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Author Topic: You Only Build Once  (Read 19869 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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You Only Build Once
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:22:16 am »

This is a silly thread.

This is a thread to create bugged save files.

This is a theoretical succession fortresses / adventurers thread.

This thread uses the same[1] worldgen as Species War

This thread uses Phoebus' Graphics Set over Vanilla Dwarf Fortress 0.40.19 and no other mods or[2] dfhack[3].

This thread should have fast turn-around for maximum effectiveness.


Explanatory details:
* A player may choose to reclaim a failed worldgen fortress that has never been reclaimed before.
* A player may choose to start a new fortress site.
* A player may continue an unretired, unabandoned and not failed fortress immediately from a previous player.
* A player may play an adventurer, of any type they like.
* A player MAY NOT reclaim or unretire a player created fortress.
* A player MAY NOT reclaim or unretire a worldgen fortress that has previously been reclaimed by a player.


Explanatory details:
* Players should provide a download link for their fortresses for immediately before retiring / abandoning / failing
* Players should provide a download link for their fortresses after retiring / abandoning / failing
* Players should provide download links that demonstrate new bugs (explanation of said bug should also be included)
* Players may provide download links that demonstrate old bugs that lack recent save files  (bug number and brief explanation of said bug should also be included)


Explanatory details:
* A player may add or remove one rule of their choice at some point during their turn.

Turn Zero:
Turn One: Salmeuk In which a living god is encountered, and killed.
Post Turn One:
Turn Two: ptb_ptb In which aquifer piercing goes very wrong
Turn Two (pre-abandoning fortress):
Turn Two (post-abandoning fortress):
Turn Three: ptb_ptb In which a hero trains, kobolds suffer, and ptb_ptb takes two turns in a row.
Turn Three (post retire hero):
Turn Four: tacomagic In which a fortress fails to please a king and things get harder
Turn Four (pre-abandon):
Turn Four (post-abandon):  <- download this one to play
Turn Five: ptb_ptb In which a great deal of training goes for naught when a headless corpse gets a lucky hit in.
Turn Five:
Turn Six: tacomagic In which everybody kobolds.
Turn Six:
Turn Seven: ptb_ptb In which a fortress got built and a player got bored ;)
Turn Seven:
Turn Eight: tacomagic In which a kobold loses a finger and a roc is seen.
Turn Eight:
Turn Nine: ptb_ptb In which a bunch of goblins and one demigod die.
Turn Nine:
Turn Ten: tacomagic In which presents are prepared and bureaucracy happens.
Turn Ten:
Turn Eleven: bigheaded In which everydwarf is encouraged to cheat.
Turn Eleven (post-Retire fortress):
Turn Twelve: ptb_ptb In which outsiders are found to be at a disadvantage and a sneaky kobold hides in a goblin pit.
Turn Twelve (post Adventurer retire):
Turn Thirteen: ptb_ptb In which adamantine does not stop a hand being ripped off.
Turn Thirteen (post death):
Turn Fourteen: tacomagic In which there was much wailing and nashing of teeth on finding a fortress had vanished.
Turn Fourteen (pre-retire):
Turn Fourteen (post-retire):
Turn Fifteen: tacomagic In which a nation mourns the loss of a hero.
Turn Fifteen:

[1] Note that the Species War thread used The All Races Playable mod and the civilizations developed differently.
[2] Tacomagic modded the save file to allow playable kobold adventurers.
[3] ptb_ptb allowed use of Advfort (dfhack required) in Rule #13
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 02:59:37 pm by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
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You Only Build Once - The Rules
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 04:25:08 am »

