I recently finished Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn trilogy, which was excellent. I don't think I've ever seen such an interesting and well developed first person perspective in any form of media.
I'm in the process of preparing myself to re-read the A Song of Ice and Fire series. It's a hefty task, but after finishing the series early in the year I've only become more interested in it.
I've also been getting into the Warcraft novels, which I was at first hesitant about and still not entirely sure where I stand on them. Arthas: Rise of the Lich King was good, overall, but man am I peeved about some of the things she chose to add or omit from the novel. I've been reading through the Warcraft Archive (Day of the Dragon, Lord of the Clans and The Last Guardian) on the side. So far I'm half way through LotC. Day of the Dragon was much better than I expected. Not great but agreeable, would have been better if the two main protagonists were anywhere near as interesting as all the other characters. Krasus' meeting with Malygos was amazing. One thing that peeved me is that, as it was written (relatively) early in the franchise's history, there are a bunch of things that don't fit with the lore. Thing is, it was written while Warcraft III was being made and the writer was collaborating with the game's writers to an extent and there appear things that just flat out don't even line up with what we see in the game, things that I suppose I'd put to the writer's past with Dungeons & Dragons novels and sticking to his own precedent regarding these things. Lord of the Clans is quite enjoyable so far. I haven't read much of it for a while though, I should get back.