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Author Topic: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!  (Read 52871 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #270 on: March 06, 2015, 07:31:41 pm »

A swordsdwarf has grown attached to a sand pear wood shield.

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I make a booze stockpile near the ballistas, as promised. (Ballistae?)

16th Limestone - Trading time!

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I once again move a bunch of clothes to the depot. Mayor Bomrek is on break, though. I can't say I blame him, given all the people that yell at him. Speaking of complaining, the miners don't want to dig through damp stone, but it's only wet because it's UNDER a small lake. I've heard every overseer has to deal with this carp...I just realized that our caged naked mole dog gave birth to a litter of three, who are now wandering around 'Not Tame'. i order the animal trainers to do their thing.

Come on, Bomrek! Come on Bomrek!..."Conduct Meeting" sigh

28th Limestone - The lack of trading cannot dampen my mood, for I declare today GARBAGE DAY!

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completely pointless and unnecessary link featuring film violence

Erul Geshudsakrith and Olon Athelokol break through the last bits of damp stone from either side and indulge in a celebratory handshake, then they go their separate ways. Down in the bottom right you should see one square of open space. Where does that shaft lead?

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Finally we trade.

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After the initial round of trading, I designate a few more goods to trade away. Bomrek goes off for another meeting.

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WAIT that was actually an IMPORTANT meeting! All right then. Hey, hold on, Athel became king RIGHT HERE. Thanks for letting us know.

Bomrek asks for my input on the trading agreements. These always seem pointless to me, but to show willing I ask for copper and steel, milk for THE Cheese Maker, some eggs and seafood, some other random things. That's right, outpost liaison ma'am, we are TOTALLY INTERESTED in this trading agreement.

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Prepared meals? I think we can handle that. (Wait, green glass instruments? Really?) And then Bomrek takes ANOTHER meeting, then comes back. Let's offer them water buffalo cheese roast, blackberry roast and red spinach leaf roast. Then more prepared food and I get a number of weapons and some clothes (a lot of hoods, perhaps I'll start a fashion). Okay, enough trading!

The trained naked mole dogs (I'm just going to start saying NMDs) are now in cages. Is that a usual animal training thing? I'll try pasturing them. Why were there 'rough pink jades' and a bunch of chert stones in the refuse stockpile? Oh, THAT'S where the dump zone was!

Why is there a forbidden dwarven ale barrel in the middle of the training area? Anyway, we have lots of lye, let's make some soap! (Note: soap maker's workshops are on the upper workshop/storage level. Farmer's workshops, stills and kitchens are in the lower fortress.) Time for the stills and kitchens to get back in business! I adjust the kitchen settings; My motto is, if it brews, don't cook it! We'll also only cook with traditional dwarven booze (which we have in great supply), leaving the more exotic fare like blueberry wine for drinking. Also, no cooking with milk or tallow (most of the tallow was already barred from being cooked, but not crundle tallow...crundle tallow? watch out for crundle soap, coming to a wall near you). (The nautilus is sorted by gender but the mussel isn't. Do mussels have gender? My dwarfipedia says they do, but I certainly don't know how to sex them. That is, determine their gender.)

While sorting animals to their pastures, I decide to build an outdoor farmer's workshop for shearing, spinning and milking. I make it out of zinc. ZINC! Will NMDs be unhappy if pastured aboveground? Let's find out! Maybe we should wall off that pasture/farm area.

7th Sandstone - Duchess wants quivers, fine. But the king wants large gems. Well, we have a lot of gems in stock, so start polishing. Infected 4 starts cooking masterpieces left and right. Somehow it's not reassuring to have someone named 'Infected' doing the cooking.

8th Sandstone - Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger!
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We have no dyer's shop! I remove a craftsdwarf's workshop, we have a bunch of those anyway, and I put in a dyer's shop and order stuff dyed. The soapers have consumed all our lye. Ah, the ashery is by the wood furnaces; I order lye made. We have no quern! I order one made. I start the outdoor farmer's workshop going and put stockpiles for milk and wool. Incidentally I start smelting the ores we got from trading.

BEDS FOR THE BED GOD! Wait, I think I did that wrong. The king got a large gem, or something, so I stop cutting gems.

15th Sandstone - Time to finally dump the corpses. Let these evil dwarves' remains by purified by the blood of Armok. (Are there elf skeletons in here? When did that happen?) The king wants 2 more battle axes; we have a bit of steel from the merchants so that's fine. The duchess again with the quiver.

