Succubus year 3 - WinterSlothThe mistress cursed Padaxe once again while stroking a newly adopted squid. How did she expect the succubi to follow her without a proper food stock? Geurol knew that if her servants would spend their long periods of inactivity with only stale bread and water, she would go back to hell sooner then later.
To avoid an immediate rebellion, cave fungi has been mined out and carved into what may qualify as cheese or 'chease' as she called it. The taste was... funny to stay polite, but as a sauce to another ingredient is everything looked edible. While the mistress was pondering on her culinary choices, a miner run to her bearing two uplifting news.

In their panic, the merchants dropped a wagon worth of goods in the depot. Pets, leather, meat, plants... There is even black rose seeds that could be grown into evil, thorny, flowers that can be brewed into a special wine! Everyone ran in and claimed ownership on each item before fighting over the valuable. Such disorganization really lifts the morale.
In the crowd, Geurole yelled until losing her
(beautiful) voice. Shocked, she ran into Padaxe's room where she found the keeper of secret tied on a table. The mistress stopped wondering why this librarian keeps working in the whipper room and did her best to ignore the unhealthy relationship binding these two souls.
Untying her, she dropped upon the submissive librarian the responsibility to manage the loot from the caravan as this will be busy work and Geurole would rather worry about her own quarters instead. The loot has been processed with more farm plots for the new seeds, and a new kitchen with a discreet stockpile for the cave fungi so the succubi does not realize that they are eating disgusting overgrowth.

The other great news is that the cambions, not managing well their strange new feelings since their transformation, has decided to release their instincts at the antmens in the cavern. The stalked in the caverns for long minutes, preparing a perfect ambush where they found...

Upon inspection the antmen habitat and judging from the blood and damage, the insects have been assaulted by another group of their own species. The survivors were attacked by a huge quadruped beast that proved to be hostile, very hostile. It doe snot really matter because in the end, their shields are for the residents of Runjack for the taking. More effortless acquisition for our little demons.
LustThis year has not been exciting enough, and that was not a good thing. The succubi were growing restless at the lack of excitement and the presence of a dozen of axemen and women only added more turmoil. The humans had many secretive admirers among the population, visiting them in the night. They eventually gave the information of a nearby fortified town called Blockwade. A band of succubi plotted a raid against this town, to capture and bring more humans as personal servants, and slipped away unnoticed for lead the attack. Their absence were not noticed, and as weeks passed by, those were not seen again.
Over time the inter-race affairs of Runjack became more and more involved and what was bound to happen just happened

One by one, the humans accepted the gifts given by their lovers and the newly transformed devil madeg an oath to protect their succubi admirers with their life. Such gesture was deeply appreciated despite the fact that loyalty and oaths means little in a dungeon. But euphoria soon made way for mental disorders, their captivity in the dark obviously left some scars in their mind. Geurol hinted them about a large empty space near the bridge ready for their protection. Despite joining the forces of hell, the devils still retained their over fertile human imagination and they felt relieved to feel fresh air on their face again.
The corruption of the human did not remain unnoticed by the stygian forces below. The grater demons of hell once again paid the dungeon another visit, possessing a crafter into making another wonderful artifact. This wonderful part is of course sarcasm.

The drows paid the dungeon a visit for the end of the year to confirm the fame that the brothel has built for itself. As Meph was too busy playing with mechanisms a simple servant bought muck roots and shadowleaf for an outrageous price. Not much profit was made of this, but at least the drows were pleased by their stay in the brothel's rooms and will come back for sure.
With the winter coming to an end, Geurol retired in her quarters to lay in her bed. Perhaps she should have been more specific about the placement of her chamber as it is a bit isolated and the ugly rough corridors she has to walk in are not to her taste.

Who knew that being a mistress was so much busywork? She wished that she could spend more time... horizontally. Stepping up for responsibility may have been a mistake after all, she could not enjoy the pleasures of the living since the day she hit Padaxe on the head. So, she conspired. She need to divide her roles into an intricate hierarchy of puppets that would punish each other constantly while the mistress would take credit, then contact that would be queen of the succubi and have herself entitled baron of hell. And only then she'll do nothing but play with her slaves.
ConclusionNot a very exciting year, no one attacked and the only danger solved itself. So I took the time to convert every prisoners and build a military. Only one cambion died of thirst in the hospital, after getting gored by an animal. Otherwise just a few wounds from the ghosts that were properly treated by the new and stocked up hospital.
The lady of pain's squad of 5 and the sword dames are fully outfitted. The sword dames are fully equipped and is training their way into legendary. The axemen are being relocated so they do not suffer their cave debuffs and they are not fully equipped yet.
The guardian has a bow and have the hunters are assigned in his squad to make a makeshift ranged group. I did not have time to equip them so far, with only a few leather pieces to protect them during the hunts. But the industry is here if you wish to give the hunters protections.
At the same time I enhanced the food processing with farms, butcheries, hunters, a kitchen as well as a designated fishing area straight form the trade depot. Food is not running very high but the momentum should catch up in the with the next spring.
Vitals :
Suggestions for the next overseer :
- The devils still have the cave adaptation effect, and must live in sunlight! I only realized this too late so they are being stationed in a space near the bridge, an armor stand is being build there so you can design them a training area. I decided to keep this feature because it is interesting to see how this can be handled.
- There is a training area near the forge, in case you want to allocate a squad near the cavern.
- The squads names have a letter at the end of each to indicate of the used weapon : A for axe, S for sword, P for pitchfork and B for bow.
- There is 3 more devils outside of the military, they have been given jobs that often lead them outside in hope they'll lose cave adaptation.
- A fishing area is designed straight ahead from the trade depot. The succubi are instructed to only fish there.
- Shorcuts: F1 brings to the entrance, F2 to the meeting area and F3 to the caverns.
By the way, I forgot to show the engraving, but look that them. The velvety incests is a really metal civ.
Here's the save, have fun :