- From 'Barbarian 2' (from the save game 'Bay12')
- Created 19 January 2015
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Moving on to the next match, in which Tilly Tank squares off with Chiyo 'The Scorpion' Yanagimoto.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Sander Nemec will be the referee.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) We are underway!
(Rd 1 - 04:45) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 04:45) Tank scores with a jab but fails to land a body kick. Yanagimoto uses a left jab but fails to land a body kick.
(Rd 1 - 04:26) The two fighters come forward and engage.
(Rd 1 - 04:26) Tank scores with a brace of jabs and also hits a kick to the leg. Yanagimoto uses a pair of left jabs and also lands a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 04:03) They come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 04:03) Tank hits a jab but misses with a roundhouse kick to the body. Yanagimoto uses a left jab and also lands a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 03:45) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 03:45) Tank doesn't connect with a left jab but scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Yanagimoto lands a left jab and also gets a glancing blow with a high kick.
(Rd 1 - 03:22) They engage in the center.
(Rd 1 - 03:22) Tank uses a left jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Yanagimoto doesn't connect with a left jab and also is well off target with a head kick.
(Rd 1 - 03:03) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 03:03) Tank scores with a jab and also scores with a right hook. Yanagimoto hits a left jab but doesn't get a leg kick.
(Rd 1 - 02:55) Running her mouth, Tank trash talks her opponent.
(Rd 1 - 02:50) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 02:50) Yanagimoto hits a left jab and also lands a nice right hook. Tank misses with a left jab and also fails on a leg kick attempt.
(Rd 1 - 02:31) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 02:31) Tank scores with a jab and also hits a good right hand. Yanagimoto lands a left jab but fails to land a body kick.
(Rd 1 - 02:23) We are now at the halfway point of the round.
(Rd 1 - 02:08) An exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 1 - 01:48) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 01:48) Tank scores with a jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Yanagimoto scores with a jab but misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 1 - 01:27) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 1 - 01:27) Tank hits a couple of jabs and also hits a right hand. Yanagimoto doesn't connect with a left jab and also is wide of the mark on a head kick attempt.
(Rd 1 - 01:15) Running her mouth, Tank trash talks her opponent.
(Rd 1 - 01:09) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 01:09) Tank hits a jab and also hits a left hook to the body. Yanagimoto hits a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 00:55) We have one minute of the round remaining.
(Rd 1 - 00:44) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 00:44) Tank hits a pair of jabs and also lands a low kick. Yanagimoto misses with a left jab and also misses a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 00:24) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 00:24) Tank is off target with a left jab but hits a right hand. Yanagimoto hits a jab and also hits a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) The time is up, and that's the end of round one.
(Rd 2 - 05:00) Round two begins!
(Rd 2 - 04:53) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 2 - 04:53) Tank scores with a brace of jabs and also scores with a left kick to the body. Yanagimoto lands a left jab but doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 04:32) Yanagimoto is limping a little from the damage she has taken to her legs.
(Rd 2 - 04:24) They come together and strike.
(Rd 2 - 04:24) Tank uses a left jab but misses with a head kick attempt. Yanagimoto lands a left jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg.
(Rd 2 - 03:49) The two fighters come forward and engage.
(Rd 2 - 03:49) Tank hits a couple of jabs and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Yanagimoto scores with a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 03:32) An exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 2 - 02:55) The two fighters come forward and engage.
(Rd 2 - 02:55) Tank lands a left jab and also hits a good right hand. Yanagimoto lands a left jab and also hits a glancing blow with a high kick.
(Rd 2 - 02:34) They come together and strike.
(Rd 2 - 02:34) Tank lands a left jab and also hits a left roundhouse kick to the body. Yanagimoto hits a jab and also scores with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 02:03) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 2 - 02:03) Tank scores with a jab and also launches a right head kick that did damage. Yanagimoto hits a left jab but doesn't connect with a right roundhouse kick to the body.
(Rd 2 - 01:41) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 2 - 01:41) Tank scores with a jab and also scores with a scything kick to the legs. Yanagimoto misses a jab but connects with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 01:13) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 2 - 01:13) Tank lands a left hook. Yanagimoto scores with a brace of jabs but doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 00:57) We're into the final minute of the round.