17th Sandstone - The merchantes have embarked on their journey. I'm pleased to see the garbage tunnel is getting a lot of use.

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26th Sandstone - There is no longer a cat in the corpse stockpile...why? Because I tore down the walls and let it out. More corpses for dumping! All the ones I feel like saving, we'll put them in the actual corpse stockpile with the anti-necromancer bridge. I feel that may be TOO paranoid, but it's already there, why not use it. I don't know what we'll use the old room for...I've walled off the aboveground pasture/farm area from the depot and approach (and mined through the hill to make an exit). We caught an elk bird (somehow), I order it to be trained. More mandates! I order a steel battle axe and a bismuth bronze buckler. By the way, another named shield:

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8th Timber - A snowstorm! The landscape slowly turns white. Kind of pretty. I put a quern by the farmer's workshops. I want 10 more wooden bins.

17th Timber - We love our shields in Shadowgrave.

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We need more chairs in the dining room. I queue those up as well as some other secret stuff.


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Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #271 on: March 06, 2015, 08:13:38 pm »

Dwarf fortress: the only game where you will ever question the gender of mussels

Also, why isn't the entire fortess production for trading devoted to cheese? And don't give me that "it's nearly worthless in trading and has little other use" crap.
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #272 on: March 07, 2015, 08:37:10 pm »

Where shadows go to die...

Feb 'Chaoseed' Alathcilob gasped and sat up. The corpulent dwarf sat for a moment, then pushed himself from his spore tree bed; he fumbled for the journal left on the goblin-cap cabinet. Odd thoughts flitted through his head, his writing hand almost moving by itself. Why would shadows die? Did they leave corpses, to rot into the dirt? What would sprout from such soil?

The mood soon left him, leaving him wide awake. Not quite enough to be a strange mood, but it was curious. He found himself thinking of Melbil and Mafol, one woman creating an ornate artifact table, the other just entering a strange mood. But the thoughts merely chased each other in circles, so he shrugged and returned to his bed...

Why was it that monsters lurked below and his friends lived in peasant quarters, but he had awarded himself a bed made from teal wood? Was there some justice in that? Well, with any luck there was a place in the fortress for a dwarf fascinated by exotic plants...


Journal of Feb 'Chaoseed' Alathcilob

Feb Konosneth in the Hushed Hackers.
Minkot Tomemdatan in the Cheese Toasters.

I've put more beds in Forgetown. (I wanted to call it Metaltown, but whatever.) Hm, we have no more raw adamantine. All our strands are stored in a bin on the surface level. I...feel as though something got messed up somewhere. Well, let's make them wafers as soon as possible. Why is it that the magma is surrounded by diorite but I can't make a magma smelter out of the stuff?

You know, for too long we've lived in fear of what lives below. We should get rid of Ithbi the 'Uninvited Guest'. We must beware its deadly dust, though. Hmmmm. Maybe there's a different way...

(Why is the duchess' husband referred to by such an unflattering nickname?)

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I think I realized why we have four 'Infected' dwarves in the fortress. They must have been quarantined after a werebeast attack. Still, it's been many moons since then, it seems a shame to have them branded with this moniker the rest of their lives.

...At least I HOPE that's why. This is the kind of carp overseers should not keep secret, y'know?

I moved my associated The Kaspa into a room on the noble level. Along with Sarvesh THE Cheese Maker, on a whim. I make sure their previous peasant rooms are free (along with Xub Ducimroder, who was still holding onto his). Apparently the captain of the Stick Chuckers has claimed one of those rooms as well...whatever, I don't care. I also completing the furnishing of a number of peasant rooms, with half a dozen new ones available for use. Meanwhile, kangaroos appear on the surface. Anyway, I'm thinking we should just open up ALL the caverns...wait, what's THAT?

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This beast was before my time, I think. Actually it looks like the caverns are already open, all of them. Oh yeah, I built a stairway in the third cavern layer; whoever the next overseer is going to be, I need to warn them about that.

19th Timber - Mafol finally claims a forge. It's going down!

A shield.

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Battle axes, large gems and quivers. Note: We should trade away these large gems...if the king ever lets us. We've run out of food storage items. Wooden barrels? Yeah, we have a lot of wood. It's not like we're low on booze, of course...

