People have been reporting finding Portals and trying absolutely everything to get them open, but modders have checked them out and I'm pretty sure they are unimplemented like the other half of the game. Hilarious to have models of the portals appearing on the planets with no purpose, and I think they can only be found by flying low since I think they don't appear on scans, making it look like an unimplemented feature even further.
However, there is some text within the data dumps that implies that the portals were
planned to be implemented. You were to talk to a portal, and the portal will ask you a question. If you answer in a manner that makes the portal happy, you can travel right through...otherwise it closes up. For now, portals are just cut content that Hello Games made an
honest attempt to implement.
Reddit claims that Steam is now offering refunds, even if you go past the hour limit. Flying Dice, have you successfully got a refund yet?
Echoes from a distant world call from behind the gateway.
A new land lies beyond.
The vast Portal stands before you. You hear the small, desperate voices of the Gek First Spawn. They speak in your own language.
What has become of the Gek? Do they still adore the First Spawn?
The Gek respect their mighty ancestors. They speak of you often
The Gek are busy creatures. It's hard to tell
They are obsessed with commerce. They forget you
The giant edifice wakes.
It reveals the pathway to a distant world.
The portal remains dormant.
A lonely silence hangs heavy in the air.