I figured that I better start documenting this fort since I've been putting a lot of time into it. Tombhour is a fort that I started in 40.09 and upgraded all the way to 40.19 as the updates came out. I've been wanting to make an above ground castle fort for a while, but until now I haven't had the patience to see it through.
Tombhour is currently in its 27th year. The only metal ores we have are cassiterite, sphalerite, and galena. Fortunately the goblins bring quite a lot of iron in their sieges almost twice a year.
The Fort sits on the cliffs of an ocean in a 2X2 area. It is near 2 goblin fortresses and a necromancer tower. Here is the dining area and meeting hall (outside).
I've been using green glass for most furniture since I have a legendary glass maker and a lot of sand and no valuable metals beside silver and the brass I can make. I had to pump magma up 120 levels into the castle here.
I really like the area because the waves crash on the cliffs and walls of the castle all the time giving it a very dramatic placing.
We've caught a good variety of breeding monsters including Giant Lions, Giant Cave Spiders, and my personal favourite, we've managed to breed Hydras with a lucky pair of hydra attacks.
Here's Tombhour's stats:
We've been just decorating all of the furniture with whatever we have to increase the value. Here's an example (this is not an artifact):
Eventually I want all of the windows and furniture to have this kind of detail, and we are about a third of the way there to complete the living quarters.
More to come!