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Author Topic: Jadenotch: Bringing a piece of the human modern world into MDF  (Read 2169 times)


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Jadenotch: Bringing a piece of the human modern world into MDF
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:02:59 am »

So yeah, I kind of lost interest on the first one when I dug too many holes just to pierce through the aquifer and found out that drowning is one of the dwarves' weaknesses, therefore, I've decided to start up another LP with the use of Masterwork Dwarf Fortress v6.2 and use humans in my current session.

Now then, human civilization in MDF are terrible underground dwellers due to their hyperactive imaginations suddenly coming to life if they stay in the dark for god knows when. They thrive more on merchantability and minding their own businesses than going to war and fighting too much. They can also produce guns, which is awesome as hell if used correctly. Finally, they live in hives cities and worship the God-Emperor of Mankind a set of deities.

Anyway, this is what I've did in as of now:

Spoiler: "Human Players" (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 06:44:49 am by WodanYmirthe2nd »


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Jadenotch Summer 250
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 07:55:21 am »

Hematite 1, 250

Best. Assignment. Ever.

Three months worth of not dealing with too much paperwork and nobles is the best. Shame that our Doctor imposed a fish and wine diet though, I'd love to eat some meat some time in the future.

Spoiler: "Sea Serpent" (click to show/hide)

Hematite 5, 250

We saw a Sea Serpent near the beaches. Good thing we prefer freshwater fish or else our Fisherman's going to be Sea Serpent chow.

Hematite 6. 250

I love how the Sea Serpent swim gracefully near the beaches. I wonder if I could keep one as a pet.

Hematite 15, 250

While I am glad that we'll be having a functioning clinic, I cannot help but to notice the color of the floor. Too bloody red for my taste.

Spoiler: "The Cantina" (click to show/hide)

Hematite 17, 250

I never thought that our Doctor's a good cook. He sure knows how to prepare a really delicious meal.

Hematite 21, 250

*The following entry is filled with scribbles and ineligible words. The page smells like River Spirits.*

Spoiler: "Quarry Workhouse" (click to show/hide)

Hematite 29, 250

I can finally relax in peace without hearing those Buildings and Public Works people chiseling away on every boulder that they could get their hands now. They're driving me nuts to be honest.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Jadenotch: Bringing a piece of the human modern world into MDF
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2015, 03:55:59 am »

Catacombs admin: Nick: "Morticia" Profession: "Reverend Mother"
Skills: Mason/Engraver and Herbalism
Once catacombs are built, Reverend Mother Morticia will want a small shrine near the entrance with her sleeping pallet and single chair nearby.  Shrine should contain a statue of the Deity of either rebirth or death.  Also, she should have a mason's shop near by so she can produce coffins and slabs and a craftdwarf's shop also so she can engrave any slabs that are needed.  When unneeded for her duties to the dead, she'll gather herbs for food and drink from the well.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Time for some updates! Kem Mirroredpotted's Summer Entry part 2
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 02:37:21 am »

Catacombs admin: Nick: "Morticia" Profession: "Reverend Mother"
Skills: Mason/Engraver and Herbalism
Once catacombs are built, Reverend Mother Morticia will want a small shrine near the entrance with her sleeping pallet and single chair nearby.  Shrine should contain a statue of the Deity of either rebirth or death.  Also, she should have a mason's shop near by so she can produce coffins and slabs and a craftdwarf's shop also so she can engrave any slabs that are needed.  When unneeded for her duties to the dead, she'll gather herbs for food and drink from the well.

Hmmm, I'll see if I could find a female Mason or Herbalist on the next Autumn migration. Tohwot Torchedpuzzling is the only one who could satisfy your request for a Deity of Death. Anyway, these are the current pantheon of gods that the people of Jadenotch worships:


Malachite 12, 250

Human architecture at its finest, eh? The clinic's walled and in need of a roof now.

Malachite 18, 250

Well, looks like one of us is actually a Fisherman's guild member. He already set-up a hub nearby without asking, fucking guilds members.

