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Author Topic: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]  (Read 165695 times)

Melting Sky

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #435 on: June 26, 2016, 02:15:49 am »

A sea of blood and corpses the likes of which few fortresses have ever seen.


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #436 on: June 28, 2016, 02:57:01 pm »

If you manage to win this siege then you should seriously consider giving a colonization of the HFS another go


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #437 on: October 03, 2016, 08:46:26 am »


Loud, my boy, are you still discovering the wonders of humanity?
We have a rich tradition of percussion instruments as well, all of which are based around a musician smacking variously sized hollow rocks.
It was quite brutal actually. Who knew you could suffer major head trauma from undergarments?

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #438 on: November 01, 2016, 07:58:47 pm »

Loud, my boy, are you still discovering the wonders of humanity?
Apologies for the lack of updates, I don't post anything if nothing in particular is happening, otherwise there's no point. To answer the question, it appears the human assault is over, though the discoveries have not yet ended.

An end of sorts did arrive in time slowly, though only the end of the human siege crawled to some closure.
The eternal siege of the Lord of Life and War, the aptly named Sazir Razorbelts, remained in its usual state of unconquerable blockade. Even with the retreat of the hÜmans, the undead still remained, forever isolating the Fortress from the outer civilizations.

I felt some pity for the humans. Their number was vast but the Dwarves had worn them thin whilst the undead broke their skin, there was only so much they could do against months and months of never-ending warfare against the undead, some of whom they may have known in life. Knights galloping forth with their faithful war lions, surrounded by their pikemen and rangers into the Dwarf Fortress, returned out as idiot corpses seeking to return death to their former family. Thus ended the western vanguard.

The northern divisions were led by highly determined officers leading highly determined cavalry and camelry, by the standards of the already courageous western vanguard that foolishly entered an area they knew was heavily trapped and fortified. They got so far, enduring crossbowfire, explosive charges and Dwarven counter-attacks with sheer force of will. Their fortune would run out when they were attacked by a surprise assault of undead elf corpses, that had somehow managed to surround them through the machinations of Sazir Razorbelts. The survivors would go down fighting the war god Ibruk, the black bronze titan of venomous syndromes that treated them like iron, hammered between his hands into shapes he more enjoyed. The beleaguered humans managed to against all odds defeat Ibruk, chipping away at its legs with mighty cavalry charges until it fell, magma consuming it in the end. The northern divisions would no longer pose any threat. The undead consumed the leftovers.

The aerial corps of giant mosquito riders was immediately killed with extreme prejudice by marksdwarves.

The eastern assault was met with better results, with the worst occurrences being vast swathes captured or severely maimed by repeating spike traps designed to injure, not kill. After all the traps were jammed or disabled the many, many survivors managed to join their forces with the southern host, and scored a major victory by forcing the marksdwarves from the walls through excellent marksmanship.

This massive host of soldiers killed the most Dwarves, but steadily found itself pushed further and further south, further and further east, past the gatehouse and across the magma moat. From this fortified position they held their ground and set up camp, determining that if they were not to conquer the Fortress by assault, they would conquer it by siege.
By day the surviving army wrapped themselves in their cloaks to shiver out the excesses of Winter around their campfires, by night the campfires would be their guiding beacons around which human life persisted, ever wary of the undead that would enter view with increasing frequency to take a bite out of those too weak to stand.

By summer all would melt and the skies would pour down dwarven blood, into their clothes, soaking them with gore, the taste of strong iron on their tongues and in their noses, inside the linings of their lungs. With breathing difficult and the mosquitoes arriving for the feast, it is not worth considering what horror of a beast an undead mosquito is - life itself was growing evil, the humans were suffering for it. So many human heroes were made and unmade in the same week that the stone masons had trouble recording all their names on so many gravestones. The final life for these humans was to see after years of near-constant warfare, those who were injured were left behind to fend for themelves with a handful of confused volunteers, whilst all of the humans who still had horses and camels rode away in retreat back to the safety of home.

The Dwarves began emerging from within the Fortress when an auspicious sign had been observed. A wild eagle flew high above in the skies, something that had never been seen for most of the Fortress - having only been born in a time when they knew of domesticated eagles, and only domesticated eagles.
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The wild eagle, tired of its awe-inspiring flight, sought to find a safe perch on Silentthunders' walls. It did not see the disguised wall spikes, and thus was terminated. The spikes intended to keep undead ravens from using the walls as a roost worked indiscriminately against the wild fliers. If the Elves still visited, they would no doubt be aghast. More significantly the appearance of a flier that had not been shot down and eaten by the humans or Dwarves was proof that the world was no longer in total contest, only moderate struggle.

The surviving humans formed isolated bands of human villages, each huddle appearing on the periphery of Silenthunders out on the edges of the Spidery Forest. They were almost too small for the undead to notice and of no especial threat to the Dwarves, but with the signal of the eagle it was time to evict them dwarvenly (better an adamantine axe than an undead jaw to deliver death to the remaining). There mustn't have been more than 60 of them in total, yet they still fought bitterly for some unknown reason. A will to live? Vengeance? Survival instincts? I know not, only noting that one last human archer had apparently been saving his arrows for the Dwarves, for he managed to take down a few more before being hacked to death.
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All this commotion was of course noticed. The undead that were held in check by the human forces began spilling through, the Dwarves summoned a force of 60 soldiers to deal with the incursion in the most efficient manner possible, by drawing them into the lands where the dead stayed dead.

