Many social issues are wicked problems characterized by complexity, uncertainty and lack of clear cut solutions, these include things like poverty or climate change, we all know they exist but we don't know what the best way to solve the, only faith-based approaches that involve subjective perceptions of situation, values, needs and wants.
I mean, it's a point worth making that while we don't know the
best ways to solve things like poverty or climate change, we do in fact know
really damn good ways to. We know cutting emissions would help with climate change and know a slate of highly effective ways of doing so, we know dozens of ways to slash poverty that are within most societies' means of effecting, from housing to various sorts of welfare.
Many social issues factually have entirely clear cut solutions that we're 100% certain work and often aren't even particularly complicated*, they're just ones certain segments of the population with more societal power than they bloody should have are very insistent we don't implement.
General point being, for all the so-called soft sciences are indeed working with wicked problems that are much more difficult to address and handle than the hard sciences are, they're not just faith based guessing games throwing stuff at a wall without being able to tell what sticks. They've advanced a long bloody way over the years, and for all the problems with them and the distance left to go there's a lot they've managed to piece together that's pretty damn solid.
*Just as an example, just about the most effective
and cost efficient means of reducing homelessness we're aware of is to just goddamn
give people a home. Don't gate it, don't make it have hoops to jump through, just give them three hots and a cot with a permanent address. The costs are
less than the costs involved in leaving them on the street, it's just about the most effective means we're aware of for keeping them from ending up back
on the street, so on and so forth. Homelessness is a problem with a solution that would be cheaper than not addressing the problem and more effective and efficient than more or less any other proposed solution in existence.
Except people are brainwormed, unfortunately especially among the world's religious (just world fallacy is a hell of a drug), and refuse to just. Do. That. For a pile of reasons, none of them good.