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Author Topic: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Looking for players (Who wants some Waaaaagh?)  (Read 123638 times)


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #405 on: January 01, 2015, 02:36:22 pm »

Arcvasti: Color those posts beige, even if its just the title. All other players do it, and its one of the only rules in this succession fort.

Oh, if its a color-coding thing, sure. Both posts are now beige. Didn't notice Smake or Asmoth doing it earlier because beige is such a stealthy colour.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 02:59:08 pm by Arcvasti »
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #406 on: January 01, 2015, 02:43:24 pm »

How long does it take for warlock children to grow up, by the way? We’ve got a four year old running around, though I’m not sure where she came from.

Warlocks, Summer of Year 3.

16th of Felsite.
I recall asking Zhef’s parents how they managed to conceive a child. It doesn’t really matter anymore, since she just got kidnapped. Oh well.

10th of Hematite
We’ve discovered a large number of Armok’s tears in the lower mines, which should prove useful at some point in the future.

1st of Malachite
A necromancer has taken over a craftsman’s workshop, demanding leather and silk. We’ve managed to catch a horse for the leather, but I’m going to have to open the caverns we found to find some webs for the silk.

25th of Malachite
We now have two artefact dice. The first is called the Devourer of Crosses, and the one that Mwezfeyn just finished is named the Royal Eater. I assume that any gambling games involving them have higher stakes than normal.

5th of Galena
The floor of the library level has been finished. Now we just need enough materials to actually build the libraries.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #407 on: January 01, 2015, 03:02:17 pm »

So. Just wondering. If hypothetically the fortress falls, what should I do? Just post as usual and end early?

I hypothetically don't think the situation is recoverable.
Build a replica of the Krusty Krab around the creature, then lock prisoners customers inside it so that the sponge can mutilate them take their order.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #408 on: January 01, 2015, 03:08:37 pm »

So. Just wondering. If hypothetically the fortress falls, what should I do? Just post as usual and end early?

I hypothetically don't think the situation is recoverable.
Earlier I asked about this and Meph suggested reclaiming and writing some story stuff. Notably it was actually recoverable for me. Elves were chasing my hermit and he somehow managed to escape okay, so, it might hypothetically be that bad.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #409 on: January 01, 2015, 04:30:54 pm »

☼Dwarves☼ - Year 4, Spring

Spring starts amazing, with almost every Dwarf miserable and complaining of foul water. Realizing this means we're out of booze, I wisely save us from the threat of shitty water and order the expansion of our glorious Dwarven plump helmet farms. Sadly we're running low on room and I don't wish to start on the huge hallway that the last overseer ordered prepared, so I have us make them between the main floor and the beds.

I also finally track down the lever and order a Dwarf to kick it before we're murdered by th monster rampaging outside. As I realize the mechanics are not doing it, I tell everybody that they're all honorary mechanics now, and that they can all play with levers.

Nobody goes for it though, and I watch in horror as the werewolf takes step after dreaded step in to the glorious confines of our fortress. I'm bracing for a massacre when...

He promptly transforms back into a Dwarf.

I quickly have him dragged off to his quarters to await his cure via starvation and then settle into the day to day monotony of trying to make this glorious example of the Dwarven spirit not crumble in on itself with the flick of the hand. In the meantime, several citizens go berserk and we lose several more in the ensuing battle. I also realize the water is so bad because some poor sod's head is sticking in it, and I have our watersource moved outside, as we can't use this one any longer.

Several of the more useless Dwarves are also drafted into the Corps of Miners and ordered to get at the farms, as our only miner is currently screaming about how much he hates his life in the halls.

As the fortress continues collapsing, I order the masons to begin creating statues en masse to hopefully appease the masses. As I walk through the halls, looking for good spots for statues, I pass an ominous door marked 'DO NOT ENTER' from which I hear nothing but screaming and roaring.

I could swear that was the werewolf den, and then I realize that his wife refused to not join him in his room. I quickly check the lock and then speed walk way.

We are down to 36 Dwarves, I'm at my wits end trying to keep the rest from dying, but as they battle in the halls they're making it fairly hard. Only three or so residents have told me their mood is positive. I'm not sure how accurate my survey was, cause the rest are screaming and beating each other, so I didn't have a chance to ask. Among the pile of corpses is our militia commander, and I really don't have anyone to replace him.

