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Author Topic: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Looking for players (Who wants some Waaaaagh?)  (Read 127865 times)


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #465 on: January 14, 2015, 11:20:47 am »

Looking towards the penthouse, will there be a pool?


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #466 on: January 14, 2015, 06:04:36 pm »

Unless I'm allowed to create a water source using DFhack, the possibilities of a rooftop pool would be extremely hard and also impractical to create (not that it would stop me from creating one). Also, I'll have to get started on making a glass industry since all that sand around the fort's pretty much wasted and I want to make sure that everyone living in the apartment has a glass window in their room. Fuel's not a problem since I'm selling raw fishes by large quantities, giving the fort an income it needs to support the guilds and all.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #467 on: January 14, 2015, 06:15:18 pm »

Unless I'm allowed to create a water source using DFhack, the possibilities of a rooftop pool would be extremely hard and also impractical to create (not that it would stop me from creating one). Also, I'll have to get started on making a glass industry since all that sand around the fort's pretty much wasted and I want to make sure that everyone living in the apartment has a glass window in their room. Fuel's not a problem since I'm selling raw fishes by large quantities, giving the fort an income it needs to support the guilds and all.
I think to build a pool you'd want to start with a layer of walls which would become the floor to the pool. Above that build another layer of walls fully covering the old layer which would be the floor around the pool. You then need to build another layer of floors above that covering the whole area you want the pool to be, and being accessable. Then unbuild one of the walls from the middle layer, and unbuild the floor above it and bucket brigade the space with the unbuilt block to seven. Then do the same thing for an adjacent space, then two adjacent spaces, and on until it's the size you want. The reason for building the walls first is so the water doesn't evaporate because if you fill up a large space with 1 high water that water will evaporate slowly meaning you need to really hurry to fill the whole thing to level 2 before it evaporates. The floor above is so the water can be dumped into the pool properly.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #468 on: January 14, 2015, 06:50:04 pm »

Unless I'm allowed to create a water source using DFhack, the possibilities of a rooftop pool would be extremely hard and also impractical to create (not that it would stop me from creating one). Also, I'll have to get started on making a glass industry since all that sand around the fort's pretty much wasted and I want to make sure that everyone living in the apartment has a glass window in their room. Fuel's not a problem since I'm selling raw fishes by large quantities, giving the fort an income it needs to support the guilds and all.
I think to build a pool you'd want to start with a layer of walls which would become the floor to the pool. Above that build another layer of walls fully covering the old layer which would be the floor around the pool. You then need to build another layer of floors above that covering the whole area you want the pool to be, and being accessable. Then unbuild one of the walls from the middle layer, and unbuild the floor above it and bucket brigade the space with the unbuilt block to seven. Then do the same thing for an adjacent space, then two adjacent spaces, and on until it's the size you want. The reason for building the walls first is so the water doesn't evaporate because if you fill up a large space with 1 high water that water will evaporate slowly meaning you need to really hurry to fill the whole thing to level 2 before it evaporates. The floor above is so the water can be dumped into the pool properly.

That's... kind of simple. Still, I'm not sure if I could pull it off since I only have two seasons left to manage the city.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Dwarf/Succubi Player wanted for Year3 :)
« Reply #469 on: January 14, 2015, 09:20:14 pm »

☼Dwarves☼ - Year 4, Spring.

My name is Od Stinthadastesh.  I arrived in Gemclashed in the year 35.  I was... unaware... of how bad things were here.  At first I just thought things were a bit disorganized coming in.  The defenses seemed decent, though the top workshop floor was totally wrecked.  The dining hall is currently 3 sets of tables.  But the bedrooms were decent: everyone has their own room.  And then I stumbled down to the crypt.  It is a glorious chamber with smoothed walls and floors and lines of coffins.  But most of them were full.  This fortress is just over 3 years old and there are dozens of dwarf corpses here. 

After all of that, I headed back to the "dining hall" to have an ale.  But there was no ale.  Nor was there any alcohol.  Or a brewery.  Armok help us.

Zotir is technically still the mayor, but he's chained himself to the metalsmith's forge while yelling, "MY SWORD LORDS NEED BRONZE GREAVES".  There's no sword lords in this fortress.  There's not even a single military member either.  However there aren't any bronze greaves either... so... you just keep on doing what you're doing Zotir.  I conned some of the new dwarfs to volunteer for a fledgling military.  They're fairly happy with Zotir's equipment.  So that's good.

I then persuaded a couple of idle farming guild dwarfs to build a brewery and get some ale brewing.  Sweet, sweet ale.  It wasn't long after that before other dwarfs started asking me about how to do things.  Zotir still yelling about greaves...

I think I'm in charge.