Rule #1: You must always claim a site as an adventurer. Made in: Turn one by Salmeuk.
Rule #2: Any player who breaks a rule must place the phrase "I'm a cheating cheater." at the start of each post they make in this thread. Made in: Turn two by ptb_ptb.
Rule #3: The same player should not take two turns in a row. Made in: Turn three by ptb_ptb.
Rule #4: All fortresses must pay a tribute of 10,000 urist times the number of years the fort has existed to the mountainhome each Fall.  If the fortress cannot pay the tribute for any reason (including the death of the traders coming on or going off the map, there is no trade depot, etc) the fortress is considered a failure and must be abandoned. Made in: Turn four by Tacomagic
Rule #5: A player who ends this Age of Roc and Desert Titan by killing both the Desert Titan and the Roc shall be granted exemption from Rule 4 Made in: Turn five by ptb_ptb.
Rule #6: Kobold Rule part 1:  EVER'BODY KOBOLDS!  On your next (or first if you are just starting) turn that you play in adventure mode, you must make and play a kobold and keep the name handy.  Try and keep this kobold alive because it will become important to future rules.  If the kobold dies, you must create a new one during your next adventure turn.  If you plan to play fortress mode, you do not need to create a kobold that turn. Made in: Turn six by Tacomagic
Rule #7: All kobold adventurers must be generated with at least 20% of skill points spent on ambush. Made in: Turn seven by ptb_ptb.
Rule #8: Kobold Rule #3: Kobolds for Hire! The savvy overseer can reduce their tribute by using a kobold for hire to do important (and unimportant) jobs for the Mountainhome. Made in: Turn eight by Tacomagic
The kills on your mandatory kobold adventurer reduce your tribute as follows:
* Each non-noteworthy (animal) kill reduces the base tribute* value by 10.
* Each kill of an evil or dwarven-war sentient (goblins, other non-PC kobolds, bandits, war targets, etc) reduces base tribute by 100.
* Each kill of non-zombie, non-werebeast night creature reduces tribute by 250.
* Each kill of a werebeast or zombie reduces tribute by 500.
* Each kill of a Semi-megabeast reduces tribute by 1,000.
* Each kill of a mega-beast, titan, or forgotten beast reduces tribute by 2,500.
* If you can kill a demon with a kobold and have that kobold live, you no longer have to pay tribute.
Rule #9 Give Beekus the finger. Beekus sad finger gone. Find Beekus and give Beekus finger. Any finger do. Beekus can't give Beekus finger - too confusing. Player give Beekus finger get pardon for rule breaking! (valid for one rule breaking occasion only). Made in: Turn nine by ptb_ptb. (N.B. Breekus is now dead :( )
Rule #10 Checkout Procedure - In order to keep track of who has the file, the following checkout procedure must be observed:  When you intend to take a turn, you must announce that you are downloading.  You will have 72 hours from that message to post the results of that turn and upload the save.  After that 72 hour window, the current save will be considered available for downloading for a turn.  You can still attempt to upload before the next turn is claimed if you go over the 72 hour limit.  This should keep with the idea of this being "speed fortress" play.  For timekeeping purposes, the time-stamp of your post will be used to determine this time, rounded up to the next hour. Made in: Turn ten by tacomagic.
Completely disregard ONE rule as much as you wish (EXCLUDING: ONLY BUILD ONCE & REPORTING BUGS! these aren't "rules" more of "laws", see post #2 for all rules), bonus points if you go completely the other direction, such as not only ignoring the 10,000 dorf bucks to the homeland, but even stealing it! Every attempt should be made to adhere to the rest of the rules.
Note, rule #2 should only take effect on any rule which isn't the one you intended to break. Made in: Turn eleven by bigheaded.
Rule #12 Less is more. Whoever made the most wordy rule must be referred to as Wordy McWordiness. Made in: Turn twelve by ptb_ptb.
Rule #13 You may use advfort (needs dfhack) but only in failed dwarf fortresses (abandoned, successfully invaded or no dwarf residents left). Made in: Turn thirteen by ptb_ptb.
Rule #14 Skipped! by tacomagic (keeping the number to make things easier to follow ;) )
Rule #15 Goblin population control - If you kill 25 or more goblins during your turn, you may chose to remove a rule of choice.  The rule removed must not have dependent rules*.  All the goblins must die during one turn.  Goblin aligned sentients count as goblins for this rule.  They can be killed in either fortress or adventure mode. Made in: Turn fifteen by tacomagic.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 02:51:39 pm by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 04:50:18 am »

Just to clarify, should the rule we make affect our choices regarding embark locations or can it affect game play to? Could I make a rule forcing players to embark with certain things or create a certain structure at some point during their turn?

And will there be a set turn order or just anarchic chaos?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2014, 05:35:18 am »

Just to clarify, should the rule we make affect our choices regarding embark locations or can it affect game play to? Could I make a rule forcing players to embark with certain things or create a certain structure at some point during their turn?

And will there be a set turn order or just anarchic chaos?
Rules can affect anything except the big three red laws.