There are two troglodytes...on the surface? One gets in a fight with THE Cheese Maker. I send in the militia (except the marksdwarves, just so we don't have bolts flying everywhere). Yet an elite marksdwarf starts shooting down the hallway. sigh A Pump Operator, Eral Delerlular, bashes a troglodyte's head in with a crossbow. Turns out she's an Adequate Marksdwarf, so I draft her into the Stick Chuckers. A swordmaster quickly decapitates the other troglodyte. Even our duchess got into the act!

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I get word that winter is coming.

My plan to get rid of Ithbi backfires. I send in The Wimps. Unfortunately, I think I've figured out the effect of Ithbi's dust.

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There are a lot of really experienced dwarves ready to charge into battle with this abomination at my command. It's a sobering thought. And if there's one thing every dwarf hates, it's sobriety.

There are reports of troglodytes interrupting dwarves, but we'll deal with that later. A potash maker falls to Ithbi's "frozen forgotten beast extract" before the actual soldiers even get there. Then The Wimps trickle in; one by one they charge, bash the foul creature, then succumb to the dust. In the end...

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I believe the beast simply bled to death. Good riddance, I say.

I've just received word that, a moment after Ithbi's death, Mafol began construction of an artifact. Hmmm.

A List of the Fallen

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One of those soldiers was captain of the guard, as well. Ugh. I shall go ahead and prepare a memorial for them.


"So I feel you could make a good captain of the guard, Unib," Chaoseed said.

The tall dwarf sighed, a sour expression on her face. "Do we really NEED a captain of the guard?"

"I'm sure some dwarves think we do," Chaoseed replied.

"Yes, but don't we all get along fine without one?" Unib countered. "Doesn't the militia system provide enough order in our lives?"

Chaoseed rubbed his forehead. "I don't really feel like arguing this right now. It's my responsibility to decide who gets to be captain of the guard, so I'm choosing you. Now I have to plan out that memorial for the we name them something else?" He toyed with the pages of his journal. "The Not-So-Wimps? Heh."

"No, sir!" Unib said.


"The Wimps have gotten used to their name," she continued. "We take pride in it. It was the Wimps who took down Ithbi the forgotten one. We train day in and day out in the service of Shadowgrave. Changing the name would be...would be insulting!"

After a moment, Chaoseed nodded, slowly. "All right."

"...can I go now?"

Chaoseed nodded again, and the new militia captain left him to his journal.


After appointing her captain of the guard, Unib automatically became leader of The Wimps, which is fine. Of course, now she's demanding better quarters. sigh
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #273 on: March 08, 2015, 12:55:39 am »

I called them the Wimps because that's where I stuck all the dwarves I wanted to train (The wimpy dwarves). You sent our worst most disposabul squad against the FB, and they won (With only 100% casualties). Good job.
As for the infected: I will keep their secret to my grave. Or until it goes off. Anyway, now they are going to be a source of worry for you. Enjoy.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #274 on: March 08, 2015, 01:47:05 am »

It's a good thing Ithibi is finally dead. Too bad it's "deadly dust" was so "deadly."


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #275 on: March 09, 2015, 02:05:37 am »

Moments after Ithbi Dreamlast fell, Mafol started her artifact.

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An elk bird has become semi-wild. Huh. Anyway, I give Unib quarters near the lower training areas; I suspect they belonged to the previous captain of the guard (no idea why there's a tiny closet, though).

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But there's no dining room, so I start constructing one. That reminds me, I put in orders for tables and chairs, but our lazy king hasn't gotten around to approving them yet. I'll put in the orders directly at the masons' workshops, and while I'm at it the other pending orders too. ... I notice there are stair designations from -28 up to -24. Someone forgot to remove them once we hit the adamantine, heh.

Troglodytes again. Urdim Othiltobul demonstrates the ancient dwarven art of unarmed fighting. (damn!)

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Urdim "feels vengeful after joining a conflict", and she's also "incredibly brave in the face of looming danger, perhaps a bit foolhardy". DRAFTED!

However, this conflict was not without loss.

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Stukos Unibral, a jeweler on break, decides to relax by running down the other fleeing troglodyte.

