As somebody who lost family in the holodomor in the Ukraine under Stalin, all I can say is that anything that even remotely resembles what happened, politically, is DOOMED to spectacular failure, and anyone considering such a course of action is either evil, mentally retarded, horribly naive, or just outright ignorant of historical data.
None of those are things that should ever be accepted from political officials or statesmen of any stripe.
Seriously, condemning the very farmers who grow your food for you, as being "Greedy" for trying to keep enough food to survive on AND grow crops with the next year, then sending goon troopers in to shoot the place up to get food trucked out and to distribution centers where the people processing it are less efficient than the keystone cops are at stopping crime, (thus simultaneously killing your farmers, the baseline production workers producing your food supply, brutally undermining your ability to grow crops the very next planting cycle by destroying seed stores, AND fucking up distribution in the process) JUST so you can blame somebody politically for your own god-damn supply fuckups, so you can do some kind of bullshit eugenic purging (Because ethnic Russians are so much fucking better because of some magic Russian special-ness or something), what the fuck did Stalin expect? That the food fairy would magically put vodka and rye bread under his pillow at night? That urban Russians, who had never even SEEN a field of rye before in their lives would somehow, magically-- because they were Russians-- know how to pick up plows and scythes and make a harvest the next year after displacing Ukrainians? Stalin was clearly a fucking idiot.
I don't know enough about the "Leap Forward" event, but I know plenty about the holodomor.