This place is screwed.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #470 on: January 14, 2015, 10:45:28 pm »

You're welcome for your fancy tomb :P

I wanted to engrave it but I couldn't spare enough stone workers.

All hail Qorthos v2.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:03:00 pm by Jakob »
Build a replica of the Krusty Krab around the creature, then lock prisoners customers inside it so that the sponge can mutilate them take their order.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #471 on: January 16, 2015, 06:46:26 pm »

☼Dwarves☼ - Year 4, Summer.

The beginning of summer was mundane.  I spent some time organizing a new floor of workshops for a kitchen and tailory and making the entry courtyard a bit more regular.  Regular snoozeville work to be sure, but necessary to improve our station here.  This is the workshop floor under construction.  It should be roomy:

Spoiler: Farm Floor (click to show/hide)

A harmless visitor

Then we got a warning from the scouts:

It couldn't even make it through the doors in the caverns.  I spent a bit more time organizing some other improvements, like a greatforge for Zotir and a monastery for a new priesthood.  And that's when things started getting more exciting...

A harmful visitor

The scouts had a new warning:

"Secure the courtyard", I yelled.  "Raise the bridge, keep the dragon out!"  I was running to the platform along the wall, urging everyone inside.  And then Zotir came running out. 

"Crossbowdwarfs to the courtyard!  Axedwarfs to the courtyard!  We will meet this beast and show it our metal!" Zotir yelled.

"Zotir please", I begged him.  "Don't do this.  We can't fight a dragon!"

"I'm mayor here!"  He replied.

I fled back to the doors of the courtyard as the military came streaming out.  Their bronze armor gleamed in the sunlight as they fingered their weapons.  They looked expectantly towards the gate, hungry for glory.  Zotir cheered them.

"Zotir, wait.  That's a dragon.  We can't fight it.  We can't fight it and win!"

Some of the miners, just evacuating the courtyard gave me the one finger salute as they came hustling inside.  "Coward", one of them muttered.

"We can fight, and we will!" Zotir screamed.

And then it walked into view.  It's scaly form shimmered with heat distortions.  It roared, a deep bellow so loud that my ears rung and the masonry around me trembled.  Zotir took a step backwards. 

"Get ready", the lead crossbowdwarf yelled.

The dragon charged across the bridge and the crossbowdwarfs unleashed their bolts.  One struck true in the dragons thigh.  A moment later it was across the bridge: the bolt did nothing to slow it.  The crossbowdwarfs started reloading, but before they could finish the dragon covered them in dragonfire.  Their screams echoed in the courtyard. 

The axe dwarfs, moving in to take advantage of the dragons distraction, tried their axes against the dragon's toughed hide.  One of them succeeded in drawing blood with his axe, but was quickly crushed by a swiping blow by the dragon.  The axedwarfs tried to gain successful blows on the dragon, but it was just too quick.  It breathed fire across the entire courtyard, in all directions.  The bridge melted, as did the the trading depot and various other structures in the courtyard.  I lost sight of the axedwarfs almost immediately.

Spoiler: the burning courtyard (click to show/hide)

I pulled Zotir back inside and dropped the bar across the entrance doors.  The heat was overpowering even from the other side of the door.  Zotir was gibbering something his sword lords.  Curious faces peaked out from behind columns and from around corners.

"Get into cover," I yelled at them.  "It's coming!"

I dragged Zotir back to the hallway intersection.  A moment later, the doors behind me splintered open.  The dragon splintered in, determinedly squeezing itself into the squat hallway.  I prepared myself to meet my maker.  But instead of breathing fire upon me, it instead turned and darted up into the caverns above the fort.

I just stood there for a moment, mouth agape.  Then I turned to one of the miners who gave me the one-finger salute earlier.  "Don't just stand there", I told him, "collapse the ramp!"

Zotir struggled out of my grip and ran back into the forges.  "MY SWORD LORDS NEED GREAVES!" he yelled.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #472 on: January 16, 2015, 07:54:02 pm »

Obviously afraid of the Jakobnot Line I built behind the doors. Good job surviving that one!

