So yeah, I've been playing this game for the past couple days. So far I'm definitely having fun with it. When I first started I was on an almost Maine-like frozen planet full of pine trees, on the top of a mountain. Which was fucking awesome, since I started out in a crater on the side of said mountain, and when I finally climbed up over the edge of it to go get some shit to repair the ship, I could suddenly see the slow slope down the side and some hills in the distance. It was a really surreal experience, emerging into the universe for the first time and having a familiar yet beautiful sight be the first thing I ever saw. And no, I haven't found another planet like it yet, although I have of course found other snowy ones. In fact, the only planets I've found that I could conceivably mistake for each other are the totally blank and / or barren ones, which probably take up about 30 percent of the planets I've found. Basically, whoever said there aren't enough barren planets in this game is evil and their opinion is wrong.
For a while I played with my controller since it felt better and allowed me to look around while I was in the cockpit, but I stopped after I remembered that I'm completely incompetent at first-person-shooting while using a controller. Also, I like to be able to fly around while shooting. In case you've never tried doing that with a controller, it's basically impossible.
For some reason, I've been having problems with black holes and Atlas stations. Whenever I encounter Nada and Polo and ask them to locate a black hole for me, I'll go in the map, and the camera will point in some random direction and play a little sound effect as if it's showing me where the thing is, except I cant tell where the hell it's supposed to be. Also, the waypoint that's selected while this happens is still just a blue line leading me a ridiculous distance perpendicular to the path to the core. I can't tell if they're actually marking black holes that far away from me or if they're really marking them and the waypoint slot is still being occupied by the Big Blue Line to Fucking Nowhere. Is this a common issue? Can it be solved by somehow getting rid of my existing waypoints? Is there even a way to do that?
Also, has there been a successful meetup between two people that anyone knows of yet? I know that thing on launch day where those two people couldn't see each other was probably because of server issues, but at the same time I still haven't heard of any two people meeting up successfully and I really hope they didn't just leave out multiplayer completely.