If you want a set turn order, take a turn and make a rule saying that there will be set turn order.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 06:06:57 am by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2014, 06:06:08 am »

I awoke in a strange house that I had never seen before. It smelled of dirt. I could not recall how I arrived at this place, who my father was or the last meal I had eaten - all I seemed to know was how to stab throats, block arrows and dodge strikes. I felt compelled not to learn about my past but to carve a new history. A history that I, the man laying in the trampled soil of this dirty abode, would know firsthand.

I stood from my place on the ground and hailed the most important looking person in the room. His name was Epxa Sathrasuque, and he introduced himself as a general administrator for this hamlet. Rather than inquire about my current lack of memory, I simply asked about the surrounding topography. Perhaps I could find my future as an adventurer.

He summarized the lay of the land, but made a specific note of one location, "Beachwane." Apparently a goblin by the name of Xuspgas Wickedtold had holed up there. I was about to inquire whether any bounties had been placed on the creatures head when a well-built but slightly drunk Dwarf interjected.

"A sprawling criminal organization has left our people living in fear. They have a town called Datevises somewhere in The Plains of Tenderness." This was immediately more interesting and I inquired what the dwarf planned to do about it. He didn't hear my question and continued to ramble.

"Datevises is a short walk to the north. In the summer of 14 the human Luki was shot and killed by the elf Cimanthi. He was shot in Datevises." Apparently this dwarf had been close to Luki and was out for blood. I seized upon his drunken state and encouraged him to seek vengeance, telling him I would help as best I could.

He agreed, and we were off.

As we left the threshold we passed a bountiful patch of bitter melons. To the south I could see great masses of white webs, and being unsure what beast left them I was glad we were traveling north.

On the way out, my dwarf companion informed me this place was called Tuftednestled, or Thuthurarses. We traveled past the farms and across a short bridge, and sure enough not two hours had passed before the outer clearings of Datevises appeared.

I was wary but confident; the walking had awoken my inner spirit. As we traveled into town, expecting lawlessness and rot, I found quite the opposite. The first dwarf we met was a priest selling copious amounts of fine cloth, and just beyond his store were fields filled with fruit-pickers and farmers. Somewhat surprising to me was that the farmers were all dwarves - apparently they had abandoned their usual inclinations towards caves and decided to live upon the surface.

A great, green castle loomed above the ridgeline to the north. Whomever resided there would surely know what my drunken friend had been rambling about so passionately.

As we rounded the corner of the keep we saw a woman standing in the doorway. Something was off about her - she seemed oddly tranquil for the ruler of a busy village. I greeted her, but received no reply.

A strange, outside thought suddenly entered my mind. "This woman is The Last Will. She is a god." Confused, I attempted to ask about the criminal organization my dwarf friend had mentioned. The nameless dwarf did not acknowledge I had even spoken. A boiling rage filled me - I had recalled one thing about my shrouded past.

I never let anyone dismiss my presence.

I hefted my spear onto my shoulder and attacked. She heard the whistling of my spear-tip and drew a small blade, but not before I had pierced her abdomen. I landed a second strike, higher up this time, and the silent woman fell to the ground. My dwarf companion was confused and attempted a swing, cutting the face of the fallen woman. Her last breath passed from her body as she lay still. I wasn't sure just what I had done but it had felt right.

The great, green castle was utterly empty except for the woman we had killed. It was at this point I had a great thought - if there was no King for this Castle, and no Army for that absent King, then who was to prevent Me from laying claim? I knew it then as I know it now that this would be my history: I would become a king!

The save:

Rule #1: You must always claim a site as an adventurer.
It can be any site, large or small, and you must try to spread the word about your claim.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 08:18:23 am by Salmeuk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2014, 07:37:37 am »

Wow. Interesting start. I think one of your pictures has the wrong link, though.
'First Will' and 'Last Will'? Very mysterious. I'm grabbing the save for turn two! :D
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 07:40:17 am by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2014, 07:40:10 am »

Wow. Interesting start. I think one of your pictures has the wrong link, though. 'First Will' and 'Last Will'? Very mysterious.

Fixed. Also, I don't play much adventure and I am thoroughly confused at who exactly I killed: When I first tried to talk to him his title was Deity, but after I killed him he was shown and described as a Planter.

A living god? He certainly didn't put up much of a fight.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2014, 07:41:16 am »

Fixed. Also, I don't play much adventure and I am thoroughly confused at who exactly I killed: When I first tried to talk to him his title was Deity, but after I killed him he was shown and described as a Planter. A living god?

