Otherwise you are merely disagreeing over personal preference.
Aren't we all judging the game based on our personal preferences at this point? It'd be foolhardy to proclaim any kind of decisive, objective, overwhelming ruling as to the quality of the final game when it hasn't even been released.
To delve too deeply on any one subject, like trade, would involve too much speculation. I gave my opinion strictly in regard to what was shown on the video. And what was shown was simple, very basic gameplay. That might be great for people who like basic games, but I don't. There might be people who wouldn't mind the local nature of trade, but like you, I'd also have an issue with it. In the end you're also complaining that the implementation of a given feature is too basic.
But do I really need to bring up examples to justify why the showcased gameplay is too basic? I could say Elite Dangerous has way better space combat, that Space Engineers deals with persistence a lot better given how it enables building anything, that EVE Online has better trade, that Starbound has more personality, that Fallout 4 has better survival mechanics (with the new mode), etc. But is that all meaningful and relevant to this game, and to the substance of my critique? Not really. One can't realistically expect a game to be the best across every single gameplay system, but I do expect engaging mechanics and reasonable depth. But hey, that's just my preference: others might be fine with an ocean-wide, puddle-deep game.
As an aside, I'll say that if changes revert as soon as you leave the local area
across the board, then that's not basic: that's a terrible, terrible design decision. As if disallowing building on the planets wasn't enough, that truly destroys any chance of the player leaving the slightest footprint in the universe, and eliminates persistence as a whole beyond the character's stats and gear. Furthermore, it kills any and all interest in having a galaxy (very) theoretically shared by players: you can't possibly come across evidence of other people's activity. Only through named creatures. Big bloody whoop. Might as well play any game with seeded map generation ever and pretend you're sharing the same universe with every other player.
Whilst they've said that, I haven't seen them do that. Pretty much every planet they've demoed has been a mash of everything (in terms of creatures mostly). I'm hoping this is a conscious choice for demos, but I can't help think that we might get different sized dinosaurs + crab things on every planet.
Mostly it's that they haven't showed off anything weird which has been the biggest give away for me, as I believe they would if they had it. There's no silt walker type creatures, dune style worms, or giant praying mantis-style mega-fauna. It's all just different sized dinosaurs.
Again, I'm hoping that they're being coy - they've said that it gets stranger the closer you get to the middle of the galaxy, but I'm surprised they haven't gone weirder.
The combination of lack of promotional material and bog-standard footage when they
do show something makes me suspect they aren't showing more interesting things because there simply isn't anything more interesting to be shown.