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Author Topic: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Looking for players (Who wants some Waaaaagh?)  (Read 127864 times)


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #480 on: January 17, 2015, 11:05:48 pm »

Thanks for compiling the status summary Stroppycarpet :)

Deus Asmoth

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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #481 on: January 18, 2015, 12:00:48 am »

Sorry, I kind of goofed on this.

Warlocks, Winter of Year 3

Deus' Log, 20th of Timber:
A gemcutter stole a few of those strange blue stones that we found in the mines earlier and used them to create... a barrel.
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I'm told that it doesn't magically refill or anything, and the fact that it's called the Pear of Rotting makes me unwilling to store actual food in it, so I'm not sure what we're going to do with it.

Perhaps in response to our newfound barrel, a bunch of raccoons showed up at the gates, only to run away when they realised we could see them.

10th of Moonstone:
I'm attempting to get some medical supplies made, but we seem to not have any wood available to make crutches and the like with, so I'm going down into the caves to exterminate anything that might interrupt our wood cutters.

25th of Moonstone:
The caves are clear. Wood chopping commences.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #482 on: January 18, 2015, 12:50:22 am »

"A towering quadruped composed of Hostile Creature."

You know, in some ways, I'm going to miss this bug.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #483 on: January 18, 2015, 04:14:09 am »

"A towering quadruped composed of Hostile Creature."

You know, in some ways, I'm going to miss this bug.

I'll miss the badly broken preferences too.

come on, Boltgun, I was waiting for Lust :P

Of course I'm keeping lust for the last.

Edit: I almost finished my year but I got a bug with humans, I'm trying to fix that with dfhack before posting it. Actually it's entirely logical and I'll leave it there for fun. Writing up the year.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 02:25:08 pm by Boltgun »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #484 on: January 18, 2015, 06:04:15 pm »

☼Dwarves☼ - Year 4, Fall and Winter

Uninvited Guest
The dragon Lahde Veijariroyhelo is still stuck in the cavern above the fortress.  Late at night, when the forges grow quiet and the drunkards in the meeting hall have dispersed, I can hear the dragon.  It's claws raking across rough stone floor send shivers down my spine.  Like a ghost in a tomb, the dragons noise haunts us.  I worry that the walls we've erected aren't immune to fireproof, and that if he wanted, he could melt his way out.  But for now, he is saving his breath.

The ash in the courtyard was... difficult... to clean up as some of it is the cremated remains of fellow dwarfs.  Two dwarfs were completely incinerated.  The only thing to mark where they had stood was a shadow of ash on the wall and bronze greaves laying in the dirt.

Rebuilding the courtyard (and the wood stockpile within) has been our first priority.  But before the trading depot was finished, a caravan from the mountain home arrived...

A gray haired dwarf named Urist met us in the courtyard.  He wore silk clothing and gold jewelry.  Perhaps a noble of some sort.

"Are you in charge here?" He asked me after a brief survey of the damage.

"I am," I replied.  "My name is Od.  I've been leading this fort for 9 months now"

Urist snorted.  "And it appears that you have done a... wonderful... job.  And who led before you?"

"Zotir, the armorer."

"Very well, I must meet with him immediately."

"As you wish.  I must warn you though, Zotir has been somewhat unstable of late.  You may find him difficult to interact with."

"Save me your prattle, Od."

We found Zotir in his workshop, polishing a new set of bronze greaves.  He turned towards us and smiled, the crazy light that normally burned so brightly in eyes gone.  Urist and Zotir shaked hands, and then Urist turned towards me and dismissed me.

Later that evening, in front of the the entire fortress assembled in the meeting hall, Urist announced that Zotir's good works in Gemclashed had been noticed by the Mountainhome, and that as a reward for estabalishing a new, successful fortress, Zotir had been raised to Baron.

I managed to avoid vocalizing my groans. 

