I'm not a person who ignores posts and feels pressured by this 'active lurking' and all >.>
Its my net. When I mentioned its on/off, I really mean it ._. along with the LONG load times per page x_x
...Meaning I've had many posts already in the *click > post* area, to the 'loading' to see the finished result...only to end up at 'Problem Loading Page'...and me thanking the browser creators for the 'back' function, so I can recall all my text and wait to reconnect.
A half hour later or so >_<
...Also your wording is strange o_O
Deathsword, Tiruin, TheDarkStar, Persus13, and Toonyman are lurky. That's nearly a third of the players in the game. Of those, Tiruin, Toonyman, and Deathsword felt at various parts of the day like they were active lurking. I'm voting Tiruin until she responds to my posts directed her way.
'We felt at various parts of the day like we are active lurking'?
Or...'I feel they're active lurking'?
My parser seems broken.
...posts...posts...hmm. I like my mouse wheel. Enables multiple loading. Random thoughts. Avatars are helpful post-recognition devices.
Found it!...A few more pages back.
~ Summary of what I have done this day (though you used game instead of day? Whaa?)
> I tried to create an RVS--fell flat due to the number of posts, and that they were modeled along attitude rather than game-related 'what would you do if {x} role//did {y}//with {z}', which wasn't necessarily needed by the time I got into "playing" (hurrah timezones o_O)
> Technical/RL issues happened. Coincidentally, my second game in a row (sorry 4mask, Operation Overlord is an awesome game) which hindered posting activity.
> Me looking at the events as they proceed and inquiring on what I see and measuring such with common sense/rational logic.
> Me failing to follow it all up effectively due to the second marker here.
> Me flailing my arms and resolving to inquire on general questions given the
hilarity availability of network fun, to at least push forward 'what other people are doing and why'.
> Me looking at 'oh hey, day end', and then resting my forehead in my palms with a look of dismay and the sadness that is my productivity ratio.
Now I found it!...No, that isn't 'more' accurate. Why I added those details that make it long, is to make it more accurate.
The list there? Basic skimming. The note on ToonyMan (which I guess is why you put a !!!?, because it was a curious find, compared to what is given in thread?) is more of my recall of his attitude and how he posts, what he asks and...well, a mixed case less in metaknowledge and more on behavioral tendencies.
Though if you'd work by basic details, then yeah, the 'summarized list' is ok: I put the details because of the
fluidity of the situation. It's too early to begin judging people here, and considering that I haven't read
fully the last pages until now, its an 'ugh x_x' case for me.
Though I have been reading up. Just not thoroughly reading.