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Author Topic: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD  (Read 10866 times)


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2014, 11:17:58 am »

OOC: Sorry, dashing this off quick since I don't really have the time to update the mega-IC I was working on that was going to cover the decision-making behind all three marriage offers to cover only two instead, since all three were originally intended to be tied together.

Accept marriage offer from Azores de Treming: Alaine Morgarten and Jareld Azores (de Treming)
  • Children will be of House Azores (de Treming) save for the second, which will be of House Morgarten
Politely decline offer from Azores, due to Alruna being wed to Wilhelm.
Confirm marriage between Alruna and Wilhelm with the ceremony to be held on Bastion, grant reciprocal lands to Wilhelm (unfortunately a bit more modest in size due to our much smaller territorial stretch)

Orders for House Morgarten, First Revision: Summer, 205 AD
  • Four Agents are to be hired and infiltrated into the Triumvirate: Send factors of House Morgarten on ahead to Trinity to gather and collate publicly-traded information on the three major factions, and generally start laying groundwork for Alruna's imminent arrival, as well as contracting a skilled and independent corporate lawyer to navigate the legalese particular to the Triumvirate.  Other agents will seek less public information on primary shareholders in publicly-traded companies (especially those in which a voting share can be acquired) and potential political schisms within those companies operating as guilds or by families.  After Alruna's arrival, continue these activities, operating those less-public agents via cut-outs.  ((Assuming you decide to treat the Triumvir as a unitary faction for ease of bookkeeping))
  • Alaine will approach the Ecclesia Scriptores on Baudelaire to request any support they may be able to offer, technological or military, in order to drive back the mutants and "reclaim" Garthon III for humanity, in return for any support House Morgarten can offer to them
  • Maria Fornost will assume administrative duties over all three Morgarten fiefs, and begin raising a military force from veterans willing to bring the fight to the mutants


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2014, 05:14:23 pm »

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #77 on: December 25, 2014, 04:34:10 pm »

In the Depths of Space
It is a glorious fleet that leaves Mirrodan. The largest seen in a century. Restored from the scavenging fields at Vengeance, parts dug from the deserts of Mirrodan, Cr'tok technology working in unison with Triumvirate Interspace Drives. A true marvel heralding the birth of a new age. An Age of Exploration. An Age of Reclamation. Five Cruisers and a total of ten Escort Destroyers followed by countless small crafts.

6 Months later they return in glory. New Lands have been found. New Planets have been discovered and explored. Claims have been staked and the prospects for House Al-Hazar are looking up. Two new colonizable worlds have been added to the Empire, but it seems the exploration has thrown the Te'g Gered into a flurry of Activity.

Revels in Endless Tragedy the Te'g Gered Mothership has left the System and hasn't been spotted in any of the known systems. However a high traffic to and from the planet suggest a major expedition has been undertaken.

Sigmund gained the traits cold and Skilled Explorer +1
The Soma System has been almost completely explored
Sigma I has been discovered, it is a Swamp World, with a high carbon-dioxide percentage. The local wildlife is of prehistoric sizes but the planet itself is very well colonizable - it has been granted to the Imperial Domain for colonization.
Nightsun has been discovered. It is the First Moon of Sigma I. An Arid Dustball without an atmosphere. Nonetheless its proximity to the Sun causes it to glow from heat.
Sigma II has been discovered, it is a frozen wasteland, however its atmosphere is barely breathable. One of its pole caps is radioactive for some reason...- the Planet has been granted to the Imperial Domain.
Wanderer has been discovered. The First Moon of Sigma II has an acidic and toxic atmosphere. Its Super-Heated Barium Atmosphere makes it a terrible candidate for terraforming...or colonization.
Mirrorsea has been discovered. The Second Moon of Sigma II is covered in seas of Quicksilver and is a good mining planet despite its toxic atmosphere. It has been granted to the Imperial Domain
Soma Majoris has been discovered. It is a Gas Giant.
The first Moon of Braxis - dubbed Watchtower- has been discovered. Initial scan shows its an ocean planet. It has been gifted to the Imperial Domain.
The Outer Asteroid Field beyond Si'kar has been claimed by House Al-Hazar.