The Hive
It was mid-winter, several months into Zotir's "reign", when word reached me that a mason in the caverns had been pestering a wood cutter.  I went down with our four military dwarfs, two axe dwarfs, two crossbow dwarfs, and confronted the beast.  One of the crossbow dwarfs only had one bolt, the other didn't even bother bringing a quiver... or a crossbow...  The drone descended on them and bashed them with an iron shield.  The axe dwarfs moved in to cover their ranged friends, and were similarly bashed.  Once the dwarfs were knocked unconscious, the drone floated away.

I think we need a better military.

Fortress Summary

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Year 34 Human Update - Parties, Parties all the fucking time
« Reply #485 on: January 18, 2015, 07:09:34 pm »

Limestone 22, 34

I've taken up position as the Apartment Landlord and take residence at the ground floor. Good thing about it is that my room's well-furnished. Bad thing about my room is that I can hear those slackers above me partying like there's no tomorrow.

Limestone 30, 34

The ungrateful asshole of a mayor said that the room's not too luxurious enough for him to live and do his work into. Well excuse me for not having any gold, silver or any precious metal in this fort to use as your throne, you mandate spewing asshole.

Sandstone 5, 34

Some merchants from the capital came by to fix a deal after ignoring us for too long.

Sandstone 6, 34

Two Import/Export deals after four years of being ignored. Fun.

Sandstone 17, 34

A Clothier Guildsman set up shop here. Apparently, those merchants blabbed to everyone back at home that we need clothes real bad.

Sandstone 24, 34

I hate this place... I really hate this place...

Timber 12, 34

A dwarf and a human came by to set up shop at the stalls.

During the dawn of winter.


Until this guy happened to be outside and not partying like the rest of the fuckwits back at my apartment.

Rape Ending averted! Thank you Ag, I want to have your babies!

The entire Moonstone, 34

We celebrated for a months because we're not going to become Succubus sex slaves and Ag took them all out before they could even come into the gates. Best part of it is that Ag's barely injured during the fight and the only casualty is a miner. Now that's something that all of us should celebrate!

Opal 5, 34

We're making a lot of progress in getting everyone a place to sleep. Half of the village's residents have rooms on their own and another apartment is on its way to completion. Progress, baby!

Opal 28, 34

Diplomat's table is complete. Now all I need to do now is to call for other diplomats from other races and declare neutrality on our place.

Obsidian 34 up to Granite 1, 35

Aside from a Gnome Caravan appearing and someone partying again, nothing much happened!

Welp, that's the end of Year 4 Humans. Here's the save:

And here's the fort's map overview:

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I'll post the fort's wealth charts and death list later. I still have classes to do.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #486 on: January 18, 2015, 07:24:46 pm »

Warlocks, Winter of Year 3
30th of Moonstone:
One of our zombies has been possessed. I didn't know that could happen.

14th of Opal:
Zombie has created Distractingcoupled the Silkiness of Adventures, a bone chain! I think he got the idea for the name from a picture of some succubi he saw.
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20th of Opal:
I've finally managed to get the doctors to actually treat the patients in the hospital! Still no idea how anything in the place is worth, though.

1st of Obsidian:
I got to eat a few more souls today. I don't think that the others approve of my actions, though.

I think I was a bit out of my depth with the warlocks, not having played them much before. Hence the badly written updates. Still, the place is in slightly better shape than I found it in and there's room to build every section of a library in the topmost level.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #487 on: January 19, 2015, 06:23:42 am »

Thanks for compiling the status summary Stroppycarpet :)

no problem, I saw that the thread's activity was dwindling and my guess as to why, was that it wasn't exactly clear what races had been completed and what races were behind on schedule.

I've taken the liberty of downloading the warlock save and starting with it, since nobody has reserved it. Updates to follow soon.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #488 on: January 19, 2015, 11:29:32 am »

13th obsidian, 33, late winter.

Mestenu AfflictSmiths slowly opened his eyes, the burry shapes around him gaining focus. His spatial awareness returned to him, and he tried to puzzle out where he was.
He was sitting cross-legged in the middle of a runic circle surrounded by pillars. The faint sound of running water was nearby. As he strained to remember, the runes started to look more familliar. Yes, this was an ethereal forge, he had up till recently been summoning a large deal of ethereal blocks.