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Soon after it's decapitated. Later, I get word that Olon Athelokol has been missing for a week. I don't have the heart to reveal that Olon was the first to die at the hands (dust) of Ithbi. Doing mining at the time, which means we may need more miners...Woodworkers have been visiting the "eviscerated glens" to replenish wood stocks, which is good, but dangerous; I cancel bins and barrels.

10th Moonstone - Mafol's artifact is complete!

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"Who is Limul Godenstigil?"

"Oh, you know." Mafol waved her hand vaguely. "He's that guy...that farmer guy."

"Do you know him?"


"Me neither." Chaoseed ran his hand over his bald head. "And the oysters?"

"I heard she...doesn't like them?"

"Yes, and she admires rodent men for their terrifying features." Chaoseed shook his head. "I suppose it was too much to ask for you to provide some insight into this...process of divine inspiration." He sighed and muttered. "Speaking of which, why the ashamed waves..."

"Huh?" Mafol asked. "What's wrong with 'ashamed waves'?"

Chaoseed glanced away, then he glared at her. "I am an ardent worshipper of Ner Soakedwaves."

"Oh." Mafol shrugged. "It's nothing to get upset about. Anyway, you're a worshipper of Talin the Animal of Zephyrs right?"

"Yeah. Kind of." Chaoseed leaned back in his wooden chair, which creaked under his weight. "Setting that aside. How do you feel after this, er, experience? Usually dwarves report a certain increased expertise."

"Yes, sir," Mafol said. "I want to get back to metalsmithing as soon as possible. It all seems so easy now." She fairly glowed with determination.

"Right." Chaoseed nodded. "I won't keep you any longer, then." As Mafol left, his gaze fell back to the object on his desk. "I certainly hope this isn't symbolic of anything," he muttered.


We have a peasant who arrived earlier this year. I send her to The Wimps. We've started making prickle berry wine and barley wine, but those wines weren't disallowed from cooking (and the seeds weren't either). Ah, the joys of telling everyone what to do. Speaking of which, I get word that one of our dwarves is depressed.

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Inquiring into her personal history, she's been horrified after witnessing several dozen deaths. Not much I can do about that. I guess Shadowgrave is simply getting to her.

Incidentally, Bomrek is demanding picks. Is this a hint at me to assign more miners? What an ass. All right, bronze picks, and I stop an armorer from making weapons because he's only 'dabbling' at it.

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That's hardly reassuring. Last I heard, iteb decapitated a troglodyte, then she was found near the site of the battle with Ithbi. I hope Itbhi's dust isn't still dangerous. Several dwarves have been tracking it around with no ill effect, so...I hope it's not a vampire. That would mean going through the lists of dwarves that came in...

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Olon was killed by Ithbi, so that's not surprising. What's more worrying is the Infected one, who collapsed on the big stairway leading to the two-story room. Hm. Well, I'm going to engrave some slabs.
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #276 on: March 09, 2015, 12:26:24 pm »

What happened to my turn?  Does it come back?
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #277 on: March 09, 2015, 03:34:43 pm »

Since darokindefender hasn't updated it in a while, I'll try to make an updated list.

1. darokindefender- finished
2. SkaiaMechanic- skipped
3. maxcat61-finished
4. Dorsidwarf-finished
5. perigrin-half a turn
6. xub313-finished
7. Loyal-skipped
8. than402-skipped
9. SkaiaMechanic-skipped
10. maxcat61-finished
11. perigrin-skipped
12. Terabalt-half a turn
13. Iamblichos-skipped
14. PyroTechno-skipped
15. Chaoseed-current
16. SkaiaMechanic
17. maxcat61
18. Iamblichos
19. xub313
20. TheKaspa
21. TheCheeseMaker
22. Blackops35
23. Working Ogretime

Go ahead and correct any mistakes. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #278 on: March 09, 2015, 05:05:22 pm »

OK... reading back through the list, I see my turn was skipped FOR ME (yes, Maxcat, I'm looking at you).  Ahem.  Since I'm up in a few more turns, that's OK, but next time please let me decide if I can play or not rather than "helping" by skipping me without even a message   ::)
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #279 on: March 09, 2015, 05:44:36 pm »

I love our fortress.
But if any levers are unlabelled, you should definitely pull em - any disaster they cause will be ten times worse when goblins are storming the walls and the overseer is brand new.
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #280 on: March 10, 2015, 01:04:13 am »

A Marksdwarf fell unconscious for no reason I can determine. Maybe the training schedules are too tough? I adjust them a bit.

