The EFF are a pretty vile special interest group, after all.
A general reminder that no matter how benevolent or malevolent an individual or group of individuals may be, their arguments are not more or less valid by token of their arguers morals. Zombie-Hitler might not approve of Net Neutrality (Zombie Stalin might be a fan, although he'd probably want to see the details first to figure out how it affects his zombie commune), but that really doesn't actually affect anything.
Also, in great big panicky headline style:
John Boehner Fails Again. The House rejected a
three-week exstention, dealing a nasty blow to Boehner and opening up the prospect of a shutdown. The current Plan B is, well, a one-week extension (which some members, surprisingly, seem to have an objection to, on the grounds of "Oh you can't be serious"). It's due tonight, so there are a lot of workers at risk here, and not even one of those workers is part of Citizen and Immigration Services, the agency at the heart of the crisis, since that is entirely self-funded. Since the DHS is largely considered "essential" (the government considers the Secret Service, the Coast Guard, Border and Customs, TSA, and FEMA essential, along with a whole bunch of other things), those workers are going without pay for a while if funding is cut, while about 30,000 of their 230,000 employees would be furloughed.
Edit: And now it's back again. One-week extension. This will be interesting. So, speculation: How will this affect the Republication nominees? Most of them are not directly linked the Federal government, coming from state-level positions, but surely they must have an opinion.