It was a lot of money, but it helped all of those families to get fresh food and clean clothes. I took Harold home after meeting all of his little friends. They were nice kids, even though they didn't have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the man with the book sold the tome to someone else.
(Gold -250, Diplomacy +5, Economics +10, Good +15)
I was 50 years old when my adventuring days ended. We had done many incredible things over the years, but our greatest renown came when we fought Parnaxxus, the great dragon. He had started stirring up recent trouble a few years ago, but his bold attacks had become even worse more recently. The royal family issued an enormous reward for the one who could drive the foul beast out of Daria for good. We finally decided to pit our might against the legendary beast.
We looked over our equipment and trained in our skills before we left.
(Nothing to do.)
We packed up our belongings and left the tavern.
We had the support of the entire nation behind us. (Needs 13 Fame)We hadn't become as famous as we had wanted, so we were given no aid.Stewart led us forward, followed by Hermann, then Maris and myself at the end. Harold was there to see us off, cheering with the excitement that only an eight-year-old could muster. I drifted over to Hermann and took her hand. We climbed onto our mounts and left Tornassa. This was the largest quest we had ever undertaken, and we knew that it would be a defining moment in our lives.
1) Request aid from the good Gods themselves. (Needs 100 Good)Request aid from the evil Gods themselves. (Needs 100 Evil)2) Pray to the gods for their blessing.
3) Pray to no one.Gorl Rockeater, a troll wizard.
Age: 50
You are destined for heaven: 106 good karma.
Body: 53%
Personality: 17%
Willpower: 37%
Fame: 10%
Alchemy: 62%
Conjuration: 7%
Divination: 96%
Enchantment: 21%
Healing: 100%
Illusion: 7%
Necromancy: 48%
Summoning: 56%
Transmutation: 17%
Arcana: 75%
Agriculture: 35%
Diplomacy: 100%
Economics: 20%
Fighting: 100%
Geography: 57%
History: 70%
Nature: 100%
Religion: 65%
Smithing: 12%
Thievery: 0%
Warcraft: 100%
Familiar: Cat the dog
My warhorse named Dog.
- My mean parents.
- my child, a gnome named Harold
Fighter: a human named Stewart of power: 8, wielding his sword
Thief: a human named Maris of power: 7, wielding her enchanted dagger
Cleric: My wife, a human named Hermann of power: 10, wielding her mace
Kingdom Citizens: 40
Royal Family: 30
Elves: 20
Dwarves: 15
Orcs: -15
Thieves Guild: 35
Mage Guild: 150
Fighters Guild: 15
Gold: 648
A wizardly staff.
A magical amulet that my grandfather used to own.