1st Granite
I have arrived here in shadowgraves. What the future holds, who knows!
2nd Granite
After a brief chat with the Chief Doctor, I am aware that we have a dead dwarf who doesn't know it yet. None of the caverns have been discovered to have water, and so far as I have seen, this fortress is too much of a blasted icescape to unfreeze. I'm going down to the magma caverns to keep warm.
I just passed the mayor, Dumat, who was cheerful about being elected, but asked if she could please have some nicer rooms.
3rd Granite.
Unable to locate any form of mayoral suite, I have ordered the miners to dig one out. Why are all the maps of the fort so off-centre? This is infuriating.
On the other hand, someone with too many ê's in their name made a masterwork cabinet. The mayor will be delighted.
4th Granite
Mm, masterwork plump helmet biscuits.
I just saw the CMD wander by with a log over their shoulder. Their labours have been adjusted so they actually treat the doomed dwarf instead of... Uh... Where is all this wood going? A big pit?
5th Granite.
After five days and no sign of my work order for cages being so much as approved, I went looking for the manager. They were in the mines.
I replaced them. Kellan may be an excellent manager, but he's also the head miner, and there's a good whack of mining to be done.
Congratulations, random passer-by Athel Onulsarek, Planter.
As I walked off, Kellan shouted to me "I can too administrate! I'm the bookkeeper as well!"
This is going to be a long year.
12th Granite
I've ordered the huge designations for wood stockpiles cut dramatically. We have more logs that we will ever reasonably need, and the fortress is at a standstill, every dwarf who should be doing something, anything, is instead hauling logs down the the damned stockpiles. 500 logs is plenty!