Hey, Lord of Buckets, what would happen in cases like this, where odds increase above the possible value (like having more than a 100% chance of not dying)? Does it revert to 100% or what?
There are several ways that could possibly be resolved. Ignoring meaningless results is one option. Applying probability percentages such that neither zero nor 100 are ever reached is another. Like somebody else suggested, A thing with a 90% chance modified by 1% can result in a 91% chance, a 90.9% chance or 90.1% depending on how you apply the 1%. Or I suppose you could eliminate the ability to modify probabilities and intangibles from the original premise.
But I hadn't really intended this thread to be an exercise in math or rules lawyering. Presumably the hypothetical genie granting a power like we're discussing would have a logically consistent system in place. And presumably he would describe the power in plain english rather than handing you a 200 page book with all the legalisms and math behind it. And presumably if you attempted an invalid use of the power or expected something contrary to the way it worked, it would nevertheless continue to work or not work according to the actual rules rather than the plain-english phrasing of them regardless of whether you knew why. Jafar at the end of the Aladdin comes to mind. There were rules. He didn't know them because the djinn never told him. He made an invalid wish, and it just didn't happen.
Decrease 1% of the world's cash into my pocket.
Increase the value of 1/0 by 1%.
Can I just make up an arbitrary scale to get the results I want?
But if people are more interested in using incorrect grammar to deliberately attempt things that were specified as not an option, mathematically nonsensical applications and generally looking for loopholes in the phrasing of the OP, *shrug* at least they're enjoying themselves, so successful thread, right?