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Author Topic: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!  (Read 52873 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #300 on: March 17, 2015, 05:43:09 am »

OK, will grab this and have a look tonight.


OK... Shadowgraves is an improvement on the usual succession fortress in that (at this moment, at least) it's not a combination of a charnel ground and Hoarders'R'Us.  However, a few things stand out:

- Why is there a cow on top of a tower?
- Why are there huge sections of the forest paved and floored with wood?  For that matter, why are the floors of the fortress half wood and half stone?
- The memorials to dead wagons at the main gate are epic.
- I think the graphics set got scrambled somehow... I am seeing really odd symbols on an overlay of what seems to be standard Phoebus?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 05:28:27 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #301 on: March 17, 2015, 06:34:53 pm »

- Why is there a cow on top of a tower?

It's much easier to get cows up stairs than down them. Everyone knows that. (Seriously though, I have no idea)

- Why are there huge sections of the forest paved and floored with wood?  For that matter, why are the floors of the fortress half wood and half stone?

Yeah, those trees have been there for YEARS.


- The memorials to dead wagons at the main gate are epic.

I made sure to memorialize the one that hadn't yet been memorialized.

- I think the graphics set got scrambled somehow... I am seeing really odd symbols on an overlay of what seems to be standard Phoebus?

Ah...I think this is Maxcat's tileset again. Read this post from earlier in the thread
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #302 on: March 17, 2015, 08:06:21 pm »

Spring, 107

Welcome to Shadowgraves, population 175.

The first I knew that anything was amiss, ol' Maxcat the so-called Minion came stormin' around a corner and flung the overseer hat at me... fair cracked me skull!  He were shoutin' summat about he couldna' take any more, an' magma, an' Ber knows what else.  I wasna' listenin', on account of bein' thankful not to be dead from that gurt purple hat flyin' at me!  Finally he stomped off... emotional sort, is our Minion.  Werrrrlllll, I'm not a proud dwarf, but how could I let the hat jus' sit there an' not try it on?  Maybe this was how Utost and Ber were rewardin' me, seein' as how I have been a devoted worshipper of them since I was but a wee sprue?  Pwaorr, would you look a' that!

Here's a hint, dear reader... it won't a reward.  A trap, more like.  No sooner did I put the bloody thing on, than aroun' the corner comes stormin' a whole wide-eyed troop of others, claimin' now I'm the overseer!  Could have knocked me over with a featherwood yolk!  They'd hear naught but that I'd do it, though, so here I be.  Lessee if I can sum up Spring in short order...

No sooner had the hat hit my hair than I got word that... what?

Then word of a goose dying... then another mole dog... then a war dog... then a regular dog.  No wonder Minion was in such a gurt steamin' hurry to run off... he was an animal murderer!  Either that or we had some sort o' weird night critter what only ate animals.  We still don't know what killed 'em, why they died, or nothin'.  All a bit of a mystery.

The other thing it would have been nice to know was that one of me mates was downstairs, pinin' away for resources we didn't have.  That ended poorly on 17 Granite, as it usually does:

If only I had known poor ol' Nish needed silk, I could have made some... but nooooo, it were too much like work for Maxcat to provide any notes of such.  Now Nish is scamperin' about in the altogether, babblin' nonsense, shamin' himself and his family.  A tragedy... but an avoidable one, dammit!  Why, who knows, he might ha' made somethin' truly magnificent!  Och, well, I guess now we'll never know.

Nobles in general are a cantankerous lot, and this set is no exception.  Mark ye, I like gems as much as the next dwarf... more, maybe; gems are the eyes of Utost Diamondmined, great god of jewels, and I ha' bowed to Utost since me mum taught me to walk.  Still... the king has an odd fixation on large gems; mad ol' thing demands more, and more again, as if any ol' stone could be cut tha' big and not be a mess of flaws!  Betwixt him an' that duchess, always puttin' on airs, I begin to see why Max was in such a stompin' hurry to give up the job.  Large gems!  Battle axes, and be quick about it!  Where's me buckler?  We need more!  More bucklers!  Then they both started shoutin' about bucklers!  Was nigh enough to drive me sober.

Slate came and went with nothing really to report, other than runnin' out of gems.  In an attempt to shut his arsin' majesty up keep the jewelers busy, I ordered a tunnel dug into the first cavern... worryin' a bit about the dire tales of monsters and such, I got a bridge built to seal it off in a hurry if some hideous critter came leapin' out at us.  Lots o' gems were mined.  As if that weren't enough, I got the miners over to where they said there was more adamantine, and blow me down if there weren't!  We're swimmin' in the good stuff now, and the strand pullers are pullin' strands as fast as their little fingers will go.

