(I did say 5...Okay, next time it will be 6, after 12 hours, if everyone has not posted.)
Try t' develop a new drink.
(3) Your drink proves to be a regular old drink.
A Dragonball. Eat it
(6) You attempt to eat the dragonball. After a few seconds, your body begins reacting oddly, then detonates, completely obliterating you, Rocky, and the North-Eastern Continent of Namek.
Kirby Buu has been destroyed! Rocky has been destroyed! The North-Eastern Continent of Namek has been destroyed!Jump around looking for a fight.
(5) You come across some Namekian warriors. You get into a training fight with them. It results in your power increasing by 1000.
(3) None are on planet yet.
Summon a meteor above a random city.
(2) You attempt to lift a rock to use as a meteorite. You fail to do so, and lose 500 power from the failure.
Battle #1: Onion vs Snowstorm
Punch Snowstorm in his smug face.
Send a final flash at blitz!
(1)(2) You launch forth a final flash attack, and would have missed if not for Onion running into your attack. However, you have to burn your maximum reserves to perform it, though your reduction in power is still less than the hit Onion took.
Power LevelsLye-bos (Lyeos): 11000
Dave (The Froggy Ninja): 11000
Xantalos (Xantalos): 10500
C (Poketwo):10000
Snowstorm (YourMaster): 9000
Supromon (Darkpaladin109): 9000
Onion (BlitzDungeoneer): 8000
Deceased CharactersRocky (LuckyKobold)
Kirby Buu (Salsacookies)
Event:Frieza arrives in 2 turns!
AchievementsHighest Ever PC Power Level: 11000 (Tie between Xantalos, as Xantalos, Lyeos, as Lye-bos, and The Froggy Ninja, as Dave)
Plateaus Destroyed: 1 (Xantalos, as Xantalos)
Number of times a Dragonball has been in Possession: 1 (Tie between Salsacookies, as Kirby Buu, and Poketwo, as C)
Backfired Techniques: 1 (BlitzDungeoneer, as Onion, and Salsacookies, as Kirby Buu)
Villages Destroyed: 1 (Poketwo as C)
Yells: 3 (Xantalos as Xantalos)
Taverns Built: 1 (Lyeos as Lye-bos)
Continents Destroyed: 1 (Salsacookies as Kirby Buu)
Highest Named Kill Count: 1 (Salsacookies as Kirby Buu)
Peaceful Interactions: 1 (The Froggy Ninja as Dave)
Number of Deceased Characters: 1 (Salsacookies and LuckyKobold)
Namek StatusNorth-Eastern ContinentWestern Continent
Central Continent *Dragonball in C's possession*Southern Continent
South-Western Continent
Guru's Island
Northern Archipelago