This is the problem with American politics these days. You don't see (at least to my knowledge anyways) this letter-writing shit from Britain or France. Frankly, the American congress is lazy as all hell and harbors a blatant disrespect for the rules that the USA was built on. It's embarrassing in my eyes. Sadly, the truth of the satirical Iranian response is biting, not to mention their other formal responses. In this day and age I find it repulsive that congressmen/women find it necessary (take that as you will; from the congressional side or as constituent pressure) to even have to rely on religion at all to hold on to significant portions their base and that once they have secured it, that they follow their disgustingly antiquated dogma through to the fine print, especially when they ignore so much more important matters entirely. Of course, this is directed largely at republicans, but the democrats are no better. Does anyone remember that vote a few years a go where half the democratic congressmen (I believe, could have been just one of the houses) just decided to hide in their respective states for whatever reasons? Not to mention Obama's etiquette in dealing with affairs both foreign and domestic. Disgusting really, how these politics are played out. Two hundred years ago, one hundred years ago, fifty, this country had political style enough to influence the rise and fall of great nations around the world, now we are reduced to the ramblings of fucking children and senile laggards who have the gall to call themselves leaders of men.