I'll take another Dorf year.
Build a replica of the Krusty Krab around the creature, then lock prisoners customers inside it so that the sponge can mutilate them take their order.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #473 on: January 16, 2015, 11:27:41 pm »

Right, midterms approacheth. Which, in all practicality, means basically two weeks to play DF. Since I've finally mostly gotten over the frustration of losing so much work and no one else has picked up the Kobold save, I'll most likely be playing that soon. I very much doubt I'll have many tiny updates like I had earlier, at least not until I get past the point where the save got corrupted the first time I tried. I'll probably just post one huge update[One update to rule them all]. I will TRY to stick to what I did the first time as much as possible and make backups on an external drive so this doesn't hapen again.
If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #474 on: January 17, 2015, 12:46:53 am »

Sounds good Arcvasti!  Don't stress about getting it exactly like the other one, it's all fine however it comes out :)


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #475 on: January 17, 2015, 09:18:34 am »

Current progress:

Dwarves: year 4, incomplete (currently on summer with qorthos, page 32, 16th jan) reservation year 5: Jakob
Orcs: year 2, complete (Xelantol is supposed to do year 3, but his last message was on page 21, on dec 26, "Awesome, if someone wants to play before I'm back in my house, just keep bumping me to the next year.  Looking forward to it!" )
So somebody else can safely take year 3, it's practically unclaimed.
Kobolds: year 2, complete. Arcvasti could do year 3 again.
Succubi: year 3, incomplete (currently on summer with Boltgun, page 31, 12th jan) year 4 unclaimed
Gnomes: year 4, inclomplete (currently on summer with zack123b, page 28, 3rd jan) year 5 unclaimed
Warlocks: year 3, incomplete (currently on autumn with Deus Asmoth, page 30, 6th jan) year 4 unclaimed
Humans: year 4, incomplete (currently on summer with WodanYmirthe2nd, page 31, 13th jan) year 5 unclaimed
The Hermit: year 3, complete (paulus fahlstrom, page 31, 9th jan) year 4 unclaimed
NB: I'm not 100% sure on unclaimed status. Please double check to see if anything wasnt claimed.
If somebody spots a mistake please point it out.

Since now it's weekend, I'm sure people will round up their years of their own accord. The storytelling makes or breaks these threads but if you have writer's block, please just wrap everything up within 7 days so the next player can keep it going.

I'd not mind to do year 3 of kobolds if arcvasti thinks it's better to devote more time on study. If you decide to do it anyway, I'd like to reserve year 4.

edit: minor grammar errors.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 03:59:08 pm by stroppycarpet »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #476 on: January 17, 2015, 03:56:29 pm »

Qorthos your storytelling inspired me, I was stricken by a fey mood.

Enjoy crappy mspaint art.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #477 on: January 17, 2015, 04:10:08 pm »

Succubus year 3 – autumn

An ambush, curse them!

More vermin fills the cavern, Runjack was hosting a war between ant hives as the insects who took residence in the cave got ambushed by a rival band. Geurole hope to have them all killed before the end of the year to harvest the caverns and its resources.

This summer saw a batch of contradictory orders issued, as each important demon wanted their own palace to live in. While Geurole was writing down her wishes, Padaxe enlisted the help of a few friends to build a secret chamber to punish her rivals in.

Spirits of hell seemed pleased by this display of egoism as they possessed another succubus and gave the dungeon another artifact. It is completely useless as usual and the only memory that the crafter kept of this story is a splitting migraine.

Boltgun has not been sharing the excitement of her peers, and moved her belongings in the old mine.  Drunken succubi are sharing the wildest theories about the large amount of chain she dragged down in these dark tunnels.

As for the incompetent lady of pain, a peculiar chamber has been build for her. A twisted corridoor leading to a large throne room and two narrow wings. All these constructions angered Geurole, after all she's the only one who did not get her own quarters.

Everything would be progressing quickly if it the succubi would properly leave the dungeon after dying. Once again, a miner ran crying, holding her bleeding chest after being attacked by another lost soul. This situation has been dealt without mercy once again.

A terrible danger rose to threaten the dungon.

No, not forgotten beasts, it's just fun for the ants.

The food stock are not looking good, succubi had to pull plants out of the ground in hope to live through the winter. It pains the mistress but the servants slaving at the shower pumps will have to go and fill the gaps.

It turns out that the dungeon hes no butcher shop! One has been added near the refuse and the unluckiest ones has been appointed as hunters.

On the good side of the news, it seems that alcohol is properly making the workers crazy as they report hallucinations.

It is vital that Runjack attracts more migrant, hopefully a band of succubi merchants just reached the main corridors. After giving some riches, word will spread to the word th


The merchants running away from the smoke marks the end of autumn. And the residents of Runjack are getting hungry.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 04:15:38 am by Boltgun »


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #478 on: January 17, 2015, 04:51:04 pm »

come on, Boltgun, I was waiting for Lust :P


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #479 on: January 17, 2015, 06:44:25 pm »

Obviously afraid of the Jakobnot Line I built behind the doors. Good job surviving that one!

I'll take another Dorf year.

He actually went past the traps with absolutely no trouble.  I was... concerned that I was going to lose the fort.

Qorthos your storytelling inspired me, I was stricken by a fey mood.

Enjoy crappy mspaint art.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Awesome!   :D
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