Some Leprechauns dance around on the other side of the river, suspiciously, but I ignore them.

As I'm observing the dancing wannabe-Dwarves, a Dwarf also runs up to me, complaining about the water again, which makes no sense as I ordered the drinks to be from the river. I go to check what's wrong when I realize we can't leave the damn fort! The bridge is gone!

Seriously what the HFS.

Regardless, things continue going well.

We now have 21 able bodied Dwarves, Qorthos is the only surviving member of the original expedition.

Some migrants do arrive, a whole lot, but I'm not sure if all 24(!) of them are enough to recover the fortress. I quickly assign them jobs and hope we can find a way to do so however, hopefully they can make us some nice statues. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and I basically ignore all of the migrants skills in favor of giving them jobs we need. We need to work harder, not smarter.

Qorthos, who had a broken neck and was left in the halls, soon dehydrates and dies. The original party is gone, and only 8 Dwarves are not members of the most recent migrant wave. At some point, as I'm dealing with six or so snatchers, a pack of Elves arrives at our door for me to pointedly ignore.

And before I know it, Spring is over.
Build a replica of the Krusty Krab around the creature, then lock prisoners customers inside it so that the sponge can mutilate them take their order.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #410 on: January 01, 2015, 04:36:14 pm »

Sorry about that!!!

Going to need a new bridge soon enough. I also recommend you build doors in the entrance so that you can lock the entrance up at will.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #411 on: January 01, 2015, 04:44:06 pm »

☼Kobolds☼ Year 3:

First Month of Summer

1st Hematite: Cleanup after the battle is proceeding. Everything can be scavenged, Metal weapons for trap parts or bars and even the corpses of the fallen for bones and leather. Nothing will go to waste.

5th Hematite: We fired up the Drowning Trap to wash away the blood from the Westgate Airlock. Unfortunately, it overflowed and got some nearby stockpiles wet. We're going to have to work on that.

11th Hematite: I finally finish making mithril weapons for the Blosseming Spears at around the same time that the Bone Carvers finish making bonerattle for the Lascivious Lashes, the whip squad I formed out of adolescent kobolds. I also have our Thieves get to stealing some gems from the Goblins.

18th Hematite: The Drowning Chamber will be safe to use in about a week. After reading some pilfered Gnomish treatises on water pumping, I thought it was probably best to put a ceiling over both the Chamber, as well as controlling the flow from the floodgate more tightly. The Thieves have been busy, stealing many coins and gems and valuable Metals. They even took a plan for some sort of "Arena". It sounds too dangerous to mess with right now, so I shelve it for potential later use. I decide to have a Casino set up, so we can do SOMETHING with our new windfall. Upon reviewing the stockpile records, we also have a Gnomish blueprint for something called a "Thunder Coil". It would require some mechanisms and some glass tubes to make, not particularly difficult given the amount of bone and sand lying around. I'm not sure what we should do with a "Thunder Coil" if we DID build one, so I resolve to forget about it until later.

19th Hematite: Several more kobolds grew up today. I just have them haul stuff until I can find some job that needs filling.

22nd Hematite: We finally have enough gems to elevate the entire Blossoming Spears squad into Witcherhood. Their entanglement and sickness hexes will undoubtedly prove useful in battle.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 02:40:12 pm by Arcvasti »
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #412 on: January 02, 2015, 01:36:21 am »

☼Kobolds☼ Year 3

Second Month of Summer:

25th Hematite: The cage traps pay off and catch a goblin snatcher before he can abduct any children. We have yet to devise a suitable punishment for captured enemies. Perhaps the goblin "Arena" can be turned against those it was taken from.

26th Hematite: Another snatcher accosts a worker on an outside errand, knocks him over with their bag and absconds.

28th Hematite: The Casino is built and I have the Hoardcounter begin by cashing in all our coins for chips.

1st Malachite: I order a Glass Furnace constructed of mostly-useless silver and designate a random useless kobold who somehow evaded my earlier labour restructuring as Glassmaker. That "Thunder Coil" sounds effective, and we'll need glass pipes to make it hapen.

3rd Malachite: Another goblin snatcher gets caught in a cage. And right after we got the cage trap reset too. Sigh.

5th Malachite: It appears the Casino staff only accept gold and silver BARS. Oh well, those are useless too. I guess we'll use the coins to trade with the homeland, if they ever send caravans to us.

