Re: Return of Net Neutrality, the lawsuits that never end.
Of course it is.
Title II is about as popular with really big ISPs as the ACA is with wealthy republicans, and for basically the same reasons.
"Stop regulating my ability to screw with my competition and offer lackluster service for a high price! Stop disturbing my ability to act like a monopoly player! WHAAAAAA!!!"
Under title II regulations, ISPs would have to act like dumb pipes, which basically destroys some VERY lucrative notions of being "the new cable", with ISP specific streaming media services at special discounts for the ISP's customers (and possible access fees toward other streaming media providers that dont try this, like Netflix and Amazon).
It's as fucking transparent as you can get. Their whole argument is basically "But we can make SOOOOO much more money if you dont regulate us that way! (But we cant actually say that, because it will cause a public backlash-- instead, we will trump up some bullshit about how Title II classification will "Destroy" our business, A La how the movie business likened VCRs to Jack the Ripper)", which is totally BS, because they have been picking and choosing acting like a title II regulated agency, to gain save-haven exemptions under the DMCA-- without actually being title II. Now they would actually have to really choose weather or not to be a real title II, or face litigation from the media industry for the actions of their customers on their network. Naturally, they want things back the way they were, where they could have their cake, eat it too, AND double dip on charging all over the damned place, while never really upgrading service to customers in a timely manner (compared to other first world countries.)
They are lucky I am not the judge, as I would dismiss with prejudice.