'Infected 3' has grown attached to a shield. Unfortunately, celebrations didn't last long.

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We may need more coffins soon. I put a morgue near the duchess' tomb. Anyway, I order a bunch of corpses from the underground dumped, and a few trees felled so we can get to certain items. Of course, this causes more of the underground to be explored, and reports of gems flood in...

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Fath Shovethshorast is not doing well. Will there soon be another grave filled in Shadowgrave?

6th Opal - A giant mosquito decides to bother our crack marksdwarves.

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Its body forms a tourist attraction in the trench, next to a gray langur man skeleton and that $#@! barrel of wolverine blood.

9th Opal - I think...I think I may have stopped our dwarves complaining about inaccessible items. At the very least, it is MUCH more rare now. It had something to do with cleaning corpses out of the caverns, I suspect.

There was one bit of floor missing from the ledges above the ballista; I took care of it. Also the king wants a buckler. We've run out of food storage items again, so more barrels.

1st Obsidian - The ore we got in trade has mostly been smelted. The king wants large gems. It's quite a responsibility, keeping track of everything that needs to be made or unmade. In fact, I've been thinking; there's an old dwarven custom of replacing the overseer with the turning of the year. Spring is almost here. I think I'll be handing over my post then.

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Especially when carp like this happens. Ah, but this time I figure out that it was a crundle attack! (Were they all crundle attacks? That would really be stupid on my part.) Anyway, the answer is obvious--send in the soldiers. Unib quickly bashes a crundle's head; glad she's working out, at least. Dorsidwarf II joins the fray as well. Zasit Ikalkel, Hammer Lord, runs down two more. It really seems like any trained dwarf can slaughter any number of crundles.

(Dogs and puppies are fighting. We may want to get them a bigger room.)

12th Obsidian - Operation Death to Crundles is successful. I order a giant mole that got into our tunnels killed for the hell of it. Like many of our foes, it's soon decapitated by Fperson.

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Coincidence or omen? It is not for me to say. Now is the time for me to set aside this journal and make way for one perhaps wiser than myself.


Callused fingers closed the book, then traced the steel decoration worked into the table on which it lay.

THE END...for now


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« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 02:35:13 am by Chaoseed »
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #281 on: March 11, 2015, 01:15:18 pm »

After a sudden outbreak of deaths among the dwarfs of Shadowgraves, the Ministry of Not Dieing Horribly has sent me to investigate, and make changes as I see fit. I even get a nice hat too.
Here is your problem: The caverns aren't sealed.
Case closed.
I have decided to make this fort an industrial fort. My to do list is as follows:
1) Get a wind farm that has a surplus of at least 800 ursts of power.
2) designate a magma pimp stack (or at least make a good attempt)
3) set up an aqueduct to transport magma from the pimp stack.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 01:47:32 pm by maxcat61 »
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #282 on: March 11, 2015, 10:54:34 pm »

So that's why they call it deadly dust...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Chaoseed Software
Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #283 on: March 11, 2015, 11:31:14 pm »

So that's why they call it deadly dust...

It was, indeed, exactly what it said on the tin.

After a sudden outbreak of deaths among the dwarfs of Shadowgraves, the Ministry of Not Dieing Horribly has sent me to investigate, and make changes as I see fit. I even get a nice hat too.
Here is your problem: The caverns aren't sealed. (...)
Case closed.

Well, maybe. BUT all the walls are smoothed so that nothing can climb in. Something could fly in, sure, but I still want to know exactly what. And anyway, having the bottom of the shaft be open saved about 20 z-levels of mining. :P

So, uh...are you taking your turn now Maxcat? Did anyone try to contact SkaiaMechanic? I mean, I'm certainly glad someone is continuing the fort...
Surprisepalace! Overseers wanted!
But they never would have given up either. And compared to sitting around in this prison for the rest of my life? Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Fortress of Shadowgraves (Succession Game)-Taking Applicants Now!
« Reply #284 on: March 11, 2015, 11:43:13 pm »

After a sudden outbreak of deaths among the dwarfs of Shadowgraves, the Ministry of Not Dieing Horribly has sent me to investigate, and make changes as I see fit. I even get a nice hat too.
Here is your problem: The caverns aren't sealed. (...)
Case closed.

The Ministry of Not Dying Horribly is slowly but surely becoming a thing.
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