4chan is to blame for the doxxings because they think of women's rights like how politicians in the 1700s did. A big joke.
4chins didn't do the doxxings, they happened against people they liked whilst all the boards from /a/ to /v/ were caught in their own board chaos and gestapo mod b&. Even the GG refugees in /pol/ had disclaimers to not doxx and not to harass anyone except the mods of 4chan. The doxxings against the Quinn lot weren't even real doxxes, they all led to fake addresses leading some to suspect they were false flags.
/v/ bankrolled TFYC who are a radical feminist group who were running a women-only game design contest because they were being attacked and doxxed by beta white knights and their handlers. /v/ BANKROLLED A RADICAL FEMINIST GROUP RUNNING A WOMEN-ONLY GAME DESIGN CONTEST BECAUSE THEY WERE BEING ATTACKED AND DOXXED BY BETA WHITE KNIGHTS AND MODS DOING IT FOR FREE.
4chan bankrolled a radical feminist group because they were being doxxed and harassed. I cannot stress this enough nor stress just how fucked up the world is when the people who should be amoral are taking the moral highground and the people who should be moral are sinking fast.
I haven't really been keeping up with the rest of what everyone else is talking about but this niggled me enough to demand response. Inb4 gorillion ninjas