I've been doing something different as a form of resolution. Resolutions by cumulative statements (5-verse clusters, so far).
It has been reliable so far, since I first started, and been adding onto it since then as a snowballing resolution series: 5 years and still going.
r1 - "I Reject your reality and substitute my own."
//Or simply put "Fuck everyone's opinion.". I took things too personally, this would stop it.
r2 - "I know what the fuck I am doing."
//I'll believe in myself more and my own methods to my madness; higher chance of working anyhow; regardless how insane.
r3 - "Just who the hell do you think I am?"
//Nothing will put me down anymore. I can accept hits when necessary, but I will never go down. Just as well; kick reason to the curb and do the impossible.
r4 - "It's best to cut our losses and move on..."
//Good timing on this resolution, seeing as I lost 3 pets last year (1 dog, 2 cats; minimum of 5-10 years residing), along with my old job. Original intent was that I needed to stop being so uptight and such a perfectionist. Funny enough, allowing flaws back in made me more badass, get better times, and overall, made me handle losing, and unfortunate losses much better in the long run.
r5 - "No regrets: I will do what makes me happy."
//I did my tenure of misery, let's cash this check, and see what all these "flaws/setbacks/misfortunes/calamities/un-cashed-in (intentionally rejected) miracles and favors (both a form of personal pride and challenge; no help from God, so to speak.)" can buy me (like a point-buy system; take a ton of crap so you can profit in benefits later. So misery now, peace of mind later. Now it's time for peace for me.). In other words, I no longer want to live a miserable hell of an existence. I'd rather go to Hell on my own terms; with a BFG9000 a super shotgun, and an absurd amount of ammo. And going to Hell as a form of recreation, not punishment. Just as well, I have my own method of running my freelancing I'm applying, and it shows promise.
So overall, my resolution for this year reads as:
I reject your reality, and substitute my own;
I know what the fuck I am doing. Just who the hell do you think I am?
It's best to cut our losses and move on...
No regrets: I will do what makes me happy.
Every resolution previously made spans the others as well, and are still in play. Only real catch is that the overall statement combined must retain some level of sense when spoken out, and can be followed like a credo. Make it sound like a prayer if you must.