There's a couple cans of gasoline nearby... one idiot can ruin things for everyone. - Bay12 does politics
This is a thread for discussing topics relevant to various religions and spiritual concepts. Please be respectful of other people's beliefs, even if you think said belief is foolish or blatantly incorrect.
First, some ground rules.
Please read the rules before posting.
If you do not read the rules before posting, I will summon voodoo demons to eat you.- Make sure you've read the forum guidelines.
- Flaming, trolling, bigotry, and so on are forbidden. No exceptions. No, not even then.
- As much as I hate to put a damper on humour, making jokes about beliefs, etc. in a derogatory manner is forbidden.
- Please do not make moral or ethical judgements on any given belief or practice, or the people who follow it. Everyone has a different set of morals, and this is not the place for it. I encourage you to discuss cultural implications, but stating that someone is a bad person because they do/believe X is forbidden.
- Being respectful of beliefs does not - and never will - preclude stating why you think a given belief is incorrect or inaccurate. If you are liable to get offended by people disagreeing with you, this thread may not be the best place for you.
Addendum: If someone disputes your claim, please be ready to provide sources. Stating "X is true and it's obvious so I don't need sources" is very close to flaming and only causes arguments. The exception to this is when something is common knowledge, like "the sky is blue". I trust you to understand the difference.
Addendum Addendum: Wikipedia is not a reputable source. - Do not post anything solely to see the reaction you will receive. That is almost the very definition of trolling.
- Do not bring up feminism or gender/identity politics. If you really need this explained to you, PM one of the many people who have been banned because of it.
- Necro-smut and other undead erotica is forbidden. Don't ask me how Bay12 keeps managing to derail conversations into this.
- Don't make me (or anyone else) call in Toady.
In essence, play nice, and don't hurt the other children or break their toys.
If there's something you'd like to know of another religious or spiritual group, ask away. If you belong to or have some knowledge of an obscure or minority group, feel free to share it with the rest of us.
Finally, polls. I'll be putting polls up periodically on some topics. If you have any suggestions, please PM me.
The purpose of this is to take stuff along the lines of "how many people believe X" out of the thread an into a more quantifiable format. I'll leave the results here so people can review them.
Catholicism - 30 (9.4%)
Protestant Christianity - 30 (9.4%)
Mormonism - 5 (1.6%)
Other Christian sect - 10 (3.1%)
Islam - 3 (0.9%)
Judaism - 1 (0.3%)
Hinduism - 0 (0%)
Buddhism - 7 (2.2%)
SubGenius - 1 (0.3%)
Wicca - 1 (0.3%)
Discordianism - 6 (1.9%)
Mushrooms - 5 (1.6%)
Animist - 2 (0.6%)
Paganism - 13 (4.1%)
Agnosticism/Don't know/not sure - 46 (14.5%)
Atheism/None - 122 (38.4%)
Something I've missed - 36 (11.3%)