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Some warlocks, like Mestenu, had developed a trick in their everlasting quest for more magical prowess. When an individual that had been previously mortal learns the secrets of death and life and starts to live for such a long time, apathy and boredom start to take over. The years seem to pass faster and faster, wits become slower, movement becomes sluggish. Until eventually all one can manage to do is remain in bed and meditate while the frail body dehydrates and starves.

Instead of succumbing to that fate, Mestenu consciously entered a trance like state, so that he could regenerate his mind. Meanwhile, the other warlocks would try to incite him to follow commands and do simple tasks. While this was mildly humiliating, he agreed that they had a point, it was better than to just be another mouth to feed without contributing.

As he got up and inspected the structures nearby him, he patted down his clothes. They had ripped and worn down in several places over time. While he did not care much about his appearance, he cared much greater deal about the contents of the hidden pockets inside his robe's sleeves. Luckily, they were still there.

He produced a small flask of whip vine wine and started to sip it, walking down to his room. He started to piece together their situation, observing the strange construction floating above the river, and by using his limited control over telepathy. He managed sense the amount of wildlife and warlocks, including the overall moods of the latter. Accessing the knowledge and short term memory of the zombies also proved useful.

Suddenly, Mestenu clutched his head as it seemed to split open in pain. The flask with wine came clattering to the ground. It felt as if a hot iron nail was being driven through his forehead. A telepathic link between his and somebody else's mind was being formed. And unlike the painless variant of this spell, whoever was on the other side was not waiting for his acceptance of the linkage, rather trying to overpower his mental defenses from the get-go. The defenses and protective spells in question melted in an instant, and from the sheer amount of magical power Mestenu knew full well who was behind this mental attack: the overlord. After all, an overlord does not ask for meetings, parley or counsel, he demands them.

O-"Mestenu Tesyebsemyeth, you have awakened from your slumber."
-M"Yes, overlord."
O-"Good. Tell me, Mestenu, what do you make of the situation?"
M-"Mestenu paused, and pondered for a moment. Our current needs are met, but the immediate future is dire. Our military might is composed of three promising fighters and a fledgeling militia. Our structures above the river are vulnerable to both skirmishers on the north shore and from flying attackers. Not to mention that our foodstores are located outside our fortification. We have a few structures underground, where the mining operation proceeds swiftly. For reasons unknown to me, stairways were built to reach the caverns below while a perfectly viable natural rampway was shunned, even though it provides the same level of security to possible cavedwellers, namely near none.
We now have a large amount of stone at our disposal, as well as the ability to produce copper, tin and bronze. Ironbone is still the best material available to us, but I would guess that due bones being used for weapons and equipment, we have not been able to produce any of it. Finally, our robes are all worn down."

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O-"A keen analysis, Mestenu. I am starting to second guess our structures on this river as well. Several of our kin have fallen off the walkways and drowned. What would you have us do? Concentrate on spreading aboveground and up, completing the floors, or dig down?"
M-"Both and none, my overlord."
O-"Oh? explain."
M-"Humans and other mortal races spread along the surface, aboveground, while dwarves dig and reach for the deep. But warlocks? We ascend. I had a vision, overlord. A grand project that will not be completed in one year or three, but over time."
O-"I have half a mind to make you steward already. Go on, and stop singing high praise of your plans before you have laid them out completely."
M-"I was talking about a great chain, my overlord. A monument that would grasp to the heavens and the hells. The others may have forgotten, but our spells both draw from the powers locked beneath the fiery seas deep below, and the fiery seas in the cores of the stars. As creatures of cold and undeath, we are drawn to these great heats. I would have us create a great chain made of welded solid walls of metal, or perhaps bone. At the very base of this, a large complex of rooms and quarters underground, suspended in an artificial cave, where we would thrive. The very top of the chain would be atop a tower, where an inverted complex of similar shape would be."
O-"Hm. I see. You are an individual of great vision, Mestenu. But inevitably, another one will take stewardship after you, what if they don't share your vision and decide to build something different?"
M-"It will be a shame, but inevitable. I would take it as a sign that the structure I have in mind will be created in another place, in another era. We are immortal, after all.
O-"Very well. I will allow you to take care of such basic matters in my stead, while I focus on other things. However, my patience has worn thin. Your words are sweet, but can you deliver on your promises? Fail me, and I will have you executed."
M-"Y-yes my overlord. I am humbled by such an honorable task befalling to me."
O-"You are dismissed."