(Rd 2 - 00:47) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 00:47) Tank lands a left jab and also drives a kick into the thigh area. Yanagimoto misses with a left jab and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 2 - 00:21) They engage in the center.
(Rd 2 - 00:21) Tank hits a left cross. Yanagimoto hits a left jab and also lands a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Time expires and we come to the end of round two.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That was an exciting round, hopefully the fighters will continue with that pace in the next.
(Rd 3 - 05:00) It's the final round and we are back underway!
(Rd 3 - 04:51) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 3 - 04:51) Tank scores with a jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Yanagimoto misses a couple of jabs and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 3 - 04:29) They engage in the center.
(Rd 3 - 04:29) Tank uses a left jab and also lands a left kick to the ribcage. Yanagimoto misses a jab and also misses a right hook.
(Rd 3 - 04:18) Tank talks a little trash.
(Rd 3 - 04:10) The fighters go toe-to-toe with strikes but neither lands anything significant in the exchange.
(Rd 3 - 03:51) Yanagimoto limps around, her leg now virtually useless thanks to all the damage it has taken.(Rd 3 - 03:39) An exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 3 - 03:18) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 3 - 03:18) Tank hits a jab and also scores with a right hook. Yanagimoto doesn't connect with a brace of jabs and also can't hit a right cross.
(Rd 3 - 03:01) Limping heavily, Yanagimoto is struggling to move around.
(Rd 3 - 02:52) Tank comes forward with an attack.
(Rd 3 - 02:52) Yanagimoto manages a counter jab.
(Rd 3 - 02:52) Tank lands a left hand and then hits Yanagimoto with a body kick.
(Rd 3 - 02:39) Tank steps forward and strikes.
(Rd 3 - 02:39) Yanagimoto throws a counter left but doesn't connect.
(Rd 3 - 02:39) A jab hit home from Tank and then catches Yanagimoto with a low kick to the front leg.
(Rd 3 - 02:27) We pass the halfway mark of this round.
(Rd 3 - 02:16) Yanagimoto may have been aiming to get in close, but Tank aggressively took the initiative.
(Rd 3 - 02:16) Tank lands a jab and then catches Yanagimoto with a right roundhouse kick to the body.
(Rd 3 - 01:49) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 3 - 01:49) Tank lands a left jab and also lands a leg kick. Yanagimoto is off-target with two jabs and also can't hit a right cross.
(Rd 3 - 01:21) Tank comes forward and the two fighters start trading blows.
(Rd 3 - 01:21) Yanagimoto scores with two counter jabs.
(Rd 3 - 01:21) Tank lands a jab and then catches Yanagimoto with a beautiful right kick to the head.
(Rd 3 - 01:12) Limping heavily, Yanagimoto is struggling to move around.
(Rd 3 - 01:04) Tank steps forward and a striking exchange begins.
(Rd 3 - 01:04) Yanagimoto fires off a counter jab but doesn't connect.
(Rd 3 - 01:04) Tank hits a left jab and then catches Yanagimoto with a stunning right hook!
(Rd 3 - 01:04) Yanagimoto hits the mat, that shot has rocked her!
(Rd 3 - 00:59) We're into the final minute of the round.
(Rd 3 - 00:59) Tank quickly pounces, looking to rain down punches on the stunned Yanagimoto!
(Rd 3 - 00:59) Tank pounds away with right hands, but doesn't really do a great deal of damage.
(Rd 3 - 00:45) Tank throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch her breath.
(Rd 3 - 00:23) Yanagimoto tries to pull guard on Tank but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt.
(Rd 3 - 00:06) Tank throws a few right hands as she takes a moment to plan ahead.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) We have a time limit draw.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) Official Result: Tilly Tank draws with Chiyo 'The Scorpion' Yanagimoto (Time Limit in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Decent.
Simply put, Yanagimoto survived. Looks like she was on the ropes and Tank may have ended her if allowed to fight longer. Well, once Tank become famous enough to be allowed on the main event...