Felsite... didn't go so smooth.  First I know of things amiss, I hears shoutin'... and that ain't like these dwarves (well, except in the drinkin' hall, and that's different).  Seems that not only did poor Nish finally kick the bucket, but Sarvesh went with him.

I have no idea how the hell he managed to dehydrate, because he were in a major hallway!  I swear there's somethin' unholy about.  Maybe the king is right; we need more gems around to keep out the night devils.

The other thing that went awry was one of the metalcrafters headed off into the caves with a determined look and then word came back:

'Tis my sad duty to report tha' the interruption proved fatal.  The toad bit 'im in the head, and that were that.  The A Team soon sent the toad to the kitchens, but the damage were done... poor Muthkat was off to his new home in a stone box.  Sad it was, and I can't 'elp but wonder if I were to blame.

Well, here's hopin' summer goes more smoothly... I've asked the smiths to make an adamantine statue for 'Is Bleedin' Majesty in 'opes it will give 'im somethin' pretty to look at so he will shut up about bloody requests for a bit.  Hope makes the forge go, as me mum used to say.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #303 on: March 18, 2015, 11:53:19 am »

Spring, 107
No sooner had the hat hit my hair than I got word that... what?

Then word of a goose dying... then another mole dog... then a war dog... then a regular dog.  No wonder Minion was in such a gurt steamin' hurry to run off... he was an animal murderer!  Either that or we had some sort o' weird night critter what only ate animals.  We still don't know what killed 'em, why they died, or nothin'.  All a bit of a mystery.

There were a lot of mysterious animal deaths. Most of them occurred on the battlements. I could't find out how they died, only that is wasn't from falling things.
Also, the Wooden Floor area behind the fort was put there to stop falling trees from making holes into the fort.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #304 on: March 18, 2015, 12:27:28 pm »

Ah that makes sense, then.  Not sure what confluence of factors led to a collection of buckler-obsessed nobles, but at least making a few bucklers satisfies them all at the same time... not like Mr. King and his infinite gem-hunger.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #305 on: March 18, 2015, 12:54:23 pm »

Ah that makes sense, then.  Not sure what confluence of factors led to a collection of buckler-obsessed nobles, but at least making a few bucklers satisfies them all at the same time... not like Mr. King and his infinite gem-hunger.

Well, if you look around, there is a device that I made specifically for some situation like this. It is 2-3 levels above the stone stockpile. Just set it so the king has to pull the lever, and enjoy.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #306 on: March 18, 2015, 02:11:34 pm »

Don't we have an entire storeroom filled with nothing but large gems?

Incidentally, good work Iamblichos, looking forward to the rest. ;)
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #307 on: March 18, 2015, 07:56:29 pm »

Summer, 107

Nae sooner ha' the Summer season began than the word came down:

Och, no, thought I, and things were goin' so well.  Rushin' out upon the battlements I see... 6 goblins, wearin' copper shite armor, blinkin' at me as I'm blinkin' at them.  Right, I says, boys... give 'em the treatment!  The goblins tried to rough up a fisherman who seemed to feel he was bound to catch somethin' in that mudhole in front of the gate, but they couldna even do THAT right.  'Twas mercy brought them an end; they were sad even for bandits.  And tha', as they say, was tha'.

Ras Cattenlised was suprised by a cave crocodile which wandered in... was he afeared?  NAE!

He scared it, he punched it, he jumped up 'n' doon on it, he insulted its scaly mother.  By the time he killed it, we were all a bit ashamed fer it, to be truthful.  He is now called Crocodile Dunras.

The news was comin' fast an' furious for a while:

An' the tallboy politician dribbled on at the jaw for quite a while:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But the best news of all was a caravan!  The tallboys brought about forty-leven wagons, and the earlier overseers had planned a path fer 'em that took 'em up and doon and around and through... surprised they weren't expected to swing doon tae the forges on the way.  If I ever get tae a different fort, an' get tae oversee early, I plan tae remind everybody that direct and short is the best path of all.

Our dear mayor was determined to be the broker, but he took sae long, th' merchants were gettin' antsy... I found another broker, an' the mayor can go hang.  He traded a bit o' tasty food fer all the thread, booze, food and glass on the wagons.  He bought sand, he bought metal, he bought everythin' he could think of, and they were happy to get our meals in trade.  Even the tallboys admire the dwarven kitchens, and nae mistake!