Sounds like a bug to me. I don't suppose you have a save from before you killed him? I've Dibs'ed turn two, btw. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2014, 07:42:28 am »

Fixed. Also, I don't play much adventure and I am thoroughly confused at who exactly I killed: When I first tried to talk to him his title was Deity, but after I killed him he was shown and described as a Planter. A living god?

Sounds like a bug to me. I don't suppose you have a save from before you killed him?

I only played for  less than an in-game day, so if you were to download the original save and try to retrace my steps you might encounter him again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2014, 07:44:56 am »

I only played for  less than an in-game day, so if you were to download the original save and try to retrace my steps you might encounter him again.

Yeah, I'll do that. Gotta obey the big red laws. :)

[EDIT] Hah, looks like Namar Tautdies was a proficient liar. Maybe she was lying about being god. ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hmm, I wasn't able to get it to reproduce the bug. So I think I'll skip that.

'first will' may be the title given to the leader of a human town/castle. I can't confirm that.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 08:28:02 am by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2014, 11:44:09 am »

The dwarf king is apparently unhappy that only one civilized dwarven settlement exists on this continent. Seven
dwarves are sent out with a wagon full of tetrahedrite and little else.

"How about some iron ore?" I ask.  Apparently there isn't any. I can only hope my new home is better blessed.

Poor Zon Fikodcerol was the first to die - apparently that solid white stuff under the fluffy white stuff turns into water when the weather improves. Who'd have thought that?

Summer arrives.
We have a few beds underneath the soil. The mountainhome geologists insist there is an aquifer in this region so we are preparing to break through it if need be.

There is a solemn moment after we drain off the pool in which Zon drowned. Hopefully he can soon be put to rest properly now. A week or so later there is a lighter event when the first seeds are planted in the underground farms.

We are walling off the area south of the river. The river makes a natural barrier, so it seems sensible to work with that. A single bridge is left across it, we must develop a raising mechanism for it soon.

Autumn arrives.

Work on the aquifer piercing continues apace.

Spring arrives.

The aquifer project all went horribly wrong. I can't bear to write about it here. We are trying to salvage something from the wreckage.

Orders have arrived from mountainhome. The fortress is to be abandoned. I can only hope that something will be learnt from our efforts.

Rule #2: Any player who breaks a rule must place the phrase "I'm a cheating cheater." at the start of each post they make in this thread.

Save file:
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 12:10:10 pm by ptb_ptb »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Proud Sir Wordy McWordiness at your service.
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2014, 01:14:33 pm »

Clarification on the build once rule:  Is retiring the current fort and immediately starting another fort considered within the bounds of that rule?  It seems like it should be, but would like that verified.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 01:27:00 pm by Tacomagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2014, 01:30:59 pm »

Is retiring the current fort and immediately starting another fort considered within the bounds of that rule?
If the previous player left a save with an active fortress you can retire that immediately (you must put up a post retire save). There's nothing to say you can't immediately start another fortress somewhere else.

Does that answer your question?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Proud Sir Wordy McWordiness at your service.
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2014, 01:33:56 pm »

Is retiring the current fort and immediately starting another fort considered within the bounds of that rule?
If the previous player left a save with an active fortress you can retire that immediately (you must put up a post retire save). There's nothing to say you can't immediately start another fortress somewhere else.

Does that answer your question?

Yup, exactly what I wanted to know.  It seemed like that was the case, just wanted to make absolutely sure before I grab a save later on this evening.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Only Build Once
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2014, 03:36:56 pm »

As there is no rule against taking two turns in a row, I'm taking two turns in a row.  :P


I've taken it upon myself to see if anything can be salvaged from the failed fortress settlement.
I stop to talk with one of my neighbours and quiz him for every rumour he knows.

This fills up some of the detail on my partially complete map.

I expect I'll be able to work out the rest for myself. I spend a lot of time training, before finding a useful looking dwarf to accompany me.

Now, wasn't there something I meant to do? Oh yes.

I understand this is some sort of tradition.

There are many dangers in the wilderness, but luckily I do not meet anything worse than a few lions. It is a long journey, and I tire before reaching my destination. I find a small camp full of kobolds. Sneaking thieves. I drive them off with punches and kicks, killing those too brave (or too stupid) to run. The camp seems like a fairly safe spot to rest up. My companion was quite seriously injured fighting a kobold wrestler (really?) and will need some time to recover.

Save file:

Rule #3: The same player should not take two turns in a row.

The rule comes into effect after my turn, of course. :P
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 04:56:21 pm by ptb_ptb »
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