Spoiler: "A family of three" (click to show/hide)

Malachite 22, 250

A small family came and settled down here. Gathre and Icar complement each other really well when I talk with the two of them. Gathre's a cook who likes to impale stuff with spears and Icar's a tanner who flattens anything that annoys him with a hammer before skinning them for leather. They both traveled a a little before settling down for good and having a brat kid named Kethi.

Malachite 23, 250

Wodan gave the three of 'em the largest room in the apartment after Icar drank him under the table. I am going to fuck that guy up as soon as he wakes up.

Malachite 29, 250

Dear Tequil, we need to deal with the huge number of kittens and puppies.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 04:28:56 am by WodanYmirthe2nd »


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Re: Jadenotch: Bringing a piece of the human modern world into MDF
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2015, 02:33:10 pm »

Nickname: Samir
Job: Head of Interspecies Diplomacy
Skills: Mix of the speech/barter/negotiation/what-have-you skills
While starting with little no talent himself, he has a special fascination with the special magic’s of the Warlocks and Succubae. When said Foreign Workshops are eventually constructed,  a nice home with a view of the stalls would be loved, so he can watch the warlocks work their craft, and watch the succubae.
Perhaps one day when he can muster up enough cash and clout to do so, he dreams of purchasing the summoning/animation of a demon or animated weapon, and perhaps even learning some of the arcane knowledge himself. Purely for academic purposes of course.


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Emergency Meeting: Children (or how I summoned a kiddie migrant wave)
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2015, 11:33:30 pm »

Kem's grim expression is something that Wodan Jokedpeaks and Doctor Ustra Sacrificialnoses took note when she ordered them both into her office. Whatever the problem was, the two men know already that it leads to the new members of Jadenotch.

Spoiler: "What the hell, game?" (click to show/hide)

"Why would the capital send us a migrant wave full of children?" Wodan asked as he leaned on the wall while the Royal Officer rereads the papers that the children has that approves their coming to Jadenotch.

"They didn't." Kem put down the letters on top of the desk and looked more grim than before, "These papers are forged, down to his Majesty's seal of approval and signature." she stood up from her seat and blankly added, "In fact, these migrants are not even approved by the Immigrations Department to come to Jadenotch."

"Astan Wuspinsathar..." Doctor Ustra looked at her with horror, "What should we do if the caravan comes by next month?"

"Whatever do you mean by that question, Doctor?" Wodan watched the Doctor pace about while looking like as if a Frost Giant appeared out of nowhere.

"Those children are runaways, Wodan." the Royal Officer answered for the Doctor and watched the confused expression of the Buildings and Public Works Department Head change into realization and shock, "I spoke to one of them and told me the reason behind the forged papers. Whatever it was that they ran away from, I'm glad that they did just that."

"But their efforts will be wasted if the Liaison finds out that the recent runaways are here." Wodan anxiously said, "Not only that, we'll be punished for harboring runaways with forged papers-."

The two men's eyes widened when the Royal Officer folded the papers and set them of fire with a lit candle. She then dropped the papers on the floor and watched it become ashes on her feet. She then looked back at them and smiled at them, saying:

"What forged papers?" she walked towards the door of her office, "Prepare the messenger hawks, the capital will be receiving a set of papers that requires the highest priority and approval." she opened the door, "After all, a Royal Officer's words always reach the ears of the king first and foremost."

The following days after that meeting, the children became official members of the Jadenotch.


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An update where I finally start playing my LP after finishing up schoolwork!
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 07:45:50 am »

Kem Mirroredpotted's Late Summer Entry

Galena 3, 250

The newcomers are really putting up a really cute act on convincing us that they're married to each other and are a happy family. They're also doing some of the work that the future metropolis needs since they want to pull their own weights, sweet kids they are. Other than me, Wodan and Ustra, no one knows the true nature of what those kids are and I'd be damned if those kids are forced to return to where they came from.