Imperial Palace

Such Shame! Such Loss of Face! House Morgarten and Al-Hazar are the laughing stock of the Imperial Court these days. The Grand Marriage between Wilhelm Al-Hazar and Alruna Morgarten has been delayed for months now! First there were issues with the catering as a drunk mob on Mirrodan rampaged through the warehouse and emptied several dozen bottles of three hundred year old Arkhi (A Wine-Like Drink Made from Fermented Milk). Even worse the traditionalist people of Mirrodan object to the marriage, claiming that the "Mutant-Blood" from Bastion would ruin the millenia old pure bloodlines of Mirrodan.

The Marriage of House Morgarten and Al-Hazar has been delayed by an entire season!


On Vengeance things are same-old same-old. Ravagers ravage and Salvagers salvage...

[4] Luthias II does his best to organize proper salvaging teams on a large scale but the operation seems to be quite expensive. First of all Tools, Ships, Equipment and Men would need to be hired, then agreements would need to be struck with the ships former owners, if you want to keep things legal that is...and finally if you really want to go all the way an orbital repair dock could be built in addition to an Orbital Drydock. All in all the operation would take about two decades to be fully realized and would cost a lot of money.

Project Stranded Whale Stage 1: Putting together an Outfit - this project can be taken up by any noble House, it will however from now on only show up in the Private Espionage and Tax PMs
Time: 1 Turn
Money needed for Investment: 5 Wealth
Difficulty: Easy


Frederic Hartwing finally lands on Si'kar and starts talks with the Nobles of Nova. Apparently Nova holds no more grudge against the Hartwings anymore. Mostly because they lack the capability. What remains of House Nova are a few remnants, far flung Relatives unused to the Duties of Nobility and even more so to the toxic atmosphere and harsh conditions of the planet. Nonetheless the House endures.
[5+4 Skill, -2 Past Grievances] Frederic however quickly smooths over the situation and starts earnest talks about vassalization. They are generally willing to swear direct fealty to Hartwing but only if they show that they have mended their ways, shown their power and of course helped the Novans personally. In other words they want you to fix the damn planet. Shouldn't be to hard...i mean it's only a balsted hellish wasteland of radiation, Ash Wastes and vast glassed plains...not unsalvagable. You have to terraform at least [13-4= 9] Fiefs worth of land and hand 3 of those to House Nova to gain their loyalty and allegiance.

In the 100 years since the Inquisitorial Cleansing Si'kar has not seen much work. Initial successes were made by Te'g Gered Terraformers and Cr'tok engineers, but the sheer effort and capital required was too much for Cr'tok to shoulder, which reserved to fixing localized problems. the Te'g Gered left when Luthias left.
All in all, at first the Fallout would need to be cleared out. The Dust filtered from the Atmosphere and the radioactive particles decontaminated. House Cr'tok has the Technology. Once the worst of the Fallout has been cleared, you can begin reintroducing a healthy water cycle. First steps would be to force an increased amount of rain by seeding the atmosphere with silver-iodide, which would work in tandem with reducing the fallout by clearing the atmosphere from flying dust particles. Once enough water is reintroduced as large bodies of water (large parts of the oceans and the polecaps have been vaporized into the atmosphere during the bombardement), you would need to build several dozen if not hundreds of purification plants to cleanse the water of chemical agents, radioactive particles and other poisonous remnants from the bombardements. When you have finally achieved this, you can being the slow and arduous process of reclaiming those areas not turned into ash or glass wastes. After that you can continue to irrigate the deserts and wastes caused by the bombardement (and their subsequent reseeding with indigenous lifeforms...that is if any are left) and then the reparation of the Glassed Wastelands. Those will be the hardest, since nobody has any idea so far how to deal with them so far. It is theorized that a process of controlled earthquakes and acclerated (read massively acclerated) ground erosion might turn those areas back into deserts. From there on out one would have to deal with them the usual way. Or the earthquakes could lead to the creation of volcanoes which outbreaks might cool the planet further but make the ground more arable again...who knows...

