I want to believe this, and it may turn out to be true... but I don't think it can be taken for granted. Private jets have been around longer than cell phones, but those haven't made their way to the middle class yet. Not everything works out that way.
I'd say that that is because:
1) Most people don't need to travel distances that would require a jet every day.
2) Jet's are in general made to transport fairly large numbers of people. Everyone having their own private jet would be like everyone owning their own bus instead of a normal car, it's horribly inefficient.
If we look at the subset of people who do need to travel distances that would require a plane every day, you can find that a surprising number of them do actually own their own small planes and use them regularly. For example I have a neighbor who takes off from his own little private runway every morning to fly out to his job a several hour drive away. Should something comparable, like personal flying cars or jetpacks become both available and reach a point where it would be cost comparable to the current options, I see no reason why a company wouldn't push for making them. If there is a need (such as aging) and way to fill that need (such as some sort of treatment) then somebody is going to try to make as much money off that as possible, which involves getting the price to the point where the majority of people that need it (which would be everyone) can afford it.
And arguments about "personalized" treatments really only hold water in the early phases of the treatments. For things like gene treatments most people are going to fall into one of a handful of DNA groups functionally (remember, all humans are 99.5% identical to all other humans genetically!), so treatment becomes as simple as running a DNA sequence and selecting which treatment would work for you (at least for all but the unlucky outliers). And for the mechanical side of things it's as simple as making parts that are adjustable by default, or (for the cheaper side) a handful of different parts that fit the vast majority of the people (because while humans have many differences, they still cover a fairly well-defined "range" physically).
I might not have faith in the good nature of humankind as a whole, but I do have faith in the self interest of the corporation; if there is a profit to be made then somebody is going to do it.