Yes the price is nothing. I can work for 3 hours to buy it and I will easily play more that 3 hours, no hype just seeing the confirmed gameplay and I like.
Greyfox you are absolutely right.
Lets buy another shooter with the first 3 levels polished to a mirror sheen and kill some more evil archtypical terrorists just because I am the chosen one that can handle being shot hundreds of times before my vision enters red rage mode only to count down from ten to prevent my high blood pressure killing me.
Games are fucking rediculous nowdays, only shooter im going to play in the future is an acurate one with organs and bones that can be shot to accurate effect.
Im over this crap they pass off to use, seriously 3 years of development and its a smoother copy paste of engine controls and character models, oh but we needed the 3 years to paint the guys pant stiching and his indepth story.
This rant is far from over.
fucking cunts then only to join an online game to hear some prepubecent cunt on the mic babling or singing and not even fucking listening to everybody telling them to fuck the shut up. Or the occasional pedophile asking their name and age, who are these fucking parents anyway!
Or even people using the mic to chat about their day then complaining when you didnt save them from being shot.
Or ignoring any sense of teamwork, are you all fucking rambo in the last fucking 15 minutes of first blood?!
So im pretty glad these guys are making a fun space survival game not about eating 0g chickpeas
And the language learning is a neat little touch. Sure many will dislike it. But yoy dont need to interact with the sentient aliens, you may blast them if you feel the need
because the industry trained you that way
and down the line a race that hates the blasted race may favour your actions.
I like how alot of people have no clue about this game or think it will be boring because they wont be disapointed when the next call of shit, or pat benatar love is a battlefield 5 comes out, they can consume their low calorie meals.
Im looking for proper games and will never buy a shit game like the masses do