The thug is knocked out, and then searched. Between the two of them, you find:
484 silver pieces
1 heavy crossbow (the one tossed to Hyphien) with 18 crossbow bolts and quiver
2 maces
3 crowbars
1 hammer
1 grappling hook
12 feet of low quality cut and knotted hempen rope
And then you proceed to finish the trip to Entsley.
Dusk is falling as you arrive, and you can see it's a large town (or a small city). There's the main road that leads straight to the other side of the town, and you can see that there's a main building that functions both as a temple and library not far from the road. There's some inns, some stores, and a tavern on either side. Buildings farther from the main road get both smaller and more like homes, but it can be assumed that there are some shops that aren't on the road near it.
There is a gate over the road, but no wall or fence around the city. Remnants of a palisade can be seen, but they are mostly black and charred; many years ago, it would seem. The doors to the gate are solid oak, but wide open. You know they haven't been closed ever since the Western Empire took the city. The closest inn is the tavern known as the 'Walking Tree', based on the city's myths. Further on is a dedicated inn, called the 'Knot hole', which has more beds and a larger building (but no drinks). There are more further on. You can't see The Hog's Brew from here, but if the thug is to believed it's near the center of town.