As Mestenu composed himself, another warlock passing by the doorless entrance of his room drew closer, his interest probably piqued by his earlier yelps of pain. His worn out woolen hood concealed his face in the shadows, but soon the sound of his voice betrayed him, a soft whistle with each 's' sound.

"Our brother Me-ss-tenu no longer slumbers, I -ss-ee. The overlord -ss-poke to you?" Dent Omniousplanks inquired, his crooked smile showing his lack of front teeth. "Indeed, he did" Mestenu replied. "He is none too pleased at the situation." "Ye-ss-, he ha-ss- been nervou-ss- recently." Dent added. "He kept digging hi-ss- nail-ss- into the armre-ss-t of hi-ss- throne and yelling at u-ss- over and over to go and kidnap the local-ss-. We have no raiding -ss-upplies however."

Mestenu continued, "The overlord has appointed me as the new steward to solve our problems." Dent raised his eyebrows. "Tell me," Mestenu asked, "who is currently steward? They won't be pleased that I am replacing them, yet I cannot risk asking the overlord to explain to them, seen how occupied and angry he is."

"Almeyu -SS-cratched-SS-hower is the -ss-teward, but he i-ss- lazy and boa-ss-tful. The real decision-ss- have been made by a witch that name-ss- her-ss-elf 'Deu-ss-' Gorgedtrample."
Dent looked around himself suspiciously, and crept even closer while they established a link between their minds to keep prying ears at bay.

-"Deus has no mind for organizational matters, but makes up for it in shrewdness. I think Deus knew that she would incur the wrath of our overlord by not mopping up the mess before us, so she made herself a strong fighter instead. We cannot punish or execute her, it would decimate our military force. She might also flee from our camp if we turn against her."
-"Well, do you have a plan, then?"
-"Yes, I do. Anything for my 'friend'."

It was plainly obvious that Dent expected somethingin return later down the road.
-"Heh. The other day, Almeyu boasted to me how the overlord doesn't know what he's doing and how he and Deus went against his orders for the good of our order. The overlord has been too busy to notice."
"This is good news indeed, 'friend'."
-"Will you have them both punished?"
-"No. As we said before, Deus might turn on us. I will have Deus appointed as mistress of our dungeons instead. Her pride will not let her refuse the honor. She will then arrest and punish her former accomplice, terminating any alliance between the two."
-"I could not have devised a more clever stratagem, Mestenu."
-"Enough with your false flattery, let us get to work."

Soon enough, Almeyu was dragged away by mistress Deus and a group of her subservient zombies. In a ironic twist of fate, the chain used for the jailroom was produced by one of those zombies. Distractingcoupled the Silkiness of Adventures, the artifact bone chain.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 11:34:32 am by stroppycarpet »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #489 on: January 19, 2015, 11:35:00 am »

EDIT: how embarrassing, I somehow managed to post a reply to my own post, quoting said post.
in a moment I'll edit this again and make some use of this space.

EDIT 2: thought and preferences of all the warlocks mentioned in my story.

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« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 01:37:36 pm by stroppycarpet »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #490 on: January 19, 2015, 01:46:22 pm »

Year 4's Total Human Wealth:
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Year 4's List of Dead:
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So yeah, that's Year 4 of the Humans. I couldn't get started on the metal industry thanks to the large amount of parties being started for no good reason. The military is barely trained thanks to the incessant partying that always happen all the fucking time and there's blood everywhere thanks to the fuckloads of livestock that are currently pastured in one small area that is also the meeting place of humans.

That or there's a vampire within the village.