Project Save the World in 9 Easy Steps Stage 1: FIX EVERYTHING
Time: 1 Turn
Money Needed for Investment: 10 Wealth
Difficulty: Hard

Getting to visit the Archives of the Church is an honor granted to few. Luckily Alaine is known as a zealous believer and shows her dedication in a donation to the Scriptores [ Zealous 1d6: 2 Wealth]
her extensive contacts from earlier times when she visited the college of nuns on Baudelaire also helps. However when it comes to weapons the Scriptores cannot help. [3+2 Zealous] However the Chief Librarian offers something else, coordinates to several ruined pre-downfall research stations which did work on church sanctioned research. Only one however is within a known system. Alaine only recognizes the coordinates because it had been recently the talk of the Court ((Coordinates sent via pm)). He then suggests that Alaine should instead attempt to get help from teh Ecclesia Custodes or the Iudicatores both more equipped to handle Martial matters, than the scriptorii.

gained "mysterious map"

Garthon III

Meanwhile the Morgarten lands are administrated by Aunt Maria, who proves to be far more skilled at this than both Alaine and Alruna. She also quickly recalls old house retainers, veterans and police officers fed up with dealing with the all-pervasive hive-gangs and organizes them into a military division.

1 Army raised


With the Fleets raised much of Mirrodans economy has been focused on supplying the truly impressive fleet.

5 Fleets raised.

Propaganda blares out of radios and tvs, brought by heralds, town criers and just about anything the Azores control, for one purpose, further Xeno-Emancipation. [4+1] and it actually works people seem to be more inclined to accept it. The number of Progroms and Slave-Abuse have actually decreased by a good 20%.

Meanwhile the de Tremings are attempting themselves at industrialization. investing huge amounts of money into the establishment of a cannery. [5+1 bright] The Concept is new, interesting and bring in a lot of plantation owners. The prospects of the new venture are very good and several investors jump on board on top, not to mention the near endless funding conjured up by Jeralt. After several back and forths with various Hephaistos forge engineers from the Triumvirate, Guild Officials from Demeter (the direct opponents of the Agri-Prime Farmers) and various other builders, worker groups and all you estimate that each factory (1 fief) would cost you 4 Wealth. the Investors are willing to bring in a grand total of [3+3 Natural Administrator] 6 Wealth to the venture. However [1] construction estimates tell you that each factory would take several months and in some cases up to a year to build. In other words the last factory would be finished in 6 years. The first however could be operational by winter.

People are more inclined to accept certain concessions towards the Slave Population
House de Treming pays 16 Wealth (6 given by investors) in return for 4 Fiefs worth of Canneries. These will be finished by Winter 210 AD.


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #78 on: December 25, 2014, 04:40:03 pm »

Winter 205 AD

Valerian Hartwing gained Skilled Administrator +1
Jekaterina Rastyqua gained Skilled Tactician +1
Sigmund Al-Hazar gained Skilled Explorer +1 and Cold
Wilhelm Al-Hazar gained Skilled Administrator +3
Fia Al-Alard gained Skilled Administrator +1
Rynal Azores gained Skilled Administrator +1
Sorak Azores gained Skilled Administrator +1
Aerys Azores gained Skilled Administrator +1
Tansera Azores gained Skilled Administrator +1
Maria Fornost gained Skilled Administrator +5
Rembertha Knytwall gained Obese

House Azores de Treming

Spoiler:  Dynasty (click to show/hide)

House Hartwing
Total Fiefs: 7

2 Divisions of Duskmantle Rangers - led by Jekaterina Rastyqua on Vengeance
5 Divisions Grey Guard - on Standby at Halo

Spoiler:  Dynasty (click to show/hide)

House Al-Hazar

Total Fiefs: 6

5 Cruiser Flotillas - led by Sigmund Al-Hazar in Soma-System

Spoiler:  Dynasty (click to show/hide)

Total Fief: 16

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

House Morgarten
Total Fiefs: 3
1 Division Morgarten Veterans - On Standby at Garthon III

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Court

The Court is quite lively these days thanks to the mass of Azores members crowding around in it.
Rumours abound from the delayed Marriage of House Al-Hazar and Morgarten to Rembertha Knytwalls rampant Obesity.
Seralt Azores in turn has been the talk of the ladies recently and has attracted quite a following of young courtiers, even his young son ISsradi with his raucous and expensive parties cannot match the attention he gets.

