I'm assuming that if an sufficiently powerful god is keeping people alive forever with the intention of not torturing them (also assuming that's the intention here), he can do something to make it non-torturous.
Depends on what qualifies as torturous, I think. LDS theology says that heaven/hell is just being stuck with people like you...but if you're bad enough, that can be pretty bad.
The LDS understanding of eternal punishment basically boils down to 'Hell is recognizing how badly you messed up, and being stuck with similar people for eternity'. They're not actively tortured, but are left without much power, glory or various eternal benefits, and are the very last in line to get their bodies back (LDS believe that everyone gets their bodies back, just some get it a lot sooner). It's generally considered horrifying and shameful in the same way that people who wasted their lives are horrified at being compared to people who made good choices, but it's also simply a natural consequence of their priorities in life.
The 3 degrees of glory take effect post-Spirit-World, where everyone gets the Gospel preached to them and a chance to accept it if they want. They are:
1) Celestial, where God lives and everything is awesome. Getting in here requires making eternal covenants with God. Compared to the sun.
2) Terrestial, where honorable and good people live, who maybe followed the Gospel but weren't valiant in it, or who were just good people and always tried to do the best but don't want the Gospel. Compared to the moon.
3) Telestial, comprised of liars, whoremongers, adulterers, etc. People who deliberately made bad choices. Compared to the stars.
That's the end of the those who receive glory.
The worst punishment is 'outer darkness', reserved for people who genuinely embraced evil, and they basically are cut off from being powerful and awesome forever due to their deliberate embracing of bad, abusive and vile decisions.
"For they shall be judged according to their works, and every man shall receive according to his own works, his own dominion, in the mansions which are prepared;" Doctine & Covenants 76: 111 There's a bunch more in 76 outlining how people will be organized in the different degrees, it's pretty interesting