The Gnome Caravan's still there and I've ordered the disassembly of the trade depot inside the walls so that the one outside the walls will be used. Oh and I forgot to build a hospital, oopsie. Anyway, Good Luck to the next person though.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #491 on: January 20, 2015, 02:56:12 am »

Succubus year 3 - Winter

The mistress cursed Padaxe once again while stroking a newly adopted squid. How did she expect the succubi to follow her without a proper food stock? Geurol knew that if her servants would spend their long periods of inactivity with only stale bread and water, she would go back to hell sooner then later.

To avoid an immediate rebellion, cave fungi has been mined out and carved into what may qualify as cheese or 'chease' as she called it. The taste was... funny to stay polite, but as a sauce to another ingredient is everything looked edible. While the mistress was pondering on her culinary choices, a miner run to her bearing two uplifting news.

In their panic, the merchants dropped a wagon worth of goods in the depot. Pets, leather, meat, plants... There is even black rose seeds that could be grown into evil, thorny, flowers that can be brewed into a special wine! Everyone ran in and claimed ownership on each item before fighting over the valuable. Such disorganization really lifts the morale.

In the crowd, Geurole yelled until losing her (beautiful) voice. Shocked, she ran into Padaxe's room where she found the keeper of secret tied on a table. The mistress stopped wondering why this librarian keeps working in the whipper room and did her best to ignore the unhealthy relationship binding these two souls.

Untying her, she dropped upon the submissive librarian the responsibility to manage the loot from the caravan as this will be busy work and Geurole would rather worry about her own quarters instead. The loot has been processed with more farm plots for the new seeds, and a new kitchen with a discreet stockpile for the cave fungi so the succubi does not realize that they are eating disgusting overgrowth.

The other great news is that the cambions, not managing well their strange new feelings since their transformation, has decided to release their instincts at the antmens in the cavern. The stalked in the caverns for long minutes, preparing a perfect ambush where they found...


Upon inspection the antmen habitat and judging from the blood and damage, the insects have been assaulted by another group of their own species. The survivors were attacked by a huge quadruped beast that proved to be hostile, very hostile. It doe snot really matter because in the end, their shields are for the residents of Runjack for the taking. More effortless acquisition for our little demons.

This year has not been exciting enough, and that was not a good thing. The succubi were growing restless at the lack of excitement and the presence of a dozen of axemen and women only added more turmoil. The humans had many secretive admirers among the population, visiting them in the night. They eventually gave the information of a nearby fortified town called Blockwade. A band of succubi plotted a raid against this town, to capture and bring more humans as personal servants, and slipped away unnoticed for lead the attack. Their absence were not noticed, and as weeks passed by, those were not seen again.

Over time the inter-race affairs of Runjack became more and more involved and what was bound to happen just happened

One by one, the humans accepted the gifts given by their lovers and the newly transformed devil madeg an oath to protect their succubi admirers with their life. Such gesture was deeply appreciated despite the fact that loyalty and oaths means little in a dungeon. But euphoria soon made way for mental disorders, their captivity in the dark obviously left some scars in their mind. Geurol hinted them about a large empty space near the bridge ready for their protection. Despite joining the forces of hell, the devils still retained their over fertile human imagination and they felt relieved to feel fresh air on their face again.

The corruption of the human did not remain unnoticed by the stygian forces below. The grater demons of hell once again paid the dungeon another visit, possessing a crafter into making another wonderful artifact. This wonderful part is of course sarcasm.

The drows paid the dungeon a visit for the end of the year to confirm the fame that the brothel has built for itself. As Meph was too busy playing with mechanisms a simple servant bought muck roots and shadowleaf for an outrageous price. Not much profit was made of this, but at least the drows were pleased by their stay in the brothel's rooms and will  come back for sure.

With the winter coming to an end, Geurol retired in her quarters to lay in her bed. Perhaps she should have been more specific about the placement of her chamber as it is a bit isolated and the ugly rough corridors she has to walk in are not to her taste.

Who knew that being a mistress was so much busywork? She wished that she could spend more time... horizontally.  Stepping up for responsibility may have been a mistake after all, she could not enjoy the pleasures of the living since the day she hit Padaxe on the head. So, she conspired. She need to divide her roles into an intricate hierarchy of puppets that would punish each other constantly while the mistress would take credit, then contact that would be queen of the succubi and have herself entitled baron of hell. And only then she'll do nothing but play with her slaves.

