Frankly, all of that is irrelevant bullshit anyway. I enjoy how we all spend our times in between electoral cycles complaining about how politicians are all devious realpolitik lobbyist-brainwashed jackasses who more or less use the incumbent effect and gerrymandering to cheat at being re-elected, and then all of a sudden come election time it's all "we need job creation", "PACs are a necessary component of the electoral cycle", and "what about their EXPERIENCE".
What does it matter? It is not as if being governor is actually like being mini-president or as if any amount of experience beyond having had a particular position really makes a candidate qualified. What even are presidential qualifications? Do you know? Does anybody? Being President is a position like no other, and every President inherently possesses radical authority over the internal elements of their administration anyway. It's a wash, and one very intentionally perpetuated in order to make elections as a whole more predictable and routine for politicians, by politicians.
If anything, I'm glad Bernie doesn't have that experience. That someone as skilled and intelligent as him never over 20 years went to dominating at least the state where he is nearly-universally loved and has a body of constituents in-line with his beliefs says that he really does have the principle of character otherwise sorely lacking among our leaders.
I'll take it. That character is more important than literally anything else. You want to not be ruled by nothing but bland neoliberal lawyers for the rest of your lives? Then step the fuck up and accept that you might have to elect one, and with that accept the risk that it might not work out. Societies change, even down to their most basic natures, and this change is one that needs to happen.