My suspectin' evil spirits is supported... there were reports of odd lights and voices, and then:

I barely know Rith, but I won' let him come to a bad end like the cruel fate tha' befell me friend Nish!  He scampers aboot an' gathers a right proper pile of items an' off he goes an' slams the door.  Well, thought I, We'll see wha' comes of it.  The lot of us were nae disappointed!

Well, says I, pretty shade of blue an' all, but wha's it...

WORTH?!?!  I had tae listen twice tae be sure I had it correct.  Lovely thing it was too, gentle on the eye as a yellow diamond:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That were pretty much all that happened of note.  Ah, but there were one more wee event... a reacher found his way into our halls, and started a bit o' a brawl in the stairs.  He hit a fish dissector (an' what kind of work is that for an honest dwarf?  Faugh!), he hit a gelder, he hit a mason... just as he were about to hit his stride though, a miner walked by and... settled the matter.

Th' king, th' duchess and th' mayor are takin' turns comin' up with more and more freakish demands.  Mr. Large Gems continues as he began; the duchess is still buckler-crazed, an' the mayor's developed a thing for picks.  I'm understandin' Maxcat's temper more and more as the days creep by.

(OOC: Framerate on this beast is BAD... max 28, min 12.  I am looking into ways to optimize pathing but it's very difficult.  I've expanded some of the staircases to 3x3, especially in the lower fort, but it's a tangled maze of ramps and stairs.)
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #308 on: March 20, 2015, 05:17:48 pm »

I'm glad to see the military has hit its stride.

Also, that's quite the figurine! anyone left on the turn list? Perhaps I could get a turn after Iamblichos? :D
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #309 on: March 20, 2015, 06:17:30 pm »

((OOC: Pyrotechno is next, and you are on the list right after him  :)  Hope you brought your big deck, because this fort is brutally slow to run.  Each season is taking about 2.5 hours for me at 12-28 FPS, and 5 of those are reclaimed after I fixed some of the most egregious pathing issues.  Autumn follows, winter might make it tonight but will probably be tomorrow.))

Autumn, 107

No sooner had the first yellow leaf been spotted than the caravan showed up... they were in an all-fired hurry tae get tae the depot, not sure what set their breeks a'burnin'.

The fort were a right mess, with folks wanderin' all over the place tryin' to find a route to where they were goin'.  I had spent a fair bit o' me time engravin', so I never noticed how inefficient it were for everybody to be wanderin' here and there an' everywhere just tae go aboot the day's business.  When I saw people usin' Maxcat's one-stair pumpstack to get from bottom to top, I had had enough.  "Right," says I, "this path is closed 'til further notice, which may come on the 30th of Nevuary.  Lock those bloody doors at the bottom!  And if you lot keep traipsin' up and doon those deathtrap stairs I'll put a hatch cover on the top and anyone inside gets to starve there, see if I don't!"  I love me kinsmen, but Ber alone knows, some of these dwarves ain't the brightest torches in the hall.

I told the miners to open up all them narrow little stairways and wall off some of the cross passages.  Sure, they all moaned like children, but when they did it they was amazed how much more peppy things moved along.  Engravin' things ain't ALL I'm good for, I wanted to tell 'em, but they're learnin' on their own, sure and they are.

Another damn dog keeled over fer no reason we could tell... I swear before Ber's metal coffer this place is haunted.

While the paths and roads were bein' expanded, I took pity on the deep dwellin' ones who work the magma forges and expanded their livin' quarters.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Now they've got proper bedrooms assigned to the metalworkers and furnacedwarves, a real dinin' hall, stocked with food and drink, and some traces of civilization.  Metalwork is the soul of our race, 'tis a brutal shame to treat its noble practitioners like woodworkers and fishers!

Our jeweler made a true thing of beauty:

Fair brought a tear to me eye, and I don't mind sayin' it.  If I weren't afraid it would get broken, I would put it in me office to look at, it were just that lovely.