Not a very exciting year, no one attacked and the only danger solved itself. So I took the time to convert every prisoners and build a military. Only one cambion died of thirst in the hospital, after getting gored by an animal. Otherwise just a few wounds from the ghosts that were properly treated by the new and stocked up hospital.

The lady of pain's squad of 5 and the sword dames are fully outfitted. The sword dames are fully equipped and is training their way into legendary. The axemen are being relocated so they do not suffer their cave debuffs and they are not fully equipped yet.

The guardian has a bow and have the hunters are assigned in his squad to make a makeshift ranged group. I did not have time to equip them so far, with only a few leather pieces to protect them during the hunts. But the industry is here if you wish to give the hunters protections.

At the same time I enhanced the food processing with farms, butcheries, hunters, a kitchen as well as a designated fishing area straight form the trade depot. Food is not running very high but the momentum should catch up in the  with the next spring.

Vitals :
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Suggestions for the next overseer :
  • The devils still have the cave adaptation effect, and must live in sunlight! I only realized this too late so they are being stationed in a space near the bridge, an armor stand is being build there so you can design them a training area. I decided to keep this feature because it is interesting to see how this can be handled.
  • There is a training area near the forge, in case you want to allocate a squad near the cavern.
  • The squads names have a letter at the end of each to indicate of the used weapon : A for axe, S for sword, P for pitchfork and B for bow.
  • There is 3 more devils outside of the military, they have been given jobs that often lead them outside in hope they'll lose cave adaptation.
  • A fishing area is designed straight ahead from the trade depot. The succubi are instructed to only fish there.
  • Shorcuts: F1 brings to the entrance, F2 to the meeting area and F3 to the caverns.

By the way, I forgot to show the engraving, but look that them. The velvety incests is a really metal civ.

Here's the save, have fun :
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 04:44:49 am by Boltgun »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #492 on: January 20, 2015, 06:48:55 am »

Oh my god, so much is happening. ^^

I got a couple of slow days, so I'll read through everything and try setting up the year2 comparison over the next days.

Edit: Oh, thanks, this helps a lot:
Current progress:

Dwarves: year 4, incomplete (currently on summer with qorthos, page 32, 16th jan) reservation year 5: Jakob
Orcs: year 2, complete (Xelantol is supposed to do year 3, but his last message was on page 21, on dec 26, "Awesome, if someone wants to play before I'm back in my house, just keep bumping me to the next year.  Looking forward to it!" )
So somebody else can safely take year 3, it's practically unclaimed.
Kobolds: year 2, complete. Arcvasti could do year 3 again.
Succubi: year 3, incomplete (currently on summer with Boltgun, page 31, 12th jan) year 4 unclaimed
Gnomes: year 4, inclomplete (currently on summer with zack123b, page 28, 3rd jan) year 5 unclaimed
Warlocks: year 3, incomplete (currently on autumn with Deus Asmoth, page 30, 6th jan) year 4 unclaimed
Humans: year 4, incomplete (currently on summer with WodanYmirthe2nd, page 31, 13th jan) year 5 unclaimed
The Hermit: year 3, complete (paulus fahlstrom, page 31, 9th jan) year 4 unclaimed
NB: I'm not 100% sure on unclaimed status. Please double check to see if anything wasnt claimed.
If somebody spots a mistake please point it out.

Since now it's weekend, I'm sure people will round up their years of their own accord. The storytelling makes or breaks these threads but if you have writer's block, please just wrap everything up within 7 days so the next player can keep it going.

I'd not mind to do year 3 of kobolds if arcvasti thinks it's better to devote more time on study. If you decide to do it anyway, I'd like to reserve year 4.

edit: minor grammar errors.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 08:20:30 am by Meph »
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #493 on: January 20, 2015, 08:38:34 am »

I'll take the 5th year as humans

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #494 on: January 20, 2015, 01:33:50 pm »

If no one claims the next Hermit year I'll gladly take that one as well.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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