All in all everything seems to revolve around the Azores family, Ranult Azores despite his age has decided that now was the time to once again climb into the Duelling Ring.


This season has been quite uneventful. Apart from Old Master Duelist Ranult Azores making a comeback, nothing of ntoe happened.

Imperial Court Security Analysis

House Hartwing
3 Noble Retinues
5 Grey Guard Squads
2 Vassal Retinues

House de Treming
2 Noble Retinues

House Al-Hazar
3 Noble Retinues

House Azores
19 Noble Retinues
1 Mob of Drunk Courtiers
3 Vassal Retinues

House Morgarten
3 Noble Retinues


Imperial Space and Known Systems

Spoiler: Jurt System (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Soma System (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Patria (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Lightbringer System (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Demon's Eye System (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Halo-System (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:10:25 am by Ghazkull »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #79 on: December 25, 2014, 06:50:34 pm »

Valerian was mulling over the reports flowing to him from all places as he sat in his office chamber, looking over the investment plans and other information. He was not expecting any guests but was open to any who would come to report success or failure. In truth, he was expecting someone to turn up.


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #80 on: December 25, 2014, 07:09:52 pm »

Valerian's first visitor was a startlingly unhappy Seralt, flanked by a couple of guards that happened to be holding a fourth individual in simple garb whom, while unbound, was going nowhere between the two watchful guards. After being cleared by the grey guard, along with the Hartwings

"Your highness, I think we ought to talk about House de Treming and some of it's member's recent actions." Seralt says, in a serious, flat voice.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #81 on: December 25, 2014, 07:22:57 pm »

Valerian looked blankly at Seralt and motioned with his hand. "Speak. What is troubling you?"


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #82 on: December 25, 2014, 07:46:49 pm »

Seralt nodded, before stepping to the side and gesturing to the figure his guards had dragged in them. "We caught this lout trying to infiltrate house Azores under the orders of house de Treming. Furthermore, we also caught him using the imperial tax collectors to levy a very unreasonable amount of tax, around double what we would usually pay just on the fact that he's far too insistent on keeping the fires of the feud lit"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #83 on: December 25, 2014, 07:55:13 pm »

The blank expression changed to a dark one.

"It is a heavy accusation you are making Seralt, against a man I chose to be my Treasurer. If what you say about taxes is true however, I will most certainly look at it. As far as your feud is concerned, the assumption we are making is one of imperial peace, which means no open inter-house Warfare. If you want this to remain in force, declare a formal accusation and bring forward a charge against House de Treming and I will arbitrate, to the full extent of the law as it existed prior to the Downfall and as I deem it just and necessary in the new order."

Adrian Azores de Treming is summoned before the Emperor for a separate meeting.


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #84 on: December 25, 2014, 08:20:09 pm »

"It is an accusation that I intend to see through, I know for a fact that he did do it. Therefore, In regards to Adrian de Treming, we accuse of attempting to break the imperial peace, and of corruption in using his station in a personal feud in which he has instigated.

Now, I'll presume you'll want the agent we captured delivered into your hands due to his relation to the case?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #85 on: December 25, 2014, 08:26:04 pm »

"Yes, the agent shall be seen in the imperial custody until the case is started, where his testimony will be used for the case."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #86 on: December 25, 2014, 08:27:52 pm »

"Very well then, we'll formally hand him over to imperial authorities as soon as we can. Now, I beg a leave from you my liege."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #87 on: December 25, 2014, 08:41:20 pm »

The emperor was about to wave Seralt off, but he raised his hand and stopped, a new thought coming to him.

"Lord Seralt, please tell me if you can, what is the progress on Agri-Prime with the xeno slaves? What methods have you employed to resolve the rebels? I hope you made a show of them and made sure that they learn that Mankind will remain their superiors."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #88 on: December 25, 2014, 08:53:43 pm »

"We're using the most effective method available, and we're following the intent you've given us. To us, that's basically all that matters. We will see human security upheld, and we will put an end to the insurrection problems once and for all. We have promised that, and we'll uphold it."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game Winter 205 AD
« Reply #89 on: December 25, 2014, 09:42:01 pm »

"An awfully vague answer, my dear Seralt. I will have to see it at work myself someday. But I shall not keep you in here any longer. You are dismissed."
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