As if Timber didn't have enough problems, what with gettin' all the loot from the caravan put away and preparin' the fort for the comin' snows, but we were invaded by grey langur men!  Somehow they made it all the way into the fortress before they were spotted:

The military went through 'em like a hot dagger through tallow, but still... they are disgustin' lookin' critters, and no mistake.  Giant monkeys, but almost dwarflike.  As if that weren't bad enough, they're worse thieves than bloody kobolds.  Lots of dwarves swannin' around pretendin' to be "horrified"... another convenient excuse to avoid work, I suspect.  Winter is comin', you lot, and actin' like a precious little flower ain't gonna help any of us when the snow starts pourin' down... get to work!
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #310 on: March 21, 2015, 08:07:13 am »

((OOC: Here's the save: 

Next up, PyroTechno!  I didn't pull any levers, and recommend the same inaction on your part.  Almost all the steel garbage I bought from the dwarf caravan is melted, but some still remains; if you get bored, prospect for it in the various storage piles.  Someone needs to optimize the storage badly, but I didn't have time.  Good luck!))

Winter, 107

Right, I've had it.  Had.  Bloody.  IT.  This purple hat is the source of nothin' but spite and misery.  T'heil wi' it, an' wi' these thrice-damned nobles and their endless clack!

Winter was dull... except for the shriekin' about mandates.  And the gods-cursed langur men.  The changes I made in the fortress halls seems to help folks get from place to place... dunno who was so in love wi' the narrow hall, but we've all been realizin' it were rubbin' our shoulders raw bangin' into each other all this time.  Nice tae have a bit o' room to spread oot a bit.

The worst part aboot wearin' this damn hat is tha' everyone feels like they need to tell you every damn thing tha' happens.  Och, look, we've got vermin!

Maxcat (now that he ain't wastin' time wearin' this damn hat) gave himself a fancy new title!

Och, did ye hear wha' happened to Fikod?

Who the bloody hell cares, says I, and why are ye runnin' halfway aroun' the fort tae tell me this pointless gossip when ye could ha' just as easy said summat in the dinin' hall when next ye saw me drinkin'?  I said it before, an' I'll say it again, these ain't the shiniest gems in the tray, me fellows here.  (Animal trainer got spider-bit *snicker snicker*)

One of th' little sprues what runs through the halls here claimed she had a great vision and ran off.  Nae but five years of age, an' already she wants to start workin', ain't it cute?  She gathered up a pile of stuff what looked to be garbage and shite t' me, and then

Funny thing is, she actually acted like a moody dwarf... well, time will tell I suppose.  Then the runner came:

Ye could ha' knocked me down with a breath!  The little vermin actually made summat!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It were only worth 26400, though... nothin' on the figurine, though I notice she claimed it as inspiration.

The bastards came back!  No, not the goblins:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The military swears they cannae do anythin' aboot it, but it gets right up me tha' these grey bastards just waltz in here big as you please and make off with our things!  We kill 'em but they keep comin' back.  How many of the damn things live out there, anyway?  This time they stole somethin' "important":

An' I use the term "important" wi' a grave degree of sarcasm, wit ye.  Some junky shield, made o' wood, but oh, to hear the wailin' and the screamin' and the gnashin' o' teeth around here you'd hae thought it was the king's own bairn wi' the bed he slept in!  An' wi' that, the year came to an end.  I'm leavin' this damn hat on the next bed I walk by, an' then it's back tae the craftshop fer me.  Overseein' is a fool's gig.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #311 on: March 22, 2015, 11:41:56 am »

The list on the front page isn't hasn't been updated, so someone made a new list.

Since darokindefender hasn't updated it in a while, I'll try to make an updated list.

1. darokindefender- finished
2. SkaiaMechanic- skipped
3. maxcat61-finished
4. Dorsidwarf-finished
5. perigrin-half a turn
6. xub313-finished
7. Loyal-skipped
8. than402-skipped
9. SkaiaMechanic-skipped
10. maxcat61-finished
11. perigrin-skipped
12. Terabalt-half a turn
13. Iamblichos-skipped
14. PyroTechno-skipped
15. Chaoseed-current
16. SkaiaMechanic
17. maxcat61
18. Iamblichos
19. xub313
20. TheKaspa
21. TheCheeseMaker
22. Blackops35
23. Working Ogretime

Go ahead and correct any mistakes. :)

So I think it's xub313's turn next.
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #312 on: March 22, 2015, 12:03:46 pm »

Oh.  Whoops.  You are correct.  I was at the wrong "my name" on the turn list.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #313 on: March 23, 2015, 03:05:54 pm »

Alright, I'm downloading the save now. I haven't played Dwarf Fortress much since my last turn and I'm itching for more. :)

Also, Maxcat said he wants another turn in his pm so add him to the list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #314 on: March 24, 2015, 03:07:00 am »

Sorry guys, but It looks like I won't be able to play for a few days so I'm just gonna forfeit my turn.

TheKaspa is up next. I'll send a PM his way.
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