Galena 7, 250

Wodan built an Incinerator near the garbage dump. He said that getting started on making ashes for farming and glass industries would be much more easier if we weren't burning wood all the time and making use of whatever the cats couldn't eat and left on the floor.

Galena 14, 250

The Royal Guardsman said that he is bored to his wits and wanted to do some civilian work since he's been doing nothing since day one. He wanted to try his hand on anything that would get him to work since he's getting tired of doing absolutely nothing.

Galena 17, 250

A letter from the capital came via messenger hawks. The papers for the children's migration to Jadenotch are here and approved by his highness himself. There's also a note that reminds us of a caravan from the Capital coming to our site to trade with us.

Galena 20, 250

The merchants and the traders have come, their profits are preordained. I'm surprised that the caravan also has two representatives from competing suppliers guild that wishes to speak with me on any import and export deals.

Galena 22, 250

When I heard a kid's cry for help, I went outside and saw a pantheons damned Kobold prancing about like some maniac. the Royal guardsman got excited and decided to run the thief down with a sword.

Galena 27, 250

To say that the Guardsman looked like he ran into a fight with a Frost Giant would not be adequate to what the kobold thief done to him while he was chasing the little thing. He wouldn't speak about it anyway.


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Icar Stockadeblock's Year 250 Autumn Journal Entry Part 1
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2015, 09:57:45 pm »

Limestone 1, 250

Three months has passed since me, my pregnant wife and my kid settled down in Jadenotch. Climate's good, we have a good place to sleep and eat thanks to Wodan and we're not drifting around anymore. I've been tanning, butchering and fishing here during our stay here, though it would be nice if I get to see a nice place to study here like an Archeologist's desk or a Scriptorium since I'm a scholar first, worker second and warrior third.

Limestone 4, 250

When the talks between Officer Kem and the two corporates from the capital were done, she posted the list of things the folks back at the Room of Clearing want. Backpacks, quivers, fine drinks, footwear and powder are the most sought for products back at home. Anvils, threads, seeds and amulets are also the stuff that those capital dwellers want. Looks like we have a year to make 'em these.

Limestone 12, 250

I can't help but to notice a huge number of clothes lying around the apartment while I return to our suite. Doc's pretty pissed off about it. Wodan's also pissed about it, especially when he stepped on someone's underwear while he was barefoot. Me wife wasn't pleased when she saw little Kethi playing around with a pair of used trousers that the Portsman owned. She scolded the boy first before sending him back to his room to think about his actions.

Limestone 13, 250

While I was sitting quietly in the Cantina, telling one of the "adult" kids about me adventures, I saw Kem enter the place. She was caked in sweat and dust while making a shit eating grin. I asked her why she was smiling like that and she told me that she learned how to cut stone into blocks. Guess she really liked doing it.

Limestone 19, 250

A messenger hawk came by from the capital, telling us that we're expecting a huge number of farmers and their kids migrating to Jadenotch. Kem's pretty pissed about the capital suddenly sending in a lot of people while we're still trying to build enough rooms for the kids to sleep in. I think she stormed back to her room and came out a few hours later with a letter to send back to the capital.

Limestone 22, 250

I can't believe that the capital just gone and sent a bunch of kids with one adult guiding them from the wilderness to Jadenotch without any soldier coming along with them. Kem was so frustrated that I had to cover Kethi's ears while she swore in Dwarven, Elvish, Orcish, Succubic, Gnomish, Kobold and Goblin language. Who knew that she was knowledgeable in different kinds of dialect. Wodan sighed and did the work assignments to the newcomers for Kem while she cooled down in her office with Doc calming her down.

Limestone 27, 250

My wife gave birth today while I was out! Kethi was jumping up and down about it while I was coming back from my fishing trip. I'm so happy that I'm now a proud father of two kids.


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Re: Jadenotch: Bringing a piece of the human modern world into MDF
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 08:58:28 am »

So...This one dead Wodan?