6th Malachite: Yet another goblin snatcher gets caught in a cage. And right after we got the cage trap reset too. AGAIN. Sigh

7th Malachite: I vastly overestimated the amount of gems required to become a Witcher. We have enough to transform the entire military.

15th Malachite: We actually seem to be doing fairly well at the Casino. We could easily raise enough chips to get some pretty valuable stuff. The Arena for executions is coming along fairly nicely too. Not sure where you'd PUT a Thunder Coil, I'll have to examine the blueprints and the other Gnomish texts we took to figure out its damage, range and vulnerabilities. My current thought is to have the Thunder Coil next to the main gate protected by fortifications and depowered most of the time. We could probably hook it up to the same waterwheel as the Drowning Chamber, to save power. Although we'd need to add a second one to provide enough power. I suppose we could start on the second waterwheel right now.

18th Malachite: All the Blossoming Spears are now Witche[r]s. We're just waiting on my assistant to cook up some more ash for the transformation of the other squads.

20th Malachite: The second waterwheel is installed. But we don't have enough wood to connect something by the gate to the river using axles and gear assemblies would dilute the power too much. I've got the woodchoppers processing wood stalk, but that'll take a while and we don't have that much of it on hand.

22nd Malachite: Judging by the blood splattered there, a snatcher of some kind must have been eviscerated by our weapon trap. Apparently their remains were cleaned up before I noticed. Yay efficiency.

23rd Malachite: That imbecile of a Hoardmaster gambled away all our chips. Sigh.

28th Malachite: Work on the Thunder Coil goes slowly. We now estimate that we have enough wood, but we're going to need to build a third waterwheel. Some of the Gnomish texts mention that the Thunder Coil can start fires if left on long enough, so I'm covering as many nearby things as possible in fireproof materials. Its going to be powered by stone mechanisms and its going to be left unpowered as much as possible. I still don't know if these are adequete safety procedures. Hopefully they'll suffice.

1st Galena: Some immigrants have arrived. I relegate all of them to haulers until we have need of more specialized workers or conscripts or something.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 02:39:51 pm by Arcvasti »
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 1 almost done. :)
« Reply #413 on: January 02, 2015, 12:10:07 pm »

that was fun, sorry it took a little longer than i thought.  i planned a fair bit more on what i would do for the year reign than my usual winging it
the save on dropbox in .zip form: Succubus Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

i'd enjoy another turn, kobolds>warlocks for year 3

I loaded the save and I was in winter year 2, I think you uploaded an autosave instead.

That might explain why the shower does not work and why the humans were in the middle of attacking.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #414 on: January 02, 2015, 04:38:10 pm »

Play the dwarves out to their doom.... then reclaim. Shouldnt cause any issues, but please make the entire map a lair by using dfhack first, otherwise you workshops&items wont be were you left them.
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #415 on: January 02, 2015, 07:35:29 pm »

☼Kobolds☼ Year 3

Third Month of Summer and First Month of Autumn:

3rd Galena: The new immigrants bring our population to 130 kobolds.

7th Gelena: The Withering Blades begin their transformations into Witche[r]s.

8th Galena: I've been forced to make another prepared food stockpile to keep up with the prodigous amounts of fine meals our cooks are making.

15th Galena: I pressed a few kobolds into tailoring and had them start making clothes out of the vast stockpile of cloth we have lying around.

18th Galena: A caravan from the Homeland FINALLY arrived. Thank Griblin. I have everyone start hauling trade goods to the Depot.

19th Galena: A bunch of Elves appeared out of nowhere. I have the door leading from the Depot to the fort proper locked. Maybe the caravan will make it inside on its own. I'm sure as hell not about to start another Elvish Massacre by sending my undertrained troops to attack. Maybe we can use the Drowning Chamber? The Thunder Coil is still under construction, so IT won't help.

20th Galena: Oh fuck. Elvish BOWDANCERS. I order everyone inside. Not just in the Valley. INSIDE. From the position they're at now, we're sitting ducks. Production's going to grind to a halt. Maybe I can have the Digger make some tunnels so that we can sort of move around?

The caravan guards are fighting the Elves. Maybe the wagons can still get into the safe Depot. If the Depot is even safe. It doesn't have a roof, so Bowdancers in the right location could shoot arrows into it.

