Oooh, what's this about?This is a RTD adventure featuring six people who were abducted 200 years ago presumably by aliens.
More detail?200 years ago you and five other people were mysteriously abducted late in the night. Either in your homes, your work places, or wherever you were, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. All you remember is a bright light and suddenly awaking in a large metallic room with a heavy door blocking your escape. Though it's been decades in the room, you've never aged, gotten hungry, or seen what has stolen you away. 200 years of repeating stories and forming escape committees in hope of finally freeing yourselves.
Okay, okay. What's the goal?To begin, escape the alien ship. The overall goal will develop as we go on.
How are the rolls done?Other than combat, which is explained below, the rolls are a regular RTD system.
1 - Epic Fail
2 - Fail
3 - Meager Success
4 - Success
5 - Epic Success
6 - Overshoot
On top of this, I've added a 'bonus' and 'penalty' dice system. You'll get to decide on some skills for your character, and any time they want to do something that requires that specific skill, they'll gain a bonus dice. So when the roll is made, another dice is rolled as well. The best result of the two is picked. The opposite happens with a penalty dice. You roll an extra dice and pick the lowest result. If the same number is rolled on both dice, that is the number you're stuck with.
Combat?Most definitely. You're more than welcome to fight each other, though I would refrain since you'll have plenty of
other things to fight. Here is how fighting works:
The Attacker rolls first to see if their hit can land.
1 means they hurt themselves.
2 is simply a miss.
3 is a possible hit, but the person/thing being attacked gets a chance to dodge with a bonus dice.
4 is a possible hit, but the person/thing can still dodge with a penalty.
5 Cannot be dodged, it is an automatic hit.
6 is a hit that can be dodged without penalty or bonus.
Then, the combat begins. The attack roles again and the person/thing being attacked also rolls. The person/thing who rolls the highest value wins. Example:
[KYLE] Kyle punches at Rodger.
[ME] Kyle attempts a punch [2], but totally misses!
[RODGER] Is upset that Kyle would try and punch him, so he tries to fight back with a kick!
[ME] Rodger goes in for a kick [1], but sprains his leg and falls over!
[KYLE] Kyle sees the perfect opportunity to strike and goes for a curb stomp!
[ME] Savage! While Rodger is down, Kyle goes in for a curb stomp and gains a bonus dice since he has the upper hand [5] [3]. He stomps on Rodger's head and horribly wounds him! Rodger is seeing stars: Add the stunned modifier.
Another example while there is dodging. Those were real rolls and didn't come out how I expected.
[KYLE] Kyle strikes Bill with a pipe!
[ME] Kyle tries to hit Bill with a pipe [4]!
Bill attempts a dodge but with a penalty [5] [1].
Kyle swings [2]!
Bill tries to dodge, but actually jumps right into the attack! Kyle strikes him right in the neck and Bill is knocked over!
[BILL] Bill needs to get out of here, and tries to RUN away! (Let's assume that's one of his skills.)
[ME] Bill tries to run away, but since he's on the ground, he gains a penalty dice. Since this is a skill of his, it negates the bonus dice effect: [3]! You manage to get up and start making your way away, but Kyle could throw something at you.
Depending on the situation and circumstance will depend on how injured your character will become. Ultimately it is up to how I see the whole thing, so it's probable for a well placed blow to the head to kill your character.
Sounds fun! Let's see the sheet!Name:
Profession: (For fun. It's been 200 years since you've put this job to use, so it's useless now.)
Skills: (Choose three things your character excels at naturally. Agility, Fighting, etc... If you use a skill, be sure to
bold it in your post!)
Items: (Update this with things you find.)
Wounds: (Any injuries you obtain in battle.)
Modifiers: (Issues inflicting your character with a minus or penalty.)
If you could, attach your sheet to your posts so I can quickly look at information.
Anything else?Not much! I'm afraid only six people can join at the time being. I can't take too much time with school kicking back in. Possibly more people can get added as time goes on or if we lose some people. Also, if you so desire, light roleplay is fine. I don't expect paragraphs and what not, but if you want to interact with people and add some life that's totally fine. When we get six people we can begin.
Name: Zomara (m)
Profession: Busboy
Skills: Reaction time, over exertion, catnapping
Items: (Update this with things you find.)
Wounds: (Any injuries you obtain in battle.)
Modifiers: (Issues inflicting your character with a minus or penalty.)
Name: Nunzillor
Profession: Janitor
Skills: Mop-fu (mop martial arts), competitive eating, mad yo-yo skillz
Items: (Update this with things you find.)
Wounds: (Any injuries you obtain in battle.)
Modifiers: (Issues inflicting your character with a minus or penalty.)
Name: NAV
Profession: Waste management
Skills: Improvised drumming, cosplay, stunt driving
Name: Brim
Profession: Coast Guard
Skills: Swimming, hand-to-hand combat, small arms shooting
Items: None
Wounds: None
Modifiers: None
Name: Malia
Profession: Barista
Skills: Patience, Sandwich Making, Calligraphy
Name: McKinsey
Profession: World's Strongest Man
Skills: Very strong. High endurance. Makes great pancakes.
Items: (Update this with things you find.)
Wounds: (Any injuries you obtain in battle.)
Modifiers: (Issues inflicting your character with a minus or penalty.)