Javelina is more a warm to tropical beast though. At least the ones that I killed and ate were.
We had two types, one ran in small family groups, the other (and more dangerous due to pack size) ran in herds in the 15-50 range.
Javelinas, aka peccaries:
A peccary is a medium-sized hoofed mammal of the family Tayassuidae in the suborder Suina along with the Old World pigs, Suidae. They are found in the southwestern area of North America and throughout Central and South America. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Tayassuidae
Mass: 20 – 40 kg (Adult)
Rank: Family
Length: 90 – 130 cm (Adult)
Higher classification: Even-toed ungulate
Size of territory: 0.3 – 2.8 km² (Herd territory)
Lower classifications: Floridachoerus, Pecari