The barbarians had no real command structure or group tactics, but there were a lot of them, and they were very strong individually.
(For each of the different factions, there will be an opportunity to use a skill check to give us the advantage. If we can't succeed at that skill check, what we can do is ask the former members of our adventuring party to help us. However, once we use a certain member once, they can't be used again, so to conquer all of the different factions, we will need to succeed in at least two skill checks. If we don't have an advantage, we will automatically lose, but if we do, we will automatically win.)
I preyed upon their greatest fears. (Needs 100 Religion and 100 Illusion)1) I had Stewart, the fighter whom I had adventured with, lead the charge.
2) I had Maris, the thief whom I had adventured with, sneak in and assassinate the Barbarian King.
3) I had Hermann, the cleric whom I had adventured with, lay an enormous blessing upon us.
4) We fought the barbarians with no advantage.Gorl Rockeater, an angelic troll wizard.
Age: 80
You are destined for heaven: 156 good karma.
Body: 38%
Personality: 27%
Willpower: 37%
Fame: 28%
Alchemy: 87%
Conjuration: 12%
Divination: 100%
Enchantment: 100%
Healing: 100%
Illusion: 12%
Necromancy: 53%
Summoning: 100%
Transmutation: 22%
Arcana: 100%
Agriculture: 65%
Diplomacy: 100%
Economics: 75%
Fighting: 100%
Geography: 100%
History: 100%
Nature: 100%
Religion: 100%
Smithing: 17%
Thievery: 10%
Warcraft: 100%
Familiar: Cat the dog
My warhorse named Dog.
- My mean parents.
- a human named Hermann, my wife
- my child, a gnome named Harold
- a human named Stewart, the fighter from my adventuring days.
- a human named Maris, the thief from my adventuring days.
Kingdom Citizens: 255
Royal Family: 30
Elves: 80
Dwarves: 35
Orcs: 25
Thieves Guild: 50
Mage Guild: 195
Fighters Guild: -15
Gold: 5848
A wizardly staff.
A magical amulet that my grandfather used to own.