Get clothed in workout clothes, go to the gym.
We don't really have a gym here. On mothership maybe, but this ship is oriented for supporting scientists. Which is good, because otherwise you would have embarrassed yourself by falling on gym machines. Now you just fall down in infirmary because of shock connecting into The Mind.
That's right. Now all players are part of same hive mind club, so we can stop using spoilers and PMs. György gets a medal for most effective infection method as more base personel joins The Mind. Now we have two cooks in, so next lunch served on base will be extra spicy. All hail exponential progress!
Sit down and observe the snakeman. Request for a Heavy Laser.
There ain't anything to observe yet, for some reason.
Request denied. Nobody needs laser weapons inside the base. Not that we even have any in our armory. Those belong to military.
"Strange, maybe they are just bored."
Have a computer play some music to entertain them. my main goal from now is to spread you? Ok.
Make sure the animals remain calm and see if I can release them outside without anyone seeing me.
Now playing."Yes, pretty much." The Mind says.
"Although your effort probably won't be very remarkable until we start infecting people on other ships."They have hard time staying calm now that you have decided to release them, but they surely try. Hmm, it's night impossible to not be seen. Maybe you could put them into opaque box? Sounds actually pretty good idea.
You find a box big enough to hold the animals and tell them to stay calm and to not eat each others just yet. Once they are comfortably in the box you just casually walk to the airlock with the box. Nobody really bothers you, and why would they?
You quickly wear your envirosuit, descend down on surface, release the animals and ascend back up. Nobody knows what you did, except those who are part of The Mind.
((Mostly just that you went to the trouble of introducing them specifically and didn't introduce some other guys. And they are pretty real.))
Help with the snake men. Maybe try to make a naga.
"Mostly that they're unnatural hybrids of hunting dogs, spiders and two species of alien bird that are biologically immortal, grow to maturity within three days tops, have four eyes (two of which can see infrared) and can produce electricity in amounts ranging from static to deadly. Plus what's the fun of genetically engineering something normal? They have pretty stable DNA and the males have some minor differences. Any harmful mutations can be breed out pretty quickly and minor ones will ensure genetic diversity within a few years."
Just a note, your doggy is in cardiac arrest, which means its heart stopped. You can still attempt to save it, but if you won't then it will die for good. It's first generation dog anyway, so it ain't big loss.
György's snake man is beyond your help now. And your naga... well, dna of the bone snake is just too different, it doesn't bend into your will.
Head into the airlock.
"Well mates shall we go exploring?" Head into the room and when everyone who wants to come is ready. PUSH ZE BUTTON
"Yes. By all means! Let's!"
Nevaeh, Pendle and one archeologist stays behind. You know, just in case things go to hell. Once others are in Mark pushes the bottom button on panel next to outer door. The door slides closed in much smoother movement than it opened. Perhaps it was just so rusted in place after being unused for god knows how long. Then you wait in small dark room for two minutes, expecting something to happen.
Since nothing happens Mark press top button on panel next to inner door. Only Arrow can hear it, but there's a faint whining noise before inner door opens. On other side is a larger room. Only light is your headlamps for solid five seconds before suddenly ships own lights flicker on. Dim bluish ligh shines from ceiling and lets you see properly what is in here.
Most of the wall on left side of the room is covered by heavily corroded presumably metal structure. Time has bent it out of shape very badly, but you would guess it used to be a cabinet or locker of some sort. On right side of room is a unspecific pile of corroded metal. Long time ago it might have been similar as the one on left wall, but time has treated it harshly.
On opposite side of room is a door looking exactly same as airlock doors. On left of it is a button panel which contains only one unmarked button, shaped like a triangle pointing upwards. A meter to left is number of rungs attached to the wall, forming ladders up to ceiling. On ceiling above the rungs is a circular hatch and right on middle of it is a valve, the kind that you can rotate around. An emergency access tunnel maybe?
And on middle of floor is a pile of dust, white scraps, transparent glass like substance and rust in vaguely familiar shape.
| "How is it?" Cole asks over radio. "Shoud we wait for you or should we go explore other tunnels here?" |
Inside the ship proper:
Briana Molina
Mark Redtail
Cromwell Jackson
An archeologist
Outside of airlock:
Nevaeh Brock
Jonathan Pendle
An archeologist
Currently we have following samples on ship:
* Large four eyed birds. (7 dead) (Studied)
Aquatic creature. (1 dead) (Studied)
Biggus Dickus (2 dead). (One studied)
** Possibly contaminated blood samples.
** Additional set of blood and tissue samples from female Biggus Dickus.
* Grasshopper-type insect (1 dead). (Studied)
Green/pink flashing insects. (3 dead) (Studied)
Assholium Rectumas. (6 dead) (Studied)
Helios Crimson Attack Birds (1 dead) (Partially studied)
Andrew`s Anormal Snakes (1 dead) (Partially studied)
Things in progress:
* Human/bone snake hybrid body horror. Designed by György. Time until newborn: ??