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The Dwarves had a very long cleanup operation to conduct. The youngest soldier on duty in the frontlines was R. Logem Wheelscale Bimbidok, at age 13. The youngest soldier who was content with being on duty in the frontlines was R. Ral Dyecombed Ralidos, at age 15.
Ral found the most annoying thing about being outside was the sun, and took any solace she could find in hacking apart dead things. Hundreds upon hundreds of fallen warriors and their mounts, the immeasurable offal of the moose pit upturned on the world, it is somewhat amusing to note that characters with their entrails spilled on the ground leave little tildes trailing behind them.

The new recruits handled their task amicably, though the old guard still outperformed them in every regard. There were some additional casualties which were felt painfully, though all injured were recovered and only one died in hospital. Special commendation was given to Captain Ber Tiger L. T. who complained of minor injuries, "minor" being his leg and hand broken, two of his fingers smashed open, whilst he was already on crutches due to a slight medical condition where his foot was eaten by a titanic spider.


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #439 on: November 01, 2016, 08:21:35 pm »

Truly a new dawn of a nw age of a new something
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #440 on: November 02, 2016, 03:18:16 am »

Ah, 40.24 zombies. Even the greatest sieges fall. Surprised you try to memorialise them - using a macro of some sort for that, I hope?

This fort has gone past "we have enough blood" and "it's time stop with the blood" to "we've clearly gone past time to stop, but lets keep going and see what happens".

With the humans broken, how's the FPS?


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #441 on: November 02, 2016, 06:10:21 am »

Loud whispers once again proving his supreme mastery of assymetric warfare. 1500-man siege, in aghast.
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #442 on: November 03, 2016, 12:10:10 pm »

I know say this every time but AWESOME


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #443 on: November 03, 2016, 02:24:35 pm »

Heck yeah!
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #444 on: November 03, 2016, 03:16:52 pm »

Blood everywhere corpses strewn all over and still this fortress holds. Truly a monument to all of dwarfkind.
////;::;\\\\ Scuttle Scuttle...

Milk for the Khorneflakes!

Luminous Bolt of Bacon
"Excuse me sir, You are on Fire."


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #445 on: December 01, 2016, 04:30:28 pm »

I hate to bump this topic without an update from LW, but was Silentthunders a randomly generated name or did you choose it?

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #446 on: December 03, 2016, 08:39:11 pm »

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Cleanup went rather well. One exception was to the brass tower, which had become thoroughly infested with titan corpses. They all clambered around seeking to destroy the artifact door velasiz atop the tower but otherwise caused no harm to the Dwarves scurrying below, serving as a fine protective lure keeping the Fortress safe from the dreadful slabs of meat and bone rotting above.

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Cleanup would be an ongoing process, one that would take much time and many Dorfs.

The Werecat attacked my Dwarves amidst the great cleanup. They carried their weapons with their persons, but due to reorganization of the squads (casualties and such made scheduling rather awkward without structural changes), were mostly unarmoured. Some had left their armour below, some had left them scattered around the battlefield, and there was not a Dwarf who could outrun the werecat.
The first was bitten in the arm, fortunately she fell into the lava and was incinerated. The second was bitten in the skull, fortunately he was mauled to death before the military arrived. The third was of the starting seven - poor Unib, fortunately Unib died of blood loss. Two military squadrons arrived in time to stop further casualties, crossbows firing and axes swinging.
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And the catperson turned into a snake. She was hacked apart and the Dwarves who could be recovered, buried. More dead to the list :/

I hate to bump this topic without an update from LW, but was Silentthunders a randomly generated name or did you choose it?
Randomly generated, I spammed the random name though

Ah, 40.24 zombies. Even the greatest sieges fall. Surprised you try to memorialise them - using a macro of some sort for that, I hope?
Nope, though I may avoid memorializing all enemies due to FPS reasons

With the humans broken, how's the FPS?
Abominable at 2-3

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #447 on: December 04, 2016, 12:17:15 am »

- Sounds like the brass tower is rather useful.

- Hm, what the logic with names? Brief searches for "names" and "werecivet" and "logic" reveals using "Shukar" for large dwarves, but not why "Shukar". W.C. for Were-civet is obvious, but there aren't numbers anymore.

- Kudos on continuing past the point where I'd have considered the fortress hopelessly lost.

- And heh on being attacked by Orochimaru. Well, not really, but snakepersons are unusual.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #448 on: December 05, 2016, 07:44:46 pm »

- Sounds like the brass tower is rather useful.
The modern art has turned into an apocalypse magnet

- Hm, what the logic with names? Brief searches for "names" and "werecivet" and "logic" reveals using "Shukar" for large dwarves, but not why "Shukar". W.C. for Were-civet is obvious, but there aren't numbers anymore.
There is no consistent logic as the naming system has become senseless and arbitrary
Shukar however makes most sense, as it means tall. "Tall Dwarf" seems silly, so putting it through Dorfish makes it make more sense

- Kudos on continuing past the point where I'd have considered the fortress hopelessly lost.
- And heh on being attacked by Orochimaru. Well, not really, but snakepersons are unusual.
It all made much more sense as to why this werecreature above all others was so capable of biting everyone to death


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #449 on: December 05, 2016, 11:25:05 pm »

Hot damn, finally read through the whole thing after my first PTW at what, a year ago now? Truly magnificent.  What's the current makeup of your fort's inhabitants? Any new legends of note spring up?
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
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