but will listen to what you have to say anyway."

"Look ye here!" the mysterious man says, pointing to the five notches on the shaft of his spear. "All these be monster kills, me friend! An unbreathing one, three little buggers, and just a minute ago one 'o them smelly hobgoblin-things wot had a club!
"Today's a good day for hunting! Wot say I join you? Together we'll crush those unclean sons of soapmakers!"

He then raises his spear high and shouts "YOU HEAR ME, BEASTIES!?"

"Hah hah ha ha ha!"
he laughs, like those guys who thought they had an amazing plan did in anime.
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Spoiler: Nidilap (click to show/hide)



Troglodyte A seems to glance in your direction, then tells Troglodyte B something. B nods.


You shoot first at Troglodyte A, but it goes wild and misses, hitting the tile North of it.
It falls with a clang that distracts the gretchins.
Troglodyte A then moves West, through the door and out of the room.
Troglodyte B moves back, punching Gretchin J, who is repelled.
Gretchin I takes the chance to try to hit Troglodyte B, but is easily evaded.
Gretchin G ducks under Troglodyte C's attack, and hits him.


Troglodyte B then looks at the door and sees you.


You only see Troglodtye B miss his shot as you retreat.
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Spoiler: AoshimaMichio (click to show/hide)


You think for a bit, then reply with
"Grigori is suspicious, but will listen to what you have to say anyway."

"Look ye here!" the mysterious man says, pointing to the five notches on the shaft of his spear. "All these be monster kills, me friend! An unbreathing one, three little buggers, and just a minute ago one 'o them smelly hobgoblin-things wot had a club!
"Today's a good day for hunting! Wot say I join you? Together we'll crush those unclean sons of soapmakers!"

He then raises his spear high and shouts "YOU HEAR ME, BEASTIES!?"

"Hah hah ha ha ha!"
he laughs, like those guys who thought they had an amazing plan did in anime.
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Pancaek (click to show/hide)


You wake up.
You find yourself in the centre of a dimly-lit East-West corridor.
To the immediate West is a torch, and to the immediate East is a copper sword.
At the end of the East side is a door, and the West side turns North.
Suddenly, a Zombie walks in from the West.

Elements of Notice
Zombie, level 0
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Pencil_Art has entered the game as Desim.

I've decided to add a new player in every [(100/[total_players])-1] turns, up until 10 players, which conveniently evens out to Turn 100 if no one dies.
Salsacookies will enter the game as Sol Holden in turn 45 if no one dies.

School starts Tuesday, so expect delays... :/
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 03:23:45 pm by RoaryStar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #175 on: August 27, 2015, 01:19:05 pm »

Keep going 2 tiles north, turn around, hide and wait. Should anything come from south fling another throwing knife at it and backpedal to north. Though gotta remember to look around anyway or something might sneak behind me!
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #176 on: August 29, 2015, 04:34:55 pm »

"Grigori is still not convinced that you are completely all right in the head, but he is willing to the risk."

Continue along the pathway heading north, west around the corner.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #177 on: August 29, 2015, 04:49:00 pm »

Desim attacks the zombie, after grabbing the sword.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #178 on: August 30, 2015, 12:39:08 am »

I follow behind Grigori, watching his back. Specifically, I move to the corner of the eastern hallway to get a look down that way. If I see any nasties, I ready for battle! Otherwise, I whisper soothingly to my trusty spear, "Patience, patience... your time will come again..." and then keep walking, listening for any signs of approach or response to my earlier challenge.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 12:40:44 am by Xvareon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Escape the Dungeon!
« Reply #179 on: September 01, 2015, 03:23:02 pm »

Turn 25


"Grigori is still not convinced that you are completely all right in the head, but he is willing to take the risk."

Grigori continues North, going West around the corner.
You find yourself in a dimly-lit hallway turning South.

Nothing bothers your group this turn, so you caress your spear, whispering "Patience, patience... your time will come again..."
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Spoiler: Xvareon (click to show/hide)


"Grigori is still not convinced that you are completely all right in the head, but he is willing to take the risk."

Grigori continues North, going West around the corner.
You find yourself in a dimly-lit hallway turning South; it's where you woke up.

Nothing bothers your group this turn, but Garrick caresses his spear, whispering "Patience, patience... your time will come again..."
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Spoiler: Nidilap (click to show/hide)


You retreat another two tiles North.
Though you hear sounds of battle on the other side of the door, nothing chases you in either direction.
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Spoiler: AoshimaMichio (click to show/hide)


"Grigori is still not convinced that you are completely all right in the head, but he is willing to take the risk," you reply.

You continue North, going West around the corner.
You find yourself in a dimly-lit hallway turning South.

Nothing bothers your group this turn, but Garrick caresses his spear, whispering "Patience, patience... your time will come again..."
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Spoiler: Pancaek (click to show/hide)



Hastily, you grab the sword and charge at the Zombie.

Before the Zombie can react, you swing. The Zombie's late reaction causes it to lose its balance, losing its turn and letting your sword cut through its chest.
Right as it stands back up, you swing the sword back on its path, cutting the Zombie in half in the same place.

You gain 8 exp (11 until level up!) and four coins drop to the floor.
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Spoiler: Pencil_Art (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 02:49:36 pm by RoaryStar »
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