21st Galena: The merchants seem to be retreating while their guards cover their backs. The caravan guards are actually sort of holding their own by rushing the primarily ranged Bowdancers.

On second thought, I'm allowing everyone out of the safety of the save and the underground burrows. If the Elves start shooting at us, I'll call everyone back in. Until then, business as usual. Their leader managed to get his mount caged out from under him, but the locked door stymied him. Hopefully the rest of the Elves will follow him into the Depot and we can drown all of them.

22nd Galena: The Elven leader came into the fort and shot someone in the foot before getting torn apart by the Spirit Bear standing guard. Hopefully this will demoralize the rest of them.

24th Galena: I decide to use the Drowning Chamber on some War Raptors who wandered into it. I forgot that the Thunder Coil was connected to the Drowning Chamber. Water everywhere. Dammit. I vent the water, hit both off switches and send the Blossoming Spears into the Depot to deal with the Raptors.

A second ambush, composed of Bladedancers, pops up. Maybe they'll finish the stalemate between the Bowdancers and the remaining caravan guards.

25th Galena: The Raptors die fairly quickly and without incident.

26th Galena: I have some kobolds start on replacing the fortifications between the Thunder Coil and the Drowning Chamber with proper walls, but that'll take a while. The Drowning Chamber is our only real hope for defeating the Elves.

As if to punctuate my point, another ten Bladedancers appear. This is getting silly.

27th Galena: The Elves keep spooking anyone who gets near the well. They're trying to starve us out. I have the Digger start digging a well inside. This will protect against freezing too, so bonus.

4th Limestone: The Elves are still cutting us off from the well, so thirst is a problem. The second well is coming along slowly, but it'll be done before any deaths occur. By going around through the Thunder Coil's power tunnel, we've been able to repair the holes I absentmindedly put in the Drowning Chamber. I'm not sure the Thunder Coil is blocked by walls anyways. The last of the Withering Blades finally became a Witch, so yay? There are a few kobolds missing. They're probably outside with the Elves. If so, they're screwed..

Spoiler: The Situation (click to show/hide)

The Drowning Chamber and Thunder Coil will be operational pretty soon. Hopefully one or both of them will be able to solve our Elf problem.

6th Limestone: The Drowning Chamber is ready, but the last mechanism required to complete the Thunder Coil is in the Zone of Terror. We'll have to do without. I order everyone inside or underground and open all the outside doors and bridges. We'll have to hope they take the bait. And that the Drowning Chamber actually WORKS, for once.

7th Limestone: To my surprise and relief, a few kobolds stuck outside managed to get to safety inside the Valley. We managed to isolate a single Elf inside the Drowning Chamber. Lets test if this thing works.

I start it off slowly, with the pump turned off, so as to minimize the mess afterwards. The Drowning Chamber slowly fills with water. The Elf inside is probably shitting himself right now as he realizes what he walked into.

Yeah, this is taking too long. I order the pump turned back on. With the pump on, the chamber fills in seconds. I order the pump shut back down and the floodgate closed. No leaks so far.

8th Limestone: The Elf drowns first. The Unicorn follows swiftly afterwards. It works. I open the Outer Westgate and let the Chamber drain out. I order both gates lowered. Hopefully we can catch more Elves this cycle.

12th Limestone: Its tricky getting the Elves into the Drowning Chamber. It requires precise timing. Somehow, one of the Elves was flung by a bridge into the aqueduct that supplies the Drowning Chamber. He'll drown and his possessions will be picked up by the grate, but its still weird.

The second cycle captures five Elves and their mounts. They all drown uneventfully

13th Limestone: I let the Chamber empty itself. Maybe the Elves will leave, demoralized by their losses. Hopefully not. I want them to suffer. And I want their mithril.

I let everyone out of the caves and burrows to go get a drink since the Elves are all either dead, trapped in the Depot or just outside the Outer Westgate.

14th Limestone: All the surviving Elves not trapped in the Depot retreat. I order the bridge between the Drowning Chamber and the Depot lowered. The Elves in there can go free. Let them tell their countryman that the Kobolds will not die as easily as last time.

15th Limestone: Post battle clean-up is now beginning. There's still one Elvish deer who won't leave, so I send the Lascivious Lashes to go kill it.

16th Limestone: The deer wanders off on its own. The siege is officially lifted.

