Oh my frigging god.
So this is the first time I've bothered to fight the Wood Elves in the campaign (VH difficulty). It's so unbelievably annoying.
Hell, I thought the Norscan raiders were annoying before but they're nothing compared to trying to attack Athel Loren. Not only is the attrition insanely high, but just trying to move around inside the forest takes forever.
Then there's the cheating AI of course, who just cheatspawns fullstacks everywhere. Normally I don't particularly care about this but because the elves can move freely through the tiny little forest, you basically have like 8 fullstack armies inside all within reinforcing range of each other. What the fuck.
Then you have to actually fight the Welfs themselves and that sucks so much dick. I actually have no idea how to reduce casualties as Bretonnia. I've tried every single combination but because I keep having to fight 2 - 3 stacks at a time, it's stupidly hard and I generally have to sacrifice 3000+ troops to make any headway at all. I've burned down 3 of the 4 settlements in Athel Loren and I've lost 5 high level generals and probably something like 12,000 troops.
At this point I wish I was the Dwarfs. Then I could just bring a couple of flame cannons and some ironbreakers and call it a day.
Hell, Archaon and his gang are completely ravaging Middenland and I have one level 1 general holding all of them off singlehandedly. I have Alberic, Leonceour, Morgiana, and two more generals just slowly crawling through the stupid forest. It's so annoying!!! I've lost count how many times I've defeated Durthu and Orion.