I wanted to avoid the exploity and FPS hogging water reactor for power, and tried my hand at building a windmill. Windmills seem to carry two safety issues with them, namely that they're vulnerable to building destroyers, and the power generated has to be transmitted via axles (unless using direct power) that require tunnels/shafts, which would let various hostiles in, and cannot be sealed, as far as I understand.
So I built a vertical axle and a wall box around it, a stair case up and then a wind mill on top, assuming this would counter the safety issues once the staircase was torn down. The power axle would then later be connected under ground in safety.
However, when looking at the wind mill with 'q', the wind mill is selected graphically, but the display says:
Total Power: 0
Total Power Needed: 1
while looking at the axle one Z-level further down states the same, with the exception of the last row, that says "Stable Foundation" instead. It looks like the top and bottom of the axle is displayed, rather than the windmill and the axle.
So, is my display misleading, or do I have a useless windmill that is incapable of producing power?
The wiki states that you can get windmills with 40, 20, or 0 power yield, and that yield is dependent on latitude.
'k' states that the windmill is in fact a windmill, in Open Space, and and is Outside, Light, Above Ground.
Does all of this mean that windmills are useless in my embark?
I had planned on expanding the windmill base box to be a rectangle with windmills side by side (size 3*[3*#windmills]) at the top, but it looks like a water reactor construction will have to be used (or a less exploity, but more FPS expensive waterwheel draining an aquifer constantly).