Spoiler: Casualty Analysis (click to show/hide)

I order everything useful from the one wagon that got destroyed by the Elves dragged into the fort. Its mostly cloth, with a couple bins of leather and logs, but we snag some valuable rope reed and kobold bulb seeds. There's LOTS of Mithril stuff from all the dead Elves and I can't help wondering if I couldn't equip a squad with full Mithril armour with all this. I'd need a lot of fuel for that though, and our wood stocks are low from building axles and water wheels.

17th Limestone:

I have the leatherworkers get started on making blocks so I can roof off the Depot. As is, if I tried to flood the Drowning Chamber with the connecting bridge between it and the Depot down, the water would overflow through the top of the Depot. Once its roofed off, I'll be able to flood both of them safely. Not that anyone's going to be doing anything but hauling for the next week or so.

22nd Limestone: Finally getting that indoor well constructed, to avoid future incidents like this one. I don't THINK the river freezes in winter here, but if it does, an indoor well is essential.

27th Limestone: The Thunder Coil is fully operational. Its off right now, because I don't want it zapping any of the people hauling stuff in from outside. I have no idea as to its capabilities, but the fact that the Gnomes sent a siege after us for taking it implies it must be good. The Arena is also finished. It may or may not require changelings, something which we lack. Maybe if a caravan ever got all the way to the Depot we could order some from them.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 07:43:50 pm by Arcvasti »
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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #416 on: January 02, 2015, 11:11:48 pm »

Play the dwarves out to their doom.... then reclaim. Shouldnt cause any issues, but please make the entire map a lair by using dfhack first, otherwise you workshops&items wont be were you left them.

Well, I did apologize in advance should I mess up the fortress. Then I went and messed up the fortress.


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #417 on: January 03, 2015, 09:04:45 am »

Gnomes, Spring of Year 33

So few gnomes and such a mess of all the bars and items strung out.  First lets figure out this large machine though.. From watching it, the gnomes drop malachite ore into it and copper bars come out from above though a drilling rig, interesting.  It appears to have a few parts unused, maybe its purpose is many and needs to be reconfigured to have a different output.
The machine put out a couple picks.

Now to mine more metal out.  And I think I'll add a mine cart system to the factory.  Oh, we had traders.  Didn't notice them until it was close to them leaving and was too late.
Off to the mining!  We have searched quite a bit of the dirt through the geological seismograph, time to move it elsewhere for more coverage.  Inside near the other set of waterwheels seems good.

Oh.. 2 gnomes died in trying to give the seismograph more power through turning off the machines nearby.  Ranagim the druidic gnome and Vustagud the stone gnome.
Well, we started on making the mine cart system thing.  Still working the kinks out but here is the start!

edit: Forgot we had a migrant wave, hehe. For a total of 36 gnomes and 2 children.  And a few animals such as a mechanical shark and gorilla.
then the colors hehe
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 09:27:13 am by zach123b »
"No, Meph, No!"


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #418 on: January 03, 2015, 09:52:49 am »

Gnomes, Summer of Year 33
Things are going fairly well, a little too well.  This month we will focus a little on defense in addition to the other stuff.
First we shall work some kinks out of the mine cart system.  Instead of going to the first floor we moved it to the factory floor, there wasn't enough room for a return system.  Since it's only metal ores we will be moving at first it will go directly into the arc furnace.  Got to have some safety so a pair of doors will hold most out, may have to revisit this later to improve.

A couple job cancellations but that's fine, a second door added to the entrance would probably fix that but oh well.
Next lets have the system return the carts.  This time we'll have three doors for added safety.

Onto defense now!  We walled off the trade depot and added two bridges to allow traders in while leaving no entrance to the fort for invaders.

Lastly, we anticipate we will be running low on food in the future.  We designate a more efficient fishing area, a fish stockpile nearby with a pair of fisheries.
"No, Meph, No!"


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Re: ☼Battle of the 8 Armies☼ - Year 2 is done
« Reply #419 on: January 03, 2015, 12:23:47 pm »

Alright, I'm sorry it took so long, but I copied the link directly this time. Here it is, what should be the link to the download for the hermit save:
Again sorry about how long it took. It's just nobody told me, or I didn't pay enough attention to this thread when somebody did, that the save was corrupted. I was actually able to test it this time and it definitely worked.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia
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